MTL - What To Do If The System Forces You To Exercise-Chapter 75

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Just when Wen Jie was born unlovably by the designer team his brother was looking for, he was constantly playing with it like a doll. Variety has been put on the Internet for everyone to watch, episode by episode, just because it was before Some of the photos and popular variety shows attracted a lot of attention when the first episode aired.

The first thing was to laugh at the expressions of the eight artists who were thrown away. Among them, Lan Yuyan was the most. I never expected that he saw the car driving away, but subconsciously chased the car. After a few steps, he realized that he was Stupid, stop and look around. This situation makes the audience laugh at the table.

"Hahaha, laugh at me, and even chase the car, what a magical operation"

"Think it's a scud! It's better than a car."

In addition, Wen Jiexi's skill was also amazed by everyone,

"Wow, really throw people out of the ball! This action is so cool, I want this skill too!"

"Hahaha, this feels that the lambs are more powerful than everyone else. The combat effectiveness is full, and I want to have this skill +1."

"Yeah, I think it's clear that it's a show of favor and threw people out. Obviously, these people who act are not treated as people. It's awesome. Just tell the show team. I have only one sentence: Heheha."

"It ’s stupid upstairs. I do n’t see people picking turf. I just do n’t want to hurt people. Say it to the people in the show group. The expression of the other people is not the performance. I want to tell you One sentence: Hehehe. "

Although Wen Jiexi's Weibo still had a few black fans jumping on and off, but soon was overwhelmed by the praises, but there were eight stars participating, no matter how many fans were more than sunspots It is not difficult to press down.

Unfortunately, Wen Jie can only glance at these comments. There is no way. She is really too busy. In addition to clothes, she also has shoes, hair, makeup. In a day, more than a dozen styles take turns, and then take pictures crazy. Wen Jiexi was numb, and at this time finally waited for the morning of the banquet. Wen Jiexi was so moved that she cried.

She can only think now that if she goes directly to Sister Su, she will be sincere, so Sister Su will feel beautiful! This week's hard work will not be wasted, hehe hehe, wait for me, sister Su, after a week, we can finally meet again! I look forward to it!

The designer felt a good-looking little sister, at this time showing a silly smile, it seems a bit nervous, this lady will not be overstressed, the mental state is wrong

A designer hurried out in haste, and the designer thought about it and thought it would be better to go to the boss who invited them.

"This is fine-tuning!"

"Where is the hairdresser?"

"On the way."

"What, it's only now. Is there any idea of ​​time?"

The blue tendon on Wen Linshu's forehead jumped. The reason he hated participating in this kind of activity was because he had to work so hard every time.

If people who often attend banquets know that they will definitely say: Where is it so busy, only the first few times, other designers will not have to go to the battlefield themselves after learning about our personal preferences. Wrong.

Alas ... at this moment the back door rang, and some noisy rooms were a little quieter, so there was a door closest to the door to open it,

"What's the matter?" Wen Linshu knew that it was the designer who arranged for Wen Jiexi and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Master, the lady has been smirking ... Is she too tired, or should she let her rest," said the designer carefully.

"Smirking" Wen Linshu frowned slightly, and raised his hand to stop the designers still messing around with his head. In fact, the boys are undoubtedly wearing suits, and it is not possible to wear weird clothes in such banquet occasions. Women have more clothes than men It's a lot of trouble. Men only need to find a suitable suit leather shoes. The most important thing is the hairstyle. Wen Linshu has already finished 80%.

Looking at the clock, it ’s only about noon now. He does n’t need to be so anxious. He thought about it. This is the first time Wen Jiexi attended the banquet, and there must be such occasions. Do n’t press too hard. Otherwise, I refused to do so

"If you use it in other afternoons, go to lunch first. The designers also rest first. Think about what to do in the future. Don't make any more noise." Wen Lin Shu glanced around him with a warning. People, it ’s not wrong to ask them to come, but this does not mean that they can make this place into a general market situation.

Everyone nodded like a chicken pecking rice: it is indeed the president, so there is a breath of Wang Ba.

When Wen Linshu left the room, she hurried to the direction in which Wen Jiexi was. When she met a new maid on the way, she explained that she went downstairs and told her that the mother was almost ready to cook, and told Father and mother.

As for why there are maids ... they changed the house too big. If the mother Wang had to cook and make snacks, and clean the home and the courtyard, I could n’t get too busy, so I asked for a few A maid came to the house to help, directed by Wang Ma, and then invited a letter to the housekeeper. Although there were more people in the house for a while, nothing unexpected happened. Everyone was in peace, very good.

