MTL - One Useless Rebirth-Chapter 37 What about cranes?

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A cool autumn rain, the summer heat gradually faded, the summer clothes of the major shopping malls were gradually removed, the autumn clothes were hot, and the major fashion magazines also followed the seasonal changes, and began to concentrate on recommending the outstanding autumn products of major brands.

Lin Xia opened "Visual" and carefully spread the inner page folded in the middle position, touched the clothes on her own, satisfied with the tone, and smiled at the opposite side of the white, "Congratulations, the photo is again on the magazine. ""

“It’s all the merits of the fashion designer and the team.” He Bai did not work at all, and no matter how many times he was praised, he was still a happy smile.

Lin Xia smiled at him and looked at him. "You are sweet, you are all for you, let's talk, come here today, what's the matter?"

After careful thoughts were poked, He Bai smiled embarrassedly, and took a stack of invitation letters from her backpack and put them in front of her, and said, "This is the invitation I received during this time, obviously refused. However, but... I have to work with Lin Jie to help me deal with it."

With the fire of the little mermaid and the photos he took frequently on the major platforms, more and more people came to the film. He is just a student, and he is very reluctant to take care of his studies and work. There is no extra time to get these. And about to shoot this kind of thing, once you loose your mouth, you can't stop it. Otherwise, everyone is about to shoot. You took him, but you don't shoot another person. What do you mean? Can you look down on people?

And although his strength is there, his experience is lacking too much, and... the short board is serious. From the perspective of long-term career development, he is not suitable for premature overdraft, and trying to enrich himself is the most important thing to do now.

After listening to these difficulties, Lin Xia was used on the one hand for his not taking the company to pick up his private life, and he wholeheartedly trusted the company's attitude. On the one hand, he was distressed that he was young and has no pulse, and he refused to refuse the relationship in the entertainment industry. The intricate big stars, with a soft heart, took the initiative to help him to take the opportunity to refuse the appointment, the name of the person in charge of the small mermaid brand and the terms that were not allowed to be taken outside the contract when signing the contract. I refused a lot of invitations.

In the end, there is no clause in the contract that does not allow He Bai to take the outside shot. Only He Bai and Lin Xia know it.

"Who is not dying this time?" Lin Xia glanced at the pile of invitation letters, dragged them over and looked at them, angry and funny. "This is really... those who are a little bit of a wrist, refused to know once. I don’t come to the door anymore, I just said that I look forward to having the opportunity to cooperate with you. The other big players are listening to the news that we let go, just come over and euphemistically say if you are willing to take a photo, I hope that I can give priority to their intentions. Partly, these people will not be able to keep up. The young people who have not entered the ring for a long time will be happy, and if you are a student, you will not be able to move to the school and you will be invited to the school. This is not unreasonable. The posture is too ignorant."

"It is estimated that they are sent by the agent." He Bai grabbed his face and guessed it.

Lin Xia heard a helpless look at him, shaking his head in his heart. The little actors have no resources, relying on the support of brokers and companies. Where can they dare to provoke the brokers and the company to be angry. These invitation letters are obviously those who have no eyesight to see him. He is just a famous newcomer behind the scenes. There is no connection between people. If he feels that he is bullied, he can try his best to test the bottom line.

It’s no wonder that they are not well mixed. Even Jia’s and Ika’s standing behind He Bai can’t understand, and they’re stupid.

However, there is no need to explain this to He Bai. He is destined to take the high-end route in the future. It is impossible to make an intersection with these little actor and chaotic brokerage company. It is also an explanation for this.

In the heart, the actors and agents who did not enter the stream were ridiculed. Lin Xia immediately threw the invitation letters into the trash can and said to He Bai, "You don't bother with this, the company will help you. But today you It’s just right, I have a job, it’s about you, I want to ask you.”

About his work? Have to ask for willingness first? Now that the autumn costumes have just been finished, the photos have been taken, what else is there?

He Bai looked at her doubtfully.

"Do not worry, it is not about shooting." Lin Xia first fixed his mind, and then took out a document and pushed it over. He said with a smile, "I suggest you to pick up this work, which is good for your future development. Of course. Everything is still based on your wishes. It gives us three days of reply time, so think about it."

