MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 29 Collect food, invite people

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According to Chen Guanshi's mouth, the supply must not be less than a few hundred catties, and if it is sold well, it will be no less than a thousand catties.

As for the amount that Chen Guanshi needs, Wei Cheng has a solid idea. The inner city is full of wealthy households, and the daily buying and selling of food materials is not measured by the population of a small household, but by the population of a large household.

If you do it in bulk, you can't buy vegetables loosely, and it's not cost-effective to buy them in the market, and there must be a fixed supply.

The best way is to go back to the hometown to buy.

The one with the best relationship with Wei Cheng in the village is Wei Yuan's family.

After closing the stalls, Wei Cheng and Wei Lei returned to Nanbian Village.

South Village.

When Wei Cheng came back, the villagers didn't recognize Wei Cheng's appearance. Wei Cheng wore rough clothes, but he had a tall and handsome appearance. Indeed, no one would think of the silent, dull and shabby Wei Cheng.

Seeing Wei Lei bringing people back to the village, he was a little curious about where this guy came from. He looks good, and some unmarried girls blushed when they saw it.

Some family members just want to inquire and find out for the girls and brothers in the family.

Seeing people going to Wei Lu's family, could they be distant relatives of Wei Lu's family.

At this time, Wei Yuan's family members were all in the small courtyard, and Wei Cheng knocked on the door.

"Chengzi Leizi, why are you here, please come in quickly."

Wei Yuan walked over to open the door and saw that they were good brothers, "Father and mother, it's Chengzi and Leizi who came." He welcomed them into the door.

"Uncle Lu, hello Aunt Lu."

The two greet each other.

"Chengzi and Leizi are here."

Wei Yuan's parents welcomed them very much when they saw them, and Wei Yuan's mother even went to the kitchen to pour them a bowl of water. Wei Yuan's younger brother Wei Ping saw the two shout: "Brother Chengzi, brother Leizi."

"Brother Ping."

Then all sit down.

Wei Cheng told Wei Yuan's parents about today's visit.

"Uncle Lu, Aunt Lu, I have a deal with someone and I need a lot of vegetables. I am here today and I want to ask you to help me buy vegetables and send them to my house on a regular basis every day."

"Auntie, why do you think it's a good thing, how much do you need? Auntie Vegetables has a lot of vegetable plots." Aunt Lu said happily.

Chengzi is doing business, she is happy for others, I haven't seen her for a while, people are quite handsome and tough, if she is not married, she will attract the favor of many girls and brothers.

Uncle Lu smiled and said, "Chengzi, don't talk about buying, how much do you need? Uncle asked your aunt to pick them in the field." After picking vegetables in the field, there is not much money.

Wei Yuan: "That's right, Cheng Zi, my family grows a lot of vegetables, if you want to ask as much as you want, you are still polite to me." He knew that Wei Lei was going to work for Wei Cheng, but he didn't mind at all. Before, when Wei Cheng had something good to do, he was the first to think of his family.

"Uncle Lu, Aunt Lu, I need a long-term purchase, and the daily quantity is hundreds of catties." Wei Cheng treated Wei Yuan's family sincerely, and Wei Cheng received their hearts. But to do business, you still have to give money, how can you take it for nothing.

"so much!"

The people in Wei Yuan's family couldn't help but be shocked. Hundreds of catties of vegetables are still needed every day. For a long time, this amount is considerable, and this is a big deal.

"Yes, I still need to pay for Aunt Lu's help in buying vegetables."

"No wages, it's just a small favor." Aunt Lu hastily refused.

"This must be given, Auntie, don't evade it, and then evade me to find someone else." Wei Cheng didn't waste his words.

Wei Cheng went on to say: "Aunt Lu will definitely be paid for helping to buy vegetables. The salary is 20 Wen a day, and I have to help find two or three people to deliver the goods. I am also thinking of asking Yuan Zi to help deliver the goods. The salary is 30 Wen. One day, I wonder if Yuanzi wants to do it?"

Twenty cents a day, just responsible for the purchase of vegetables, and thirty cents a day for delivery, which can catch up with a hard day's work in the county.

"Chengzi, the wages are too high, how can my aunt take advantage of you, ten yuan a day is enough, and Yuanzi's twenty yuan is too much."

