MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 30 harvest storm

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The family is busy selling stalls every day, and Wei Cheng thinks about things to cool off.

The business of the stall is stable, that is, when customers eat, they talk about the hot weather. It is enjoyable to eat, but the hot weather is also annoying.

Wei Cheng thought of iced drinks.

Ice is the best thing to relieve the summer heat, but ice is a rare thing in ancient times, and the families who can use it are either rich or expensive.

Saltpeter can make ice, and the cost is not high, but it is too eye-catching, there is no backstage, and waiting after it is made is not a calculation behind the power. Even if the formula is sold in the end, only he knows the formula, so it will not Maybe there will be a day of peace, he doesn't want to face a bunch of plots and calculations, he just wants to live a peaceful life with his wife.

As big as it is itself, it will do as many things as possible.

He has the ability to make a fortune and settle down, but he absolutely does not have the ability to plot and calculate for power and profit.

Of course, making a small amount of ice is also possible in a measurable range.

Then add a sour plum soup to cool off the heat, and then add a small amount of ice, a little bit of coolness can cool off the heat.

Wei Cheng bought the ingredients for making sour plum soup, but he didn't buy hawthorn. He was afraid that some pregnant woman would accidentally drink it. Ancient medicine is backward.

He also bought some saltpeter, and left to help the workers at home. Only he and his wife were left, and then he fetched a basin of water. Zhou Yuan didn't know what his husband was doing, so he leaned over to have a look.

Wei Cheng: "I'll give you a surprise."

In Zhou Yuan's anticipation, he threw the saltpeter into the water, and after a while, the water gradually turned into ice cubes.

Zhou Yuan's eyes widened, his mouth was so startled that it opened slightly and became round.

"This, this is ice!"

"Well, that's right, is it cool?"

"It's so cool!" Zhou Yuan asked: "My husband, you are so good, you can also make ice. Shall we use ice for food?"

Wei Cheng smiled and said, "Make a sour plum soup and add new food to the stall."

Then he took people to the kitchen to cook sour plum soup. After cooking the sour plum soup, let it cool down a little, then added ice to the sour plum soup to cool down, and passed it to the wife to taste.

This slightly cool sour plum soup is cold, sweet and sour.

"Husband, the sour plum soup is so delicious, the guests will definitely like it." Zhou Yuan finished the sour plum soup in one gulp, and then looked at Wei Cheng with bright eyes, implying that he still wanted to drink it.

Wei Cheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Yuan Yuan, you don't need to make a sound if you act like a baby."

Zhou Yuan murmured: "I didn't act like a baby." He didn't know how to act like a baby.

He also said that he didn't act like a baby, his cheeks were full of flesh, and with the cute little expression of muttering, Wei Cheng resisted and leaned over to take a bite from his relatives, watching him, he really blushed, his skin was really thin.

Only then did Wei Cheng go to make sour plum soup and hand it to him, saying: "After drinking this bowl, we should rest, remember to brush your teeth after drinking."

In ancient times, there were teeth-brushing tools, including tooth-brushing powder and toothpaste, and the business of shops selling tooth-brushing tools was very good, and the price was moderate, and even family members in the county could afford them, but the taste was bland.

I never used brushing tools at home, I always brush my teeth with branches. At first, I muttered that it was a waste of money, but I gradually got used to it.

Zhou Yuan obediently responded.

After the two returned to their room, Wei Cheng did not forget to tell his wife that his family could make ice, so he couldn't tell the outside world that he didn't add much sour plum soup ice, and said that he bought it from the inner city.

Anyway, there are ice sellers in the inner city, and there are ice buckets for storing ice, so I really have to buy an ice bucket, so I don’t worry about the ice melting prematurely.

At night, Wei Cheng put some ice cubes in the room, and the two had a comfortable sleep.

the next day.

The morning market ended and the afternoon market did not open.

When the morning market ended early, Wei Cheng went to the pier market, where things came from all over the world, and there were also foreign and local fish sold at the pier market, and he went there alone after a while.

See if there is any suitable seafood, and add food to the family.

There wasn't much time, so Wei Cheng wandered around casually and found some fish. He accidentally saw someone selling shrimps, but no one cared about them.

He recalled that there was little shrimp and crab meat, and they were all ingredients that had no market.

"How do you sell this shrimp?"

No one has ever asked, a half-grown child in rough clothes, thin and small, his clothes look dry, his face is still dirty, full of mud, when he sees someone asking, his eyes light up, his tone is timid and stuttering : "Customer, do you want to buy it? My family, shrimp costs two cents a catty."

Wei Cheng felt that some ancient food prices were ridiculously expensive, and some were ridiculously cheap.

The five-centimeter shrimp is quite big, and it costs two cents a catty. This is not the price of modern cabbage.

Visually, there are seven or eight catties in the barrel.

