MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 247 I am a good emperor (8)

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The honoured children were attacked at this stall. It can be said that they angered most of the court officials. Even those officials whose official positions were not so high, and no Huns in their homes came in, were afraid.

If the children and grandchildren have something to do, then what is the use of them in the higher position?

Officials who were somewhat fearful of the Xiongnu did not mention any peace at the moment. Everyone took the knife and killed him in Kyoto. Today, Lang Juns practiced martial arts before they escaped. If they changed into the day, those people broke into them. In the house.

At that time, even if Longyan was furious and started the war, the life was gone, and nothing was gone.

The direction of the middle of the wind has never been the same as these days, and everything is in full swing.

The people in Beijing did not know what happened to the night, but they were a little surprised how the neighbors or tenants who had moved in the past some time disappeared.

The official arrival in February, the real winter is coming, such a weather, people do not dare to go out to solve physiological problems, in case of freezing, you have to spend money to see the doctor does not say, but also to be laughed at.

Even the young Lang Lang who always went to practice in the martial arts field were too cold to go out. Although they are practicing martial arts, they are better than before, but they are also grown up. The fine skin tender meat has received such a cold wind.

At home, I also invited a lot of martial arts high-powered guards. They are also busy stealing teachers and learning, and they don’t like to go abroad.

Naturally, no one has ever found out that Lang Langzhong, the two princes who had been shut down in the Fuzhong martial arts, had never appeared before.

In Beijing, there is no such young and funny, Lang Lang, and there are some quiet places everywhere. This winter is too cold. The sellers who sell them don’t like to go out and walk on the street, as if they are out of the air. Into ice.

Fortunately, although this year is colder, the days of the people are even better than those of the past few years. Those official officials have had kapok that they have eliminated, and the kapok quilts are all laid in the emperor’s courtyard, nowhere. People who can hide snow only need to rush to the Royal Court. In the snowy day, they only need to shrink in the house. They are quietly waiting for this winter to pass. Although it is still cold, at least, it is more turbulent than outside. Better.

I heard that all such emperors have been built, so that they can provide shelter for those who have nowhere to go. In the past, they could only freeze to the outside. The emperor is so powerful that it is named Huang Enyuan.

In the distance, the same snowy city, the people who are born to Liu Guoren do not say that the emperor, even if the bed of kapok is not available.

All people have the same look on their faces, numb, stiff, and are driven into the windy wooden house. Even if they are crowded together, the cold wind that keeps blowing in makes them feel warm.

They have frostbite on their hands and feet and even on their faces. The clothes they wear are mixed with stench, and they are thin and not warm. They have lived under the Huns for more than ten years, but no one year. The winter is as cold as this year.

Some older people look at the heavy snow that floats out of the gap, and there is a trace of despair in their hearts.

This winter, they are afraid that they will not resist.

Originally, the Huns also expected them to work, but since the Huns had somehow started to catch people from outside, the old people knew that their death had arrived.

Being imprisoned here, not getting outside the news, doing the hard work day after day, the only thing that can infer the outside situation, and only the attitude of the Huns to them.

Now, they can clearly feel that the Huns have looked at the eyes of the dead.

They are not afraid of death. In the past ten years, no day is worse than death. Terrible, it is dead, and no one can fall back to the roots.

The land under their feet is no longer a country, even if it is dead, and does not want to die here.

But now, it seems that I can't help them.

The people who are huddled together have not been warming up. They have been frozen and stiff. Even if they are warm, they will soon be cold. It’s better to freeze like this. No one can talk, as if they can say a word, they can take away the whole body. .

In the corner, there was a young man in a ragged shirt. His hair was messy and his face was black and black. He was curling up and shivering. Around him, an old man was anxiously holding him in his arms, trying to make him no longer so cold. .

He has been ill for a long time, and then he will continue to do so, afraid that even this night will not pass.

The wooden house was filled with people, but there was no sound at all. In the big house, there was only silence left.

Suddenly, the voice of the Huns came from outside. These people were a little more stunned in their eyes. They were enslaved by these Huns for a long time, so that when they heard the Huns, they could not stop shaking and shrinking.

After waiting for such a long time, they also understood some of the Huns, knowing that the two Huns outside were swearing that the people they brought were too slow.

The scorpion that Liu Guoren had grayed out was darkened again. It seems that a new Liu Guoren was arrested.

With the snoring, the outer chain was opened, and the light came in. A teenager dressed in patched clothes and stepping on the sandals was pushed and thrown in. He shook like a trembling and fell to the ground. Do not dare to carry.