He Bai’s heart became more curious, took over the documents and opened it. After watching it, he blinked and couldn’t help but exclaimed. “Jun Chen asked me to give his MV a cover? Junchen? Please me? MV cover? He What is the stimulus?"

Lin Xia was amused by his reaction. He couldn’t help but laugh out and echoed. "Yeah, I am also very curious. What is the stimuli of Junchen’s little song god? Actually, I don’t have to use the photographer, but I’m not interested. "You are such a small newcomer." And in order to cooperate with such a small newcomer, he also proposed to let the new song MV actress wear the costume of the little mermaid, and directly raise the private appropriation to become the Junchen studio and the little mermaid. The cooperation bypassed the contract terms that they used as a shield to "not allow white papers to be taken outside."

He Bai stupidly turned the document, and the monk of Zhang Er couldn’t figure it out.

He hasn't photographed the MV cover. How do you get this job?

From the Ika Building, He Bai hesitated a bit, or went to the amusement park on the bus according to the original plan - to work on weekends, to go to class from Monday to Friday, the time of practice can only be squeezed.

After sitting in the car, he took out his mobile phone, opened the browser, entered the name of Junchen, and clicked Search.

A lot of search results popped up, the first one is still a character introduction encyclopedia.

Jun Chen, male, twenty-seven years old, the head of Junchen Studio, the former Yang Yao record artist, a large number of representative works, seven years of debut, there is a small song god, the highest record of the H zone record sales record holder...

I roughly read the information. He counted the albums that had been released by the other party. He frowned and recalled the popular songs of the past life. He finally guessed which album the monarch would release this time.

...... But if he remembers correctly, the theme of the album that Junchen will release this time is "Kiss", which seems to be the independent creation of the monarch to commemorate the lost family. It is of great significance to Junchen, and the last life, the cover of this album. It seems to be an old photo. He read the cover many times on the listening software. I vaguely remembered that some netizens had a popular science under the song, saying that there was a very touching story behind the old photo, which was very cherished by the monarch. a photograph……

How did it change in this life? What is Jun Xiao Ge God thinking? This album is a fire to CCTV resident, the cover is so important, let him shoot this newcomer?

After thinking hard, he put down his mobile phone and was about to shut down again. Di Qiuhe’s phone was called.

The phrase "kissing and holding high" that day heard out like a conditioned reflex from the depths of my mind, constantly looping, stabbing his eyebrows and jumping, so he did not hesitate to hang Broken, choose to send a text message.

He Bai: I don't want to hear your voice for the time being, is there something?

Di Qiuhe: I miss you.

He Bai: "..."

He Bai: Speak well, or continue to the small black house.

After a while, I returned to the text message.

Di Qiuhe: Where are you? what are you doing?

The chat content is finally normal, He Bai is very satisfied with the typing: on the bus, ready to shoot homework, how are you doing?

Di Qiuhe: It’s quite good, it’s a bit hard, and it’s almost broken.

He Bai a meal, the eyes of the abandonment received the income, although the heart understands that the other side is selling miserable, but still can not control the soft heart, ease the expression of the face to reply: pay attention when filming, do not hurt. Eat well, sleep well, don't worry about it. Also, don't send anything to me anymore. It's better to sleep at that time. I heard that the filming scene is hard, and the climate in the border province is hot and humid. Don't get sick.

Di Qiuhe: You are a good puppy.

Unconsciously flashed through the sentence, "Kissing and holding high," he shook, licking the goosebumps that suddenly popped out, and quickly typing: If you learned these numbness, it would be normal!

Di Qiuhe: ...oh.

Is this sad?

He Bai has moved awkwardly and moved his body. He thought about it and squinted his face: In fact, the deceitful deeds are hidden. Your friend is also very good. Well, the next is not an example. Even if this matter is revealed, I will give you the wind and wash the dust when you return to the B city.

Di Qiuhe: I want to eat the steak you made, I can be responsible for washing dishes!

The skill of this guy climbing is really full.

He Bai turned his eyes and licked the child like a perfunctory typing: walking, eating steak, bowls for you to wash.

Di Qiuhe: Xiaobai, you are so good.

He Bai feels that the other party seems to have a magical ability to talk about death in the sky, think for three seconds, decisively decide to end the conversation that there is no nutritional cycle. Typing: I am about to get off the bus, don't talk, you have a good rest, good Shoot a movie and talk freely.