Aunt Lu refused, so she helped to buy green vegetables, no need to do anything, how could they get high wages, their family can't always take advantage of others. Besides, her family must have a share in buying vegetables. Her family can sell vegetables and make money.

Wei Yuan's family felt that the wages were high.

"Uncle Lu, Aunt Lu, buying vegetables is meticulous work, and must be checked carefully. Vegetables must be picked fresh on the same day, and I need Aunt Lu to help me find honest villagers to buy them. There is also busy work inside and outside. My wages will not be high."

How could Wei Cheng get his wages back? It was decided directly.

Well, having said that, Wei Yuan's family members have agreed to do their best in the future.

Wei Cheng took out a piece of paper: "This is to buy vegetables, I will tell Yuanzi later. The price, I have to help Aunt Lu to talk about it. I don't know anything about vegetable prices." The price of vegetables in the countryside will be cheaper than those sold in the market. How much is more specific, still have to let those who understand decide.

Aunt Lu smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's on Auntie. If you have Auntie, you can definitely buy it at the lowest price."

"Then trouble Aunt Lu, someday I will need Leizi to let me know in advance."

Wei Cheng bid farewell to Wei Yuan and went straight back to the county seat, and Wei Lei also went home.

Aunt Lu went out, and went to find a few good friends to make friends with, and negotiate a good price with good people.

Those families were very excited to be able to exchange vegetables for silver, and how could they not be happy to be hit by silver at home.

Every household in the countryside grows vegetables. Vegetables are the least valuable in the countryside. Now that they can be sold for money, how can we not be excited.

After returning home, Wei Cheng looked for his neighbor, Aunt Yang.

Aunt Yang is very enthusiastic, Wei Cheng buys all the food at home, and can earn some money every day, saving a lot.

Wei Cheng explained the purpose of his visit. His family wanted to invite Aunt Yang to help at home, to help wash and chop vegetables, cook vegetables, and do some chores. The wages were thirty yuan a day, and two more were needed. Aunt Yang was needed to help introduce two qualities. Well, hard-working people.

Aunt Yang smiled more enthusiastically, nodded and said yes, she was so happy when such a good thing happened to her.

After Wei Cheng left, Aunt Yang hurried out to find someone.

Aunt Yang used to be the poorest household in the suburbs. This area is full of mud houses, thatched houses, and even squatter households.

The family that Aunt Yang was looking for was the family of her husband's younger brother, and the family was always poorer than her family.

"Sister-in-law, why are you here?" Aunt Yang's younger siblings smiled when they saw him.

"My neighbor is looking for handymen and needs two, so I'll come to you right away."

"Really?" Aunt Yang's younger siblings said excitedly, "I'll go!"

"You haven't talked about the salary yet, so you can talk about it."

"I'll go as many as you want."

The family is so poor that they can’t afford the chaff. Her head of the family has rheumatism all year round, so she can’t do heavy work and can’t find a job. She can only earn a few pennies by doing laundry for others. Not every day, there is no work to do. Have to starve for a day. There is a handyman, she will definitely go for how much money.

Aunt Yang also understands the situation in her family. Everyone is poor, and she can't help, so she occasionally helps.

"The salary is thirty yuan a day."

Aunt Yang's younger siblings were shocked and speechless, their lips trembling, they couldn't believe it, they kept thanking Aunt Yang, if she really did this job, she would definitely do it well.

The second person Aunt Yang is looking for is a brother, who is already married and has given birth to a young man. The family he married was also poor, with six or seven people living in a thatched house. The family is old and young.

He is the head of the family doing part-time jobs, and there may not be a job. There is no vegetable field at home, and the family relies on the little money this man makes to support them. The whole family cannot eat enough or keep warm. Moreover, my brother's son was not nutritious when he was born, and he couldn't speak much when he was two years old.

Aunt Yang went to her brother's house and asked him to work as a helper. The family almost knelt down in gratitude.

In fact, if it wasn't for my brother's mother-in-law who has eye disease, he wouldn't be allowed to go. As for the young children at home, he also has a sister-in-law to help take care of them.

the next day.

