MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 262 Elf net cheat x grand judge

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The entire forest of elves has become a sea of ​​question marks, no matter whether it is flying in the sky and running on the ground or turning into a skeleton, it is a question mark face.

"I can't believe it, Mike, is this really happening?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it's true."

"Damn it, what kind of a once-in-a-century European emperor is this? Is this reasonable?"

"Go and call that blacksmith and let him see what real luck is!"

"Hahaha, what a loss, Concubine Tie Guifei, your luck is behind you."

Lin Sui looked at the dropped item in her hand and clicked on the item description, it was indeed what she wanted to collect.

The dead branch of the elf mother tree is a dead branch, and it is not special because it falls from the elf mother tree.

Lin Sui was also a little surprised. After all, he was never a lucky player, and he didn't expect to be favored at this time.

This gave him an estimate of the success rate of the next corruption. He had some confidence in his heart, but now he has a little more.

Lin Sui adjusted the time and estimated Yan Qin's departure time.

This kind of moment has to be watched. According to Yan Qin's character, he will not miss it.

In fact, before Yan Qin witnesses, Yan Qin will not have any complaints.

But it's just a few hours of waiting time. As far as Lin Sui is concerned, this time can't be compared with Yan Qin's mood at all. It's a good deal to use this time to exchange the joy of your lover. .

So he slowly put the things into the item grid, and asked, "The oath of the rose in the level 100 instance, is there a team?"

"Boss, don't you just go straight to corruption?"

"What kind of book do you have at this time, hurry up and go to the land of exile!"

"Is this the legendary emperor who is not in a hurry for the eunuch?"

"You are the eunuch."

Lin Sui said calmly, "Sui An hasn't gotten off work yet."

As soon as these words come out, you can hear the wailing and barking.

"Damn it, I was shown."


"Sui An, I order you to leave work immediately! I want to see the job transfer scene!"

"The market is open and the market is open. Buy it and leave it. Before the results come out, everyone press quickly."

"The world channel is crazy, hahaha, the guild group and the relatives and friends are shocked. Many elf bosses are on their way on horseback."

The sky in the Elf Forest seemed a little dim, Lin Sui stood in the center of her eyes and nodded hello to several senior players on the Elf ladder list.

"Stay out of the way! Our president is here!"

"Don't squeeze me! Who is your president! It's useless to come here today."


"Disrespectful and disrespectful, it turned out that there were no dead branches after praying for a year. In the end, the officials couldn't stand it and gave it to him. It's still a failed dwarf boss who changed jobs."

"Why are you shouting so loudly! Don't you want to lose face when you fight the blacksmith sauce!"

"I would really call for help, I would die of laughter."

Addicted to blacksmithing, I didn't have any special reaction when I heard that an elf player brushed out the last water of the Styx.

After all, there are so many elves who want to try every year, but when he was bombarded by news, everyone told him that the elf just brushed out the water of the Styx to pray for blessings, and the elf mother tree fell When the dead branches were left, the dwarf iron stopped hitting, and it was teleported with a hammer.

The ground vibrated faintly because of the rumbling sound, and the sun was covered by large shadows. The dwarf jumped from the aircraft and looked at the elf standing in front of him.

"The dead branches came out just after you prayed?"


Lin Sui looked down at the talking dwarf, the dwarf's stature is not high, but it does not make people feel weak.

"Can you show me?"


Lin Sui took the dead branch from the inventory and handed it to the gnome.

In the central open space with the crowd as the background wall, this scene was screen-recorded by countless players, and then spread wildly. To express that people's encounters are not the same.

"I cried, how about you?"

"I would call it an immoral joke."

"Hahahahaha I'm sorry I really laughed hahahaha."

"I was in a bad mood today, but when I saw this picture, the corners of my mouth really rose."

"I even suspect that the blacksmith will pick up the hammer in his hand and smash the elf mother tree in the next moment, directly pulling us back to the year of racial melee."

The dwarf returned the item in his hand to Lin Sui with a face full of vicissitudes. He walked towards the elf mother tree with a hammer, and then gave it a slap on the tree.

The elf mother tree was motionless, like a silent mockery.

"At this moment, the DNA engraved in the bones of the dwarf moved."

"The dwarf player thought about it and said, in fact, it is not impossible to fight again."

Generally, other players do this to the elf mother tree, and the elf players must condemn it, but now they feel sympathy and amusing.

Indulging in blacksmithing felt a little better, looked at Lin Sui and asked, "Aren't you going to perform the ritual of depravity?"