There was no reply over there. He glanced at the amusement park that had appeared in the front, stuffed the phone into his pocket, and got up and walked toward the door.

Just after the whiteboard was erected, the tourists who came to take pictures immediately got together and asked about He Baizhen’s inquiry and asked him when he usually came.

"When there is no class and no work, I will come over. The time is not fixed. Don't deliberately stick to it. The tickets for the amusement park are still very expensive." He Bai sent a lollipop to the group of enthusiastic girls. The temper said, "And maybe I will not be in this amusement park next time. In short, thank you for your love, I will try to make everyone beautiful." After a habitual smile.

"Ah, ah, so cute! So handsome! Take me to shoot me, shoot me first, I made you a small cookie, Xiaohe, I am your brain powder!" The little girl who led the head excitedly screamed and wanted to be close to him. Shy, so only holding the red face in the excitement of the excitement twice.

"...Thank you for your love." The white expression that was praised and lovely was a bit stiff, and some of them were helpless.

At the beginning of the practice, he did not expect that he actually had fans, and the fan's mobility was so strong. After he heard the location of his photo, he ran around and sneaked a secret on Weibo. Take pictures of everyday "topics, refresh from time to time, and enlighten yourself."

Fortunately, these small fans are very sensible, never bothering him to practice, they will leave after a little welfare.

I took a group photo of this group of lovely fans. He Bai took a cheap gift and collected one or two copies. Then he persuaded them with a good attitude and continued to practice the cause.

Unconsciously, an hour passed, and the last one was left with the lollipop. He was preparing to go to work. A long, powerful hand stretched out from behind and held an orange in his hand.

"I use this for your lollipop, change?"

Familiar scenes, familiar voices.

He Baiyi, immediately turned and looked behind him, exclaimed and asked, "How are you here? Isn't it filming?"

The dusty servant, Di Qiuhe with a tired face on his face smiled at him, habitually raised his top hat and looked at his big eyes, pressed the urge to embrace the past, and said, "Although you already Forgive me, but I think I should apologize to you again, just because the director gave me a vacation today, I bought a ticket and came back to you."

He Baiyan looked at him and didn't know what to say.

The new play started, I also know that as the male leader who is the leader, Di Qiuhe will be busy with what kind of dog-like, how rare it is to have a day off, even if you don’t take a break, this guy actually runs back! I have never seen such a bad, but so... so stupid people! It’s so stupid!

Di Qiuhe saw that he only looked at himself and didn't talk. He thought he was still angry. The smile on his face was careful. He lowered his head and pulled out a cup from his backpack. He said, "Don't be angry, I can make up three more cups... ..."

The always angry guy suddenly becomes honest and pitiful, it feels really...

"What to drink, is it too good for the body!" He frowned and grabbed the glass and threw it directly into the trash can next to him. He bent over and collected the whiteboard. Then he took the camera and lifted the backpack. He glanced at him and asked him with a bad voice. have you eaten?"


"Just someone said that they would not lie to me any more."

Di Qiuhe immediately swallowed the lie and honestly replied, "No food."

Now it’s more than two in the afternoon, but I haven’t eaten yet. This is really... He Bai found that Di Qiuhe always had a way to make him angry and smoke, just like the two people’s eight-character!

"The hat is pressed down, keep up!" He couldn't help but squint at Di Qiuhe. He took the lead and turned away. He took two steps and found that people didn't keep up. I don't know how the fire in my heart was more prosperous. Training, scrutinizing the identity of the other actor, and squatting, walked back and grabbed his arm, dragging him and walking down and shouting, "Why stand still, the meal will fall from the sky?"

The place that was caught was crispy, hemp, and Di Qiuhe looked at the dimples and anger when he was talking on the white face. He looked extraordinarily sacred, and he tried to touch it, but he quickly resisted. Go back, "I see there is a bathroom over there, think..."

He Bai brakes.