Wu Da brought a man who was also a peddler to pick up the goods. Wei Cheng sold them by the catty, including seasonings for a catty of cold salad, and bought the goods at a price of eight cents per catty, and made about two small servings per catty. Chen Guanshi is six cents a catty.

Wei Cheng asked people to go to his house in the afternoon, and he taught them how to make cold dishes, and there were people called by Manager Chen to study.

Wu Da and another peddler want to sign a contract, which is also to restrain the other party. He has the right to refuse people to take the goods if he violates the regulations.

After studying for two days, you can leave the teacher.

Wu Da and the others didn't dare to take too much, each of them took ten catties.

Chen Guanshi determined the number of catties, and provided 500 catties a day, and came to pick it up early in the morning the day after tomorrow.

Wei Cheng asked Wei Lei to go back and inform Aunt Lu to start buying vegetables, and also asked Aunt Lu to tell Li Shuiqing that he didn't need to deliver the goods to his house, but sent them directly to Aunt Lu's house, and then delivered them together. Tell Aunt Yang to start work tomorrow.

In order to do a good job in this batch of business, he also purposely set up a shed in the yard of his home, so that he would not be afraid of the sun and rain. He also bought several large wooden basins to wash and store vegetables, and he also set up two large pots in the yard to boil vegetables.

As for Aunt Yang, they have to go to work early, just like when he gets up early in the morning to work. They have to come to help early in the morning. There is a break at noon, and breakfast and lunch are included. According to his request, because they also have lunch, so they don't have to close the stall and come back to make it.

Aunt Lu got the notification and went door to door to confirm the variety and quantity of vegetables in each family, and then went to Quxia Village.

When Aunt Lu came, Li Shuiqing's family was cleaning the bamboo shoots. There were smiles on their poor faces, and they were surprised to see Aunt Lu coming.

Aunt Lu spoke directly, but at the beginning, the whole family turned pale with fright.

"Brother Qing, Cheng Zi, Wei Cheng told you not to send fungus and bamboo shoots to his house......"

"Auntie, has Wei Cheng stopped buying my bamboo shoots? Is there something wrong? We can change it."

Li Shuiqing's family misunderstood that Wei Cheng would not accept his family's goods, and Li Shuiqing's mother and father's eyes were red when they were sick. The family finally had hope, so it was gone.

Li Shuiqing's father's cloudy eyes showed sadness, and the two young ones were about to cry.

Aunt Lu was dumbfounded by this, and hurriedly explained: "Oh, don't cry, it's all because Auntie didn't say yes, Chengzi didn't want your things, and asked you to send them to my house every morning, and my family also helped Chengzi buy hundreds of catties of vegetables , take it to my house and send it there, there is no need for brother Qing to travel, it is not safe for a brother to go back and forth to the county town alone every day."

Li Shuiqing's family was almost frightened.

Because of Wei Cheng, the family has an income of more than ten yuan a day, and the days can go on, the mother and father can take medicine, the family no longer needs to be hungry, and there is a smile every day, but at the same time, I am afraid of losing it one day, so I cherish it very much. Focus on doing a good job.

Aunt Lu: "By the way, Chengzi also said that the number of bamboo shoots should be doubled. If your family can finish it, he won't ask others to buy it. As for the number of fungus, he will take whatever."

The fungus had to be collected by someone else, fearing that Li Shuiqing would not be able to collect enough catties.

"Can, can do, my family can do it well!" Li Han trembled with excitement and stuttered.

Oh my God, doubling it would mean thirty, thirty would be thirty cents, plus the fungus, the daily income would be forty cents.

This huge surprise made Li Shuiqing speechless, Li Shuiqing's mother and father's sickly faces turned bloody, and the two children cheered and jumped up.

Aunt Yang took people there early in the morning.

The other two helpers were notified to go to work. The two lived close together and came together. They waited at the door of Wei Cheng's house before dawn, planning to come earlier to make a good impression on the boss.

The two stood for a while before Wei Cheng came out to open the door. He didn't know that someone was at the door, so he was a little surprised when he opened the door. He opened the door so that Wei Lei and Aunt Yang could come in directly when they came over.

Aunt Yang also came out at this meeting, and introduced it directly to Wei Cheng.

Wei Cheng took a look, "Come in."

