MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 264 Elf net cheat x grand judge

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Zhe Yu couldn't help laughing when she heard what Lin Sui and Yan Qin said.

"President, when will it start?"

Zhe Yu just went online soon, and she didn't plan to delay the matter until the next day, so she looked at Lin Sui.

Lin Sui: "Let's start now, let's go to level 90 Corpse Sea."

Even Dark Wings can also be spawned in this dungeon. The Heart of Pollution can only be produced in this dungeon. This dungeon is the best choice for spawning corrupted products.

Zhe Yu: "Don't you need to deal with the guild?"

Zhe Yu knew that the affairs of the guild were a bit cumbersome to deal with, not to mention a new guild, there was a lot of work to do, not only personnel but also activity deployment, as well as various conditions and resource allocation.

"Do it later, don't worry."

There are a lot of players who just joined in the fun, and the applications received by Lin Sui have already exceeded the limit of 100 people. Lin Sui needs to do some screening and then set the conditions.

It is more difficult to manage and develop an organization than to create an organization. Lin Sui is a senior player in this field.

Zhe Yu saw that he had the rules in his heart and didn't speak again, just said: "I can help where I need, as long as I have enough time."

Lin Sui nodded and let Zhe Yu join the team.

The Lin Sui group of this brush book team are all acquaintances, Zhe Yu is a nanny, no need to recruit nanny, the rest are the knights responsible for pulling monsters, and the ones responsible for exporting are dark elves, thieves, Sage, Necromancer, Assassin and Alchemist, and a half-support, half-output mermaid for group buffs and monster damage reduction.

The dungeon is fully equipped with ten people, but the difficulty of the dungeon at level 90, and the strength of the players themselves, this team configuration has exceeded the standard.

Zhe Yu glanced at the team members, and felt that she was not here to help the poor, but to hug her thighs.

The corpse sea dungeon Lin Sui and them have been brushed many times, everyone has a tacit understanding of the distribution, the Zhe Yu milk is also very comfortable, and the team is quickly running in.

It's just the drop rate that is hard to say, even if it is recognized by the whole server that the Ouhuang Linsui who prayed to the dead branches on the same day, it is not the first day to brush it out.

Someone was going to rest in the middle, so Lin Sui changed to Summoner Kuku and other players who he thought were relatively good skills, until Zhe Yu's fatigue value almost reached the limit.

Zhe Yu gave Lin Sui and Yan Qin a thumbs up while cleaning up the item grid, and said, "Your mental power is really hard to keep up with."

The long-tailed cat panted and said: "Yeah, Brother Sui An will not say anything, he is simply inhuman, Brother Lin is a perverted character who rises ten or twenty levels a week, even in his heyday. I will also be willing to bow down.”

Sui'an's mental strength is strong and they are not surprised. After all, Sui'an is a person who needs to vent his energy in the copy to ensure a normal life, but Lin Sui really made them feel Differences in the world.

Zhe Yu was curious: "When was your heyday?"

She only heard about this thief's high game, and didn't pay much attention to it.

Long-tailed cat: "Now."

The big guy was amused by him, and he joked: "It's time for the children to go offline and do their homework."

"Today Saturday! No school tomorrow!"

How long have I not been so happy because of the game, not because I got some treasured props to clear some dungeons, but because I am happy with a group of players who are also in the game.

Yan Qin opened the screen to check the time, and said, "We should go offline, see you tomorrow."

I can really be puzzled: "Isn't this only eight o'clock in the evening, isn't it the time you usually go offline?"

Online dating and online dating, isn’t it just online dating? Even communication cannot achieve real-time interaction like a holographic game.

Lin Sui curled her lips: "He should go through the discharge procedures for me and take me home."


"Are you sick?"

"He did it for you?"

"Have you met long ago?"

"Are you going to live together?"

Everyone grasped different points, almost interpreting Lin Sui's sentence.

The most shocking non-necromancer is none other than the undead mage. As the current president of the Blue Star Guild and the secretary of the chief judge, Chi Yao, who also works in Litar Prison, understands this even more. what.

This is not a simple online dating, it seems to be rushing to get married.

The person in front of her is no longer a simple boss's wife, but a future judge's wife.

"Well, a little thing happened, it's all right now, and the rest is as you understand."

Lin Sui did not say what happened between the original owner and Chen Qin and Andish, not only there was no evidence, but also did not want to mix this identity with these two people in front of others, like He was a public figure in the last world, and he didn't choose to say what happened to the original owner. He doesn't need to let the public opinion judge, he will handle it himself. If people think of his name and think of a garbage person in the future, it's not something to make people feel Pleasant thing.

