MTL - One Useless Rebirth-Chapter 36 noob

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After experiencing the impact of the video, He Bai has lost the desire to view the contents of the recorder. He intuitively told him that if he listened to the contents of the recorder, he would definitely have a nightmare tonight.

Border province, deep in the jungle, shooting scene.

"Card! This is over!"

Jiang Guanshan waved his hand and the scene was quiet for a moment. Then there was a huge cheer. The staff ran up to surround the already-tired Di Qiuhe, sent water to the towel, checked if he had just been injured, and he just boasted that he just That chase was well filmed.

The male second Yang Wentian took a drink from the water that the assistant handed over. He smiled and looked at Di Qiuhe, who had already climbed up from the ground, and gave a thumbs up. He boasted, "It’s very powerful, just the scene that shattered the glass. fantastic."

Di Qiuhe gasped and smiled. He touched his fist and smiled. He refused to use the substitute. Yang Ge, who played back and forth on the top of the two trucks, actually praised me. Then I must be It’s amazing.”

As an action actor, Yang Wentian's audience familiarity is there, but there is nothing to pick up the work of the beam and the fire, so it has been a little tepid, resources are not very good, usually not less popular with some popular actors. He thought that this Di Qiuhe was a popular little man, and he was the grandfather of the emperor. The temper was definitely a bit arrogant, but he did not expect that the other party was as gentle and accommodating as the rumor, there was no shelf, and he did not take the grandfather’s master. Identity is a matter of respect and respect for his predecessor.

At this time, he was secretly held by the other party. His heart was very useful. His face was a little bit true, and his attitude was more cordial. "I don't think so. The car roof scene is actually looking thrilling. The team will not be in danger. The scene you just had is different. The trajectory of the broken glass is uncontrollable. It is dangerous to be in danger of breaking the stage. It is a good attitude.

Di Qiuhe smiled and looked down at the nose, as if he was embarrassed by his predecessors.

"It took a night to play and the spirit is in this exaggeration. It seems that you are not tired at all. Then let's take another shot?" Jiang Guanshan sat behind the camera and shouted a scorpion. The staff was busy laughing and distracting.

Di Qiuhe and Yang Wentian looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. The relationship was invisible and close, and they went to Jiangguanshan.

After listening to the director's post-drama summary, Di Qiuhe returned to the temporary rest area and entered his own room. He looked at Wang Boyi who was coming over and asked, "Is there anyone looking for me last night?"

Wang Boyi did not accompany the night show. At this time, he just got out of bed. He heard the work of Di Qiuhe placed on him with his mobile phone and shook his head. "No, the team said that Qin Li was very honest recently. Nothing." thing."

Di Qiuhe nodded and said that he was leaving. After washing, he leaned back on the bed. He took out his personal mobile phone from the drawer and pressed it. He saw that it had no power to shut down automatically. He frowned and found the charger plugged in.

The old phone turned on a bit slow, and he took a night of play. He was very tired at this time. When he turned on, he closed his eyes unconsciously, and his consciousness began to get confused.


The SMS alert tone sounded one after another.

He opened his eyes and his eyes quickly turned back to Qingming, and picked up the phone and lifted it to his eyes.

Three text messages, one by Jiang Xiuwen, one by Niu Junjie, and one is a reminder of missed calls sent by the system.

He rubbed his swelled eyes and opened them one by one.

Jiang Xiuwen: Don't be discouraged. After two days, I went to He Baidao to apologize. By the way, I will help you to talk about love, chasing people to come slowly, you should take pictures first.

Niu Junjie: Xiaobai should have seen what you sent, but his expression is too calm. I didn't see what he thought, you will keep up!

He blinked and clicked on the missed call reminder sent by the system, and his mind slowly drifted away - anyway, the missed call was definitely the one that Jiang Xiuwen did not like to send text messages, and did not look carefully.

However, Xiaobai’s hard-hearted person can’t see any thoughts should be the best reaction... Maybe it’s time to find a time to go back to the B city, find a little white to talk about, and then buy him some delicious food. of……

Thinking about it, consciousness began to blur again. Just when his eyes were about to close, the blurred vision gradually shook the darkened mobile phone screen, and vaguely saw the word "hebai". Amazed, wake up again.

Press the screen again, only at the top of the screen, in the middle of the short SMS message, the words "He Bai" are hanging swayingly, and the call time at the end of the message is clearly written... 10 o'clock last night!

He sat up with a big eye and looked at the text message several times without confidence.

