MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 245 I am a good emperor (6)

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Zhao Yu is awkward.

But before he can ask ‘wait a moment, we can’t play the Huns’, the Wei Mingyan on the dragon chair has already announced the next move.

A group of civil and military officials still stood still and did not move.

They are also stunned by this strange direction.

Several old people justified to call Zhao Yuxiang.

"Oh, why don't you look too happy?"

"Yeah, it looks like it's hard to be accepted."

They said what they care about, and the eyes that look at each other are full of embarrassment.

This said, "I Liu Guo is no longer as weak as in the past, why can't I fight against his Huns?"

That one comes, "Think of the people who are oppressed by the Xiongnu, and you are so sad."

"There is no shortage of food and shelter, and it is imperative to attack the Xiongnu."

They are so impassioned that they almost want to think that they are standing in front of themselves, not the old guys who have long been a senior, but the young people who have just joined the ranks.

When he said that he had attacked the various disadvantages of the Xiongnu, these old ministers could rebut him. Zhao Zhaoxiang even said how can he say that there is no chance of winning a pair.

Even, in the end, they were convinced by them.

Yes, they Liu Guo once lost to the Xiongnu, as long as the day is not snowy, this humiliation will be pressed on Liu Guo’s body one day, and the Liu Guo royal family will always be bullied by the Huns, even the princess who should be respected. They must be forced to go to the Huns and relatives.

The noble woman in Beijing, if she was seen by the Huns, could not escape.

They used to have no confidence, but now, food, clothing, and fertilizer distribution, the national treasury must be abundance, and Liu Guo did not have the strength to attack the Huns.

Zhao Wei settled his mind, and the anger that was being stunned had all disappeared, but he still had some complaints. "Why is this so sudden?"

Not because you have to be ahead of you.

A few old people laughed and touched their beards and called Haha. "It’s also a temporary decision, temporary, temporary."

Liu Guo wanted to fight against the Xiongnu and regain the old days of being snatched by the Huns. This was settled.

What makes Zhao Xi happy is that he always only cares about his own play, this time he is also very serious, he even took out his baby flowers from the glass greenhouse, so it is convenient to plant potato and cotton.

According to Zhao Shuqing's calculations, in February, when these things are fully mature, they can be immediately supplied to the military.

During this time, what they have to do is crouch.

The Liuguo court sent a letter to the Xiongnu to return to the city. In the end, it turned out to be a sinking sea, and there was no news.

The attitude of the Xiongnu angered many people, and large quantities of materials were sent to the border, and the war was on the verge.

When the Emperor was still there, Liu Guo was robbed of seven cities, and the original people in the original escaped to death. The remaining Liu Guoren were used as slaves by the Huns. The women suffered insults and the men were like animals. Even children have to be used as targets for their practice.

The young children were sent to the jungle, and the big net was pulled around. The children of the Xiongnu rode on the horse, holding bows and arrows, and the Liu people who killed the game were the most.

After so many years, the original Liu national elders survived a small number. Now, driven by the Huns, they are the children who survived and the children who were born in Liu Guo.

The Xiongnu people were not good at farming. The seven cities that were hit down were only the high-ranking tribes of the high-ranking tribes. They lived with their men. Here, the Liu people were not as good as the ants on the ground.

They almost never talk to each other. The first thing that opens their eyes is the work of death. Otherwise, the whip of the Huns will be rudely swayed.

Even if the weather is cold now, they will not get the cold-proof things. They can only rely on their homes for years. They have long been hard-baked kapok quilts to warm themselves, and there are still some things to eat. After all, the Huns still want them to work. Cultivation.

Although the taste is unpleasant, some Huns still don't shun the sand, and these Liu Guoren who have been oppressed for more than ten years can only bear to eat.

In the seven cities, all of them have been prosperous. Now, there are no thousands of people who have survived in the seven cities.

Freezing, starving, being killed alive, even if pregnant, it may die in the mother's abdomen. If it is born, it is unfortunately born in the cold winter, it is almost impossible to survive.

Liu Guo used to regard these seven cities as forbidden words, not only because they could not accept that Liu Guolian, who was once so strong, could not keep his own city, but also because some people’s in-laws were inside, they dared not think about it. What is life like?

When the Emperor first sent people to bring back the honours of the seven cities, the Xiongnu did not want to let people go.