Di Qiuhe hit him directly on his back, his chest was in contact with his back. Although he was separated by a few layers of clothes, his heartbeat could not help but speed up a lot. He hurriedly held his shoulder like he was afraid of taking him. When I knocked it down, I asked nervously. "Is there a pain? If you are in a hurry, I can swear-"

"Give me the stupid things you want to say!" He Bai broke his hand and turned and grabbed his arm again. He went back and grinded his teeth and said, "Are you filming your head and stupid, three? An urgent question can you be embarrassed? You are not afraid of smashing your body. Go on, I will take you to dinner."

Di Qiuhe obediently pulled him away, his mouth could not help but lift his eyes, his eyes were always stuck on him, and the little deer in his heart slammed into it, because he was cared for by his sweetheart, so he became extraordinarily well-behaved and nodded shyly. Well, I listen to you."

"How do you feel that the tone of your speech is a little weird." He Bai looked back at him suspiciously, then stopped, released his hand, gestured to the public restroom, and said, "Go, what will you want to eat?" I am going to set the restaurant."

"Eat what you like to eat." Di Qiuhe was like a baby dog ​​at this time, and he was shaken twice behind his tail. His face always smiled and he did not forget to say, "I am very Come out, don't run around."

"Where can I run, I am not a child." He Bai frowned and felt that Di Qiuhe’s words were a little mentally retarded. Like what he thought of, his eyes suddenly became alert. He looked at him and asked, "I think of it. The paper that you wrote in the apology video... So you don't play the brothers now, play the father and son play? First declare, I don't want your big son, but don't want a father who is about the same age as me. ”

When Di Qiuhe was at a glance, the little deer in his heart stopped, and the bad factors that had been suppressed since he found his mind slowly began to sneak. He said half-jokingly, "Maybe I want to play a couple game?"

He Bai's expression changed a lot, stepped back, frowning up and down him again, and finally his eyes fixed on his lower body, the tone is faint, "I can only turn you into Di Qiu."

Di Qiuhe noticed his sight, and the deer slammed again. He felt that Xiaoqiuhe had a tendency to heat up. He was busy sideways and asked casually. "Di Qiu? What do you mean? Crane?"

"No." He Bai sighed.

"Why not?" Di Qiuhe pulled the jacket.

He Bai took his eyes off his lower body and set it on his face. He smiled purely. "If you want to be a husband and wife, then your bird will naturally be gone."


"Maybe, you can start with the women's toilet and slowly adapt to your new identity in the future?" He Bai laughed more and more brilliantly.

The little autumn crane of Di Qiuhe is not hot, because the shame and sweetness after seeing his sweetheart in his heart is already cold.

"Puppy ah..." He looked sideways and looked at He Bai deeply, lengthening his voice. "Maybe, do you want to go to an amusement park to escape?"


"Or." Di Qiuhe looked around the environment, and smiled softly. "You want to make a headline. The news headline is 'shocked. The popular new photographer is actually gay, with the angry star Di Qiuhe in the amusement park. Passionate kiss '?"

He Bai didn't smile, and took out his mobile phone with no expression. "Some people are really only suitable to live in a small black room."


"It seems that the rice doesn't have to be eaten. I still go back to school to sleep."

Di Qiuhe’s heart was in the bell, and he took his hand in a step forward. He looked at him with sincerity and meditation. “The tears that are now being chased by people are the waters that entered the brain when they were selected.” Tao, "Puppy, in order to express my apologies for you, a meal, I please."

He Bai politely, "That is embarrassing..."

"I also invited dinner."

He Bai said with emotion, "Time flies so fast, this autumn is coming..."

"I invite you to eat crabs!"

He Bai stopped his words, patted his shoulders, and the temperature was as good as the most loving elders, smiling. "Go, have a little more urine, and you will be abolished."

"...Thank you for your reminder." Di Qiuhe quickly raised his hand and pinched his face, then turned around, his face was threatened with a grievance and was replaced by a smile, and quickly stepped into the public restroom, thinking that the puppy had just threatened Looked like, couldn't help but bow his head, clenched his fists against the lips and laughed a few times, and the tiredness of his long-distance running was swept away, only to satisfy his joy.

In the end, I did not eat crabs because there was no sale near the amusement park.

He Bai casually found a restaurant, gave Di Qiuhe a good digestive pasta, and he ordered a dessert, and asked him to take pictures of him in the border province.