The two Xiongnu soldiers seemed to be teased by his appearance, laughing and taunting a few words, and went out to lock the door from the outside.

The cold wind that had just flowed in along the door and blew in, Liu Guo’s teenager shuddered, and the other people who had long been used to it were all numb.

In the absence of clothing and food, it seems that as long as you do not move, you can prolong life.

The teenager looked up and was blindly covered by the messy hair. He glanced at the Liu Guoren, who was numb in front of him. When he saw it clearly, he lowered his head and moved his foot to the corner. Through the gap between the woods, I looked at the snow outside.


"The little soldier first entered the enemy's abdomen."

Inside the house burning in the brazier, one tall and one short, two figures sitting face to face, sitting at the table, Wei Mingyan held a small chess piece, and followed the narrow road to the middle of the opposite black chess piece.

"But the soldier is so small that an enemy soldier can find him."

Zhao Shuzhen is still a white winter coat today. On the black hair, she removed the original jewelry and was also given two white balls. As her head swayed and swayed, it seemed even more so.

"The small soldiers are small, but the enemy is arrogant and there is no precaution, let alone, here..."

The emperor stretched out his white fingers and gently clicked on the little soldiers to write "big" soldiers. "There should be outsiders, as long as the army is put in, the rest is not easy."

Although Zhao Shuzhen has grown up from a young age, she has never been exposed to the art of war. She has only heard that the man sitting opposite is so powerful that she can come up with such a method of cracking.

When Zhao Shuqing came back from the outside, he saw his sister-in-law moving the soldier to the black chess he was obsessed with.

Zhao Shuqing held the chess piece for a moment, "Hey, this is not the rule."

"Why should the brothers of the tree be obsessed with the rules, is this rule not set by you and me? If you want to win, you need to be flexible."

Looking at the emperor who laughed and laughed at the opposite side, Zhao Shuqing stared at him quietly for a few seconds. When his smile gradually fell, he left the black soldier in his hand directly in front of the chess piece surrounded by white pieces.

"Then I will change once and let the soldiers kill the enemy king."

Looking at the white king chess on his side was swallowed by black chess, Wei Mingyan was not troubled, but the laughter was even more cheerful. "You are the Lai Pi, and the monarch is like a cloud. It is so easy."

Zhao Shuqing calmly asked, "The small soldiers have low grades, and they have the ability to be external."

"Hey, why don't you think more about the Qing brother? If this is a small soldier, is Wuyi high-powered?"


Anyway, the opposite emperor can find a reason.

Zhao Shuqing took back his hand and decided to go to the book himself.

"You don't play this? Come here, boy, we play."

Looking at the younger sister, she began to collect the pieces, and Zhao Shuqing sat back silently.

Big deal, he is reading here, and he will never give the two people a chance to be alone.


Lang Su has been sitting silently in this corner for a long time. He kept scanning the snow outside and watching the Huns who came and went patrolling. The body seemed to be backed up and many people curled up. But it has been moving on the wood.

Fortunately, although the wooden house is large enough, but it has been in disrepair for a long time, Lang Su has a lot of strength on his hands. After a few rounds, this piece of wood was cut by a knife.

The surrounding people were numb and closed, and no one found Lang Su’s movement.

As soon as he arrives at night, he can escape from here and open the gate so that the soldiers hiding outside will enter.

He was working hard. Suddenly he felt a little wrong. He stopped and turned his head and looked at it. He saw that a boy with a dirty face was staring at himself silently. He was thin and his eyes were black.

Lang Su was shocked. According to the information, most of the big boys in Yucheng were driven as slaves when they were young. Compared with the Liu Guoren who were imprisoned here as adults, these children who lived here were not. So many miss the mood of his hometown, he was stunned by his own actions, and if he shouted out, everything could be abandoned.

He was afraid that the young man would yell out and screamed from his arms. It looked like a ragged shirt, and he actually let him pull out a piece of candy.

Carefully handing this piece of candy into the palm of the jug, Lang Su made a squeaking gesture. He didn’t know that he couldn’t understand it. He always looked at the candy bar and looked at Lang Su, but he never Make a little movement.

Until the sky was getting darker, Lang Su was all done. He had never suffered from bitter hands and was frozen. He quickly took care of his arms and waited silently for the night.

I knew that I hadn’t waited until the night, and the sound of the chain was opened. The two Huns who came in and looked at the land like the dead Liu Guoren, ridiculed a few words, they all looked at Lang Su Going towards him with a clear goal.

Lang Su had learned the language of the Huns in the Fuchu, only listening to what they meant, like trying to catch a Liu Guoren to go out to play.