Wei Cheng looked at the half-grown child in front of him, and originally planned to buy a catty or two of food for home, but ended up wrapping it up.

Fried Shrimp Rice on Iron Plate is also good, and you can also make fresh shrimp paste if they are not sold out.

Thinking about opening the lunch market, I asked the child if he could help peel the shrimp shells, and gave him an extra five cents for labor costs. When the child was puzzled, he demonstrated it once.

The kid immediately nodded in agreement, the customer was willing to buy the shrimp, even if he didn't have to peel it manually, not to mention the extra five cents.

The children were happy to follow Wei Cheng with a bucket, but Wei Cheng didn't help to carry it. He knew that some people lived in hardships in ancient times. I am not afraid of being tricked into being a coolie, or I will be trafficked and sold as a slave.

Wei Cheng learned his age and name from the child. He was a child from a small fishing village. He was only thirteen years old, and he was also an older child.

Heizi was happy, but he didn't know that Wei Cheng was thinking about him. Indeed, if he meets bad people, something will happen to Heizi.

Heizi is the only child in the family. The family lives in a mud house in a small fishing village. The family makes a living by fishing. There is no fish in the family. Several families rent other people’s boats to go to sea. For the cost, you can catch a few fish at home when you go to sea, and if you are lucky, you can sell dozens of fish a day.

The family has no land, and the whole family relies on fishing for a living, and their life is already very poor. The location of the fishing village is humid, and the body is soaked in sea water for many years. The people in the fishing village suffer from constant ailments and rheumatism. In addition to taking medicine, the people in the fishing village are even poorer.

In that small fishing village, half of the village is poor like Heizi's family.

Both his grandfather and father suffered from rheumatism, and the rheumatism made them unable to go fishing. The family had no money to buy medicine.

As a young man in the family, he has to take care of his livelihood. He is too young to go out to sea to fish, so he catches small fish at the seaside and sells them for some money. But the small fish is not caught. When he sees shrimps, there are few shrimps, and he prays in his heart that maybe Someone will buy it, so get some shrimp and sell them in the city.

It cost a penny to go to the city, which was the last copper coin he had, but no one bought shrimps, and he didn't know what to do, and his family was still waiting for him to go home. No matter how strong Heizi is, he is still a child. He is actually a little scared to go to the city by himself. Now that he has not sold for money, thinking about it, he is on the verge of tears.

Fortunately, he finally waited for someone to buy it. Heizi thought it was a dream when he bought it all at once. Someone actually bought shrimp. Heizi didn’t think about safety when the customer asked to go, so he just followed him with a bucket. I didn't care if I was hungry all morning.

Wei Cheng took him to the stall and asked him to peel in the stall.

Zhou Yuan approached: "Husband, isn't this a shrimp? What do you buy shrimp for?" Shrimp has no meat, and it smells fishy when fried with salt. Few people buy it to eat.

Wei Cheng said: "I bought the prawns to make shrimp fried rice, and I will fry a plate for lunch later." Then he started to prepare the ingredients for lunch.

Would it be delicious to make fried rice?

Zhou Yuan and Wei Lei were very puzzled.

The shrimps were peeled well. Wei Cheng took some shrimps and diced them to make fried rice. First, he fried the shrimps until fragrant, then added them to the side dishes and fried them, then put the rice under the fried rice sauce and stir-fried them. After a while, the fried rice tasted salty and fresh. When it floats out, you can smell the aroma from far away, and the people closest to the stall will swallow their saliva when they smell it, it's so fragrant!

People with ample cash want to wait for the stall to open to buy a portion, while those with tight cash can only drool with black faces, unable to eat, and look envious of the good business.

You don't have to try it, you know it's delicious when you smell it.

Even the sunspots who were still peeling the shells could smell it, it was so fragrant, I couldn't help swallowing, and my stomach was even more hungry.

After Wei Cheng fried the rice, he also fried a plate of green vegetables and stir-fry before starting to eat lunch.

A plate of shrimp fried rice, needless to say, was appreciated by both.

Heizi huddled in a corner to work, and the three of Wei Cheng sat and ate deliciously, causing Zhou Yuan to look at Wei Cheng frequently. Wei Cheng knew that his wife was soft-hearted, and said: "Daughter-in-law, Heizi is here to work, and I will pay your husband for it." Of course, lunch is also included, he can have lunch after finishing his work, now you can have lunch at ease." He had heard the child's stomach rumble a long time ago.

Only then did Zhou Yuan feel relieved to eat, he knew that his husband was good, since the helper at home had... working meals every day.

Wei Cheng and the others finished their meal, and Heizi finished peeling the shrimp.

After paying his wages, Wei Cheng stuffed two sheets of pancakes and packed a bowl of fried rice with the pancake oil belt for the child, and gave another ten Wen as a deposit.