It was really a phone call from Xiaobai, just at 10 o'clock last night. At that time, he seemed to have just finished a play and was in the middle of the break... but he didn't bring a mobile phone!

He, no, have, bring, hand, machine!

He missed the phone of Xiaobai!

Annoyed to take a bed, he took a look at the time, see the time that He Bai got up every day, busy licking his face and cheering, carefully dialing the phone back.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is an empty number."

He sneaked and hurriedly dialed again.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is an empty number."


So...he is this blackened again? Because I didn't answer the call?

He couldn't help but hold his head.

Xiaobai is willing to call him. In all likelihood, he is soft and ready to forgive him, but he is shut down, he missed the phone...

Then it was blacked out again...

The brain suddenly suddenly stunned for a moment, and then immediately flashed through the content of the love Raiders sent by Jiang Xiuwen, one of the "one hundred behaviors rejected by lovers" is not answering the phone!


He rubbed his shoulders, then thought of something, immediately turned to get out of bed to find the computer to open, first log on the campus network, search for the white account, send a bunch of explanations of private messages, and then log in to the recently registered small microblogging, click into the only Special attention, continue to send a bunch of explanations of private letters.

After doing all this, he still felt that he was not enough. He found the camera and started to record the apology video.

Yes, after watching the three-person apology video, Xiaobai called him. Then, is that if he records a few more videos and sends it to him, Xiaobai will call him again?

Xu Yurong took off the reading glasses, frowned and sighed for a while, looked at the opposite white, and asked, "I only ask you to hand in one homework a week, but you handed in ten at a time, why?"

He Bai smashed the camera bag, flashed a lot of excuses and reasons in his mind, but in the end he just honestly replied, "Because... I didn't take care of any one."

I felt a little frustrated and my head slowly lowered. "I have mastered the basic group composition theory, but I shot it..."

Xu Rongrong glanced at him and said nothing. He just put all ten photos in front of him and said, "You first tell yourself, these photos are all wrong."

He Bai looked up and seriously looked at the photos one by one. He ruthlessly criticized himself. "The color processing is bad, the composition ratio is problematic, the main and the second are not divided, there is no theme, some portraits even have angles to deal with the phenomenon of wrong proportion distortion. ...The teacher is sorry, I will retake this homework."

"If you remake, you can't shoot well, because your whole idea is wrong." Xu Yurong shook his head and said directly, "If the perfect score is a hundred percent, you can only give you zero points for the homework you handed in this time." Last time you asked me how to quickly improve the compositional confusion, I suggested that you study the poster, but you obviously didn't understand what I really meant."

He Baiyi, the body could not help but lean forward, revealing a position that is eager to get an answer, completely disregarding those severe criticisms.

Xu Yurong is admiring him. He can stand up to criticism, be willing to learn, not stubborn, find problems to improve immediately, and listen to others' opinions.

“The posters are all carefully designed. That is to say, the group images above are all done by the photographer with the conscious cooperation of the photographer, and the ones you handed in...” Xu Yurong’s tone is unconsciously eased and light. I tapped the photo on the table and said, "I still maintain the routine when you take a single image. All of them are captured. Is there a good group of captured images? There are many, but they can be met. Most of the group images in the world, especially those related to business, are basically done by photographers and photographers. So Xiaohe, you have to learn to let the models take pictures with your ideas instead of continuing to capture them. The dead end of the model took the road to death."

醍醐 醍醐 top.

He Baizhen looked at the ten photos on the table, and remembered the experience of taking pictures of the portraits accumulated during this time.

Indeed, he used to take pictures of the scenery, subconsciously thinking about how to capture, to actively cooperate with others, rather than let others cooperate with each other, because nature never takes the initiative to cooperate with someone, you want to take an excellent The scenery must be guarded day and night, waiting and looking for the perfect moment that nature has given.

In the past, when he was photographed, he also let the model play freely. He took the camera with the camera and rarely let the model actively cooperate.

...... So he has always been practical, but the routine of shooting the scene, in essence, there is no breakthrough and growth.

"Teacher..." He couldn't help but panic after he realized this.

Xu Rongrong raised his hand to signal that he should not talk. He got up and took a photo album from the bookcase. He sat back and pushed it to him. He clicked on the first photo and said, "This is the first group I shot. That year I was a new reporter. I followed Master to take a photo of the police escorting the prisoner back to China. This photo was approved by my master."

He Bai looked at the past and saw that he was pointing at a black and white picture with a slightly blurred pixel. In the photo, the prisoner and the police were lined up in the car, looking lazy and scattered, and there was no police to confess the prisoner's nervousness.

