MTL - What To Do If The System Forces You To Exercise-Chapter 73

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In short, everyone was shocked and all came out safely. Fortunately, there was no one here and it did not cause a sensation. Otherwise, they all probably have to go to TV. They don't want to watch TV like this.

Quickly ran to the nearest hotel to wash, they hurried to the nearby animal hospital, and according to the crew of the show, where were the mastiffs sent to for treatment.

When I saw the little beast hospital surrounded by the show crew, everyone seemed shocked. After all, it was really amazing to see such a big dog for the first time.

"That ... you bear it ..." The male veterinarian said a little bit scared. Such a big dog, accompanied by scratches, sharp teeth, and red eyes, is scary in any way. It ’s so stressful. You can kill yourself with this bite. This is, but when you think that the uncle actually opened it, as long as you treat these six dogs, you can get a price of 10,000 yuan. This is my monthly income. what.

For money, I can only go!

"Hey, hey, be careful." Old Zhan looked at the shaking hands. Although he could understand how the vet saw the dogs for the first time, it was a pity that he was not a doctor and could only harm others.

The other five wounds were already treated by the assistant of the male veterinarian. It looked terrible, but in fact it only needed disinfection and rubbing, and it was not a big deal. Then they cleaned the hair for them, and they became male. Corrective, the scars on their bodies did not make them feel embarrassed, but have a different handsome.

Alas ... the dogs were around the big dog, but they were not too close, but there was a distance of one meter. They knew that the man next to his boss was healing his own boss, and they couldn't bother, I can only look worried at the dog's head lying on the large bed formed by the merger of the two beds.

Male veterinarian said: This will only make me more stressed!

After spending half an hour, the male veterinarian wiped his sweat, took off some blood-stained gloves, and said to Old Zhan,

"It has been dealt with, and it is not a big deal, that is, you cannot touch the water for one month, and you need to change the medicine every few days."

"Okay." Old Zhan quickly jot down.

"Lao Zhan! What about the dog?" Wen Jiexi got into the crowd and looked at the dog on the bed with some anxiety.

"It's okay, don't be nervous, just you can't touch the water for a month, you need to change the medicine." Lao Zhan waved and said.

"That's great." Wen Jie patted her chest, breathed a sigh of relief, patted a few dogs next to her, and touched them with a smile.

"What about these dogs? Such a big dog may not be accepted even in an animal shelter, and will someone adopt it?" Wen Ting held one of them, ah, cleaned the fragrance, It feels so good.

"The cost of this one is a lot, especially ..." Mu Du smiled bitterly, his eyes fell on that big dog, and eating and cleaning up would be exhausting. Ordinary people ca n’t afford it. There must also be enough space, otherwise this body will knock things down as soon as it moves.

This being said, everyone was a little bit embarrassed. They saved them. They should have thanked them well. The best way is of course to bring them home, but if the family can support them, can they afford the expenses? We need to discuss it well.

"My family has a puppy." Huo Liner raised her hand helplessly.

"I already have a cat." Wen Ting also spread his hands.

"Huan ~ You dare to raise a cat ~" Lan Yu said with a flat face to Wen Ting, with a sullen expression in her face.

"Rolling, my home is so cute, not a wild cat!" Wen Ting said to Lan Yuyan, then said with contempt,

"I'm not like some kind of animal insulator, so pitiful ~"

Alas ... Lan Yuyan felt hurt by 10,000 points.

"I should ... can take one back ..." Mu Du said hesitantly, ah ... My daughter has been screaming for pets since she was a child. Now there are ready-made, my wife should not be angry ...

"Then I have one too!" Shi Junmao raised his hand and said.

"Since Mu Du has been raised, I have also followed Yang, my family is big enough anyway." Old Zhan also said that he could adopt one.

In this way, the three smaller ones were taken away, and the veterinarian had a spare collar to put on the collars of the three dogs. The three dogs were also very good. It seemed to know that a few people were thinking about them, and they came here Beside their future master.

"Then there are three more." Wen Ting looked at the well-behaved dogs, envyed, hey, so well-behaved, the fighting ability is so strong, the dogs necessary for housekeeping, why did he keep pets so early? Huh ... I was so disgusted that I was gray, my gray is the cutest, hum!

"Acheng lives with me, so he can't." Lan Yuyan saw everyone's eyes converging on Yan Haocheng, stretched out his hands to block Yan Haocheng, and said with his hips.

"You want Brother Yan to accompany you, so you don't want him to keep a pet." Wen Ting said with a lip.

"No," Lan Yu said, shaking her head in guilty conscience.

Everyone: Your careful thinking, everyone can see it.