"Send some more prawns tomorrow morning. If there are 20 or 30 catties, I will send them. If not, I will send as many as you want." Heizi made an appointment with him for tomorrow's prawns, but they must be peeled well. The shells and prawn meat will be sent separately, and the wages will give.

Heizi was embarrassed to take what Wei Cheng gave. It was pancakes, made of white flour, and he could smell the aroma from the oil bag. It was the fried rice just now. His family will pack lunch when he works until lunch time, and there will be no lunch tomorrow, just once.

Knowing that it was the boss's kindness, Heizi took what Wei Cheng gave him with wet eyes, and thanked him, "Thank you boss, I will definitely deliver it tomorrow."

Then, hurrying back home, Heizi wanted to take the food home for the family to taste, and he also wanted to tell the family that he had met a good boss.

Hei was on the way home, and Heizi's family members were worried about crying. They searched all morning, at the beach, and in the village, but they couldn't find Heizi. If someone in the village saw Heizi leaving the village with a bucket, everyone in the family would be afraid Heizi fell into the sea.

The family is poor, and it was hard for the elder brother and daughter-in-law to give birth to a young man. It is difficult for the elder brother to have a child, and maybe there will be one child. If something happens, the whole family will not be in despair.

Fortunately, knowing that the child was carrying a bucket of shrimp to the county town to sell, he was worried and blamed himself.

Heizi's grandfather with white hair on his back and his father with rheumatism and handicap wandered anxiously at the entrance of the village.

Heizi's figure appeared at the entrance of the village, and the two parents immediately went up to take the child home. The family members saw that Heizi was safe and surrounded him with concern.

The family didn't expect the shrimp to be sold until the child took out copper coins, pancakes, and fried rice that had lost its heat and retained some aroma.

The whole family was shocked, this is really selling shrimp money.

Heizi told the stall owner how he bought the shrimp and how he peeled the shrimp: "The boss gave me these two pancakes and fried rice." He didn't dare to ask for it at first, but he took it because he wanted his family to taste the white flour pancake and fried rice.

"The fried rice is fried with shrimps. The boss is very powerful. The fried rice is delicious. Mom, grandma, let's heat up the fried rice and then eat it, okay?"

"Okay, okay."

No one in the family disagrees, this is earned by the child, and everyone knows that the boss kindly gave it to him. Whether it is white flour pancakes or fried rice, they are all precious foods, and they are things that the Heizi family has never eaten.

The fried rice was hot and fragrant, and the family added some sweet potatoes to eat with it, so I realized that the shrimp can be so delicious.

However, as a family, I have never thought about what to do with delicious shrimps. I know that selling shrimps can make money for the family, and the family can be safe and sound.

"Go net these shrimps tomorrow morning, peel them and send them over, can they be delivered in time?" Heizi's father asked.

No one wanted shrimp in the sea before, and it was very easy to catch shrimp.

"We'll catch it later, keep it at home, and peel it off tomorrow morning." Grandpa Heizi said, the old man has experienced a lot of wind and rain, and he still has some ideas.

Heizi's family all agreed with a smile.

That way you won't be afraid of wasting time.

In the cramped and dilapidated small house, the family ate delicious food that they had never eaten before, thinking of earning money. They could maintain their livelihoods because they could not go to sea due to rheumatism. Can go out to sea to catch fish.

Weicheng launched a new type of fried rice with fried shrimp on a plate for lunch. At first, the guests were puzzled. People who smelled the aroma before came to buy it. Weicheng made a copy, and the fresh fragrance overflowed.

Looking at the aroma of shrimps on the grains of rice, everyone knows it is delicious.

There is also sour plum soup, three pennies a piece, directly tell the guests to add ice cubes, I heard that adding ice cubes, how can it be too expensive.

Ice drinks can only be drunk in restaurants, the price is very expensive, three Wen is a fraction, many customers at Weicheng stalls are wealthy, and even rich people come to pack, and try sour plum soup, with these customers, Two barrels of sour plum soup were sold out.

A shrimp fried rice with sour plum soup is simply delicious.

If you can also order a plate of cold salad, you can enjoy it directly.

Now there is no seafood and shrimp paste, and later with seafood and shrimp paste, fried rice is more popular.

It also drives the fresh shrimp market, so that villagers in fishing villages who cannot go fishing can earn a living.

As for later, that is later.

Going back from the stall, unexpectedly Wei Yuan didn't go back after delivering the food, but he didn't see the two people who came to help deliver the food.

Seeing Wei Cheng, Wei Yuan frowned, as if he had something to say.

Wei Cheng asked him to enter the house and said, several people entered the house, Zhou Yuan went to pour water for everyone, Wei Cheng pulled him, "Pour sour plum soup for them, I don't need it."

Zhou Yuan responded and went to the kitchen.

