MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 31 Do not accept vegetables

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The families that caused the most trouble in the village were all secretly proud at home, planning to use the same method tomorrow to force Wei Yuan's family to collect food.

"Everyone said that according to my method, Wei Lu's family will definitely buy our vegetables." The fat woman raised her chin with a smug face. Her family is related to the village head. So what if Wei Lu's family finds the village chief, it's still impossible.

"My mother, you are amazing." The fat woman's eldest son said flatteringly.

"Mom, how many vegetables are we going to harvest tomorrow?" The fat woman's eldest daughter-in-law showed greedy eyes. The food at home has improved a lot in the past two days. If she buys a few more days, her mother-in-law will be happy, and she will not buy meat.

"Tomorrow we will harvest more and send them over."

The fat woman is not afraid that Wei Lu's family will not accept her, if they dare not accept her, they will make trouble.

Not only this family, but the rascal's family also saw some villagers sending rotten vegetables to them this morning. His family was greedy and calculating. Wei Lu's family didn't accept rotten vegetables from other families.

Of course, there are other families who are also discussing it. Everyone in the village knows about this incident. Some people also want to take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and let Wei Yuan's family collect vegetables, but there are also families who disagree with their family's actions. It is unethical to do so. They are all in the same village. How can this be done.

The parents of Wei Lei's family are also making up their minds. His mother is a snobbish person who loves to take advantage, but she will only take action when she sees the right time. She missed the opportunity to sell vegetables for two days, and they all beat their chests and scolded at home. Received by Wei Yuan's family.

Wei Lei's mother remembered that the silent eldest son seemed to be friends with Wei Lu's family, Wei Yuan. With this relationship, Wei Luquan would absolutely accept her family's vegetables.

That's how confident he is.

Wei Lei, who had just returned home, heard his mother's loud voice ordering his second brother to pick vegetables from the vegetable field and deliver them to Wei Yuan's house tomorrow. In the small room near the firewood house in the yard, I closed my eyes and rested when lying down.

Aunt Lu followed what Wei Cheng said, and went to the village head's house to bring two catties of meat, which Wei Cheng asked his son to bring back. Aunt Lu felt a little heartbroken.

The village head's house was having dinner when Aunt Lu came to visit. The village head's wife opened the door. She was originally polite, but when she saw Aunt Lu coming over with meat, she greeted her warmly, "Big girl, you came here with something, so be polite." What." After receiving the meat, his hands were heavy, weighing more than two catties, and his smile was even more satisfied.

"Sister-in-law, is the village chief at home? I'm here to find the village chief."

"Yes, the eldest sister comes in first." The village chief's wife shouted into the house, "The head of the house, the whole family is here to look for it, you come out quickly."

The village chief put down his chopsticks and came out. Seeing the old wife carrying the meat, he had some plans in his mind.

The village head's wife took the meat into the kitchen and came out to pour a bowl of sugar water for someone.

I didn't get this kind of treatment last time, let alone sugar water, I didn't even have a bowl of boiled water.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" The village chief glanced at the old wife who had not left after pouring the water, and did not drive her away.

The village chief asked the question knowingly, and he was like a mirror in his heart, so he had to put on the village chief's airs.

"Village Chief, Wei Cheng asked me to send the gift just now."

The village head raised his eyelids, but he was surprised and didn't say anything.

Wei Lu's family bought vegetables for Wei Cheng, and the meat was sent by Wei Cheng, which made sense.

"The purchase of vegetables in the village was originally for Wei Cheng. When something happened, my family couldn't hide it from others, so I asked my son to come back in the afternoon. Wei Cheng said that it was out of good intentions to increase the income of the villagers. When something happened, he was doing a small business. He bought vegetables in a certain quantity. It was impossible for all the villagers to buy vegetables. If the villagers still insisted on making trouble, he said that he couldn’t buy vegetables in the village, and he couldn’t make a small business. The business will lose money because of this matter."

The village head frowned after listening.

