MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 246 I am a good emperor (7)

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"There is still more power."

The emperor in the uniform was praised by the brothers and sisters. The smile on his face was more smug. He put the three scorpions back into the sieve in front of the two, and quickly lifted them up in front of the two.

The sieve fell on the table, and Wei Mingyan took a mysterious smile and slowly opened the sieve, which was empty.

Zhao Shuzheng exclaimed, and the little girl who had been sitting in the chair couldn’t help but squat, holding the sifting inside and outside, and waited until I saw that the three scorpions were really missing, and the clear eyes were full of surprise.

"How can you not be seen?"

"Come and come, I will change them back."

Zhao Shuqing quietly looked at the emperor's happy smile and took the sieve. He silently looked at him and swayed it, shaking it, the large sleeves connected with the sieve, and then fell on the table, the three dice inside. It’s back.

Looking at the younger sister again, I hope that the look of Wei Mingyan has completely disappeared before the restraint, and the bright light is like a starry sky.

Oh, you can only marry this ancient native.

Zhao Shuqing did not dismantle the stage this time. He rarely saw the children so happy. After all, it was the ancient people who were so good, so they could relax when they were young. When they grew up, they couldn’t leave the door, not to mention today. I went out to play with them.

This child, sensible, makes people feel bad.

Think about it this way, a husband who loves to play, maybe a good thing for a nephew.

It would be better if it was not so old.

The battle downstairs has been divided. Although Lang Su was defeated, he was not depressed and angry. Instead, he took several of them together and gave them to the big man.

Originally just watching the lively people see the white | flower | the silver of the two actually gave it out, suddenly made a few noises.

They have come to have fun during this time. In the past three days, no one can win. Those Lang Jun still have no feeling in their hearts. Now, when someone wins, they get silver two, and they immediately want to move.

So silver, but they can't get it for ten years.

At the moment, there are a few people who have the strength to make a hard training in the weekdays. Isn't it also the strength to work in anyway?

The rest of the Lang Jun’s hearts were still a bit lost. After all, they were also studied by the masters of the martial arts. As a result, even the people who had never learned can beat, but they watched the people who were giving the silver two loudly. Appreciate, and I feel contented.

It was only during the practice of martial arts that it was a bit harder.

From this day on, the audience under the martial arts platform is not less. Every time these Langjuns go up to practice, some people follow the school underneath. They have no money to ask the master, but this is the only way.

Lang Jun’s heart has a lot of fun to be a teacher. If you see someone doing the action, it will be a bit of a good point. After a long time, these children will get together and not be like everyone before. Avoiding them, they all looked at them with some reverence.

These young Langjuns were originally considered to be a tyrant in Beijing. It was like two people who were facing each other on the street. It was also possible to play through the streets. Although there was no blood, it was not good. of.

It has been built since the practice of the martial arts field. There is always a group of people who have nothing to do when they are ok. They follow their learning style. If they are walking down the street, they can be called out who is the little Lang Jun, as if they were all They have all entered the battlefield and become the heroes of the defending Liu Guo.

In fact, there are actually practicing martial arts in the government. After all, it is not a costly thing. Most of the family is petting. Since the public has been on the public martial arts field for a few days, no matter how cold the weather is, Xiaolangjun must start. Early in the morning, come to this training field to show your grace.

Being so high, these Langjuns now pay more attention to the image and pay more attention to the image. They are just like a sense of justice in the whole world. They must always stare at what can happen in Beijing. They are bullying the people. They can now It is famous, and the people seem to regard them as ready-made grand lords. If there is any hardship, they must ask the younger brothers to take the lead with tears.

Originally it was just a small fight, but on a certain day, a few Lang Jun walked down the street and saw the pickpockets. They found a nesting nest, and they were also born with a burdock. They were not afraid of the tiger. A group of people discussed it and went straight to it. The night smeared into the yard, and I plan to come to the public and get it.

Where can I get it, in the yard, I closed a doll that was stolen from a house.

Lang Jun are all stupid. After some fighting, the elders in the family are a shun of the Shuntian government to go back for help. In the end, the dolls are rescued. Half of the house in Kyoto in the middle of the night lights up.

This incident is very troublesome, and the elders in the family have all come out of the government.

They are also clever. When they touched the place during the day, they agreed to turn over the wall at night. They didn’t mention it to the family at all. They sneaked out in the middle of the night, or sneaked to fight with the thief. If there is a mistake, Got it!

Lang Jun did not notice the anger in the eyes of the elders in the family. They also felt that they had done a good deed, and they happily followed home.

On the second day, there was no one on the training field.

They all smashed and squatted at home.

These groups of people have nothing to do all day long, and those elders who have been tossed in the middle of the night can still go early.

So the next day, Wei Mingyan was on the front of the old ministers with dark circles.