But this does not mean that he has to completely conceal the real information, there is nothing to hide in this identity.

As for the real relationship with Yan Qin, Lin Sui is not a person who will express this, but according to Yan Qin's sullen character, he doesn't know how much he expects , and he followed his will.

As expected, Lin Sui glanced out of the corner of the eye and could see Yan Qin's invisible tail shaking.

Everyone sent their best wishes, and the long-tailed cat quickly opened the private chat box to inquire before Yan Qin went offline.

[Long-tailed cat]: Didn't you say that the first time you met that day?

【Sui An】: Love at first sight.

The long-tailed cat let out a "wow", feeling a little envious in her heart, so you can have a very powerful bound teammate, so cool.

After playing the game, Lin Sui cooperated with the doctor to conduct a final examination.

"The recovery is in good condition. Take these three medicines once every other week. Usually pay attention to walking and exercising your left leg. Congratulations, you can be discharged from the hospital."

The doctor didn't say anything else, most of the patients in this hospital are felons or criminals with high IQ, and they will not have unnecessary communication.

Lin Sui had nothing to take with her, so she put on her game helmet and left with Yan Qin.

The Lithal Hospital is located outside the prison, with a corridor connecting to the prison.

Lin Sui watched Yan Qin verified three protective doors with different creatures, and there were four prison guards at the innermost end.

They raised their hands to salute Yan Qin, Yan Qin nodded and waited for Lin Sui to walk side by side with him.

The entire Litar Prison looks like a semicircle, and the public officials live in the outermost layer, and they need to take a small aircraft to commute.

Lin Sui saw a scene in the prison through the long corridor made of single-sided glass. It was a complete order, built on rules and shackles.

Lin Sui glanced at it and then retracted her gaze. There was no reaction. If there was any idea in his mind, it was probably that the single confinement ward in this prison was larger than he imagined. As cramped as he imagined, there was nothing left but a bed.

The narrower the bed seems to be more intimidating, but it is definitely not very comfortable to live in that way.

Lin Sui waved off the wild thoughts in her mind and followed Yan Qin into his room.

As the warden, his dormitory environment is wider than others, but it is limited to comparing with others.

The layout of three bedrooms and one living room, an almost idle kitchen, a relatively wide bathroom, in addition to the master bedroom, another room is a study, and another is a converted training room.

It can be seen that Yan Qin made some arrangements for this place, such as the throw pillows on the sofa that look out of place with the overall tone, the carpet that looks comfortable and expensive, the green plants on the windowsill, and Paintings on the wall.

Lin Sui didn't care much about these things, but he was very satisfied with the meaning revealed by Yan Qin's actions.

"I'll get you some water."

Lord Judge is a little restrained and cramped, clearly this is his domain, but there is some indescribable feeling of slight muscle sluggishness caused by rapid heartbeat.

I don't know if I am worried that Lin Sui is not satisfied here, or I am happy for the next cohabitation life.

"I can order ingredients if I want something to eat later."

Yan Qin wiped the kitchen counter with his fingers and heaved a sigh of relief after seeing no dust, completely forgetting that he had specially asked the smart assistant to clean the house before going out yesterday.

"It's up to you," Lin Sui stepped on the red carpet wearing white socks and looked at Yan Qin who was standing in the kitchen, "Nutrition solution is also fine."

"If none of these," Lin Sui's voice rose slightly, she tilted her head slightly and smiled, "I believe you can also feed me."

There is no need to use a rhetorical tone, it is enough to achieve the effect he wants to see.

Yan Qin's Adam's apple moved slightly, and he took a sip of water from the glass in his hand unnaturally.

Lin Sui stretched out her hand and said innocently: "I remember this glass of water is for me."

Yan Qin reacted and handed it out subconsciously, but then took it back and said, "I'll pour you another glass."

"No outside."

Lin Sui raised her hand and licked the water stain off her lips.

Yan Qin told herself that Lin Sui had just been discharged from the hospital. According to the information he had checked before, he should prepare a romantic candlelight dinner first.

And there are many kinds.

But even with that in mind, he still bought a batch of candles to store.

Lin Sui strolled around Yan Qin's house with great interest, inspecting the area where she would live in the future.

When the study door was opened, the voice of the smart assistant rang.

Ann: "Hello, unfamiliar beautiful man, first meeting, I am the master's intelligent assistant, you can call me Ann."

"Your identity information has been scanned and entered successfully, and you can enter and leave this house at will."

"Nice to meet you, and if I have a physical presence, you can see me welcome you in circles."