To say that it is fun, in fact, it is to whipping Liu Guoren, watching them screaming and begging for mercy.

As a newcomer to Liu Guoren, Lang Su naturally became the object of this whipping.

If it is taken out, the risk of being caught in the knives hidden in the body will not be said, it will be delayed at night and will be delayed.

But if he turns his face now, how can he resist the Huns who are still awake now?

In his heart, the double fists hidden behind him clenched tightly, hanging his head and letting the cold eyes not reveal.

The two Huns talked and laughed and approached here. From time to time, they took the other person who was sitting on the ground with a disgusting kick.

Just as they were here, the dirty-faced teenager suddenly fell to the ground and twitched and rolled on the ground.

The old woman around him was shocked and quickly went forward to hold the boy, while he kept praying for forgiveness to the two Huns.

"Adult, my son is sick, adults don't care about him, ask the adults to care..."

The two Huns looked at the young man on the ground who was rolling and squatting, and then went to see Lang Su, but he was also a half-dead, and suddenly he lost his interest, his mouth screamed, his face was disgusting. Going out.

The door was locked from the outside again, and it was still twitching vigorously, as if the young man who had passed the next second had climbed up from the ground, re-collapsed and shrunk in the corner, and never looked at him with his eyes. Look at each other.

The old woman looked at Lang Su's eyes, but she didn't speak. She just held the boy in her arms, as if he was afraid of being scared and patted his back gently.

That night, Lang Su quietly slipped out of the hollow that he dug out. When he left, he suddenly wanted to look behind him, but he saw the dark moonlight, and he had a pair of black eyes looking at himself quietly.

Thinking that he might be forced to become a slave to the Huns in the middle of the battle, Lang Su hesitated for a second and turned and whispered. "You are quiet, I will pick you up soon."

The teenager who had never been open nodded and watched Lang Su’s footsteps light and fast.

At night, the city was lit up.

Dressed in cotton, covered with armor, armed with long knives, and steadfast soldiers rushed in.

The Huns have long been accustomed to the Liu Guoren who were still robbed by their robbery and extortion. Even if Liu Guo issued a document, he was not taken care of by them.

Liu Guoren will call over? how is this possible.

The king of Liu Guo’s country had long been scared by them, how could they fight against them, not afraid that they would go directly to Kyoto and take the head of his head?

Until the last second before death, the eyes of these Huns were full of incredulity.

In the midst of a fire, the originally numb Liu Guo people stood up and frantically looked through the cracks in the wood to the people who were fighting outside.

They have expectations in their eyes, and they can’t believe it, more, or dream like a dream.

Until the shouts of the outside subsided, there was a sound of the chain being cut by the knife.

- Ding Dong!

The heart of every Liu Guoren is screaming with the sound of the lock.

The door opened, and outside the door, someone held a torch and shouted at it. "But I am Liu Guofan?"


Almost immediately after hearing the words of Liu Guo, the people in the house burst into tears, and even the white-haired but still desperately supported the old man, and fell to the ground with a cry of sorrow and relief.

They can finally go home -

One by one, the people of Liuguo helped each other out of the house. Their hair was scattered and tied. All of them were ragged, everyone was skinny, and everyone’s eyes were full of gratitude and hope.

Even if they were not related to them, Liu Guojun, who was responsible for registering their names, showed their unbearable sympathy.

"The people who come out come to the queue first, tell him your name, place of origin, record it and go to the house to rest."

The small soldiers who had been arranged for a long time were afraid that they could not hear clearly. They repeatedly shouted several times. "The people who are hungry go there first to eat, and when they finish eating, they have to come back and line up!"

"If there are children, bring the children to the cotton jacket first!"

There are several soldiers who have started a large pot, which is full of fragrant porridge. It is the taste that they have not smelled for a long time. Everyone is not full, but everyone does not eat porridge, but is careful, There was a long queue in front of the table where they recorded their identity.

The skinny little boy followed behind the old woman, and did not know how long it took to get to the front. He looked at the person who registered the name. He was wearing a cotton coat with outer armor and looks handsome. Although slightly rounded, the look is extremely serious.

He dipped his ink and asked skillfully, "Name, which person?"

When the Liuguo people in the queue answered, they wrote it quickly. They wrote two copies in total, one on one side, one on the other, and the voices were a little dumb. Take this paper and go to the house over there to rest. If you are hungry, there are porridges here, you have to run around."

"Yes, yes, thank you."

The man was a white-haired old man. He carefully took the paper he had handed over with tears. He was very hungry, but he did not go to eat porridge, but quickly ran to the house.