"At the time, the domestic environment was poor. It was a very tiring job to **** prisoners. So when the police arrived at the destination, the police and the prisoners were in a bad state." Xu Rongrong explained, turning the photo album one page, "This It was taken by my master, and the newspaper finally took this photo."

Still a blurry black and white photo, but using a close-up close-up, and only shot a policeman and a prisoner. In the photo, the police and the prisoners are standing in front of the camera. The policeman is exhausted, but he tries to straighten his body. The hand holding the prisoner's arm and shoulder is very stable. The prisoner leans his head and avoids the camera. Have regrets and shame.

"This is a snapshot I took." Xu Rongrong turned the photo back and let He Bai watch it for two seconds, then turned over again. "And my master is posing, he proposed to let the police stop the prisoner. The action required. The person who was photographed knew that this photo was going to be news, so he did not consciously reveal the true emotions in their hearts. The police wanted the audience to see justice through him, and the prisoner committed it for himself. I feel ashamed of my fault."

He Bai looked at the eyes of the two photographed people in the photo, and was awkward.

"The prisoner later pleaded guilty because of his good performance, and he was released from prison in advance." Xu Yurong closed the album and looked at He Bai. "The police officer retired more than ten years ago and went to visit the prisoner every year." They have a good relationship now."

He Bai’s eyes moved to the photo he had taken and slowly frowned.

"Xiaohe, you must be a portrait photographer. You must not only learn to discover the characteristics of the models, but also capture the characteristics of the models. They must learn to use their qualities to make reasonable use of them. They show the picture you want most."

“The photographer is not only a bystander and a recorder, but also a participant and a master. The group image is too controllable because of too many people, but you have eyes, hands, and brains. You used to use eyes to find them. Then grab them with your hands, and later, I hope that you can use your brain, control their beauty, discover them, enlarge them, and arrange them consciously."

The idea of ​​chaos was suddenly broken by a strong direction. He Bai silently digested the words, took a look at the photos on the table, and took a long exit, looked up and smiled at Xu Yurong, solemnly said, "Teacher, next I will be able to hand over a job that will satisfy you!"

Xu Rongrong saw him open the door, satisfied with the back of the chair, and waved his hand. "Go, this time, take a good shot."

"Yes!" He Bai laughed and got up, took the photo on the table and couldn't wait to run outside.

Xu Rongrong shook his head and laughed. He took a look at the calendar and sighed. "There are still a few months, I hope I can catch up..."

After coming out of Xu’s office, He Bai rushed back to the bedroom, took the wallet and went out, bought the stand with the fastest speed, then ran to the biggest playground in B, bought the ticket and bought it. A large whiteboard, the book "free photo, take the photo immediately after the shoot, the photo pose must be specified by the photographer, take the photo first" line, to the most dense fountain at the station, began to abide.

Ten minutes passed, and there were a lot of people watching the crowd, but no one came to the door.

He Bai looked at the other people on the left and right, and went to buy a large box of lollipops, adding a note of “student training, taking a lollipop” and changing the place where the person was slightly less. Continue to linger.

Another five minutes passed, and a couple curiously came together.

He Bai’s eyes lit up and quickly looked at the couple’s appearances and other places where they could show their character. The brain quickly flashed the proportion of the suitable composition for the couple’s photo, and was inspired by the brain.

“I used to go to a remote spot. The locals called it a marriage spring. They said that if they liked each other to drink a cup of spring water together, they would spend the rest of their lives together.” He first gave the lollipop to two people, then While playing with the camera, he smiled at the dimples of his left face and asked, "There is a special posture for drinking water there. Do you want to try it?"

The girl has been stunned by his smile, and he nodded when he thought about it. He said, "Try! Although the boyfriend is stupid, it seems to be a good job to live together for a lifetime."

The tall boy next to her smiled helplessly at her, raising her hand and messing up her hair.

The girl blinked and immediately counterattacked.

He Bai looked at them, and his brain flashed through the shape of two marriage stones in the remote spot. He smiled and smiled. After they had enough trouble, they began to teach them how to pose.

The first team of couples walked away with joy, and after watching a lively pair of girlfriends, they immediately came together, then the mother and son, and then the father and the daughter... After taking the last family photo, all the lollipops were sent out. He Bai put the whiteboard in a good position and stretched out.

Today's harvest is good, and I will not continue to learn again in the next day.

The next day, He Bai accidentally received a call from Jiang Xiuwen.