The wife of the village chief knew about this matter, and it was the cousin of the village chief who took the lead in making trouble. The wife of the village chief thought it was not a big deal. Originally, buying vegetables was their business, but she forced Wei Yuan's family to collect vegetables, and touched the head of the house with her elbow. , "Master, this is not a matter of your words, why don't you make a sound."

The village chief gave his old wife a sneaky look. If the matter could be resolved in a few moments, he would not let it go. His cousin has a temper, and he would have a headache when he thought of people coming to the door to yell at the sky and make trouble.

In fact, he could let Wei Cheng buy vegetables from his cousin's family, and the matter would be settled easily, but he didn't think of this method before, and now the whole village knows that if he does this in private, the villagers are not stupid, maybe Pointing at him and saying that he is doing public affairs for personal gain.

So where does he put his old face?

Now people come to the door and say that they don't accept the vegetables in the village, which is even more annoying.

"I'll go and have a look tomorrow morning, you go back to Lu family first."

The village chief said so, so Aunt Lu had no choice but to go home, thinking in her heart that if the village chief didn't come out to speak tomorrow, it would be a big deal not to collect vegetables in the village, and the loss would be the villagers.

It was two catties of meat for nothing.

The village head's wife felt that she had received two catties of meat anyway, so she had to help persuade her, "The head of the family, you are the head of a village, you can't let the villagers make troubles and don't care about it."

"Women and Taoists don't talk much, you don't know what's going on." The village head had a headache and thought of a way. If Wei Cheng really didn't buy vegetables, those few families might have a quarrel.

"Isn't it your cousin, she came here and I help you blow people up."

"That's what you said."

With the old wife's words, the village chief knows what to do tomorrow.

After all, this matter was also mishandled by him before, and he had to give an explanation.

As for the other families who heard Aunt Lu's message, they knew that Wei Cheng planned to not accept vegetables from their family if the matter was not resolved.

How about that.

Tomorrow, we must protect their interests in selling vegetables.

the next day.

Wei Yuan's family hadn't started buying vegetables yet, and the villagers all brought them in. These vegetables can be piled up into mountains

Wei Yuan's family looked ugly.

There are so many villagers, there are no fewer than ten families.

This is blatantly obvious, and it is clearly persecution.

If it wasn't for looking for Chengzi yesterday, his family would definitely not know what to do.

Now, except for the family that bought it before, the other families will not accept it. Anyway, Chengzi said that he will not accept vegetables from the village. Her family, Yuanzi, still has a job.

As for the households that bought vegetables, I talked to them yesterday, and they were all afraid that the vegetables would not be collected, and the extra income of the family would be gone, so they all disagreed.

Knowing that some villagers were carrying vegetables to Wei Yuan's house, the families who had been acquired hurried over to carry vegetables as well. They directly carried the vegetables to Wei Yuan's family, and even called their sons to support them.

Some good villagers, when they saw the battle, they would definitely make a fuss, and went to inform other villagers to watch the excitement.

Don't think it's a big deal.

These villagers also want to sell vegetables, but they can't get over their sympathy and face, and they won't do such a shameless thing, but if other villagers accept it, it will definitely benefit them.

Which family would dislike the lack of money these days.

"For the Lu family, you still don't accept the vegetables when they are delivered. Say yes, I have to go home to work for the money, and I don't have time to delay at your house."

"That's right, my family is busy with a lot of work, procrastinating, and I can't accept it in the end."

"Lu Family, you can't accept vegetables from their family. Buying and selling vegetables has to be done on a first-come-first-served basis." A woman pointed at the family members whose vegetables were purchased and shouted loudly.

"What do you mean first come, first served? My family has an agreement with Lu's family. The Lu's family buys my vegetables. You have no shame in coming to the door and forcing the Lu's family to collect vegetables." Middle-aged women.

"Fuck, the Lu family bought my vegetables yesterday. The agreement, where did the agreement come from? Why doesn't my family have one? If the Lu family signs an agreement with your family in private, I will definitely not give up. If I accept my vegetables, how can I say no?" I won't accept it." This is a woman from a rascal's family, and she speaks really rascally.

