MTL - What To Do If The System Forces You To Exercise-Chapter 74

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"Uh ... daughter?" Wen Shan swallowed, hesitantly looked at the big dog in front of him, thinking in his heart, if his daughter really turned into a dog bizarrely, he would love her well Oh, my daughter ...

Wen Jiexi just stood up and stood up and saw her dad looking at Dahei sadly. The distressed expression in the eyes made her feel happy. Could it be that Dad likes Dahei very much! Great!

"Dad, this is Dahei, I want a dog!" Wen Jie said, touching Dahei's head.

"Ah? ... Ah?" Wen Shan was frightened by Wen Jiexi's sudden words. He looked at his daughter with a little confusion and looked at the big dog on the ground.

"Dad?" Wen Jie tilted her head. Why did everyone come back today?

"Ah ... Xiaoxi, welcome home." Wenshan said dryly, no matter how you look at it, it is really embarrassing to treat a big dog as his own daughter. To disguise it, Wenshan Patted the **** head,

"Is this big black?"

"Huh! Dahei is very good, so can we raise them?" Wen Jiexi said carefully.

"Of course you can." How could Wenshan refuse the baby daughter's request, he beckoned towards Wen Jie Xi,

"Come on, Dahei ... someone will take care of him, let him stay in the courtyard first, and I will ask someone to make a dog house for him."

"Huh!" Wen Jie nodded happily, rubbing his black head,

"Dahei, stay here obediently, I'll go first!"

Alas! Dahei slaps Wen Wenjie's palm and sits on the ground watching his master enter the room.

In the living room that was three times as large, Tan Yashi was sitting on the sofa drinking tea elegantly, and when she saw Wen Jie come in, she immediately stood up,

"Xiao Xi, come back!"

"Mom." Wen Jiexi came to Tan Yashi's side, sat down next to Tan Yashi, picked up the fruit processed on the table and sent it to her mouth.

"Little tortoiseshell cat." Tan Yashi rubbed Wen Jiexi's head helplessly, her words full of petting.

"Dad, why are you suddenly moving? Your brother and brother's business is successful?" Wen Jie swallowed the apple in her mouth and finally asked her own questions.

"Ah? Keke ..." Wen Shan heard Wen Jiexi's question, and was almost drooling, only to realize that her daughter always thought that their family was a small company. Hey, it was a lie. Need countless lies to get round,

"Well ... the whole family is going to a banquet next Sunday, and Xiaoxi is going to go together too. At that time, there may be more guests at home, so for convenience, we moved here to be quieter than local."

Think about their Wen family rarely attending such large-scale banquets, usually optional, but her daughter's health is good, and she needs to make her appearance in front of everyone, so as not to think that their family is so bullied .

"Well? Next week? But ..." Wen Jiexi was a little anxious, but next birthday is Sister Su's birthday! Isn't she going?

"Xiao Xi, this banquet is very important, we have promised others, so we can't let others dove." Tan Yashi looked at Wen Jiexi's look and said, touching her head.

"This ... this ..." Wen Jiexi looked at her father and her mother. Neither of them looked like Wen Jiexi was in a difficult position to compromise. It seems that this banquet cannot run away. So what will Sister Su do?

"Yes, I heard that you and the national goddess are very right, it seems to be called ... Su Chenyu, right? This bracelet I remember I saw on her wrist." Tan Yashi looked at Wen Jiexi The lilac bracelet on the wrist flashed deep in his eyes.

"Yes, this is what Sister Su gave me. Sister Su is very nice and takes care of me during the filming!" Wen Jiexi didn't know how to confess the relationship between the two with her parents, but she could only Say good things to Su Chenyu in front of people.

"Well, if you have time, you can ask someone to come and sit at home and let parents see it." Tan Yashi said with a smile.

Wenshan: My opinion, my baby is so easy to give away. QAQ

"Okay, okay, I'll invite Sister Su to sit there when I have time, but she seems to be very busy. I don't know if I'm free." Wen Jiexi heard Tan Yashi's words, and her eyes brightened. Is this right? Parents also like Sister Su very much, right! Sister Su's birthday!

"Dad, Mom, Sister Su's birthday is next Sunday. I already told Sister Su to give her a birthday."

"Well, this is fine, you can still go to the banquet." Tan Yashi said with a smile, watching Wen Jiexi still want to say something, and gently nodded her forehead,

"Rest assured that you might have unexpected surprises when you get there."

"I ..." Wen Jie was interrupted by playing Mashi Xiaomi before she finished speaking,

"I ’ll leave it to your brother to get dressed for the banquet. Our little princes will make a beautiful appearance. Mother still has something to do in the afternoon. Let ’s go first. Mother, are you ready? "

"Yes, ma'am, it's already in your room." Wang's voice came over.

