MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 263 Elf net cheat x grand judge

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In the black manor planted with green plants, Lin Suizheng used Yan Qin's skills after changing jobs in the wide space of the courtyard.

He made a red name, and used Yan Qin to test the effect of each skill and what kind of stacking skill could have the greatest effect under what circumstances.

Yan Qin has a thick blood bar, even if he stands still, it is not easy to kill him in seconds, but this is just right, giving Lin Sui a lot of room to play.

The black leaves that floated from the elf's fingers were full of ominous meanings and fell on the knight's armor.

The level difference and the characteristics of the knight's own profession, Lin Sui tried three complete sets of combo skills, and Yan Qin did not fight back, so he consumed his blood at the minimum blood line .

Yan Qin used the recovery potion to refill his own health bar, and stood obediently for Lin Sui to test his skills.

Seeing that Lin Sui has mastered all the skills of the dark elves, Yan Qin made a suggestion.

"Otherwise I'll take off the equipment and let you try again. You can deduce the resistance of other professions in the same way."

Your Excellency the presiding judge said this, and before Lin Sui nodded, he had already taken off the equipment.

The armor disappeared from the knight's body, leaving only a pair of game default black shorts.

The tall and straight body is full of powerful lines, the contours of the abdominal muscles are clear and distinct, and the mermaid line extends and disappears.

The speed of the dark elf's wings vibrating in mid-air slowed down, and the pale palm pressed against the knight's chest.

Lin Sui raised her eyebrows: "Don't you mean you will feel cold?"

The holographic game has an adjustable pain sensation. Before Lin Sui used his skills on Yan Qin, he had already adjusted the pain ratio to the lowest level.

However, other sensations attached to game skills cannot be adjusted, such as hot and cold temperature, these systems will set limits according to the different tolerance of each player.

Dark skills generally give people a cold feeling, and the skills of dark elves are no exception.

"With you, I won't be cold."

Yan Qin is not telling the truth, but telling the truth.

Lin Sui didn't even have to kiss him and step on him. He could feel the warmth when those smiling eyes stared at him.

The man's black eyes were full of seriousness, without any deliberate ambiguous description, but a contrasting honesty and cuteness.

It seems a bit contradictory to use the adjective cute for a tall, handsome man, but Lin Sui thinks it is the most appropriate.

Lin Sui's fingertips surrounded the sharp-edged leaves and landed on Yan Qin's skin.


The two leaves that caused these two wounds returned to the elf's fingers and turned into a rising mist.

"This skill can ignore the defense effect. When the number of stacks is enough, it can cause the detonation effect, but the special effect of the skill is like this. As long as the number of stacks is in, it will bleed."

Lin Sui found a set of new combo's blessing effect, through the leaves, you can add a buff to continuous blood loss, stack a number of layers every 3 seconds, as long as you stack more than 10 layers, you can Detonate, stack up to 30 layers.

Lin Sui snapped her fingers while watching the countdown on the skill.

Yan Qin's health bar was reduced by one tenth of the original value. Lin Sui estimated the numerical damage and felt that it could be used for an inconspicuous counter-kill.

After Lin Sui detonated her skills, the wounds on Yan Qin's face and neck stopped bleeding.

Due to the characteristics of the holographic game, the bloodstain will gradually disappear with the recovery of blood when the player stops being attacked.

Yan Qin did not use the recovery potion, but because his blood volume was still above his health, the dirt caused by the bleeding just now faded away, leaving only two slender wounds.

"Does it hurt?"

Lin Sui leaned over, her breath fell on Yan Qin's cheeks, and whispered over her wound.

Yan Qin could clearly feel the slight opening and closing of the lips above the scar. The fine itching seemed to spread from the surface of the skin to the subcutaneous tissue, and then rushed to the heart along the fine blood vessels.

Perception is almost numb, Lin Sui's low voice with a chuckle is infinitely amplified in the eardrum, covering all perceptions.

Yan Qin couldn't even shake his head, worried that his actions would disturb Lin Sui and break the atmosphere at the moment.

He answered with a little difficulty: "It doesn't hurt."

It really doesn't hurt, even in the bleeding state, because he has been paying attention all the time, he can feel the pain like being lightly pricked by a needle.

Lin Sui responded, and her fingers fell along Yan Qin's face, sticking to the side of Yan Qin's neck.

He tilted his head slightly, facing Yan Qin's eyes, and kept close to Yan Qin's chest.

The tip of the red tongue wet the blood on the neck, probably because the game senses did not load the information of blood, and Lin Sui did not taste any rust.