Because there stood a soldier, Liu Guobing wearing Liu Guo’s armor.

Fan Yuancai took a look at the paper he had written, and saw the Xucheng people above, and sighed with a sigh.

When the city was so prosperous, there were so many people who came and went to live, and now there are only those people left behind. Even among these people, there are not many locals in Yucheng.

As far as he has just recorded, 80% are from other cities.

Think about it too, if there are other blood relatives in other cities, where can be supported for so many years.

Two more records were recorded. An old woman stood in front of her. She carefully guarded the thin young boy behind her. She couldn’t wait for the message. "We are the people of Yucheng. This is my little master, surnamed Yu, calling for Jiu Niang."


Fan Yuancai stunned and looked forward to the girl who was dressed as a teenager in front of him. He whispered, "Can you know that you can have a relationship with you?"

The girl who had been silent for a moment opened her mouth and said with a clear voice, "It is the father."

Fan Yuancai's hand holding the pen shook, his eyes almost immediately turned red, and he muttered, "So, can you still have someone else alive?"

The girl shook her head and calmly replied, "When the thief enters the city, his father resists the victim in the city gate. The mother is unbearably humiliated. The rest of the brothers and sisters have not saved their lives. Only the rest of the mother took me out."

Fan Yuancai’s hand holding the pen can no longer support it, and the city’s prefect is the grandfather of his dear.

He died to resist foreign enemies, and he was a pro-foreigner, but it took him more than ten years to know his existence.

Lang Su was inspecting and found that the wrong side was here. He quickly came over. "Fan Yuancai, what happened to you?"

He said, looking at the old and the young standing at the table, paused for a moment in the Jiu Niang.

Fan Yuancai wiped his tears and handed the pen in his hand. "Lang Su, you remember for me, I will take me first..."

He paused and almost did not restrain the crying. "Take me a little to settle down."

Lang Su was shocked. He also knew on the road that Fan Yuancai was so desperate to learn martial arts. He only took the record of Liu Guobai's name, but also to find his family. I didn't expect to find it so quickly.

He hurriedly greeted the old woman. "This is a small slap, and the little priest is polite."

"No, no."

Fan Yuancai quickly took him and pointed to Jiu Niang, "This is my little sister."

Lang Su was on the front of this, which was shorter than him. How to see how it is a man’s 裘九娘.

Very good, but also an elder who is younger than myself.

He paused for a few seconds before he took another ceremony. "... Lang Su has seen Xiao Yan."

When can he be worshipped as an elder by others?


Liu Guofan, who lived in Heil for more than a decade, gathered in the house, where the warm brazier was lit. They wore clothes from Liu Guojun, and they were not very thick and could be worn on their bodies. But it is warm from head to toe.

They even put on shoes called cotton shoes. The feet with frostbite can finally feel the heat. Because no one dares to eat porridge, the soldiers in armor will push a pot of porridge directly into the flat car. , urged the people inside to eat.

When the warm and fragrant porridge entered the abdomen and was eaten and eaten, someone held the table and cried low, but this time, it was so happy that he cried.

Their country did not give up on them, and in the end, they rescued them.

It is clear that these rescued people are still very cautious, and one of the eloquent soldiers is sent to take care of them.

These little soldiers are not very old, and they can relax when they look at the serious veterans. They also love to talk. They sit in the brazier and eat a bowl of porridge and start to talk.

"You don't have to be so careful. These quilts won't be hard. This is called a cotton quilt. It's made of cotton that has been planted in the greenhouse. Even if it's done now, let the sun come out and dry." it is good."

"You see, the cotton coats on our bodies are made of cotton. These are all rare objects. They are used by others, and they are specially brought to us."

He said, he added a sentence, "You don't have to worry about the Huns any more in the future. They can't beat us. We Liuzhou people don't have to worry about being slaves anymore."

Wearing warm clothes on the body, the comfortable brazier underneath, and the taste of fullness for the first time in the belly, the people who were rescued were all grateful.

Listening to the little soldier talking, there was a sudden exclamation outside.

"Red Day, it is a red day!!"

When the curtain opened, I saw the red sun on the horizon being exposed from the edge.

Lang Sugang just yawned and turned around and saw a house horrified.

It’s not that the sun is a little red, why do you scare it like this.

His eyes turned, and he screamed directly at the red sun, shouting, "God bless me Liu Guo! Long live the long live!!"

For a moment, all the soldiers, the people in the house, were infected and smashed down.

Especially the white-haired old man, shaking his lips, bursting into tears:

"God to my country!"

"Long live your majesty! Long live! Long live!!"

Read The Duke's Passion