He wants to see if this person can succeed. With such good luck, maybe he will succeed.

The enthusiastic audience explained: "He's waiting."

Addicted to the iron and puzzled: "Who are you waiting for? You don't need a team for this?"

"Wait for his lover."

"President, you don't have a lover, he has."

"Why do you ask the blacksmith, the whirling knife will cut itself?"

Indulge in blacksmithing and look at the crowd, showing a slightly sinister smile: "Sledgehammer, if you thought you were in the crowd, I didn't know that you said that sentence just now, waiting for the material fee to turn over. times."

Sledgehammer Eighty: "..."

Fifty Hammer: "I told you to stop talking."

Yan Qin logged into the game after get off work and found that the private chat box was very lively today.

[Long-tailed cat]: Brother, you finally got off work, come to the forest of elves.

[Living]: [Coordinates]

[Cool]: Brother, come to your partner! You are the man whose full service is waiting to get off work today!

The world chat channel is also sending out a good news, saying that Mr. Suian is finally off work and going online.

Yan Qin was a little confused. After taking a look at the world chat box, he probably understood what was going on, and the smile on his lips widened unconsciously.

Is Asui waiting for him?

The feeling of being cared about made the restrained presiding judge couldn't help smiling, and when he teleported to the elf, he quickly passed.

In Lin Sui's perspective, it looks like a large hound running happily with its tail wagging.

He flew to Yan Qin's side, Yan Qin raised his hand and hooked his leg ring.

The place where the elves degenerate is the place of exile, in the depths of the forest of elves.

After Lin Sui collected all four items, a job transfer reminder appeared in the task bar. Lin Sui invited Yan Qin to join the team and clicked on automatic pathfinding.

When the elf's wings fly, there will be traces of light green light spots left, and when new light spots appear, the old light spots will disappear.

Yan Qin followed the steps of the elf and entered the depths of the forest.

The players also followed, but the degenerate place is an independent scene, they can only wait outside.

The place of exile is dark, there is no light here, and the surrounding scene cannot be seen clearly.

Lin Sui approached, condensed a light green light with the skills of the elf, and saw the engraving on the altar.

"Best homage to Crimson, my lord forever."

In the background of the story, the dark elves abandoned their belief in the goddess of life and turned to the embrace of the crimson goddess.

Lin Sui placed the four items in the item grid on the altar according to the guidelines.

Four items floated around the altar.

As they turned, they got closer and closer, and when they were about to merge, a dazzling light erupted.

Lin Sui's eyes fell into darkness, but he was sure that he did not close his eyes, it should be the scene effect.

A hand suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, pale, thin, with almost dry skin.

"I've been waiting for you, new believer."

The man with the black cloak whispered, he looked at Lin Sui, and took off the hood with almost bone-like hands.

His face is delicate, in sharp contrast to the skin of his hands.

spotted white hair, black eyes, and a face surrounded by death, making people feel that his life is about to dry up.

The most striking thing is his pair of pointed ears, which are unique symbols of the elves.

Dark Elf, Lanka.

"Follow me."

Lanka turned and headed deeper into the exile.

Lin Sui looked around, followed his pace, and entered a CG animation with narration.

Hundreds of years ago, the racial melee started by the gods caused tragedy on the continent.

The gnome took the puppet through the barrier and stepped into the forest of elves.

The dark elves wanted to take the opportunity to leave, but the puppets of the gnomes did not care about the difference between light and darkness, and had no life, and carried out the orders of the maker.

Lanka found the teleportation array and went to the other side of the endless sea, the wildness wrapped by the Naruoyi Mountains.

At that time, the beast **** had just driven away the invading undead race. As a dark elf, Lanka's dark elements were equally repelled, so he had to infiltrate the undead team and traveled through the whole A continent, from the northernmost wilderness to the southernmost kingdom of the dead.

As a living being, although it is also a member of the dark element force, Lanka is still repelled by many undead creatures.

However, Lanka still met a partner who can communicate, a lich, they have a common desire to go to a better world, such as the human kingdom.

Following in the footsteps of the lich and the undead knight, he invaded the southern end of the human territory, and even took a small city as his own and became the master here.

But the war will always subside, and suddenly one day, all the gods are silently hidden, the believers can no longer hear the instructions, they can feel that the gods have not disappeared, but they can no longer listen to Not the will.

They can't find a way to go or return, and they can only get their final fate in the melee.

As God's apostles, angels and demons disappear.

The increasingly rare dragons returned to the island of heaven, the undead were driven back to their original territories, and Lanka was forced to hide.