To be precise, they can't find someone to return to Liu Guo.

When the Huns enter the city, they often live in the big house, and they will know the wealthy homes at a glance.

They all know that there must be gold and silver jewels in it, food is full, and even women are much more beautiful than civilians.

At that time, the Huns had any thoughts of captives. When they saw a man, they killed them. The beautiful women caught insults. The young children were also treated in general.

At the end of the day, there are only a handful of honours who can survive.

Among the seven cities, there are always marriages with the bureaucrats in Kyoto. Over the years, Kyoto has flourished in the prosperous world, but it does not mention the seven cities.

The young Lang Jun only knew that the emperor had ceded seven cities to the Xiongnu, but he did not know that there might be their blood relatives in the city.

In the Langfu, Fan Yuancai was still under the supervision of Lang Su, and he was eager to learn from the martial arts master. When he knew that the court had absolutely fought the Xiongnu, he would not live or die.

"I don't practice, my Majesty said, if it is practiced, we have to go to the border, the Huns are extremely cruel, where is there to live!"

This time, whether Lang Su is using the radical method or directly playing, Fan Yuancai is scared to live in the room and refuse to practice the military field.

He was raised in the palm of his hand since he was a child. He always wanted to say something to his mother. Other Langjuns were forced to study at home. He never had such troubles. When I grow up, I want to get myself to go to such a terrible place as the border.

Even if the masters of the martial arts used the same treatment as before, they would be directly captured in the training martial arts field, and Fan Yuancai would not live and die.

Lang Su was mad at him. "How come you have no such thing, even if you meet the Huns, how can we be a seven-foot man, and I am afraid that the Huns in his area will not be successful?"

"You are strong in martial arts. Naturally, you are not afraid. I am weak and weak. I can't pick my shoulders. I can't resist my hand. If I am sent to the border, I don't wait for the Huns to come. What should I do if I am sick?"

Fan Yuancai just slammed a fight. At this moment, the nose and face were swollen. It was almost like a tearful eye holding Lang Su’s arm. "Lang Su, you help me talk to your majesty, I really don't want to go..."

The two had originally had a bit of friendship because of the same illness, and they had been left with a little bit of friendship. At this moment, Lang Su was directly thrown away. He cruelly dragged Fan Yuancai into the training field. "No! If you don't practice, I am not Also have to be trapped in the government, hurry up!"

"I don't want, I don't practice -"

At dusk, Fan Yuancai escaped from the claws of the two masters. He did not go back to the house with Lang Su, hiding in the rockery in Langfu.

He didn't want to practice martial arts, he was tired and painful, and he had to go to the battlefield.

If he went to the battlefield, he was chopped and smashed his feet, and his eyes fell again. Later, he said how to kiss the little lady.

No luck, no matter how small the life is, it will not come back.

The more I wanted to be more and more afraid, Fan Yuancai carefully cried out the red eyes of the crying, quietly looked around, saw no one, and quickly got out of the rockery, smashed to the wall, tried to touch, touched a few climbs On the wall.

His practice during this time was still a bit of an effect. At least the wall climbing was smooth, and it was not allowed to land outside.

In the heart of Fan Yuancai, there is still some fear. After all, it is the Langfu who let him come. He sneaked out. That is the purpose of resisting the evil, but this fear is still resisting. However, he is biting the fear of facing the Huns. Gritted his teeth, wiped his face and was blown by the wind, and the tears hanging on it, heading toward the home.

He went home to find his mother. The mother hurts him the most, and he will definitely tell him, let him bow down to his majesty.

If these are his punishments for His Majesty, it will be enough for such a long time.

Fan Yuancai wiped his tears and took it forward. Behind him, the two masters of the martial arts also skillfully turned over from the wall, and looked at him with a silent voice.

They are not half-baked by Fan Yuancai. Until the Fan family, Fan Yuancai did not find himself behind him.

Now the sky has been slightly darkened, the Fan family door is closed, he is going to go to the door, suddenly thought that because of his willingness to go to Langfu, the things have been passed out by those Lang Jun, if it is now bright and honest, go back It is impossible, it is sneaked, it is the crime of bullying.

I thought that if he blamed his sins, he would fall into what kind of end, Fan Yuancai, who had sneaked out with his grievances, was afraid.