"Are you big at Q?" He was a little surprised.

"Yes." Jiang Xiuwen replied, his attitude is very sincere. "I am here to apologize to you. I am sorry to cooperate with Qiuhe to lie to you."

He Bai glanced at the small box he had just signed, and sighed in his heart and said, "I know, where are you, I am going to find you."

The two met at the playground, and then He Bai went to the tea bar in the North Canteen with Jiang Xiuwen, and found a quiet corner to sit down.

After the waiter had a good drink, Jiang Xiuwen took a look at the statement and said, "Mr. He, last time in the red guest, I made a claim to Qiuhe's trumpet to create a 'cousin' identity, I am sorry, sorry. ”

I personally apologize, and my posture is still so low, sincerity is absolutely sufficient.

He Bai looked at him and remembered Di Qiuhe’s video of three cups of self-punishment. The heart that was not too hard had already softened. After a few seconds of silence, he said, “I accept your apology, as for the autumn crane... ...I will talk to him again."

After so many days, his temperament has almost disappeared, and at that time, the black-and-white farewell wanted to scare the other side, and wanted to let the other party remember for a long time. Now that Jiang Xiuwen has come to apologize for his friends, Di Qiuhe should have been taught, and this is a time to turn over.

"Thank you for the tolerance of Mr. He." Jiang Xiuwen heard a loud sigh of relief and did not expect that things would go so smoothly.

He watched as He Bai gradually faded away from the face of Qing Yan. He remembered that his friend had confirmed the other person's appearance. Hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but say a few good words for his friend. "Mr. He, the autumn crane is childish, and it is a little childish. Occasionally, he loses his sense of proportion, but he is absolutely not malicious. The starting point for playing is just to be closer to you. He is stupid, the way is useless, plus the family environment is special, let him Some... In short, if he does something wrong later, even if he teaches him to beat him, he will not resist. He only hopes that you will not ignore him. He has fewer friends and is more susceptible to the emotions of his friends. I will only squat on my own."

He Bai heard the last sentence and stunned. He remembered that Di Qiuhe’s birthday was very happy on the night of his birthday, but he said that he would not express it. Instead, he would be less sympathetic than usual, and he couldn’t help but sigh. Jiang Xiuwen smiled and said, "I understand, thank you Mr. Jiang for reminding."

Jiang Xiuwen said that he was welcome and polite. He was gratified and anxious.

Good friends have a good eye, and the people they like are very good, but they are so understanding, their temper is so good, their ability is so strong, and their looks are so pleasing... In short, a person who is so good, how to chase after his own friends, if this person is It’s better to bend, and if the other side is a straight straight man with a straight steel pipe... the road to chasing the husband, the prospects are too fierce.

After returning to the bedroom, He Bai thought about these days and sighed again, taking out the box he had just received from his backpack.

There is a piece of paper and a memory card in the box. The note is densely written with "I'm sorry". One stroke, I can see that the person who wrote it is very serious. Needless to say, it is definitely a video.

He Bai is helpless and somewhat funny.

Di three years old is really... childish and even an apology will only use this method of primary school students, it is stupid.

The other person in the bedroom is not in, he directly inserts the card into the computer, and then clicks the video after the video is read.

"Little white." In the background of the room that was more rudimentary than the last time, Di Qiuhe sat in a vest and sleep pants sitting on the bed with a serious expression.

Only a few days later, he was actually a little darker, with injuries on his arms, a small red mark on his forehead, and his eyebrows were much more fierce than before, but because his eyes were awkward and flattering, he was also very cute. stand up.

"When you called me yesterday, I was filming, I didn't receive your call, sorry." He said, his body was sitting up straight again. "Xiu Wen said that he should be sincere. I am afraid that you can't see me." Your campus network and Weibo private letter, so recorded this video. Tonight, I have to take a night show, so I can't drink, three glasses of wine will be given to you next time, sorry."

He Bai looked at him and couldn't cover his tired eyebrows and his bloodshot eyes. His eyes stopped on the dark circles under his eyes, and the last thing in his heart was gone.

"Yes." Di Qiuhe was more cautious in sitting posture and said with a stiff face. "In order to avoid a mistake, I decided to confess one thing to you."

He Bai Yi, frowning. Is this guy still cheating on something else?

"After irritating you, I secretly contacted Niu Junjie and asked him for the method of forgiveness. It is not monitoring you or wanting to inquire about your privacy. If you feel offended, I can stop this behavior. I am sorry."