The elf's waist was held, and the wings vibrated because of the sudden fall.

The sky light in the black courtyard is cold and dim, making all light and shadow a little blurry.

On this continent full of fantasy elements, the sky is not as clear as blue.

But no one in the courtyard had the intention to observe this. The black translucent wings formed a sharp contrast with the color of the skin on the back of the youth.

The meandering water marks go up from the bottom, Lin Sui's hand is on the cold glass, watching the man behind her from the reflected shadow.

The dark elf's pointed wings seemed to be a soft treasure to a knight.

The wings are soft, and the fingertips of Lin Sui are reddish.

Due to the external perception, the dark elf's wings trembled slightly unconsciously. It was an arc that wanted to open and close, which made people feel devastated and pity.

This skill is being tested, and it is finally tested offline.

Lin Sui's left leg has regained consciousness, but her walking is not completely normal, but she can barely stand.

The cleaning robot dutifully cleaned the ward and the slightly messy bathroom.

"You can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

Yan Qin rubbed Lin Sui's calf. Compared with the bloodless white of the dark elves in the game, Yan Qin preferred Lin Sui's healthy state.

Lin Sui browsed the information of the Andish family and the Chen family, and responded.

Compared to the Lin family and Andy's family before they collapsed, Chen Qin's family is slightly smaller.

But Chen Qin's uncle, the husband of Chen Qin's father's younger brother, is the deputy head of the capital's Xingdong District.

Chen Qin's uncle is a third sex, and so is Chen Qin. He has a close relationship with this uncle, and he also met Andy and the original owner through his uncle.

From the original owner's memory, Lin Sui felt that Chen Qin's intentions for Andish were not concealed at all, but unfortunately the original owner did not see that Chen Qin was just using him as a springboard to approach Andish.

Fighting snakes and seven inches, since the Chen family's biggest reliance is the deputy head, it would be better to start with him.

Lin Sui put the information in the air and said to Yan Qin, "Help me check him."

Yan Qin glanced at him and said, "Want to do something to him? I can arrange it for you now."

Lin Sui's expression moved slightly, probably because he wanted to control, so everything would follow his own thoughts, and sometimes he would forget that his lover was the son of luck.

Although Lin Sui is stronger, she doesn't care too much about competing with her lover in this small world of nourishing souls. It is naturally good to have power that can be borrowed.

"Find him something first. If he's smart enough, he'll understand what's going to happen. If he's an idiot, it's fine."

Lin Sui and Yan Qin talked about her plan, Yan Qin nodded clearly.

The Chen family, who are far away in the capital star, know nothing of the turbulent undercurrent, and are happy that Chen Qin and Andy Xi will go to the star together.

"Do you have a definite relationship? Has he promised you anything?"

Chen Qin pretended to shake her head shyly, a little bored in the eyes of her family who hated iron.

In the past few days, he and Andy Xi have done what a couple would do, except for the last one, Andy Xi declined.

Chen Qin didn’t know if Andy Xi saw through the fact that he wanted to borrow the child to marry him. Anyway, the elaborate arrangement was unsuccessful. Andy Xi also reminded him to remember him after he came back. things to do.

Chen Qin finished dealing with her family, tossed and turned all night, and boarded the game the next day.

It was at this time that he discovered that Lin Sui had changed her job to a dark elf yesterday.

From a nanny to an output, Chen Qin could think that Lin Sui would be able to kill them more directly in the future.

Why does he have such luck, why can he become the first dark elf in the whole server?

Looking at the words on the forum and the world channel boasting about Lin Sui, Chen Qin looked at the ranks of only one player on the professional ladder, blushing almost bleeding.

Chen Qin was even more determined on what she was going to do, and repeated the belly draft she made last night in her heart.

Chen Qin wanted to apologize, but naturally it was impossible for him to apologize in private. He specially spent money to buy a loudspeaker, swiped three times in a row, and rolled the world channel to the top.

[Nianqing]: Lin, I'm sorry, I want to apologize to you

[Nianqing]: I apologize to you in person, please don't kill me or offer me a reward

【Nianqing】: I say sorry to you for everything I have done, I have recognized my mistakes

One stone can still stir up thousands of waves, not to mention that his stone has been hit three times.

The players of the world channel heard the melon, and notified their relatives and friends to watch the show one after another.

Today is a day off and there are more players online.

[I can really fight]: You'd better apologize sincerely, I'm speechless.