"Yang Wentian is a man two?" He Bai had some accidents. When he saw Di Qiuhe’s sight, he swept his lips from time to time, took a sip of the mouth, put a blueberry on the cake, put it on his plate, and turned it over. The white-eyed said, "Don't look at it, eat it first, and want to eat blueberries. I will give you some more."

Di Qiuhe regained his gaze, first forked the blueberry to eat, then pointed to his mouth and said with a smile, "You are here, dipped in cream." Very cute, want to kiss.

He Baiyi squatted, and wiped out the napkin and wiped it down. Seeing that the cream was actually wiped down, he coughed and coughed, and transferred the topic. "Who is that woman? From the situation you just said, Jiang Guizhi The actor only looks at the strength and does not look at the popularity. The female one should not be the popular power actress that the public thinks."

"Really not, the woman is a newcomer." Di Qiuhe reached out and forked his blueberry. He smiled and ate the blueberry in his sight of the robber, and then forked a piece of shrimp on his plate. Put it on his plate and continue to say, "Jiang Shu has two scripts in his hand. The original plan is to give up the other actor if the film is not being shot. Now the new person is Uncle Jiang is the female host of another drama. Now that the film is being shot and the other is on hold, Jiang Shu thinks that there are not many female actors in the movie anyway, and he used the new person directly."

Newcomer? The female host for another play? Director Jiang Guanshan?

He Bai’s heart moved and asked, “What is the name of the new person? How did Jiang’s guide her?”

"The name is Dong Ni, now a student, is introduced by a student of Jiang." Di Qiuhe answered, seeing that he seems to be very interested in the actress, vinegar and vinegar, added, "according to As far as I know, there is a relationship behind this newcomer. It seems that he was taken care of by a big man. Although Jiang Dian appreciates her strength, she does not like her very much."

Dong Ni? ! The reputation was so bad that he and Di Qiuhe had been squandered for a while, but in the end it was confirmed that he was wearing the Dicking Crane as a shield. In the back is actually a big mistress's winter? !

The expression of He Bai suddenly became subtle. Looking at Di Qiuhe Shuai is really handsome, but it seems that he is always brave with a mentally retarded face. He has some sympathy in his heart and can’t help but say, "Autumn crane... you... you are away from that. Dong Ni is a little farther away, don't make any noise with her."

Di Qiuhe’s meal turned his words around his mind, his eyes lit up, and he tempted. “Why? And the same group’s actress’s rumors have helped to promote the movie. The entertainment circle is basically this routine. ""

This is not a routine, it is a big pit.

"Autumn crane, you have to be an ambitious actor, rely on strength to speak, not an affair." He Baiyu has a long-term heart, remembering the male artists who had been rumored to be ignorant with Dong Ni, but were finally smothered by the big man. Qiu He took a sympathy tear and explained it in detail. "You also said that there is someone behind the winter, if you and her now have an affair, it makes the big man unhappy, and stimulates people to come back. Dealing with you... You are now out of the emperor, you must be careful and be careful, understand?"

In the last life, if it wasn’t for the big horse, and brought out the things of Dong Ni, Di Qiuhe might be unlucky. To know the winter Ninet, the entertainment is not the headline, but the political headlines. All the people who are closely related to Dongni are all shouted to drink tea, and Di Qiuhe has not escaped. The netizens were sympathetic to him for this innocent disaster, and he gave him a lot of candles.

Unexpectedly, his little butterfly had a wing, and actually saw Di Qiuhe and the scourge in advance to meet each other. It was a sin.

Di Qiuhe listened to his explanation and looked at the sympathy in his eyes. The light in his eyes was extinguished little by little. He couldn’t help but fork his blueberry again and replied, "I have a measure." Rest assured, my stepmother is staring behind, I don’t dare to make any scandals.” And he now has a puppy, and he has to draw a line with the scandal.

He Baigang is preparing to condemn his behavior of grabbing blueberries. He was immediately distracted and asked, "Your stepmother? What do you say?"

"I am the eldest son of Di." Di Qiuhe deliberately forked a piece of shrimp in front of his eyes, and when he was dissatisfied, he opened his mouth and ate his face. "The identity itself carries Certain value, in addition to inheriting the road of the emperor, I can choose to marry other giants, use the power of the Yue family to let my father lean toward me, and this is definitely my stepmother does not want to see. In order to cut this road She will definitely think of fortifying and destroying my reputation, so that the girls who are rich and expensive in the giants will not look at me and be ashamed of marrying me. In order to achieve this goal, what do you think my stepmother will do?" He forked a piece of shrimp and swayed in front of He Bai’s eyes.