Wen Jie turned her head and looked at her father pitifully, hoping that he could convince his mother on his own, Wen Shan touched his nose, stood up and said,

"Xiao Xi, there are a lot of documents in Dad's company that haven't been processed yet. You just came back and take a good rest. Don't think about other things."

Wen Jiexi: QAQ, am I no longer the cutie at home

Under the leadership of Wang's mother, Wen Jiexi came to her new room. The room was twice as large. There was no change in the decoration. The single bed became a double bed.

Alas ... Went to the bed, Wen Jie was lying on the bed with an expression of love,

"Isn't it just a birthday, why is it so? Birthdays don't have it every year." The dumplings fell on Wen Jiexi's pillow and said lazily.

"You don't understand, this is our first birthday together." Wen Jiexi said sadly.

"Going to a banquet is delicious, delicious, and fun. What's wrong, birthday can be said tomorrow." Duanzi looked salivating, it is not difficult to see that the key point of his words is those six words.

"Birthday can't be celebrated tomorrow, of course, we have to celebrate on the same day." Wen Jiexi glanced helplessly, and did not continue to talk about the amazing group, anyway, he is a little ghost, a non-living creature, do not understand No way.

I took out my mobile phone, looked at Su Chenyu's number, hesitated to send a message to tell Su Chenyu about this matter, how to speak?

The man who was remembered by Wen Jie was facing the stormy momentum of his brother, and was drinking tea calmly.

"You go out first." Wen Linshu forced his anger to Wang Anyi and Lin Yunxi.

"But ..." Lin Yunxi looked worriedly and apparently they were not the two in a good atmosphere. When they went out, the two did not know if they would fight, but she was thinking about whether she would become Xiao Su. At the time of the sister's flesh shield, people were already pulled out of the office by Wang Anyi.

"Sister Wang! We are out. Will the president hit Sister Xiao Su? We are not watching inside. I think the president is already on the verge of explosion!"

"This is their housework ... in private, they will solve it by themselves. It is impossible to hit someone in any way." Wang Anyi looked at the excited Lin Yunxi, and couldn't help but care for a long time. The assistant is still easy to go offline as usual.

In the office, the atmosphere was bipolar, and while it was about to burst, it was still quiet. Wen Linshu inhaled and inhaled, thinking that his sister's soft little hand was always held by a big tail wolf. Hugging from time to time, getting close to Xiao Xi's ears, making his face red and red.

Every time I saw this scene, Wen Linshu wanted to rush forward and shoot people out with one palm. This **** guy actually hit his sister. You do n’t know that other than your family, everyone must leave my sister. Above the feet! Just break through the line and be your brother's enemy!

Su Chenyu: Neurosis!

Ga ah ah! The whole person of Wen Linshu was like a fire-breathing dragon, pointing at Su Chen language politely,

"You did this to my sister!"

"What's wrong with me?" Goddess Su raised an eyebrow.

Wen Linshu stared: "You hold my sister's hand!"

Su Chenyu: "This is to prevent her from getting lost."

Wen Linshu jumped: "You still hug her!"

Su Chenyu: "Giving a proper hug can make people feel caring."

Wen Linshu frantically said: "You still got to Xiaoxi's side, so Xiaoxi's face was red and red!"

A smile and satisfaction flashed in Su Chenyu's eyes: "This means she likes it."

After three rounds, Wen Linshu spit out three blood, one liter of each mouth ... The fallen Wen Linshu stood up against the table, indicating that the enemy was too powerful ... he he ... he still Can fight!

"I don't agree with you. You, my sister ... a little woman! As an elder brother, I definitely don't agree!" Heng, don't think I can't see that you look at Xiaoxi very strangely, This kind of thing will kill in the cradle!

Su Chenyu looked at the unhappy, but also a childish man who changed his direction and emphasized that he was a little brother. He squinted slightly.

"Last time you asked me to take care of her."

Alas ... I spit three liters in one breath this time. Wen Linshu said that he licked his mouth and his face hurts. I want you to take good care of it, just take care of it, where you take care of it, you obviously have a bad heart. !! There is only one regret in Wen Linshu's heart, and he wanted to kill himself at the time.

"I have something to go first, by the way, now Xiao Xi is my daughter-in-law, brother, brother." Su Chen and the doorknob looked at Wen Linshu, deliberately accentuated the following words, and then Touched to close the door.

Wen Lin stayed for a second ... two seconds ... three seconds ... What Su Chenyu just said was her daughter-in-law! I started it so soon! !! !!

"I disagree! I absolutely disagree!"