It can be a move, and the place that has been beaten in the daytime has a pain. Fan Yuancai has fine skin and tender meat. No matter how many times he has been beaten, he has been hurt by the grin, and this pain has been given. The fear in his heart seems to have been leaked. Quite a lot.

He first entered the house, found his mother, and asked her to ask her father.

After making up his mind, Fan Yuancai was familiar with the way to find a relatively small wall, and slammed it in.

Fan Yuancai grew up here since he was a child. He is naturally familiar with Fan, and he must never let a person see his own thoughts. He uses his dexterous posture to avoid the passing of Xiao Xiao, quietly. Touched into the mother's yard.

- The result was empty.

He turned to think again, this time, the mother must be in the sister house.

Fan Yuancai quickly and quickly continued to escape from Xiaoxiao and went to the sister school.

After the past, I found that the next ones are all outside the door. There is no one in the yard. He is happy in his heart. This is the best, skillful to go over the wall, to the open window, just watching the sister and mother are conversation.

Fan Yuancai’s face immediately surprised him and smiled. He was about to call them, but he was worried that his gentle sister’s tone was worried. “Mother’s thoughts should be thought of. I’m listening to the show, but I’m going to reuse it. Big Brother, if he is out of the head, what should Yuanjie do?"

His expression froze, subconsciously hiding behind, listening to the conversations of the people in the house.

Fan Yuanjie is his younger brother. He is only five years old. He has always been the mother's heart and heart. Fan Yuancai does not like children very much, but he is really affectionate to this younger brother.

But what does this mean for my sister? Even if he is really using him, he is a big brother. Can Yuanjie be bad?

"Well, Rue, you are always so rash, not to mention that your elder brother is a mediocre and mediocre, and I am used to growing up. Even if I have the right to be underarmed, I am afraid that I can’t do anything. I just say that he thought he was My dear, if he really got any benefit, then the silly temper, can you help me?

Mrs. Fan’s face was gentle and calmly teaching her daughter. “You can’t show anything in front of him to make him suspicious.”

"He is so stupid, even if I show something, how about it." The sister's tone in the house is no longer gentle, but full of disdain. "Mother is relieved, which time is not what I said he did. what."

"This is true." Mrs. Fan in the room smiled. "If you didn't take him to the Zhao family to retreat, my family's good looks would have to marry such a waste."

The young and beautiful lady in the house first smiled, then she nervously asked her mother’s sleeve and said with a shyness, "Mother, will you really choose someone to enter the palace?"

"Nature is, the Zhao family's wife still has eight years into the palace. If you are a young man, how can you wait for eight years? My ru is so good, you can sit in the palace, as long as you enter the palace. The last time was also a niche. When the Zhao’s little lady entered the palace, my son had already swayed his heart, where is her position...”

Both mother and daughter are looks beautiful | Yan, spit out the words, but let Fan Yuancai all fall like a hail.

He is not the mother's biological son?

How could this be? Since he was young, he grew up in his mother's room. He always thought that his mother loved him as a child, loved what he wanted, made trouble, cried and cried, and he could get what he wanted.

Now, his sincere mother and his beloved sister are full of contempt for him, for fear that he will become a thing and hinder the younger brother.

The cockroach outside looked at the sky and entered the yard. He wanted to remind the lady to go back to rest. Fan Yuancai stood still in the distance and looked at her face. She did not find that she was coming.

A martial artist who climbed into the tree three or two to pop up a stone, Fan Yuancai was hit by a pain in his right leg, and he recovered from this shackle. He looked up and saw the cockroach entering the yard. I quickly turned around and looked at her while still stepping over the wall under the flower pot underneath.

The masters of the martial arts looked at his neat hand, and they all screamed.

It is said that this kid and Lang Su are generally a genius of the day, two days of fishing for three days to dry the net can be so, if it is serious, it will be.

Here in Langfu, it is welcoming guests.

When Wei Mingyan came, Lang Suzheng took a long/gun and practiced the new school moves in the practice field.

Although he has been able to win two martial arts masters, it is also necessary to be bare-handed. If the two sides take weapons, Lang Su can only admit defeat.

Although his Majesty said that Fan Yuan was a good student to learn, Lang Su was only a sparring, but there was no other flower head in the government. He naturally could only follow along with practice. When he was practicing with Fan Yuancai occasionally, he could also publicize this. Kid a meal.

The original practice was very serious when I knew that the DPRK decided to fight the Xiongnu.