[Cool]: Oh, it's finally online after a few days. Do you realize your mistake, or are you afraid of being killed?

[Sweet Can Fly]: Everyone has to apologize, can you stop being so aggressive?

[Yi Meng]: I don't know why, but I smell a familiar tea smell.

Lin Sui came out of the dungeon and saw Chen Qin and Andi Xi standing next to the NPC in the dungeon, with members of the White Feather Guild behind them, and a large group of melon eaters.

The long-tailed cat said: "Wow, why are there so many people, is there any hidden mission in Devil Township?"

The long-tailed cat clicked on the NPC and did not see any extra options.

"It's not a hidden mission, I apologize."

"I want to say sorry to Lin."

"They said they wanted to apologize."

Lin Sui saw the message and heard the words of the melon eaters, so she figured out the situation.

This made him a little surprised, but thinking about the personalities and styles of these two people, it was unexpected.

If he wanted to apologize so loudly, he was only forced by the situation, not to mention that he didn't need their apology, he only needed them to pay the due price.

Lin Sui: "Hidden for a few days and finally willing to show up, what's the matter, I'm listening."

He said the first sentence with difficulty.

"I'm here to say sorry to you, it's my fault that I treated you like that before."

Both Chen Qin and Andy Xi knew that the person in front of them was Lin Sui, but they had no evidence. Since Lin Sui did not intend to bring the reality into the game, Chen Qin also did not intend to say it. , I simply recognized what Lin Sui said, and admitted that he had been chasing and insulting this account.

"I don't know that you are not the original account owner, I just wanted to vent my anger for my friends, for the original owner of your account once three times. My friend Tian Tian can fly, Tian Tian is beautiful. I don’t care about being kind, I think why should I let you go, that’s why I keep holding on to you.”

"Now you have proved that you are not the original owner, and I am sorry for the actions I did and the harm I caused you, but these are my own actions, and Anxi It doesn't matter, our two lovers are bound only because of a lover's mission, he is innocent, you chase me, there is no need to chase him."

"If chasing and killing me can't calm your anger, I can cancel the account and retire."

Chen Qin said with a sincere face that she was ready to sell the account with some pain in her heart.

A citizen ID card costs about the same.

To buy a game account, that's why he was so jealous of Lin Sui who could spend money freely.

In front of him, he looked at him like a clown, listening to him apologize here.

The sound of applause made Chen Qin stunned.

"It seems that the few days you haven't signed up have not been wasted."

Lin Sui of course knows that most of the public opinion in this world is biased towards the weak.

"It turns out that as long as there is a reason, you can arbitrarily abuse people and add justice to your actions. Think about what you have said and done, it is really these The so-called excuse?"

"Don't say your lover is so innocent, you two can tell me a lot of things to threaten me."

Lin Sui looked at Andish: "Aren't you going to say something for him?"

Andish knew that Lin Sui wanted to involve himself in this matter, he struggled: "This matter is indeed his fault first, I hope you can forgive him, so I Accompany him to apologize."

Lin Sui's tone pretended to be admiration, and the taunting value was full.

Still want to stand up, how can there be such a good thing in the world.

Lin Sui was too lazy to listen to Andy's words to clean up herself, and put her eyes on Chen Qin: "Okay, since you said the conditions yourself, you can either let me kill you for a month. , deliberately avoiding the game does not count, it adds up to a month, as long as you go online once, I will kill you until you go offline, like this."

Lin Sui rotates her fingers to instantly release combo skills.

Black leaves appeared out of thin air, surrounding the elf like a black storm, thousands of leaves pierced through the elf's body, when the leaves disappeared, only a layer of blood skin remained on Chen Qin's body.

The onlookers next to them let out exclamations of amazement, mainly because they had never seen the skills of the dark elves, so they all felt fresh.

"Either use the conditions you set out yourself, and withdraw the number, just now."

"In this case, I won't put a bounty on him again for this."

Andish seized the point and said, "I won't put a reward on me because of this, and it will be because of other things?"

Lin Sui sneered: "What if you come to me and embarrass yourself?"

Andish blushed and said coldly: "I won't, unless you do something too terrifying, I will look for you."

"Don't worry, you won't be too much."

Lin Sui looked at Chen Qin, raised her eyebrows and said, "Choose."

Chen Qin was in a state of turmoil, if he really wanted to be treated like this for a month, as long as he went online and then went offline, then he would rather not play.

"I choose the pin number."

Chen Qin will not cancel this account, but what is the difference between not being able to play this account and canceling it.

Lin Sui curled her lips: "Okay, don't let me see you online again."