"Yes, we don't care about any agreement. I can't go back on my food." The villagers who sold their vegetables yesterday echoed loudly.

"The whole family of Lu dare not accept it. If my vegetables are damaged, I will still seek compensation from his family. If I don't accept it, I will have to accept it." This woman with an overbearing voice is related to the village chief's family.

The people who were acquired didn't expect the other party to be so shameless. Fortunately, thinking about what Aunt Lu said yesterday, how could they give up the benefits to others, so they quarreled back immediately.

"Ah, bah, I've seen a lot of shameless people. I've seen such shameless people once, and the shame is gone. No wonder they have an ugly and wicked face, and dare to come out to scare people. If they scare people, I'd like to You pay for the medicine."


Women can't stand being called ugly by others, this is not tolerated.

Immediately yelling, the other women also started yelling, and the two sides were drooling. The man who brought the food, no matter whether it was the head of the family or the son, could only stand aside and watch the women and women yelling at the top of their tongues.

If there is a fight, they can still help, but now there is no way to fight.

There is a lot of chaos, and the noise can be transmitted to the next village.

The onlookers in the village had one floor inside and one floor outside, pointing and pointing.

The village head could not show up, but when he heard the yelling, he rushed over from home.

"Stop it all for me—"

The onlookers in the village had one floor inside and one floor outside, pointing and pointing.

The village head could not show up, but when he heard the yelling, he rushed over from home.

"Stop it all for me—"

As soon as the village chief drank, the voice was full of swearing and verbal wars, and there was no sound at all. Some village women saw the village chief and rushed to talk one by one, and then stopped.

"Cousin, you..."

"Shut up." The village chief stared at him, and finally had the momentum of a village chief.

"What are you doing? You take all your own food back and threaten people. What does this look like!"

These people are not willing to listen!

The people who brought the vegetables were five or six catties less, and dozens of catties more, and they couldn't finish eating them when they took them back, or they would all be spoiled.

"Village chief, Lu's family wants to buy vegetables. If I pick my vegetables, you ask me to take them back. The vegetables will rot. I will be the first to refuse." Wei Laizi from the rascal's family protested.

"Village chief, we can't let all of us carry vegetables home to rot. With so many families, you have to give us an explanation. It is Lu's family who want to collect vegetables, so we bring vegetables to sell. We won't collect them this time. There is a saying."

"That's right, we all came here after hearing that Lu's family harvested vegetables."

"Let's do it in vain. If we don't agree, everyone will say it's right."


With Wei Laizi taking the lead, all the villagers who are waiting for the sale are turning black and white, and they all agree that even the village head is so good, what can they do.

The village chief was really **** off. He saw all the villagers who turned black and white, and saw that a load of vegetables weighed hundreds of catties. If they didn't buy them, it would be a waste.

"Lu family, look, why don't you buy all the vegetables today, how can so many vegetables rot, right? If they come again tomorrow, I will never let them go lightly."

The village chief thought that if he was serious about something, the villagers would definitely restrain themselves, but he didn't know that the villagers thought he was speaking for them.

The troubled villagers suddenly looked proud.

I made up my mind that with the help of the village head, their dishes would definitely be purchased.

Tomorrow, we will still follow the gourd painting.

Aunt Lu said: "Village chief, this is wrong. The vegetables here are hundreds of catties more than the ones originally ordered. Although my family buys vegetables for Chengzi, when these vegetables are bought back, Chengzi doesn't use so many vegetables, and they are still bad. Lose."

Wei Laizi shouted: "What can't be used, the vegetables purchased by Wei Cheng can definitely be used, and besides, he is a businessman, so the loss is not a big deal."

Wei Laizi would not take Wei Cheng seriously, he is just a poor man who keeps his head down and dare not say a word, Wei Laizi has bad ideas in his eyes, Wei Cheng is doing business in the county, and he has to ask people for some money to use.