Lang Su is a Lang Jun, where Lang Jun did not want to mention the knife on the battlefield.

Of course, Fan Yuancai is not a guy.

He was also very interested in going around to spread his sorrowful maiden. It is really necessary to move the bronze mirror when he cries and asks the master to not practice martial arts, so that Fan Yuancai can take a good look at who is sissy.

Lang Su thought of Fan Yuancai with one heart and two. This guy went to where he was lazy, and completed the final finishing action. He imagined how to assassinate him if he stood in front of the enemy.

As a result, the gun just closed up and it was on the line of sight of the emperor.

Wei Mingyan wore a white body today, wrapped in a piece of furry, but not bloated, standing in the cold wind, the handsome look of the handsome look on the face, almost did not scare Lang Su from the practice of Wu Falling on the field.

He didn't dare to think about it, and quickly got down from the practice field. "The grass people have seen him..."

The knees were still not squatted, and they were held by the emperors in uniforms. "Okay, there are not so many rules outside."

Lang Su is also considered to be a person who has been practicing martial arts for such a long time. His skills are still quite good. As a result, he was directly lifted down by his squatting, and his face looked unremarkable.

Is it difficult to be a martial?

After being in the Fuzhong for so long, he was no longer a dude who had never understood anything. At this moment, he was only shocked by the heart and did not dare to show anything.

"Look, you have done a good job. If you want to follow Hu General together to recapture my seven cities in Liu, are you willing?"

Lang Su’s eyes immediately lit up, and he replied if he didn’t want to, “the grass people are willing!”

It is the thing that Lang Jun should do to build a meritorious service and kill the enemy on the battlefield.

Wei Mingyan looked at his hopeful eyes and laughed loudly. "Well, you are also anxious, and you are a sly child."

Lang Su is now full of his own heart and can finally kill the enemy on the battlefield, but also can not really go to the majesty for eight years to truly become his own uncle, just straighten his chest, eyes full of pride.

He can't learn the text, but he can also kill the enemy on the battlefield. After the merits, he will give his mother a life!

I was thinking, but I heard the emperor in front of me asking, "Fan Yuancai? Why not practice with you?"

This stock must have gone to the rockery and cried.

Every time I thought that others didn't know, and I didn't want to think about the rockery, but every day people cleaned, how could not find him.

Lang Su didn't know how to talk to his majesty. When he was in trouble, he heard a heavy object.

The group of people looked at the past, and they were on a face that was crying long ago, tears, slightly fat white tender | tender face.

Zhang Yuan looked at the wall and looked at Fan Yuancai, who had just turned out from the outside of the wall, and immediately rounded his eyes.

He was detained in Langfu and could not go out, but his decree, Fan Yuancai actually dared to sneak out, this is simply red | bare naked resistance is not respect!

He wanted to stand up and yell, but quietly looked up and looked at his face without any anger, and then quietly shrank back.

Fan Yuancai looked at them as soon as he turned around, and his heart was also shocked. Then he quickly stepped forward and squatted directly on the ground.

"The grass people are guilty."

His face is not so much expressionless, it is better to say that it is numb.

Such a look of waiting for the disposition of the situation, let Lang Su, who just reacted, was simply stunned.

He is not very crying, will he beg for mercy?

This has been caught by the squatting, why not cry, do not ask for squatting from the light, this is not waiting to be killed?

Lang Su is not such a cold-hearted person, especially when the two get along with each other for some time, he bit his teeth, and he also squatted around Fan Yuancai.

"You two, is this pleading with sin?"

Wei Mingyan’s look is fascinating. “Lang Su, you made no mistakes, what are you doing?”

Lang Su Zhang opened his mouth and gave Fan Yuancai a note in his heart. He asked, "Your Majesty, Fan Yuancai did not deliberately defy the imperial decree. Please take his life."

When he finished, he went to see the people around him, and wanted him to play the tricks of crying and crying for mercy. The result was that Fan Yuancai’s face was filled with tears of cold water, and his eyes were red and swollen. The interpretation of the appearance.

This guy is a little stupid when he is out of the house.

Lang Su gritted his teeth and Fan Yuancai did not say it himself. It was only for him. He just brewed his emotions and saw two figures in the wall.

It’s just different from Fan Yuancai’s resounding sound. The two masters of the martial arts are quiet and silent.