"You can go."

The dark elf pulled the bow, and the black light arrow shot through the elf's heart emptied his health bar.

Yan Qin looked at Lin Sui's profile obsessively, fascinated by him.

Outside the game, Chen Qin fell to the ground, smashed her helmet on the ground, threw herself on the bed and cried.

Chen Qin's collapse Lin Sui didn't care, if he wanted to know about Chen Qin's behavior, he would definitely tell him that he cried early, this is not the end.

In the game, Lin Sui put away the bow and arrow in her hand.

He didn't speak, but moved his finger on the light screen in front of him.

The player cannot see the operation panel of other players, but through the behavior of the other player, you can know that the other party is looking at the panel or adjusting the backpack.

After finishing the operation, Lin Sui looked at Andish... the White Feather Guild players behind her.

"I created a guild, and you are welcome to join us, especially the players of the White Feather Guild."

Lin Sui chose the latter between letting Andish's guild change hands and destroying Andish's guild.

Let him watch with his own eyes the demise of the forces he built, becoming an irreversible castle in the air and a post-war ruin.

This is the best lesson for this kind of person who values ​​interests, and makes him lose what he cares about most.

In Lin Sui's code of conduct, doing bad things will not necessarily be punished by justice, but there is a high probability that they will be swallowed by greater evil.

When you step into this field, you must do this kind of awareness.

Andish quickly understood his intention and looked gloomy: "What do you mean?"

"Literally, I have promised that the old lover who paid for you will no longer offer a reward to you. Do you still want to intervene in my creation of a guild to advertise?"

"You are advertising my guild."

Lin Sui spreads her hands: "It is the player's freedom to choose where to go. Do you want to limit this freedom?"

The president of the Blue Star Guild made up for the knife: "That is, your White Feather Guild is so domineering, you can only enter but not exit?"

Andish looked at the people who were joking, and said in a mocking tone, "If you poach people from your guild, you will be indifferent?"

The necromancer smiled and said, "Thank you, the strongest in our guild is gone."

The moment Lin Sui finished speaking, Yan Qin had already withdrawn from the guild to apply for a new guild. He didn't want to go to work and could only watch his boss go without looking back.

What else can I do, I can only face it with a smile.

The onlookers were a hilarious laugh, this picture is really too happy.

Andy Xi was aphasia for a while, nonsense, these two people are lovers, if not for Sui An, he would not be so restricted.

Switching a guild is not a trivial matter, although the official only allows a thousand members of the highest-level guild to avoid being dominated by a single family in the game, but a large guild will usually branch, or form an alliance with a small guild, The bigger the guild, the more resources.

At present, Linsui's guild is only a first-level guild that can accommodate 100 people. Andishi is confident that the players in his guild will not choose Linsui's guild.

"If you can help me degenerate, then I will join."

A female elf came out behind Andish, and there were players who knew her.

"It's Zheyu."

Zhe Yu is also a veteran elf player. She is one of the first elf bosses who tried to degenerate but failed. In the past six months, she felt that the game was not interesting, so she was in a semi-retreat state, and the number of sales would not come again. Possibly, buying an account and practicing a trumpet would be a waste of time and energy. She would only come back occasionally to play guild battles and play some difficult books.

She only returned to the game after hearing the news from the entertainment news that the dark elves appeared, and suddenly found her interest in this game again.

It's just these two conditions, it's more difficult for her as a nanny player. It would be too unkind to ask others to give her a copy of the monster. Now that there is a possibility to open the conditions, of course she is willing .


"Of course, as long as your technique isn't too bad."

Lin Sui nodded, it was not difficult for him to help people fall.

Zhe Yu chose to quit the guild and walked to Lin Sui.

Andish clenched his fists tightly, this behavior of the other party was tantamount to slapping his face again.

"Zhe Yu, are you too reckless?"

"What's the old relationship between us? Are you trying to say that three years ago, in order for me to develop the guild with you, you greeted me every day, and then turned to talk to others about the ambiguous old relationship? "

"How did you explain the name of your guild to me, you won't forget it?"

Zhe Yu said with a smile: "Don't think that if you don't bind the relationship, if you don't say anything, you will do nothing. I was too lazy to say it.

Lin Sui watched the play with gusto, watched Andish's defenseless defense, and fled in embarrassment in the face of the pointing of the people around her.

Lin Sui chuckled lightly: "That's all I can do."

Yan Qin agreed: "That's right."

He is never absent when it comes to slaying his ex-fiancé.

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