"It's so noisy inside, what is the president doing?" Lin Yunxi looked at the intermittent wail coming from the office, looked at Su Chen's speech that was unharmed, relieved, and continued to look at the office door in confusion.

"Regular attacks." Su Chen said lightly.

Everyone: This president is really okay

"Come on, go back first." Su Chenyu took the lead to the elevator.

"Xiao Su, do you take the next tour of the variety show? The scripts of all companies are here with me. I have already selected a few, right. Recently, Director Peng said that he will make a new drama and ask you If you are interested in participating, I have passed the script to you, you can check it out. "

Guide Peng ... Su Chenyu raised her eyebrows slightly,

"When will the filming start"

"Now the child is confirming the script, what I give you is the latest version that is confirmed now, and then the casting will start next month. It should be two months after starting up." Wang Anyi glanced at the note on the phone and said.

"Then help me pay attention to Director Peng." Su Chenyu decided.

"I see." Wang Anyi nodded and said, indeed, in all the plays, Peng Dao's plays have more weight than other ones, and it is natural to choose this as a priority.

Several people got into the car. Su Chenyu leaned on the back of her chair and closed her eyes. Suddenly, the sound of Didi from her cell phone opened her eyes and saw the message from the post “Little Sheep Concubine”. pick,

Lamb's daughter-in-law: Sister Su, that ... I have something to tell you (twisting face)

Su Chenyu: What's wrong

The person opposite seemed to be waiting for himself, the message just passed every few seconds, and the reply came,

Lamb's daughter-in-law: I have something to do next week and I ca n’t help you celebrate your birthday (crying).

Su Chenyu: Yeah

Lamb's daughter-in-law: Mom and Dad said they asked me to go to a banquet next week, but I still could n’t push it that way. Sorry, Sister Su, we said clearly (Sorry).

Su Chenyu: That ’s okay, we can make an appointment late, and the banquet is at most eight or nine.

Lamb's daughter-in-law: Hey! Really, then Sister Su must wait for me! QAQ

Su Chenyu: Of course.

Lamb's daughter-in-law: Hee hee hee, like Sister Su the most (Mameda).

Su Chenyu: I like you the most.

There was no news from the other side, but it did not affect Su Chenyu ’s excellent mood. He lightly tapped on the handle of the seat, and he was really looking forward to the banquet.

Lin Yunxi: Sister Wang, Sister Su is very strange recently.

Wang Anyi gave Lin Yunxi a glance, need you to say that you did not smell the sour smell of love

On the big bed in the room, a figure was rolling on the bed holding a mobile phone,


"Jie Xi, what are you crazy about?" Said the Guanzi with a lip.

"No ... no ..." Wen Jiexi covered her perched cheeks and looked at Sister Su's "I like you the most", and her inner excitement was almost unstoppable, ohh Wow, I really want to hurry and play with Sister Su!

Wen Linshu, who was rushing home, suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and a younger sister was about to be abducted and displeased. Frowning urged Long Huiguang who was driving.

"Hurry up."

"Good president, it will be here in five minutes." Long Huiguang said that the president was fine again, and he still drove quietly.

Just after approaching the house, Wen Linshu opened the key to open the door, and signaled that Long Huiguang could go first. When the door was closed, when walking across the stone road, a black shadow suddenly flashed, making Wen Linshu warn backward Jump, look in that direction ...

"Xiao Xi's dog"

When Dahei saw the stranger, he stopped running, and sat on the ground watching Wen Linshu.

Dahei: Well, it looks a bit like the little owner, and it has a similar taste, but the little owner is much more beautiful!

Wenlin Shu, who feels inexplicable: ...

"Come here, let me see." Wen Linshu beckoned towards Dahei.

Dahei hesitated a moment and then obediently came forward to Wenlin's writing. Wenlin Shu rubbed Dahei's head with both hands, and thought,

"Smarter than you think, it must be comparable to that stupid dog of Su Chenyu."

Dabai: What do you think of me! Ben Wang is so smart and excellent!

"That's right!" Wen Linshu took out her mobile phone and slipped, and there appeared a photo of Su Chenyu's installation on it.

"Dahei, I tell you, you will blast her out when you see this person. You must not let her approach your little master! This is a big-tailed wolf who just wants to take your little master away. I need to kick her out. "

Dahei looked at the other owner in this photo, and she could see that this woman had a good relationship with her own little owner. If it wasn't for the little owner to take herself in, this woman has a very high chance of taking herself in. How could this man say So bad

Looking at Dahei staring at the photo in his hand, Wen Linshu was a little proud. Hehe, when Su Chenyu came to our house, she was so happy! Thinking that the whole person is feeling better, he walked into the room at a pleasant pace, not paying attention to the **** sympathy behind her,

Dahei: Hey, I didn't expect the young master's brother to be a fool.