When people came in, they just stood aside timidly and cautiously. Wei Cheng looked at him. An aunt in her early forties with a slightly bent back came to his house to cook and eat, and the most important thing was hygiene.

Wei Cheng was quite satisfied and said the rules.

"Come here at this hour every day. I don't need to cook vegetables today. I will help prepare the food to be prepared at the stall. Every day when vegetables are delivered, I will be responsible for cleaning them, cutting them and placing them on the kitchen shelf. Cook them early the next morning. Then I will do some handyman work, and Shen You will stop working."

"Breakfast and lunch are included, pancakes and rice porridge for breakfast. Aunt Yang is in charge of lunch. Every day I will tell Aunt Yang what to cook, and you can eat whatever you cook. Nothing else is important. The most important thing is to be quick in your hands and feet, pay attention to hygiene, and if something happens If you can’t come, you must inform in advance. The trial period is half a month, if you are suitable, you will stay, if you are not suitable, you will be notified in advance, and the salary will be paid.”

"Okay, you guys come here, work with me, and have breakfast later."

Aunt Yang and the others didn't expect to have two meals, and their eyes were very excited.

They all thought to themselves, they had to work hard, so they must be hired for this job.

After a while Wei Lei came.

get to work.

And Zhou Yuan slept soundly in bed, unable to get up.

The family invited people, and the daughter-in-law could get up late, and finally ate a few times last night, Wei Cheng was very energetic at work.

Zhou Yuan fell asleep until it was time for breakfast when Wei Cheng woke him up.

Zhou Yuan's waist was slightly sour, his face was rosy and moist, and he was angry and glaring.

Wei Cheng had no choice but to coax people.

Zhou Yuan wasn't too angry. There was no time to be angry at this hour, the stalls were all open.

When Aunt Yang and the others saw Zhou Yuan coming out, they all shouted respectfully, "Master."

Zhou Yuan was embarrassed, he was not used to having people yelling like that, and one of them was the neighbor Aunt Yang, who was considered an acquaintance, so he had the nerve to let people yell like that.

Just as he was about to correct him, Wei Cheng took his hand and signaled him that this is what they should shout.

First, the three of them were helpers hired by him. Secondly, this family will continue to hire more people in the future, and his husband needs to get used to this name from now on and learn how to manage people.

He will teach little by little.

The three of Wei Cheng still ate breakfast together.

The three of Aunt Yang ate on the stone bench in the yard. Although there was only a bowl of white rice porridge and a pancake, they had never eaten such a good meal, and they were reluctant to eat it.

He even wanted to secretly take it home and give it to his family to taste, but he didn't take any action because he was worried that it would cause dissatisfaction with his boss.

And after eating, you will have the strength to work.

In order to better complete the work.

To keep this job.

Only the family can have enough to eat.

Next, in addition to being busy with business every day, he also has to be busy shipping goods to Chen Guanshi.

From the first three days, the number of catties supplied per day increased to 800 catties.

As for Wei Cheng's stall, there is an endless stream of customers who come to eat every day, no matter the morning market or the lunch market, the number of customers is increasing every day.

After so long, Wei Cheng wondered why the popularity is getting hotter and hotter.

The main reason is that there is a market near the wharf, which is a place for ship merchants to bring their goods and trade. Many people from the outer city and the inner city will go to the wharf market to find good things. They see people eating Weicheng The food at home looks delicious, so I inquire about the location of the food.

In this way, without publicity, the guests can automatically drive the passenger flow, resulting in an increase in the number of passengers, not a decrease.

There are also shopkeepers who go through the streets and alleys every day, which has a certain publicity effect, and the amount they sell every day has also increased appropriately.

Excluding Steward Chen's orders, there are seven to eight taels of profit every day, and the income of the stall is more than that of a small restaurant.

The business at the Weicheng stall is good, but there are no red-eyed people for the time being, and thanks to the scattered diners at the stall, it will not be noticeable to take it to the restaurant.

Customers who buy home will not attract the attention of rival merchants. Although they know that there is such a popular food stall and the number of customers in the restaurant is not small, they don't care.

It wasn't until the accounts were settled at the end of the month that they realized that the turnover had decreased, and they began to pay attention to it, and went to inquire about the news one after another.

Now, Wei Cheng's stall has not received any attention from anyone.

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