Wei Laizi showed a greedy smile.

Wei Yuan's family took a firm attitude and resolutely refused to accept them, "My family didn't ask you to send the vegetables over. If you insist on sending them over, our family will definitely not accept them."

Some villagers didn't have bad intentions, at most they were selfish, hoping to take advantage of the opportunity. Seeing that Wei Yuan's family was so determined, they all picked the vegetables, and the loss was money, and they felt sad.

Some people even wanted to play the emotional card and ask Wei Yuan's family to take away the food.

There were also a few families who were crying and yelling, and threatened not to accept them, so they stayed at the door of Wei Yuan's house.

Originally, as the head of Nanbian Village, he was also happy to see the villagers increase their income, but he had selfish intentions at the beginning, wanting Weicheng to take in more houses, but who knew that the villagers would beat them to death, and now they made things worse.

After all, Wei Cheng is a member of the Wei clan, so he probably wanted him to settle the matter peacefully by saying that he would not accept vegetables from the village. No one showed up, so there might be room for negotiation.

The village head thinks so, if Wei Cheng knows, he will definitely click his tongue, saying that the village head is overthinking, he doesn't have time to come over, if he comes here instead, his attitude will be even worse, as long as you say it, how can you be so procrastinating.

The village chief was thinking about procrastination, trying to get Wei Cheng to buy all the vegetables today.

Wei Lei watched, stood up slowly, and said in a deep voice: "Today's vegetables, you can agree to accept—"

When Wei Yuan's family saw what Wei Lei said, they didn't refute. They knew that Wei Cheng must have told Wei Lei something, otherwise Wei Lei wouldn't have said that.

Everyone listened to Wei Lei's words, Wei Yuan's family didn't speak again, and they were immediately overjoyed, maybe there was something going on.

Some villagers recognized Wei Lei and shouted: "Boy Lei, what you said is true, you can really decide to accept everyone's food."

Seeing that the villagers were arguing and arguing again, Wei Lei glanced over coldly, did not speak, just stared at people, his cold staring at people was really frightening.

If Wei Lei turned cold-eyed, he would be very imposing.

In fact, Wei Cheng taught this, otherwise Wei Lei would really not be able to do it, it is okay to let him look at people coldly, and it is the first time for him to do it.

Everyone didn't speak, they all waited for Wei Lei to promise.

However, Wei Lei didn't finish what he said just now.

"I promise everyone will harvest vegetables today—but, starting tomorrow, vegetables will not be purchased in the village."

The villagers couldn't react to Wei Lei's words, how could they not harvest vegetables, this—

"Wei Chengwang originally purchased vegetables for the sake of his fellow villagers. If he had good intentions but was deceived by others, he said that he would rather go to another village to collect vegetables."

"Originally, when the vegetables are harvested, he can continue to buy the next one, and even buy more vegetables in the future. After this time, he will not go back to the village to buy again. He doesn't want to encounter this situation."

At this moment, the villagers all came back to their senses, and then the discussion suddenly became as noisy as a vegetable market.

From Wei Lei's words, the village knows an important thing. Weicheng will only buy more vegetables, not less. Moreover, Weicheng buys hundreds of catties of vegetables every day. After buying other houses, maybe it will be their turn. .

Wouldn't they offend Wei Cheng by doing this? What if they don't buy their vegetables.

Now, the villagers blamed each other one sentence at a time, and even started arguing, the more noisy the more intense—

The village chief had to stop again.

The village head's face turned livid, and seeing the village head's face, the villagers didn't dare to make trouble.

"Those who haven't been purchased will take the vegetables back. If you don't take me, the village chief, seriously, you'll get out of the village."

In fact, after hearing Wei Lei's words, the villagers all wanted to go back.

A family with a few catties of vegetables can still eat a few meals for the whole family, and a family with a dozen catties or tens of catties, how can they be willing to take their vegetables back.