Of course, if he wants to use any means, he doesn't mind doing some means. The Wen family can climb to its present position. Except for Wen Jiexi, no one else is so confused. If they want to be bad, they must be mentally prepared.

Wen Linshu beckoned, but the steward who had been standing by waiting came forward immediately. Unlike the gentle gesture of Wang Ma, this steward was only in her thirties, but her face was serious and there was no smile. His attitude was as rigorous as he showed. He was the confidant son of Wenshan Company. Let him come to Wen's house to help him under the circumstances, named Mo Hang.

"Master, our car is ready to be sent. Two cars of the same style, in accordance with the requirements of the master and the master, are low-key and not luxurious. They are now parked on the road outside and they are sending staff."

"Very good, in addition to the details of the car, we must take good care of the things we take with me. I don't want any unnecessary errors in this small appearance." Pulled the tie, Wen Linshu slightly hesitated Eye said that their Wen family and other families are not good friends, and there are many conflicts and competitions in the business. It is necessary to isolate unnecessary accidents.

"I understand, I will go and do a good survey." Mo Hang also understood that Wen's family attached great importance to this banquet. He also heard from his father at this banquet. This is a banquet hosted by the leading family and the Su family. Small families are not qualified to participate. Only middle-level and above are able to enter. Therefore, those who can enter are not rich and noble, and must not make any mistakes.

"You go down first, right, remember to go to lunch." Wen Linshu nodded.

"Okay." Mo Hang bent slightly towards Wen Linshu, then turned away.

Alas ... Wen Linshu stood in front of the door and knocked gently, and the door was quickly opened. As the designer just said, Wen Jie smiled at this moment, and seemed to think of something better. There was no focus in his eyes, and he didn't even notice when he stood here.

"Xiao Xi." Wen Linshu helplessly, he can only wave a hand to let the designers who are still playing with Wen Jiexi back down, and then walked to Wen Jiexi, whispered softly.

"Ah, brother, why did you come here and do your modeling?" After hearing this call, Wen Jiexi was back at her, watching Wen Linshu who suddenly appeared in front of her, and said in amazement.

"What are you thinking about? Now it's lunch time. Let's go eat first." Wen Linshu patted Wen Jiexi's shoulder, he wanted to touch his head, but Wen Jiexi's hair seemed to be preparing for styling, he was afraid If you touch it like this, you have to start over again, Heng, all evil party.

"I'm thinking ... After waiting for the banquet, if you go to look for Sister Su in this way, will Sister Su like it?" Wen Jiexi said, holding her cheeks, her face flushed.

Cough ... thumb up ... Wen Lin Shu clutched his chest, how could he forget it! Suddenly I feel like I want to transfer these designers, but not. Xiao Xi must go to the party beautifully! Ahhhh! Tangled inside, what to do

"Brother, don't you want to eat?" Wen Jiexi, who had already reached the door, turned around and looked at Wen Linshu who was still standing.

"Yes, I want to eat." Wen Linshu nodded, and at the same time he secretly rubbed Su Chenyu again, Heng, for the sake of smallness, this time it is cheaper for you, so that you will be full of eyes.

Just after coming downstairs, I smelled the scent of smell. Wen Jie touched the belly that was already hungry on the back of her stomach, ah ... I was dug up early in the morning, and I just took a loaf of bread and swallowed quickly. Next, if it wasn't for a bit of bread, or if Wenjie felt like she was going to die like this, she would be starved to death.

"Mother Wang, what are you eating today!" Wen Jie jumped down the stairs, feeling the scent floating in the air, giving herself endless motivation.

"Miss, be careful." Wang Ma was taking out dishes with the two maids, and screamed when Wen Jiexi jumped down.

"It's okay, Mother Wang." Wen Jie laughed embarrassedly. When she came to the table, her eyes were bright, six dishes and one soup, and each portion was full. If you put it in an ordinary four-person family, it would definitely not eat It may be a day ’s worth, but Wen ’s dishes are like this today, not to mention wasting food. There is Wen Jiexi, a hidden version of the big stomach king, and Wen ’s snacks ca n’t stop.

The maid and housekeeper said: I am really eye-opening!