He became an ethereal shadow, occasionally causing some disputes and confusion, and as time passed, his life was approaching the countdown.

No race can live forever, in the face of death, the rich and the poor are equal.

"Fortunately, I have waited for you, believers who still choose to throw themselves into the arms of our Lord under the praise of the light."

"Destroy everything, after all, no life can last forever."

"Here is my best wishes for crimson."

The dark elf's fingers spread a black breath, surrounding Lin Sui's body.

Lin Sui saw that her skills had changed. The skills icons that were originally green had all become black and red.

The description of the skill has been changed, and all healing skills have been converted into offensive skills, one of which is damage to the enemy, and can be used to add blood to the teammates, but it will be accompanied by Debilitating effect.

The characters who are milked by the dark elves will be more likely to accept the anger of monsters.

Lin Sui thinks this must be a bad taste of planning, the blackened version of the nanny, it is impossible to save people, and while giving you some milk, she will also make you unhappy.

In Yan Qin's perspective, after Lin Sui placed the item on the altar, her body floated in mid-air and closed her eyes.

Yan Qin knew that Lin Sui should have entered the CG, and stood under the elf quietly waiting for the end of the plot.

This effect should be successful, Yan Qin was already happy for Lin Sui in advance.

He knows that Lin Sui prefers the feeling of output compared to the profession of nurse.

As a knight, he didn't want Lin Sui to continuously input healing power for himself behind him, and let himself fight in front of him.

He was fortunate that he had chosen the profession of knight, so he could stand in front of Lin Sui, absorb damage for Lin Sui, and let him output freely.

This is the meaning of loyalty and life for knights.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the elf in front of me was suddenly shrouded in a black mist.

His skin seemed to be soaked with ink, and his green hair and wings, which were full of life, were dyed black.

The ink that was applied to his skin gradually faded, like the ink marks that were washed away by water.

The skin of the elf is still fair, but compared to the light elf, the complexion is morbidly pale and full of dead white, full of decadence and depravity.

The lips became more and more red in this contrast, as if they were coated with a thick layer of blood.

The original translucent green wings have become translucent black patterns, and the shape of the wings has also changed. It used to be rounded like a butterfly, but now it has become more sharp.

Yan Qin looked at it seriously and saw the dark elf open his eyes.

The original blue eyes turned black, and red leaf-like patterns were faintly visible.

Yan Qin inexplicably felt that this kind of elf image was more in line with Lin Sui than the previous light elf appearance.

Compared with the peace and friendship of the light elves, the dark elves appear very dangerous, with arrogance and indifference that can even be said to be conceited.

"Does it look good?"

Lin Sui asked a little carelessly. He lowered his head and stepped lightly on Yan Qin's lips with his toes.


Yan Qin looked at him intently, no matter what Lin Sui looked like, she had an irresistible attraction.

He didn't hide his obsession, he held the dark elf's slender ankle and nibbled with his toes.

The dark elves looked down at their knights condescendingly, with a touch of joy in their eyes.

Absolute intimacy is not allowed in the game, but outside the rules, there is still love.

Lin Sui replaced all the equipment on his body. His original equipment attribute bonus was healing, but now he only needs to stack attacks.

He was preparing for this matter before, arranging all the equipment that could be used.

[Character]: Lin

[Race]: Elf/Dark

[Level]: 82/100

[Main Weapon]: Forbidden Staff [Level 95/Universal]

[Secondary Weapon]: Forbidden Bow [Level 95/Universal]

[Top]: Taboo Robe [Level 95/Universal]

[Bottom]: Mingxi Leg Chain [Level 100/Rare]

[Shoes]: Iris Ankle [Level 95]

[Necklace]: Oath of Roses [100/Universal]

Lin Sui did not replace the leg chain, and the defense value was also increased horizontally and vertically. In addition, it was sent by Yan Qin, so it can be used temporarily until more suitable equipment is encountered.

Gold has an exceptional contrast with cool white, and when it looms around the knight's neck, the contrast is even more striking.

Black and red, white and gold.

In the land of exile, there is no romantic moonlight, but there are enough long-lasting kisses.

Outside the Exiled Lands, the full server announcement has made players boil.

[The hidden profession has been opened, and the new profession - elf/dark elf is open. 】

[The Dark Elf profession on the ladder list has been opened, players are invited to compete to be on the list. 】

These two messages were played in a loop on the loudspeakers of the whole server, causing a heat wave.

As the most popular holographic online game in the interstellar age, this incident quickly made entertainment news.