Wei Yuan will now say that the matter is related to the purchase of vegetables in the village.

Wei Cheng could also guess a little bit.

Zhou Yuan brought the sour plum soup, and after putting it away, he wanted to go out of the house so as not to disturb the three of them talking about business. Wei Cheng took his hand and whispered, let him stay.

Since it would not hinder their discussion, Zhou Yuan stayed behind after listening to Wei Cheng's words.

Wei Lei was not surprised, but Wei Yuan was a little surprised. The three men were talking about business, and basically they would not let the female brothers be present. They all thought that the female brothers would do what they should do, and the men were in charge, not what they could do. I was there to listen.

Wei Yuan didn't say anything, after all, it was Wei Cheng who asked people to stay, so he continued to talk.

It turned out that Wei Yuan's family helped Wei Cheng buy vegetables, and the villagers all knew about it. Seeing Wei Yuan's family harvesting so many vegetables, almost everyone was thinking about it.

They are all in the same village, if they can receive vegetables from other families, why not theirs?

In the beginning, they came directly to the door, and in the name of fellowship in the village, they insisted that Wei Yuan's family buy their vegetables together.

Aunt Lu said it was good or bad, saying that she had already taken over other houses, and she couldn't buy too much for the time being, so she directly refused.

They left, but they didn't expect that the next morning, two families asked their families to carry vegetables to Wei Yuan's house, forcing people to buy vegetables, and even harassing people to say that they had picked all the vegetables. If Wei Yuan's family didn't accept them, they would cause his family to lose vegetables Let Wei Yuan's family lose money.

Those two families are known to be domineering and unreasonable in the village. One of them is the most arrogant and loudest. The middle-aged fat woman is close to the village head's family. The other family is a rogue household in the village, if they don't accept it, it will be endless.

Wei Yuan's family wanted to calm things down, at most they couldn't sell vegetables at home, so they bought their vegetables.

I thought that was it.

Who knows, the next day, the villagers followed suit, and Wei Yuan's family refused to take it in, so they rolled and cried and made a fuss, saying that they would not take in their family, and their food would rot if they didn't take it in. At Wei Yuan's house.

Wei Yuan's family collected vegetables from those people, so they could only tell other families that it would be a pity for them to collect less tomorrow. After all, it was the opportunity given by Wei Yuan's family and they didn't say anything. Care, gossiping behind your back.

Brother Wei Yuan heard all this.

On the third day, more villagers brought vegetables over, and some of them were shoddy. Wei Yuan’s family put on a hard face and refused to accept them. Take away the vegetables.

Wei Yuan disagreed with his parents' approach. Once, the villagers all followed suit, so he came to Wei Cheng to talk.

"Yuanzi, I'm really sorry for causing trouble to your family." Wei Cheng felt very sorry.

Wei Yuan was not happy anymore, "Chengzi, don't say that, we are brothers, besides, you have good intentions, this is the problem of the villagers, not your problem."

Wei Cheng didn't say much, anyway, he wouldn't let Wei Yuan's family suffer, and asked, "Yuanzi, did your family go to the village chief?"

"My mother passed away, and the village head came over this morning to scold me." Otherwise, the villagers would not restrain themselves, but Wei Yuan knew it was at that time. He knew it from the expressions of the villagers before they went back, so he waited for Wei when he brought the vegetables. Cheng, he thought that Chengzi must have a solution.

"Did the villagers who bought vegetables in your family help to speak up?"

"Yes, there are people who have good friends will help my family to quarrel with those villagers, and some people just say a few words, and then they don't say much, just stand aside and don't speak."

Wei Cheng thought for a while, "Yuanzi, how about this, you go back and tell Aunt Lu today, let Aunt Lu go to the village head again, and tell the village head directly, if the villagers continue to make trouble like this, I will withdraw from the village to buy it and replace it with another The village also asked Aunt Lu to tell the villagers who bought vegetables before that the family would definitely not be able to stop the villagers who came to make trouble, saying that if I stopped buying vegetables, their family would not be able to sell vegetables.”

Only when their own interests are involved, those people will really come out to speak for Wei Yuan's family. Before Wei Yuan's family bought vegetables from their family, the families who were bought vegetables had to stand up and defend a few words without pain or itching.

"Just go back and tell Aunt Lu that if the village chief really just ignores me, I will definitely withdraw the purchase of vegetables, and then I will arrange work for you."

"Chengzi, how can I ask you to specially arrange work for me, I can do odd jobs if I don't buy vegetables." Wei Yuan has the nerve to ask his brother to arrange work.

"Okay, let's make a decision like this. As for tomorrow, let Leizi help. I will ask Aunt Yang to help when the stall opens tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll be back in the afternoon market."

Wei Cheng left people to eat at home.

After dinner, Wei Lei and Wei Yuan went back together.

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