He was happy. "The last night's business has also been heard. I want Liu Guo to be like this. If the comrades are only playing, it is not good. They are so heroic, the reward!"

Therefore, the Emperor Xuanyi rewarded them with a larger training field.

This is simply to encourage them to be good at it.

Several old ministers have suffered in their hearts. They have just decided to keep their children in the government. As long as they don’t think about going to the battlefield all the time, they can do whatever they want, and what kind of fighting is it.

But the juniors who liked to play together in the past are just like the magic barriers. They are not the ones who have been trained by the martial arts masters before. Now they are not practicing martial arts in the whole world, or they are on the way to practicing martial arts.

In particular, there are many younger people in the family. In the past, they were more than the clothes than the ones who are more interested in the elders. Now it is no match. In the whole day, it is more than the equivalent. The addiction is not enough to describe.

Now, even the squats have begun to support, and those little scorpions have not turned over.

I am suffering in my heart.

Thinking, several old ministers looked at Zhao Zhaoxiang, who stood in front of him with a sly look.

This guy is doing this in the same day, and he hasn’t seen his own son to practice the martial arts. It’s really deep, the old fox.

The old fox Zhao Yixiang is calculating whether he wants to fill the stomach, and finds that his friends are watching himself. He immediately laughs back.

Ok, he also shows off, it’s really bad!

Regardless of how they resisted letting their children learn Wushu, they all spoke, and they also built a training martial arts field. They didn’t let the juniors go. Isn’t that the face of the squatting?

As a result, the newly-built martial arts field was even more heated.

More and more people are beginning to practice martial arts, even if they want to study the scholars, they learn a few strokes.

Full of Kyoto began to rumor that the martial arts are advocating, but only Zhao Shuqing, who is hiding in Zhaofu to study cement, knows that this ancient emperor likes to watch other people call it.

He thought, maybe in the eyes of the emperor, they fight and fight with the beasts that are raised in the palace.

Since Wei Mingyan’s show off the beast in the palace, I will show Zhao Shuzhen, the future queen, to show off his favorite game. After he scared and cried, he will go back to the palace and put those beasts into the woods. No more mentioning the tricks of fighting the beasts.

This made Zhao Shuqing feel a little more affectionate to this ancient emperor. Although he loves to play with love, but just because the younger sister was scared to cry, he gave up his preference, but he can still see his nephew. Pay attention to it.

I think that his emphasis is not on the elders to the younger generations, but on the men's future maidens, Zhao Shuqing will silently drop the good feelings back, but also deducted some.

Terrible ancient, terrible emperor.

In February, food and clothing have been sent to the military. Now it is the coldest moment. Not only are they Liu Guo, but the Huns also face these cold feelings. Now for them, It is the best time to recapture the seven cities.

If they win, they will all be happy. If they are defeated, they will face more malice of the Huns.

Zhao Shuqing found that there were more faces in his own hospital.

He is a bit strange, especially after discovering that some people still like to drill on the tree. People who come and go will not look up at reading. Only Zhao Shuqing, who likes to stare at a place, finds out that there are still people in the tree.

Every time after four hours, when people in the courtyard don't care, there will be new people going up and changing the people on the tree.

Also take turns on duty.

When the emperor wore a uniform to Zhao, he admitted that those people were sent by him.

Zhao Shuqing suddenly had some emotions.

He thought blankly. Finally, how precious is this ancient emperor discovered his precious value?

Is this the legendary shadow guard?

A little excited, is there still a legendary light work.

"They were all sent to the children's home, but if there were too many people, they would be stuck in your yard."

"Do you think too much, then go to the main house and go to the main house."

Zhao Shuqing: "...oh."

Wei Mingyan said, while picking up a pot of flowers in the courtyard of Zhao Shuqing, and touching the leaves with a look of love, "I don’t want to take this picture back to the palace to raise it." And."


"Since you promised, then this is gone, and the tree is clear."

Zhao Shuqing stood up and wanted to show his condemnation. On the other hand, he said that he was still behind the emperor. "No."

"Mo sent Mo, Zhang Yuan, go faster."

The chubby little **** quickly followed him and saw Zhao Ergong's cold face still chasing him. He immediately pointed at the flower pot behind him. "Two sons, why do you see a big flower pot?" Fertilizer?"

Zhao Shuqing stepped in a footstep, slightly twisted his eyebrows and turned to see the flower pot.

Zhang Yuan sighed with a sigh of relief, and quickly trembled with a round body at an agile speed to follow the knees that had long since ran away.

In the yard, Xiao Yan looked at the armpits who were far away, and looked at Zhao Shuqing, who looked at the flowers with thoughts and thoughts. He cautiously asked, "Lang Jun, can you find the insects?"

Zhao Shuqing shook his head and wondered, "How can there be insects in this cold winter? Is Zhang Yuan wrong?"