Everyone looked at the only player on the dark elf ladder, paid high respect and shock, and began to wonder how he did it.

[Indulge in Blacksmithing]: What exactly is that element! !

[Counseling]: Are the officials mocking us? Let us actively strive for the list, can we change jobs?

[I have milk]: The elves are crazy, it turns out that there are really dark elves in this world! The official does not deceive me!

[I can really play]: ah ah ah ah ah I know! Lin Lin is the best! Dark Elf! !

[Show me in my mouth]: Although there is one less nurse in the world, there is one more assassin.

【Like me one by one】: What exactly is that element...

【Cool】: Catch a big guy!

When they heard the news of the appearance of the dark elves, the officials started an announcement with great joy. Their information has been built into it for a long time, and finally there is a day to open it.

Many elf bosses who tried and failed at first, whether they retired or changed jobs, have all returned after seeing this news.

Thousands of words came together into one sentence: How did this succeed!

The place of exile was crowded with players. When Lin Sui and Yan Qin came out, all they saw were densely packed heads.

Lin Sui is accustomed to all kinds of eyes. Although Yan Qin is prepared, he doesn't like so many people watching Lin Sui, and he blocks Lin Sui behind him. Soon to be charged.

"Get out of my way!!"

"Don't squeeze me, show me!"

"Sure enough, just like the image on the character panel, black eyes, black hair and black wings, so cold and charming."

"Can you let him sit on your shoulders so I can see better?"

Lin Sui sat on Yan Qin's shoulder, let everyone look at it, and told them their guesses.

"This element may have two conditions, one is to kill enough people, the other is to kill enough monsters, I can't judge whether the element is one or two, or both."

The dark elf played with the black bow and arrow in his hand, and said lightly: "Because I have done both."

An understatement, but an absolute bombing effect.

"So handsome..."

"Damn it, I've actually been intoxicated."

"I finally know why he has the first object on the list. Before that, I was very envious of him, and now I am very envious of Suian."

“Wife look at me!”

Yan Qin clicked on the red name and raised the lightsaber in his hand.

"Who said that?"

Everyone pretends to be stupid, you look at me, I look at you and no one speaks.

And those who really want to degenerate or want to study, do not participate in this kind of dispute, but are carefully pondering.

Dark elf is the betrayer of the goddess of life, the dogma of the goddess of life is to be friendly to nature and love life.

The element of depravity should be to have enough life on hand.

It can also be seen from the CG story that the official thought of setting this up.

The reason why the official did not tell everyone the necessary elements of degeneration is that since players who kill as a nanny have already met the conditions for degeneration, they are naturally a member of the dark elves.

If players don't do this, it means that they still love life, and there is no reason to degenerate.

Players figured it out and began to sharpen their knives.

"What the **** is this?"

"If I kill someone, what else do I have to do with the wizard, I'll just play the output."

"Maybe the official reason is the same. Since you want to play as a nurse, why do you have to be depraved."

"Suddenly it makes sense."

"Please, the dog planning really doesn't consider how low the damage of the elf is, not everyone is a numerical calculator like Lin."

"No wonder there are so few dark elves in the past. If it wasn't for the average person, he couldn't do it."

"I now finally understand what it means when everyone praises him for being strong."

"I want a solo, I want to try the skills of the dark elves."

Lin Sui's system is even a little stuck, because his account has accepted too many friend requests in an instant, and it is too stacked to be seen.

"I have to familiarize myself with this skill first, see you in the arena when I have a chance."

Lin Sui bowed her head and said to Yan Qin, "Let's go."

Six-winged Pegasus neighed, and the single-player madman on the single-player list touched his chin: "You said that being his lover will give you priority to get the right to solo?"

"Brother, let's fight Suian first, be careful he will kill you."

One-on-one maniac: "I'm not afraid, just play, he never plays single-player, I'm still looking forward to it, you say if I call my wife a word, he will come to play me?"

The next second, he received an invitation to the single-player arena PK.

Inviter: Sui An.

After the one-on-one maniac agreed, he entered a separate arena and geared up.

The first time he failed, he felt that he had missed Jingzhou carelessly, so he initiated it again.

He became more and more cautious and absorbed, but unfortunately he still failed.

The other party's mental power is too powerful, and the consumption is far less than his.

After four failures like this, he doubts life.

He immediately started a single game by himself. After winning the opponent through various positioning awareness techniques, he regained a little self-confidence and clicked on the world channel.

[I can really fight]: Brother, everyone else is fighting for the right to be a spouse, only you are fighting for the right to solo.

Read The Duke's Passion