Yan Haocheng didn't say anything. He just touched Lan Yuyan's head. Lan Yuyan felt support. He looked at the people rightly, as if to say, "Look, Ah Cheng supports me."

Everyone: It turns out that you are a pet, and you really don't need to keep it.

"Lingqing and I each have one." Chu Heling stood up, patted the remaining two dogs, and said with a smile.

"I don't have any opinion." Li Lingqing stood beside Chu Heling. Anyway, he didn't have any money, so he could ask someone to take care of it. It was also good to play with dogs occasionally.

Then there was only Wen Jiexi and Su Chenyu who didn't express their opinions. Wen Jiexi looked at Su Chenyu and looked at the big dog. He looked hesitant.

"Jie Xi Jie Xi!" The group floated to Wen Jie Xi at this time.

where have you been? Wen Jie looked at the dumplings, and said before that she had to go and see the situation, but she disappeared?

"Ahem ... something happened, I went to deal with it." Tuanzi laughed.

He couldn't say, because the atmosphere inside was strange, he was trapped in a place and could n’t get out, and he came out after one hour of dawn. I really do n’t know who the man who built the castle was. It is impossible to speak out of the problem, this is detrimental to his great image, and can only be cursed in his heart.

Wen Jie looked at the dumpling suspiciously and always felt that a ghost had a special guilty conscience.

"Xiao Xi, do you want to raise?" Su Chenyu asked.

The big dog just looked at them in this way without any expression, but he also knew that he was now in a place of refuge. He looked at his huge body, his eyes were slightly bitter, and he seemed to know that because of his Body size is being pushed back.

"Let me raise it, my family is big enough." Wen Jiexi looked at the injured eyes of the big dog, and couldn't bear it, blurted out, and then met the big eyes of the big dog, and couldn't help but reach out and touch it, the big dog He also licked Wen Jiexi's hand, the size of her tongue, and every time she licked Wen Jiexi's hand was drooling, Wen Jiexi was not angry, only that the big dog liked to be coquettish.

"Sister Su, weaving, what name do you think?" Wen Jie Xi held the big dog's neck and looked at Su Chenyu.

The eyes of one person and one dog are really like ... Su Chenyu touched his nose,

"Call it Dahei."

"Well ... your Husky is called Dabai, so the fierce mastiff is actually called Dahei." Li Lingqing smiled and almost everyone knew that Su Chenyu raised a Husky. As for why, Because she has a "powerful" assistant who often takes pictures of Dabai, everyone knows that the goddess's dog is called Dabai, and therefore Li Lingqing has no worries.

"Yeah, Goddess Su, such a mighty big dog, actually called Dahei, should have a tall name!" Wen Ting laughed, no matter how funny she looked.

"This is a bitch." At this time the male doctor standing as an invisible man spoke.


"Is this a bitch?"

Everyone looked awkward, such a big dog is actually a bitch, great!

"Still called Dahei ..." Wen Jiexi was a little dumbfounded, but still touched her nose and said.

Everyone has no opinion, there is no way, such a big dog, a cute noun, is so embarrassing to think about it, it is still a **** ...

"That's it! This variety show ended so happily, and finally our group photo!" Lao Zhan clapped her hands and announced loudly.

"Group photo here?" Wen Ting looked at this small space. No matter how you look at it, people here can't take it?

"We have somewhere to take pictures," said Old Zhan Tanzhan, and then pointed outside.

"Get in the car, let's go and send you home!"

"Lao Zhan, I want to have breakfast!" Mu Du screamed on the belly.

"Okay, patriarchs, get in the car as soon as possible, I will let someone prepare."

Alas ~ Several dogs also barked, Lao Zhan bowed her head, and looked at the six dogs,

"Okay ... I'll have dog food."

"What kind of dog food do they want to eat meat?" Shi Junmao said with an anger, letting the mastiff eat dog food. Is that all right?

"Yes, yes, I all listen to you." Old Zhan said with a sip, and I nodded his nod to make him regret it, because the amount of meat that this reserved dog eats is similar to that of ten people ...

Old Zhan trembled out of the car, and everyone looked at him with a lot of pity in his pocket. Hey, sometimes he promised not to go too fast. Look at the current situation. This is the lesson.

Their destination was where they originally came from, where an exquisite poster was set up with the words "Congratulations on the completion of the fourth season variety show".

Ten people are tentative in the middle, and the six dogs came together curiously, and each came to their masters.

"It's time to shoot!" The photographer shouted.

Click and click ... A few loud camera sounds also put an end to this variety show.