"Hahaha, Xiao Xi is so hungry." A chuckle came from the stairs, Tan Yashi Shi Ran had to come down from the stairs, her dress was almost the same, the theme of dark purple color, the skirt outlines what she kept Decent figure, Wenshan is also a long completed 1978, dark blue suit, hair combed meticulously, the two stood together so perfect.

"Mom and Dad, it's really nice to stand together." Wen Jiexi also hesitated to praise.

"Hum, your mother and I look good on everything. You should match a handsome guy. You look at your father. They are all old. I feel like standing next to an old man." Her husband, but the corners of his eyes did not conceal Wen Jiexi's praise for their good mood.

However, Wenshan heard Tan Yashi's comment, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He looked at the mirror next to him when he was old. I was in fitness every day. The figure is the golden ratio of men, and there is no white hair on the head. There may be some wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, which can be ignored, but the old man's description is too much!

Ignoring Wen Shan's grievances, Tan Yashi pinched Wen Jiexi's little face, and she spoke a series of praises.

"Oh, our baby is so beautiful. Look at this skin, my mother is envious. Ouch, it seems to be a lot bigger when I go out in a circle. It will be more perfect if it is bigger." Tan Yashi smiled Mimi Said, at the same time, his eyes were still turning somewhere in Wen Jiexi.

"Woohoo ... Mom!" Wen Jiexi held her chest and looked at her mother in disbelief. Her mother would speak like this! so horrible!

"Well, Xiaoxi, hurry up and eat, we expect to start at five." Wenshan said helplessly Wen Jiexi, then looked down unconsciously, and then looked at his wife, well, Xiaoxi really It's a bit small.

Wen Jiexi: You wicked adults!

Wen Jiexi was in a state of grief, crying and turning grief and indignation into appetite, as if sweeping the dishes on the table, the other three quickly followed the chopsticks, or they would have no food!

For half an hour, Wen Jiexi drank the last bowl of soup and patted her belly with a slumped face. The whole person fell on the sofa, lazily, feeling like she was going to fall asleep in the next second. Tan Yashi looked Helplessly walked over and patted Wen Jiexi's cheek,

"Woohoo ... what are you doing, mother ..." Wen Jie said with an arched mouth, dissatisfied.

"Xiao Xi, hurry upstairs, it won't be fun if you are late." Tan Yashi pulled Wen Jie Xi from the sofa, said helplessly.

"I want to sleep." Wen Jie grumbled.

"Xiao Xi, you believe in mother, you will definitely like this banquet, maybe you don't want to leave in the end." Tan Yashi said, pinching Wen Jiexi's cheek.

"No way." Wen Jie pouted her lips, but she still wanted to go to Sister Su. How could she want to stay at the banquet, looking for Sister Su was more important than anything. She looked at the mother in front of her, and she couldn't stand her. The appearance of questioning can only be persuaded to go upstairs.

"Wife, don't you tell her, what is this banquet to celebrate?" Wen Shan inserted an apple and looked at her daughter full of sorrow.

"Old man, don't want to make trouble, I just want to surprise Xiao Xi, you have opinions," Tan Yashi said with an eyebrow raised.

"Of course not, of course not." Wenshan quickly waved his hands and pointed at the stairs,

"Wife, designer they are waiting for you, you should go up."

"Heng." Tan Yashi warned Wenshan with a glance, before she started her pace.

Wenshan: Baby daughter, dad is sorry for you, so please satisfy your mother's bad taste.

Upstairs Wen Jiexi started her doll life again. It was like an inanimate doll to make the designer herself, and it took two hours to finish it. This was finally completed. The white dress showed white legs. Wearing small high-heeled shoes and long black hair, her white neck is matched with a water-blue necklace. Although it looks simple, it has improved Wen Jiexi's temperament by several stops.

"Finally alright." Wen Jie was so touched that she almost cried, but she didn't dare, because she was touched and her makeup was spent, and then she would be unable to bear her home again.

"Our little princess is really cute." The three of Wen family who had finished the installation an hour ago were sitting on the sofa and drinking tea leisurely. When Wen Jie was down, her eyes were bright, and they were really small. It looks the cutest and most beautiful!

"High heels are so hard to walk on." Wen Jiexi looked at the low-heeled high heels. Although she was well-balanced, she stood on the high-heeled shoes, all the balance was fed to the dog, and she could only move slowly, suddenly envious of Sister Xue It ’s time to walk with the wind and wind, should you go to the teacher yourself?