Wei Lei's mother and younger brother finally had the opportunity to illustrate. Wei Lei's mother shouted loudly: "Wei Lei, you don't accept other people's vegetables. I'm your mother. How dare you refuse."

She didn't even know that her son was so capable. He collected vegetables with Wei Cheng. With her son around, her vegetables would definitely be collected. Maybe in the future, if she told her son not to accept any vegetables in the village, her son would have to listen to her. Those who want to sell vegetables have to curry favor with her, thinking about it, they will be able to walk sideways in the village in the future.

Wei Lei's mother will be daydreaming happily.

The people in the village are playing the emotional card again, begging to buy today's vegetables, and they will definitely not make trouble tomorrow.

The village chief was in a dilemma. He saw that the villagers would definitely not make trouble anymore. They all just wanted to sell vegetables to Wei Cheng.

"Leizi, this..."

"No charge!"

Wei Lei was resolute, and then said to the village chief: "Village chief, I have no right to buy vegetables. The task given to me by Chengzi is what I just said."

Wei Lei said no, his mother cursed loudly again, "Wei Lei, if you don't collect vegetables from the family today, don't come back home for me in the future, I will treat you as my son." Her family has a lot of burdens, If you don't accept it, the loss will be painful to think about.

Wei Lei's younger brother also scolded: "Brother, how can you be angry with your mother, you are unfilial, quickly apologize to your mother, and take away the vegetables. You and Wei Cheng are brothers, what else can he say if you take away the vegetables from the family."

Wei Lei wasn't afraid of his old mother's scolding, anyway, he was used to listening to it, and looked at his younger brother coldly. His younger brother trembled when he looked at him, and his younger brother always felt that his elder brother was getting more and more scary.

For this elder brother, Wei Lei's younger brother has always been against his mother. Anyway, his elder brother will not say anything about what his mother says, but let him take out his wages and let him work in the fields...... In short, he has never been afraid of him. Anyway, he is protected by his mother, so he often fights against his elder brother Wei Lei.

Being stared at coldly by his elder brother this time, Wei Lei's younger brother felt that his elder brother seemed different.

Wei Lei didn't have a good opinion of his family members, so he didn't say anything since he could still stay at home. He never ate at home for a whole day, he always looked for food outside, and never starved himself to death. I only hand in part of my wages, which should be the filial piety of the Son of Man.

Looking at the cursing old lady, Wei Lei really envied Wei Cheng's life now, he has a small family, his daughter-in-law cares about him, and he doesn't make any noise.

It seems that he has to find a time to go out and live. He should be able to buy a dilapidated thatched house in the village by saving money.

Seeing Wei Lei's resolute disapproval attitude, the village chief thought for a while, and had no choice but to talk to Wei Cheng himself, otherwise the vegetables would be wasted.

"Leizi, take me to Wei Cheng's house, and I will talk to him myself."

"No need to."

The tone of Wei Lei's direct refusal made the village head who had been giving orders in the village black-faced. Fortunately, his face turned better after Wei Lei's next sentence.

"Village chief, how can I let you go, I will go to the county to work later, and I will tell Chengzi about the matter."

The village head also thought it would be fine, otherwise he would not look good as a village head and ran over.

The villagers did not leave, but they did not dare to make trouble.

They were all waiting for Wei Lei to ask Wei Cheng to help buy some for the sake of the villagers.

Wei Yuan's family started to buy vegetables.

Seeing that Wei Lei was there, Wei Laizi felt a little bit embarrassed and walked away in despair. He thought to himself that if he lost the vegetable money, he would ask Wei Cheng to get it back. Ignore it.

The village chief's cousin, let the village chief's wife block her, she can't be a demon, she dare not face the village chief's wife's cousin.

Wei Lei's mother, Wei Lei just said to her, if there is more trouble, he will not take back the money given to the family.

He seemed to remember that his household registration was not at his mother's house.

Forget it, talk about it later.

Wei Lei and Wei Yuan sent vegetables to the county together.

The author has something to say:

Generally written, tangled.