Not knowing that she was despised by a dog, Wen Linshu opened the door, and the mother Wang came over.

"Master, you are back."

"What about Xiaoxi?" Wen Linshu, who took off his suit jacket and gave it to Wang's mother, began to untie his tie.

"The lady is resting upstairs, she should still be in the room now," Wang Ma replied.

"Is there a little snack? I will bring it when I go to find her." Wen Linshu dialed her hair and asked.

"Yes, there are fresh milk puddings, biscuits, chocolate cakes, and orange juice just made today." Mother Wang answered immediately, usually not sitting so many snacks, because most of the people who eat will be Wen Jiexi Therefore, because Wen Jiexi is back today, Wang Ma has deliberately made more varieties.

"Then take two points each, I'll take it up." Wen Linshu nodded with satisfaction, so Xiaoxi will be very happy.

Da da da, came to the door of Wen Jiexi's room, Wen Linshu knocked on the door, swiped, and the door was opened after a while, revealing Wen Jiexi's red face.

"Brother, you're back! It's a snack! Come in!" Wen Jiexi said excitedly, and let Wen Linshu approach the room sideways.

"Xiao Xi, why is your face so red and uncomfortable?" Wen Linshu frowned slightly and asked worriedly.

"No, it's just lying on the bed just now, a little stuffy." Wen Jie patted her cheek, and she had already washed her face with cold water, but the heat was still there, she could only look at Wen Linshu with a guilty conscience.

"Well, it's okay." Wen Linshu, who was putting the plate, did not see Wen Jie's guilty gaze, he sat down, pointed to the position opposite him, and said,

"Xiao Xi, sit here."

"Huh!" Wen Jiexi sat down immediately, and Wen Linshu also put a glass of orange juice and poured it in front of her, signalling that she could listen to herself while eating.

"Parents have already explained to you that apart from the time to return to school, the other time must be given to the designer. I will help you arrange the best fashion designer so that you can go to the banquet next week to be beautiful." Wenlin The book smiled, but he found several designers, and they will surely make their little princess appear on the stage.

"Woo ... we need to measure clothes." Wen Jiexi ate the pudding. She didn't expect to go to a banquet so troublesome. She licked her lips. If Sister Su was willing to wait for herself at night, she wouldn't want to go!

"Of course, this banquet is very important. There will be a lot of people. If there are a lot of people talking at that time, you just have to decline and then eat snacks. The banquet will end at 8 o'clock." Seeing Wen Jiexi's face was unwilling, Wen Linshu also had a little pain, but there was no way. Xiaoxi was well protected before, and such things would not let her participate.

And Wen Jiexi ca n’t keep hiding like this all the time, because the body was too poor, now it ’s okay, naturally there is no need to hide, and this kind of banquet depends on who the organizer is and whether to choose to participate, but this time but Leading members of the family hold, unless you do not receive an invitation, otherwise not participating will only make people criticize.

Because of this, it is most suitable for Wen Jiexi to appear on this occasion, and it is also the widest range that everyone can see.

"Just need to eat but I will leave on time at eight!" Wen Jiexi's eyes are bright, and eating is also a good choice to kill time. Maybe there is something delicious that you can take to Sister Su and enjoy it together. !!

"What's wrong with Xiaoxi, so excited?" Wen Linshu saw Wen Jiexi suddenly look like a chicken, and asked a little funny.

"Well! Because I have an appointment with Sister Su and want to spend her birthday with her, Sister Su said that she would wait for me to pass by and celebrate her birthday." Wen Jiexi also did not conceal honestly.

Wen Linshu heard that the whole person was not good, and actually wanted her sister to celebrate her birthday with her! Why not go to heaven! Barely smile

"It's important to have Su Chen ... and Chen Yu's birthday!"

"Well! Sister Su is very nice. I want to spend her birthday with her!" Wen Jiexi said seriously.

Alas ... Wen Linshu was hurt by 10,000 points.

"But if the banquet is delayed ..." Wen Jiexi was interrupted before she finished speaking, she said angrily,

"I just want to go on time at 8 o'clock! I already talked to Sister Su. Sister Su said she was willing to wait for me, how can I release her pigeons."

Alas ... Wen Linshu suffered 10,000 points of damage and ten consecutive hits.

"Right ... Right ... Brother, do you know what Sister Su likes? I want to give her a special birthday gift, and I asked her, she said I wish I could, but I hope you can give me some Suggestion. "Wen Jie flushed and twisted.

Alas ... Wen Linshu fell to the ground. He lost too much blood today and can no longer get up.

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