Xiao Yan’s eyes were pumped, and Lang Jun did not find that his majesty had already taken his flowers and disappeared. In the end, he did not dare to dismantle the stage. He also followed his words, “Hsu is Zhang Gonggong’s eyes are not very good. Make."

The eyes are not so good...

Zhao Shuqing's eyes brightened and straightened up, and he sighed for a while.

He can do myopia glasses, and if it can be done, it is also a great credit.

Can you always get a throne this time?

Seeing the handsome face of Lang Jun, he gathered his cloak and hurried into the house. Xiao Yan looked at the place where he was vacated by a pot of flowers, and put the flowers next to it.

This seems to be the fifth pot of flowers that you took off, but every time Lang Jun thought it was the first pot.

The temper of Lang Jun, fortunately, was born in the prime minister.

That night, under heavy snow, everyone in Kyoto was sleeping, but there were a group of people who took the scimitar and came out from various houses, and the goal was clearly entered into the major government.

The laces that were taken away by the emperor in the daytime, stepped on one foot, and the people in black were hidden in the darkness, showing the chill, stepping quietly into the house.

They all know that the people living here are Liu Guoren Jinyi jade food, the high-ranking children who have no power to bind their chickens, and Liu Guoren are not good at martial arts. They just sneak in, even if they are obliterated, they also...


Only a moment of sulking, a black figure fell and fell on the snow.

Their bodies were silently transported, and the blood on the snow was cleaned. When there was no trace on the ground, the snow fell and the talents climbed onto the trees.

In other prefectures, the good children who had slept well were awakened by the fighting. They first panicked, then they all mentioned the long/gun and joined the battle.

Maybe they are still very young, but fortunately some people are protecting them, and at the very least they are slightly injured.

When people woke up, the lights lit up, and in the body of a place, they stood with long guns and guns, and they were wearing the jackets.

They watched the people turn over the wall, and when they finally left, they also put a sword in their hands.

Lang Jun, who was holding a long gun in one hand and a long sword in the other, looked at his family and rushed out.

Looking at the blood in the hands of Lang Jun, the husbands who hurriedly dressed in good clothes were all hot and anxiously rushed over to check where the children were hurt.

"My son--"

The old people were also cloaked in cloaks. The first thing they saw was the scimitars that were still on the side of the bodies.

These people are coming for murder.

If there is not Lang Jun martial arts in the family, early detection found that they have killed them. This family, I am afraid that it has long been a knife.

The princes who were surrounded by female elders in their homes and cried and looked at the corpses of one place had a feeling of dreaming.

What are those people...

"Before I told you that I was not doing business, you look at it. If I didn't kill these people, let's have a life there!"

"My son, the pain is not painful, why can't the doctor come..."

"The imperial city is so bold and violent..."

"Fortunately, you killed them in advance..."


Lang Jun, this is what they think, they kill.


After waiting for the vomiting, Lang Jun was sent to the house and waited for the doctor. The adults who were in the middle of the temple were all outside, and they looked at the bodies.

This kind of cleanliness is definitely not something that children who have been practicing for a while at home can make.

They are not clear, so several old people in other provinces are shocked at the same time, and some are clear.

As long as you think about it, you know that these people will be sent from the palace.

The dead people, only looking at the scimitar, knew the identity of the Huns. The Huns were really daring and actually stared at the children.

Lang Jun’s yard has always had no precautions. These old guys have been following the guards because of their identity.

If you want to start, it is natural to start with Xiao Langjun.

If not today, their children and grandchildren can...

Although his majesty is now on the dynasty, his temper is pure, and where it is predicted, it will be taught.

From this point of view, his majesty esteemed the young Lang Jun martial arts, it must also be speculated that the Huns will start these children.

But, how did he guess it?

Several old people didn't sleep all night, and repeatedly calculated, but no matter how they calculated, they couldn't figure out how Zhao Xixiang accurately figured out that these Huns would go to Beijing.

The next day in the DPRK, several of the dignitaries in the middle of the dynasty have also spread all the thieves. Zhao Yixiang last night, a night dream, where to think of such a thing, I was so surprised that I quickly asked a few friends There can be something.

The original guess of several old ministers was settled after listening to the thief-free people in Zhao’s opposite government.

He is a prime minister, how can he be without a thief.

This is hiding.

I thought that if the prime minister did not notice it in advance, the palace sent people down. This time, the children in the family were victimized. They were afraid that they would also have to remove half of their lives. They were stunned by the grievances they secretly taught them, and they were unknowingly removed.

They all sneered at Zhao Zhao, laughing with a gratitude that only a few of them knew.

Smile, see Zhao Yanxiang's face is laughed, and some sighs in my heart.

He looks like this, but he really doesn't know about it.

Zhiduo is close to the demon, there is such a prime minister, Liu Guohe is not prosperous.

Read The Duke's Passion