At a glance, they saw the emperor standing in front of the training martial arts field and quickly came forward to kneel down.

So, Wei Mingyan suddenly smashed four people.

The two masters of the martial arts were at the forefront, respectfully reporting, "Your Majesty, Fan Gongzi went to Miss Fan Jia's yard."

"Oh, I know."

Wei Mingyan glanced at Fan Yuancai, who looked numb, and raised his eyebrows. "Okay, get up."

"Hey, it’s not the one who waits and screams and screams and kills. At most, he will throw you to the side to make a sin."

"Fan Yuancai, come over."

Although Fan Yuancai is now a whole person, but the first noble emperor called him at the end of the day, he still should, and stood up with an uncomfortable face, followed Wei Mingyan to the other side.

Lang Su looked at the two masters of the martial arts and stood up. They quickly and carefully followed up.

"Master, are you going to follow Fan Yuancai?"

"Is it yours to let you follow?"

"Master, why don't you talk?"

Seeing that the two masters of the martial arts are as moving as the sculptures, Lang Su cautiously stretched out his fingers and tried to poke their shoulders.

The martial artist who was to be poked by him indifference turned his head and looked at Lang Su, and succeeded in making his fingertips stiff and did not dare to move forward.

Lang Suzhen smiled a few times and had to stand in the same place and stretch his neck to see what happened to Fan Yuancai.

The emperor stood with Fan Yuancai all the way to the pond, watching the lake that was frozen because of the cold, whispered, "Your biological mother, also in the winter, drowned in the lake."

Fan Yuancai, who has been silent since then, raised his head and looked at the man in front of his white cloak.

Wei Mingyan looked at the frozen lake and continued. "Your mother is the original match of your father. Her mother is in the city, and the city was attacked by the Xiongnu. Your mother returned home and went to the funeral. On the way back, I got it." The news that Yucheng was attacked."

"After she returned to Beijing, the news that Yucheng was broken has spread throughout Kyoto. At that time, Xu was because your mother had just returned from Yucheng, and the servant was sick and dead, and there were some rumors."

"After that, she succumbed to the lake. After Fan Daren smashed the relay room and removed your mother, you were recorded in the name of the next room, and Fan Jia went up and down. No one would mention your mother."

Fan Yuancai's eyes are red and he is holding a fist. "Your Majesty, my mother, she really..."

Wei Ming said that he sighed and shook his head. "I found out that your mother is clear and white."

"It’s just a rumor, no one believes her."

No one believes in her...

It was because of this lightly floating sentence that she left herself and cast herself into the lake.

And he, born as a son, actually grew to such a big to know the existence of the biological mother.

"The people who sent the investigations have come back. Your mother's mother's family still has a few blood in the city. I originally wanted to send you to the city to pick up the loved ones, but if you don't want it, you don't. Will force."

Fan Yuancai always looked at the lake, as if a woman desperately jumped into the frozen lake.

He didn't cry this time, but his eyes were red.

Lang Su stretched his neck and looked at it. He saw that he had no idea what he said to Fan Yuan, and he stood down again.

He also smashed several heads.

what's the situation?

Will you take Fan Yuancai out and cut it?

Is he begging for mercy?

Lang Su was watching, but he saw his squat back, and the pair was obviously sharp, but it always looked at him with a smile.

He recruited and waved, and Lang Su had not thought about whether he should go or not, and he saw that the master of the army had gone.

The handsome king who wore a white cloak on his body did not know what he said with the master Wu. When he finished, the master Wu also looked at Lang Su.

Lang Su’s heart was a bit worried, and the subconscious took a step back.

Just after retreating, I saw the smile on Wei Mingyan's face more obvious.

A little panic.

It doesn't feel very good.

His Majesty left, and the two martial artists gathered around.

"Lang Gongzi, swearing that the son wants to go to the battlefield, I will wait for the enemy, and use the wooden stick to play against the son."

Lang Su did not understand the maliciousness of this sentence at first.

Until he was punished by the martial arts masters with a wooden stick wrapped in cowhide, turned over at night, hurting, hurting back, and hurting.

It’s terrible.

What makes Lang Su feel strange is Fan Yuancai who suddenly becomes able to suffer.

Being so encircled, he couldn’t stand it anymore, and Fan Yuancai actually did not say anything.

What did you say to him in the end, it was so effective.