Watching the group being cleaned up, Wen Jie came to Su Chenyu gruntly,

"What's the matter? Xiaoxi." Su Chenyu looked at the person who was rubbing himself in front of him with amusement, and touched her head to ask.

"Sister Su, we are going to be apart." Wen Jiexi said in a lost look, lowering her head, clutching at the corner of Su Chenyu's eyes, her face was full of reluctance.

"Good, didn't you say you'd like to come to my birthday party? I'm waiting for you." Su Chenyu bent slightly and hugged Bao Wenjie, and whispered in her reddish ears.

"Woo ..." The itchiness of the ear made Wen Jie scream softly, covering her ears, and glaring at Su Chenyu in a shy and angrily glance, and then ran to her nanny car.

Dahei looked at this and then that, and finally ran behind Wen Jiexi.

"Woohoo! It's really big!" Li Lingmeng jumped out of the car and ran towards Wen Jie, no, to be correct, he ran towards the **** beside Wen Jie, and excitedly walked around the big black. Turn around, just watching TV just now, I'm very interested in this dog, I saw it with my own eyes whenever I thought of it! Wow, the hair is so soft.

"Hey, pay attention to the image! You look like a foolish girl." Xue Moxie patted Li Lingmeng's head in annoyance, looked at Dahei, and pushed his dog's head.

"Remember, I'm your host's agent. Do you have to respect me?"

"Hello!" Dahei yelled, and his tail flicked vigorously.

"Ah, smarter than you think. Not bad."

Wen Jiexi: Suddenly I feel out of favor with QAQ

"Xiaomeng, don't you go to your sister?" Wen Jiexi tried to brush her sense of existence.

"Ah? By the way, sister?" Li Lingmeng, who was walking the dog, looked up and saw Li Lingqing who was looking down and didn't know what he was saying to Chu Heling. She got close to Wen Jiexi and said quietly,

"Hey, Xiaoxi, my sister and Chu will not ..."

"Ah?" Wen Jiexi looked at Li Lingmeng's question with a look of surprise.

"Well, how can I ask you, forget you are a big wood." Li Lingmeng poked his lips and killed Li Lingqing and Chu Heling in person.

Wen Jie, holding out Er Kang's hand: No no no, I know! I'm not wood!

"By the way, Jie Xi, the president said that after the variety show, he will take you home first and say that there are important things to tell you." Xue Moxuan looked at Wen Jie Xi, and sighed, I did not expect that Wen Jiajia really had a daughter. Ah, it ’s so good to hide, she ca n’t wait to see the face of that girl-controlling man on Xiaochen language. It is said that he started to watch it when they were recording. The language took Wen Jiexi's little hand and was so angry that she almost turned the table. It was so interesting that this play must not be missed!

Xue Fox thought so, the fox smile on his face became even brighter, and Wen Jie shivered, took his mobile phone from Xue Moxuan, looked at it, there were many messages and missed calls, but There are only the first two days at most, but there are none in the next few days, but only the parents are the parents, and the older brother. The older brother is more diligent than the parents. Isn't it urgent?

Wen Jiexi didn't know that because she didn't answer the phone, the callee controlled by Wen Mei moved immediately and came to the manager Xue Da. She yelled every day while holding the phone. On average, she had to come to the tee every hour. I rolled my eyes annoyingly, and kept the phone on directly, just let Wen Linshu noisy directly there, and occasionally perfunctory response. As for the telephone fee, just ask Wen Linshu for it.

After thinking about it, Wen Jiexi still made a phone call and reported it was safe. The phone was picked up just a few seconds later.

"Hey, brother ..."

"Xiao Xi, is variety entertainment fun?" The opposite Wen Linshu didn't know what was being suppressed. It was all about gnashing his teeth, but his attitude towards Wen Jiexi was still very gentle, but the hidden emotions could be communicated through the phone. Passed it.

"I think it's not bad. I also met Sister Su. Sister Su took good care of me. Everyone is also very good and fun!" Wen Jiexi said happily. I didn't come back immediately after receiving the call, but it was heavy. Taking a deep breath, she said worriedly,

"Brother, are you okay, it won't be a problem at work. Don't be too tired. In the entertainment industry, Sister Su will take care of me, and I can always find her."

Xue Moxie: The hidden version of the little knife expert, Xi baby online, on the feelings of the girl control brother! Hahaha!

"Brother is okay ... Brother Xiaoxi said to you, some people are beastly. Don't be fooled easily. Come and go home with your agent first. Mom and Dad are waiting for you at home. Brother will go back and wait. Wait for my brother at home. "

"Oh ..." Wen Jie looked at the hung phone in doubt, looked at Xue Moxuan, and scratched her head, saying, completely ignoring the focus of Wen Lin's discourse,

"Brother seems to be sick. Is it not comfortable to grit your teeth?"