He Bai rolled his eyes, picked up the fork and forked a piece of shrimp directly from his plate. After swallowing it, he retaliated and smiled back. "It's not easy. If I were your stepmother, I will definitely let you." The rumor is flying all over the sky, and I’m trying to give you a bunch of gossip girlfriends whose reputation is bad to the heart."

Speaking of the list of the long-standing rumored girlfriends of Di Qiuhe in the past, I couldn’t help but sigh in the heart for the battle of the giants. Then I took a look at the shrimp in the plate and took the initiative to divide the cake in half. When the famous voice was still innocent, Di Qiuhe said gently, "Eat, eat more." When you are full, you will have the strength to cope with the hurricane of the future, poor children.

Di Qiuhe raised his eyebrows and looked at him for a while. He suddenly reached out and grabbed his face. "Puppy, you are so cute."

"Cute your uncle." He Baiyu pulled down his hand and wiped the cream on his fork.

Feeding Di Qiuhe, He Bai took him straight to the airport and opened a room for him at the airport hotel.

Di Qiuhe calmed his face. "Puppy, you actually want to drive me away." Although he was dissatisfied, he still followed his sweetheart to the hotel and did not want to burden his sweetheart.

"What are you thinking about in a mess?" He Bai looked back at him and pushed him into the opened room. He went to the bathroom and gave him a bath of water, then took the bag he was carrying, from inside. Find out the pajamas in his arms and push him to the bathroom. "Go to the bath, wash well and sleep, don't look at where your dark circles are hanging."

Di Qiuhe stunned.

"I will call you up for dinner at night, what time do you buy the ticket back?"

"At four in the morning, I will go to the studio at eight o'clock tomorrow." Di Qiuhe was pushed into the bathroom by him, standing in front of the bathtub and stupidly answered.

He Baiwen said that he raised his hand and pulled his head. He said, "I will shoot the movie at eight o'clock tomorrow. You actually bought the ticket at 4 o'clock in the morning, but also took me to watch the movie and play the game. Don't you die? Explain, what time did you pick up yesterday?"

Di Qiuhe opened his mouth.

"You said that you won't lie to me any more."

Di Qiuhe was a stiff, shut up, not talking.

"10 o'clock?" He Bai conservatively guessed.

Di Qiuhe put the clothes down and pushed him out. "I want to take a shower, you go out first."

He Bai slammed the door frame and said, "Don't tell me that you were working in the middle of the night yesterday, and then just took a few hours to get on the plane!"

Di Qiuhe smothered his hand and did not dare to touch his eyes.

This reaction... He Bai’s brain flashed an idea and raised his voice. “You won’t be filming for the night! You said in the video that you missed my call because I was filming, and I The phone is played at around 10 o'clock in the evening. The light in your video is obviously the day when it is bright! You are still wearing a vest and sleeping pants, your hair is still wet, and you are just taking a shower and getting ready to go to sleep!"

Di Qiuhe’s hand was stiff and he hugged him up. He took his feet off the ground like a child, sent him out of the door, then quickly let go, ran back to the bathroom and closed the door, shouting in his heart, “I I have to take a shower, the water is too loud to hear you!"

Mom's mental retardation!

He Bai was so mad at him that he immediately slammed back. "Quickly wash! Wash it and give me sleep! Night and night filming is also tossing back and forth. You don't die young and die young!"

It was quiet for a while, then a weak voice came out.

"I will try to live longer than you."

"Don't curse me to die early!" He Bai squirted back and sighed again. "Don't be a nonsense, I cut your bird!"

Di Qiuhe, who was taking off his pants, immediately held down his belt and hesitated for a moment. He whispered, "What did you use after cutting it..."

"What do you say?" He Baiyu's ears.

"No, nothing, I said that I want to eat white-cut chicken at night." Di Qiuhe replied, then quickly took off his clothes and walked into the bathtub, and put his head into the water to cover the red face, and couldn't help but laugh.

It was really forgiven by Xiaobai... It’s good.

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