Thinking of the mysterious smile of his knees that day, Lang Su was tight.

Is it related to him?

He couldn't help thinking about how he would suddenly be so diligent if he was related to himself.

In addition to being rewarded by Fan Yuancai if he is better than himself, he really can't think of anything else.

Lang Su was thinking, suddenly seeing Fan Yuan, who was on the sidelines, quietly got up and put on clothes with no sound.

He quickly followed up, and he saw this guy practicing martial arts on the martial arts field through the moonlight.


Actually carrying his secret efforts!

Lang Su’s heart slammed into the air and slammed into the stage, taking a long/gun and Fan Yuancai.

Lang Su’s time for training was longer. Fan Yuancai refused to be serious before. In the end, he naturally lost.

After the gun, he was surprised to see Lang Su, "How come you?"

As soon as he talked about this franc, he would not come out. He looked up and said with pride. "Why can't I come here?"

"If you want to practice martial arts in the future, call me later."

He clarified his words and saw that Fan Yuancai dared to carry him secretly.

Obviously, this is the tone. Fan Yuancai seems to be warm in the heart of the ice all day.

He tried to pull out a smile, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Lang Su: "What?"

Seeing that he is not willing to say it, Fan Yuancai is warmer in his heart, and his smile is really a lot. He left the gun aside and picked up the wooden stick on one side and smiled. "Come, let's practice this."

Practice and practice, who is afraid of who!

Lang Su immediately picked up the wooden stick. Both of them had similar talents in martial arts. They learned how to master the martial arts masters during the day, and they all had the same model.

The two masters of the martial arts sat in the tree, watching the two young Lang Jun, you hit me, I hit you, and my heart was very satisfied.

If they have always had such a strong momentum, they are really on the battlefield and may not be a general in the future.


In the midst of the preparations for the DPRK, the news of the war was quickly spread throughout Kyoto. Before that, the Langjuns who were not in need of the whites were all trained in the home for so long. They were not shoulder-to-hand. They are up.

Now, when I heard the imperial court, I absolutely regained seven cities, and I screamed that I had to join the army.

They have all learned martial arts for such a long time. If you don't join the army, isn't it a waste?

The elders who had been escorting these younger martial arts before had a headache. They were willing to let their children practice martial arts, but they did not mean that they would be willing to throw the hopes of these families to the battlefield.

There are no eyes on the knife and gun. Just look at how the military officers are dying in the home.

When the emperor was at the time, the military officer returned home and was a strong baby, but even if it was, there were not many who survived.

These little scorpions are even in the middle of Kyoto, and there are Laozis, but if they are out of Kyoto, they stand in front of the Huns, who will give them face.

These are not the elders who are forced to martial arts, one by one to give enough money, let them go to Kyoto to play, love what to play, as long as you don't want to play the Huns.

They did not expect that Lang Su and Fan Yuancai, who were locked in the government, had dissolved their bans and started activities in Kyoto.

These two were once dead rivals, but now they are also considered to be brothers and brothers. Both of them are martial arts masters who have been sent by the palace. They have taught them a lot of martial arts in Kyoto. Your children, they don’t have to worry about it, they will directly press people.

They didn't come out for a long time, and when they came out, they found that Kyoto turned the wind.

From the ‘Who is the most fun to find the most fun place to have, the money that can be played by everyone is the boss’, and it’s become ‘who’s best to fight, the best is to win everyone is the boss’.

What are you waiting for? The two are not the kind of low-key guys. They used to call friends and call friends. It’s rare to have such a good opportunity now, but you can’t hold it.

In less than a few days, all the honoured children who had been named in Kyoto were followed by the two.

They also raised funds to build a training martial arts in Kyoto. Every day, the entertainment activities changed from cockfighting cats to cats and dogs, and became a variety of martial arts competitions.

Even the most disciples who like to play everywhere have changed their temper because they want to attack the Xiongnu. The people who were still uneasy because of the wars have gradually let go of their hearts.

They are not too addicted to play by themselves. They took the silver out and put it on the stage. If anyone wins, the silver will return to that person.

For those Lang Jun who have gold spoons since birth, those silvers are their zero flowers, but for ordinary people, that is a lot of money.

If the money is won, the house in Kyoto can't be bought, but a daughter-in-law is no problem.

Suddenly, it was just a look at the lively idlers, but they were the ones who had the strength to do so, and they were not the same as the sorcerers who had studied with the masters.