"Yeah, I'm not feeling well." Xue Mochen said with a smile, yelling at Li Lingmeng in the distance,

"Ling Meng, come back soon, or we will leave!"

"Ah, wait for me!" Li Lingmeng, who was holding his sister and didn't know what to say, was holding Chu Heling's arm with a look of pride, and turned to run towards them. That image is really unbearable.

"Goodbye Sister Su! Goodbye everyone!" Wen Jiexi said goodbye to everyone.

"Bye bye! Next time I have the opportunity to be on the show together!"

"Ha ha ha, yes, yes, only acquaintances will take care of it!"

"Okay." Wen Jie waved her hand before closing the door, and the car started slowly.

"Ah ... fortunately, we have a lot of space here, otherwise we don't know how to take the **** away." Li Lingmeng patted the **** lying on the ground lazily, except for the three chairs, holding the The cabinet was moved to the side, and it was just barely tucked into the big black, and it was still able to lie on its own, otherwise it would be very difficult for a dog to sit for two hours.

"Suddenly remembered, I haven't filed with my parents." Wen Jie scratched her head in embarrassment.

"Rest assured, from the moment you said you want to raise, I already told the president, presumably your parents already know." Xue Moyu took off his high heels, and his feet slid around Dahei, looking very childish. .

"Really." Wen Jiexi said in surprise. In that case, the parents should have agreed, otherwise the brother should tell herself just now that she couldn't help bending down and rubbing her **** head.

"Dahei, Mom and Dad agreed to raise you, Gao is not happy!"

Alas ~ Dahei screamed, holding Furry Cheek's face with a fluffy cheek, coquettish.

"Wow, I didn't expect such a big one, but it would be so cute! I also want to play with my sister's one." Li Lingmeng looked at Dahei enviously and said with a skeptical mouth.

"By the way, what did you say to Sister Qing just now?" Wen Jie asked curiously.

"What else can she say, she is hiding my dear younger sister and going out with Sister He Ling !!! Huh, Sister He Ling is mine!" Li Lingmeng said madly.

"Well? You want to break them up?" Wen Jiexi was shocked.

"What are you talking about? You won't go out for a variety show, eat dog food and eat your brain, right? I just think that such a wonderful person like Sister He Ling actually looks at my fine sister who is different in appearance. Li Lingmeng rolled his eyes at Wen Jie and said angrily.

"Well ..." Wen Jiexi did not expect that her sister's image was so strange in Li Lingmeng's eyes ... strange! Alas ... In fact, Li Lingqing is very fond of Li Lingmeng. If you know Li Lingmeng's evaluation, you must be furious. This little boy, the hidden white-eyed wolf is this.

"Hum, actually hiding me, and saying I'm a big mouth!"

Oh, the last sentence is the point ...

"You seem to ... have been ..." Wen Jie said weakly.

"What did you say!" Li Lingmeng said with wide eyes.

"No." Wen Jie shook her head. Is this so-called sister's jealous behavior?

"Huh." Li Lingmeng poked his lips and pinched Wen Jiexi's cheeks in an angry manner.

Uh ... the car brakes, Wen Jie pulls the door open and holds it,

"Well? Sister Xue isn't ..."

"Oh, you moved, just three days ago." Xue Mozhen said calmly.

"Ah?" Wen Jiexi hadn't returned yet, so one person and one dog were left behind.

Turn around and look at the villas behind you, which occupy at least five or six hundred pings. The house actually accounts for one third. The garden has a large garden and a swimming pool. What is going on? Has their family suddenly become rich? Did your brother and dad succeed in business?

With Dahei, Wen Jie came to the gate outside and rang the bell.

"Hello, may you?" Wang Ma's familiar voice came over, which also relieved Wen Jiexi's tense mood.

"Mother Wang, it's me, I'm back," Wen Jiexi said quickly.

"Ah, miss! I'll open the door for you immediately!" Wang Ma's joyful voice came, and at the same time the door opened with a click.

Wen Jie walked in slowly. The road connecting the gates was made of stone. It looks like the whole environment is very exquisite. How much does this cost? And this is a high-end neighborhood. There are also nearby Several villas too!

"Xiao Xi, you are back!" Wen Shan opened the door, with a slight smile on his serious face, but he was not facing his own baby daughter, Yue was a huge dog head, Rao was as Chairman, Wen Shan's face is also stiffened. On the possibility that his daughter becomes a big dog?

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