This artificial intelligence made Lin Sui think of the interstellar world he had been in before. This slightly familiar atmosphere made him have to think of the Morning Frost Sword. Maybe this is part of the consciousness of the Morning Frost Sword?

Yan Qin, who thought the intelligent assistant was a bit embarrassing, stopped Ann from speaking again, and explained to Lin Sui: "It has been expanded into the database, and it seems that some strange things have been entered, don't worry about it."

Lin Sui chuckled lightly and stood in front of the desk, sliding her fingers unconsciously, and a light screen appeared in front of her eyes.

There is still a web page that has not been closed, and Lin Sui read out the content above: "Some things that the partner must do for the first time..."

It was too late for Yan Qin to stop her, so she could only look at Lin Sui pretending to be calm.

Lin Sui couldn't help laughing when she thought of his serious and solemn attitude of studying these things and doing so.

"The first one, prepare a romantic candlelight dinner... You don't have candles ready, do you?"

Yan Qin nodded honestly: "It's ready, it's in the cabinet in the living room."

Lin Sui returned to the living room and saw a small box of candles that Yan Qin took out.

Even if every dinner is lit with candles, the number of candles should be enough for them to eat dinner for a month.

It's a strange and incomprehensible romance, Lin Sui understands that he doesn't understand the connotation of candlelight dinner.

"Perhaps you don't know where the candlelight dinner is necessary?"

Yan Qin hesitated for a while, but nodded.

He is not good at deceiving in areas he does not know, especially in front of Lin Sui.

"I'll teach you," Lin Sui glanced at the instructions on the box, and said to Yan Qin, "I'm going to take a bath, and before I come out, I will light these candles scatteredly, and after lighting , don't turn on the lights."

In the interstellar age, the temperature of these improved candles is not enough to ignite flammables, and the circulating air supply system can also ensure the normal flow of air.

Yan Qin complied, and it might look better if you carefully study where these candles are placed and lit.

Because Litar Prison is located on the edge of the interstellar line, the night will come earlier and longer than other planets.

After the white cold light was extinguished, only a faint dim yellow remained.

Sixty candles were placed all over the living room, and Yan Qin even put some in the bedroom.

These indistinct, hazy lights did not give Yan Qin any special feeling. He only felt that the room was too dark, and he calculated the impact of long-term exposure to such light on human vision.

But when the young man walked out of the bathroom with bare feet, Yan Qin thought about nothing.

Beads make all color contrasts more vivid.

The sweet and warm fragrance filled Yan Qin's surroundings as the young man approached, and his every step seemed to be stepping on Yan Qin's heart.

There is no need for Lin Sui to open her mouth, Yan Qin also understands the role of candles in candlelight dinners, and it is something that cannot be replaced by excessively bright lights.

Visual language is sometimes far more straightforward than language, no need to express or analyze, you can see the inside of the sweet fruit, and then pick it without hesitation.

If the young people in the game are charming dark elves full of depravity and danger, then the real young people are hunters who only live on the bottom of the sea. After the beautiful mermaid comes ashore, the beautiful fish The tail turned into two legs, clearly not walking on the tip of the knife, but at a certain moment it also brought a pitiful fragile state.

The damp water vapor evaporated due to body temperature, and the legs on the dark red long-haired carpet were slightly bent.

Lin Sui did not eat at night, but at this point he was not very hungry. After the loss of physical strength, the perception of hunger was also covered by other sensory responses.

Occasionally, a patrol aircraft flew by with a bright light, like a trailing meteor.

The special molecular material wraps the periphery, and those patrolling soldiers cannot see other things in the eternal night.

Lin Sui watched the aircraft go away in the haze, and the fingers holding Yan Qin's shoulders tightened unconsciously.

Time goes by and it's hard to know what day it will be.

Lin Sui picked up the candle that was still burning, and slipped her fingers over the fire.

Low temperature candles do not cause excessive burns and keep the temperature within a reasonable range.

"Unfortunately not red."

Lin Sui's hand tilted slightly, and the wax oil in the candle dripped onto his fingers along the arc, forming light blue spots.

Yan Qin was puzzled: "Red?"

"Red is good-looking, and the others are almost meaningless."

Lin Sui picked out an off-white candle and let the tears fall on Yan Qin's body.

Yan Qin didn't understand what he meant, but he secretly remembered this in his heart, and then he understood what Lin Sui meant by being good-looking.

He also understood the meaning of the last item in the information he consulted, the last item of "Some Things You Must Do When Your Partner Comes to Your Door", is to let people act according to chance and play at will.

Yan Qin had not used the kitchen since he moved in, and the first night he was going to use it was also postponed for important reasons.

But it doesn't matter, his guests are still satisfied.

Lin Sui touched her slightly bulging belly and said lazily, "I'm full."

He was quite an arsonist who didn't think it was a big deal, even if he set fire to himself, watching Yan Qin fall into a complete mental riot.

For Lin Sui, love is the cage that he cannot break free.

So he wanted this single confinement room to be narrow and cramped, and every inch could only leave traces of him.

His wishes are like honey and sugar to Yan Qin, almost ecstatic.

At noon the next day, Yan Qin's small kitchen was used for the first time.

Yan Qin doesn't know how to cook, but he thinks it shouldn't be difficult, after all, there are tutorials, and everything has a precise ratio.

The first attempt was very successful, Yan Qin ordered a lot of ingredients, and lived a life of cooking cold noodles after get off work.

Lin Sui is running on multiple lines. He asked Yan Qin to cause some trouble for Chen Qin's uncle, the deputy head of the district, and then asked Yan Qin to search for the original owner who had plastic surgery and entered the game. He didn't need to worry too much about these two things, as long as he waited and kept up with the progress, it was the other two things that cost him more time and energy.

One thing is to analyze the places where the Andish family and the two families who set up the Lin family can start and use it together. This requires a lot of information and is more laborious. The other thing is It is to deal with things in the game, which is not so complicated compared to the former.

Lin Sui's daily routine is to bring Zheyu's book, control the value to help her take monsters, and don't worry about killing players, after all, red names can't be opened randomly, when will there be a faction war or a guild war , there are opportunities.

In fact, the arena can also kill players, but Lin Sui thinks that this may not be officially judged, because death in the arena will not increase the fatigue value, and the meaning of death in the game is not the same .

In addition to the daily leveling, Lin Sui spent a long time in the guild, and the initial resource development goals and management lineup were allocated.

In addition to the leader, a first-level guild can set up a vice-chairman and four administrators.

Lin Sui gave the vice president to Yan Qin, and the four managers were the assassin 'I can really fight', the elf 'Zhe Yu', the alchemist 'Yi Meng', the elf 'Yu' Jun'.

Yi Meng's participation surprised Lin Sui, after all, the other party is also a full-level alchemist, and there was a guild in the past. Apart from writing books together, there is no personal friendship between them. Except for this layer, There is only a relationship between Yi Meng, the bitter master of online fraud, and Lin Sui, the current holder of the online fraud account.

The answer to this one is: "It's interesting to see you two in love, and I'm happy to see the two of you together."

In modern times, this person is probably a Buddhist CP fan.

As for Yujun, she is only in the forty-fifth grade, she is not too old, she is younger than the long-tailed cat, but she is very active and does some logistical work well, so Lin Sui only She brought it up. She joined the guild in the hope that she could learn the nanny's technique with Lin Sui and be inspired to become a famous big nanny on the list.

Although Lin Sui has become a dark elf now, it does not prevent her from asking questions. Lin Sui will give some pointers and occasionally check her learning results.

Everything is developing as Lin Sui expected. After the guild is on the right track, Lin Sui is no longer in a hurry to level up. In addition to typing books, activities and guild activities in the arena.

When Yan Qin is not there, he will play the single arena, and when Yan Qin is there, he will play the double arena. Because of their technique and level, they scored very fast in the arena, and sometimes their opponents would choose to shoot the next shot directly when they saw them.

When Lin Sui was about to drive again, Yan Qin held his hand.

"What's wrong?"

Yan Qin pursed her lips and asked softly, "There's a new skin box in the system mall, it's a couple suit, you can wear it if you're bound to a lover relationship, do you want it?"

In reality, not a couple can wear a couple outfit, but this is not the case in this game, a couple outfit can only be purchased by players who are bound to a lover relationship.

Lin Sui then remembered what he had neglected, Yan Qin was by his side, he did ignore the lover relationship binding in the game.

Because Yan Qin retired from the Blue Star Guild, the original six-winged Pegasus now has no chance to sit. Lin Sui summoned her warhorse mount, invited Yan Qin to ride together, clicked on the map, found the NPC, and turned on automatic pathfinding.

Yan Qin always had a smile on his face, even in front of the contract NPC, he still had a restrained smile.

Lin Sui called him several times before he came back to his senses and looked at Lin Sui intently.

"Look at him."

Yan Qin obediently looked at the contract NPC and saw the prompt on the top of the light screen.

【Dear player, are you willing to form a lover relationship with player 'Lin', once formed... 】

Yan Qin didn't even read the text behind, hesitating for a second was a waste of time.

Read The Duke's Passion