When the stage was placed on the third day, the majesty of the palace would not miss this excitement. He went to the Xiangxiang House, so he said that Zhao Shuqing had come out.

This time, Zhao Shuqing brought a girl dressed in a white cloak and dressed as a man.

It is the future queen Zhao Shuzhen.

Zhao Shuqing didn't look very good on his face. Any ten-year-old sister was engaged by a 20-year-old adult man. He was also asked to bring it out to watch the ring. He was not happy where to go.

Even if he is a modern person, he knows that the two sides can't meet each other's fashion. The emperor who smiles at his sister is not sure.

But he refused here, and the shameless one over there did not know how to convince him.

Zhao Shuqing really can't figure out why he is a modern person. Why is this group open more than one?

Oh, no.

He should have discovered this point long ago.

After all, modern people have not been open to letting a 10-year-old child and a 20-year-old person close their parents.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shuqing's face was another layer.

His cold face did not affect Wei Mingyan's good mood, and even directly ignored Zhao Shuqing's death ray. He sat next to Zhao Shuzhen with a smile and pointed her to the following explanation.

"Look, that is a bit fat. Fan Yuancai is dressed in blue. He is a good martial artist. Although he is fat, if he is a soldier, he will definitely have a future."

The previous tensions have already been in the carriage, and I heard that the people in front of me had completely forgotten when they said the same way. Zhao Shuzhen had never seen the door several times since he was born. Even if he went out, he was sitting in the sedan chair. Kyoto.

At this moment, I heard the words of Wei Mingyan, and immediately looked down curiously. I saw that Fan Yuancai, who was slightly rounded, was taking a long gun and a match with a people.

He moved very fast, not long after, the people threw a gun and confessed.

Looking at one after another, the people came to power, and they went down one by one. The little girl did not understand the bias and looked at Wei Mingyan. "Since these people can't win, why do they have to set up a stage?"

"Nature is because..."

Wei Mingyan is laughing and warmly explaining, and Zhao Shuqing, who has been sitting in the cold face all the time, suddenly interjected, "I am bored."

The two people at the window fell their eyes on his face. Zhao Shuqing had some guilty conscience, but the face was cold and forcibly explained. "These people were boring before, and you should know when you see Langsu." ”

After hearing the name of Lang Su, Zhao Shuzhen nodded with some hesitation.

For this blind man who is bigger than himself, because of his relationship with each other, every time he does what he has to do, the glorious deeds can always be passed to her ears. Zhao Shuzheng still agrees with the statement that Lang Su is very boring.

Wei Mingyan was on the sidelines. "Don’t listen to your brother, they are trying to refine martial arts."

"Can these people have no martial arts?"

Zhao Shuzhen’s gaze was immediately attracted to the emperor’s face, and some of his baby’s white face was full of curiosity.

Seeing that the 20-year-old ancient emperor was laughing at his sister, Zhao Shuqing almost couldn't help but bite his teeth. His face was not cold, it was dark.

"The Huns actually have no martial arts." Wei Minyan’s attitude towards the younger children in front of him is much milder. He explained in a warm voice, “The Xiongnu live on the grasslands and feed cattle and sheep for a living because There is a lack of resources on the grasslands, and there are often disputes between several Xiongnu tribes. The reason why they are good at fighting is because they have to fight against other tribes since childhood."

"Compared to martial arts, it is better to say that the Huns are brute force. Lang Su and Fan Yuancai put this downfall, and they are practicing how to deal with the Xiongnu afterwards."

Zhao Shuzhen’s slightly rounded eyes immediately revealed his sorrow. “It turned out that they were so far-sighted.”


Zhao Shuqing sitting in front of the table gave a sneer.

This voice immediately attracted Zhao Shuzhen's attention. She turned back and found that her brother's face was not right. She quickly went to him and asked with concern. "Two brothers, are you not feeling well?"

Because of the illness of the previous decade, Zhao Jiaquan’s family left an impression of Zhao Shuqing’s infirmity. At this moment, looking at his ugly face, Zhao Shuzhen immediately panicked.

Seeing the lovely little girl in front of her eyes, she was in a hurry, and Zhao Shuqing couldn’t care about her face, and said, "Nothing."