He Bai looked at the complicated person who looked at the video and seriously apologized. He finally shook his head, took out his mobile phone, and pulled his number out of the blacklist.

"Next time, I will not miss your call again next time." At the end of the video, Di Qiuhe seriously assured that he smiled at the camera, silly, and somewhat gentle, "Little White, looking forward to seeing you next time." ""

At the end of the video playback, He Bai’s face was already smiling, and he thought about it and took the recording pen out.

There is only one piece of audio in the recorder, and he finds out the click to play.

"Little white, sorry."

A familiar apology opening remarks.

"Cheat you to send me a voice is wrong, now, please accept my apologies."

The smile on He Bai’s face was stiff, and the mind had an unpredictable foreboding.

"Little white, good morning, what?"


"Little white, good night, what?"

He Bai raised his hand and covered his face.

"There is still a period of compensation." The gentle and low-sounding male voice paused, and then took a shyness and slowly said, "Xiaobai, give you kiss and hold high."


He Bai facelessly turned off the recorder, took a deep breath, picked up the phone and clicked on the number of Di Qiuhe to pull him into the blacklist again. When he remembered Jiang Xiuwen's words, he indignantly canceled the black and chose to shut down.

It should not be expected how long the spicy chicken can last! When he is a girl, but also kiss and hold high, two big men, this is disgusting!

It was the end of the day and night. Di Qiuhe took the personal mobile phone from Wang Boyi and saw that there was still no phone call from He Bai.

"Di Shao." It has been found that Wang Boyi, who has a contradiction between the boss and the younger brother, hesitated and handed over his mobile phone. "I turned over the recent news of the emperor on Weibo today and stumbled upon this." ... Although the photo didn't take a full face, this person should be your Q university brother..."

Di Qiuhe had to stand up straight against the body of the rest chair, and almost took the cell phone in his hand.

Wang Boyi: "..." This bandit-like action, as well as the gifts sent to Q... I don’t know if I am chasing a girl.

There is a pink Weibo homepage on the screen of the mobile phone. The blogger should be a beautiful girl. The authentication information is XX's ancient singer. There are many representative works, and the fans are about 100,000. The first page of the homepage is the previous promotion microblog of the top, and the second one is the latest travel microblog, with nine pictures. The first seven photos are all landscape photos, the eighth one is a couple photo, and finally One, it is obviously a stealing photo.

When Di Qiuhe saw the first second of the ninth photo, he recognized that the person facing the camera sideways was a puppy, and then the finger opened the picture faster than the brain, and the line of sight stuck to the side of the person in the photo. I couldn't help but reach out and touched the position of the dimple.

Wang Boyi pretended not to see his movements and said, "The blogger said that when she was dating her boyfriend at the amusement park, she accidentally met a student who took pictures for free. It said that the student is very skilled and very good. Very kind, I also sent a lollipop after the photo was taken. After the microblog was sent out, someone recognized the person in the photo as Mr. He, and then attracted a lot of fans, and quickly put this Weibo to the top. ""

"Xiaobai is so powerful, naturally wherever it goes, it is the focus of the crowd." Di Qiuhe couldn't help but curl up his mouth, and his tone was a little proud. He just prepared to save the photos. He remembered that this was Wang Boyi's mobile phone and he was busy withdrawing. Return the phone to him and take out his mobile phone.

Wang Boyi caught the phone and was a little surprised. Did Di Shao seem to be getting better? why?

Hey, the phone just came out, a text message came in, Di Qiuhe frowned, hesitated between Weibo and reading the text, reluctantly chose the text message.

Jiang Xiuwen: He talked with He Bai. He accepted my apology and said that he would communicate with you again and seize the opportunity.

Di Qiuhe’s body was shocked, and he did not want to dial the phone that turned over He Bai.

"Sorry, the user you dialed has been turned off."

Is shut down! Not an empty number!

He remembered the stolen photo of the puppy's good-looking side face and the twitching corner of the camera. He couldn't help but turn around and hold Wang Boyi's shoulder and seriously, "I want to go back to B city!"

Wang Boyi screamed hard and resisted his iron claws and said stiffly. "You can play..."

"After the night scene, I will adjust the time one day, help me book a ticket! I will come back on time!" Di Qiuhe was very upset, his eyes lit up, and quickly said, "I will go to pack and prepare gifts first. You are going to set a ticket, there is only one day left in the night show, you have to hurry!" After turning around, he ran back to the room.

Wang Boyi: "..." Di Shao's state, why do you always feel that there is something wrong with...