"Shoes such as high heels just need to wear a habit. This one is still low-rooted. The root can be said to be negligible. Look at me." Tan Yashi pulled up the skirt slightly and let Wen Jesse look at her shoes. Followed, twice as high as Wen Jiexi, stood up and took a few steps, but also took a lap, steady, without shaking.

Wen Jiexi: You are the best QAQ!

After sitting on the couch for an hour, they were ready to leave. It took half an hour to reach the destination. It was divided into two cars. The first one was Wenshan and Tan Yashi, while Wen Jiexi and Wen Linshu sat. In the back, the two cars drove slowly towards their destination.

Looking at the scenery outside, Wen Jie asked curiously,

"Brother, how many people will go this time"

My sister finally paid attention to the point and did not think about that big tail wolf! Wen Linshu said he was moved. As long as he didn't want that guy, Wen Jie would like to know what he would tell.

"Well, the main invitation this time is about ... fast two hundred people, of which we will be divided into two venues, one is specifically for our young people to communicate with each other, and the other is for my father to communicate with each other in their seniority Unless you want to get in touch with it, it is possible to see people of all ages in the middle area. Follow me when you get there, and I will introduce you in detail. "

"There is still separation." Wen Jie was surprised, she thought that everyone was mixed.

"Yeah, you don't want to meet some older people during the meal. If you want to introduce you to his daughter, his son, or want to talk to you about work, you hide in the young one. Wen Linshu said with a shrug, without any concealment that he was pimping these old men every day, and introduced and introduced that, which was annoying.

"Hahaha, there is such a thing." Wen Jie smiled, then tilted her head,

"Brother, do you often participate in such activities?"

"In fact, it is not very common, just ... depending on the situation, you must have psychological preparations to participate in such activities in the future, of course, some small ones do not necessarily have to participate."

"Well ... but I haven't participated before ... why did this happen suddenly?" Wen Jiexi said with a sad face.

"There are many such activities, and they are very common. Before, you didn't have good health, so you didn't need to participate, but now that you are well, you still have to go for a walk." Wen Linshu said helplessly.

"Okay." Wen Jie shook her lips. Now that she has a good body, she has to make up for things that she couldn't do before. Although I do n’t know why I want to participate, she is always good for herself. See what the so-called party looks like.

Looking at Wen Jiexi's expression, it seemed that when he was not so repellent at the beginning, Wen Linshu could not help but relieved, but remembered some people, and frowned slightly,

"Jie Xi, when you get there, just try to keep smiling. Just follow me. After that, I will take you to the sofa area and let you rest there. There may be some doubts. Do n’t let it go. In your heart, listen to it. "

"Questioning" Wen Jie tilted her head in puzzlement and wanted to ask, but the car had stopped.

"Master, miss, please get off." The driver opened the door for both of them.

"Thank you." Wen Linshu nodded, stepped out of the car, and turned to help Wen Jie come out.

"That's it." Wen Jie looked curiously at a place that seemed to be very expensive. It should be a huge restaurant. There were many luxury cars parked in front of it. Many of the suits were straight and fashionable. Car, go to the hotel entrance,

"Let's go first." Wen Linshu decided.

"No more waiting for parents" Wen Jiexi looked at the direction of Wenshan and Tan Yashi, and found that they were surrounded by some peers as soon as they got out of the car.

"You saw it, they are very busy." Wen Linshu shrugged and took Wen Jiexi to the direction of the hotel. He sent the invitation card to the security guards outside, and the two went smoothly. Go in.

The decoration inside can be said to be magnificent, and the atmosphere is not extravagant. There are already many people in the hall.

"The place we are in now is the mixed zone." Wen Linshu whispered to Wen Jiexi and explained.

Wen Jie looked at it, and it turned out that all ages were mixed. Many people saw them come in, and their eyes lighted up. To be precise, they saw the eyes of the brother next to them, and they were a little confused. These seem to be very tall people, why do they seem to care about their own brother, isn't it the president of a small company?

They looked at their elder brother and began to look at themselves subtly. The kind of sight made Wen Jiexi feel uncomfortable. Wen Linshu seemed to know Wen Jiexi's thoughts, and one side blocked the others' sight.

"Let's go there, there is a gathering place for the younger generation." Wen Linshu took Wen Jie Xi to another smaller space, but it wasn't really a new space, but it set up a delicate The arches are the representative of the partition, and this idea is also a hidden saying here.

Wen Linshu just entered the arch, and the sight was not as vague as the older generation just looked at, but very ... direct! And all kinds of eyes.

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