I was afraid that my sister would be hooked up by the ancient emperor who was even more cheeky than the modern man. Zhao Shuqing quickly picked up a piece of cake on the table and put it in his sister's hand.

"Hey, this is delicious, you sit down and eat this."

Zhao Shuzhen held a snack, and his face immediately showed a sweet smile. "Thank you, brother."

She really sat down and ate a bite.

Looking at my sister’s serious eating of the pastry, Zhao Shuqing’s heart just breathed a sigh of relief, and then he saw the lively emperor who was still watching the crowd and rushed over the window. “Hey, what are you eating, watching it is delicious? ""

Zhao Shuzhen looked up, white cheeks on his cheeks, and his mouth was still stained with a little pastry. "It seems to be Cui Rong cake."

Zhao Shuqing looked at Wei Mingyan's eyes and reached the mouth of his sister. He suddenly got alert. He quickly got up and took out the son to wipe his sister's mouth.


Zhao Shuzhen, who was talking, confused and looked up at his brother.

On the lovely face of her lovely face, Zhao Shuqing’s heart was soft, but the face was cold, “drinked the pastry.”

Fortunately, Zhao Shuzhen used to get used to the tone of his elder brother. He looked up and let him wipe it. "Thank you, brother."

No thanks, just don't let the ancients rub it.


I don’t know when Wei Mingyan, who was at the bedside, suddenly said with amazement, “Is there anyone who can tie with Fan Yuancai?”

Zhao Shuqing shivered and shook his back in his arms.

If you hit the tie, you will tie your hand and have a big fuss.

The king over there is still broadcasting. "Fan Yuancai lost. It seems that Lang Su wants to play with him."

When he finished, he turned and smiled at the two brothers and sisters. "In my opinion, if Lang Su won't win, he will wait for him to leave."

Lang Su wolf quits?

It seems to be a bit of a look.

Zhao Shuqing stood up with a cold face and stood at the window and looked down. I saw that Lang Su and the strange big man both had long guns, and the two of you came and went, very lively.

This is much more exciting than watching it on TV.

His eyes lit up slightly, relying on the window, and he didn't know how much he was focused.

Behind him, Wei Mingyan quietly left the window, sitting next to Zhao Shuzhen, who was still eating sweets, and took a sift from his arms.

On the face of Junmei, Zhao Shuzheng smiled proudly. "I have learned a lot and show it to you."

"You said, I want to shake a few."

Zhao Shuqing did not realize that the sister behind him was being hesitated by the ancient emperor, and he was still watching the downstairs.

This fight can indeed be called wonderful. Lang Su’s talent is boasted by both masters. He can record the opponent’s tricks and then quickly apply it, but now, the opposite one looks At least 30-year-old Dahan is still faster than him.

The two people can't play, and the crowds are excited to gather more and more.

This platform has been put on for three days. Can someone really get the silver two?

Zhao Shuqing has never seen such a fight. As a modern person, he finally realized what is called martial arts.

In the end, Lang Su defeated and was forced to jump off the stage with a long gun.

In his eyes, because of the extremely smooth martial arts, he was finally crushed by this failure. He said, "I lost."

Lang Su lost, Zhao Shuqing could not attend to see his wolverine, his eyes lit up slightly, but the face was cold.

Even the tone is faint. "I want to practice martial arts."


Wei Mingyan was shaking his voice and heard the words of the future big sister. He agreed very smoothly. "I sent people to your house."

"Right, the martial arts martial arts that I am following are good. Do you want to learn now?"

Zhao Shuqing’s eyes brightened again, and he nodded and thought, “Learning.”

I have been with Wei Mingyan, and I watched it with an ordinary little guard.

"First take a step."

"Zama step?"

I only thought that the dressed man in front of him didn't know what Zama step meant. The guard immediately made a standard zama step.

Zhao Shuqing looked at his action with no image, and whispered, "Do you have to take a step in the school?"


He nodded and sat back in a blank expression. "I don't learn."

A bias, Wei Mingyan opened the sieve, "Look! Three six!"

Zhao Shu’s eyes are bright and his cheeks are red. “It’s amazing!”

Zhao Shuqing, who is full of brains and ‘who actually wants to do such an ugly posture first,’ completely forgot that he had thought about how to isolate this ancient emperor from his sister.

He also looked at the three six in the sieve.

After watching it for a long time, I spit out a sentence, "Great."

Read The Duke's Passion
Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy