MTL - One Useless Rebirth-Chapter 35 Three cups

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Di Qiuhe was blackened by He Bai, once again, connected with the already exposed WeChat trumpet.

"So what you mean is..." Jiang Xiuwen struggled to digest the information he gave, and cautiously asked, "After you find your own mind, you haven’t had time to say something or do something, just, oh... Already?"


Di Qiuhe slammed the sandbags hard, then straightened up and took off the boxing gloves, picked up the mobile phone on one side and turned it off, and moved it to the ear, sullen, "Yeah, after all, I always thought that I had The mind is getting a hot cold."

Jiang Xiuwen: "...I think I can explain."

"Then you explain." Di Qiuhe sat down on the ground, took a towel from the bag and wiped the sweat, and the voice suddenly became gentle. "If you dare to fool me, I will let you eat the fruits that I sent in the first place." How to spit it out later."

"..." It seems that a friend is really not hit by a loss of love. Usually, the naive, cold-spoken and ridiculous guy is now threatened with murder.

"Why don't you talk, or do you want to urinate?" asked Di Qiuhe thoughtfully.

Jiang Xiuwen, who is preparing to find a reason to hang up the phone, has a stiff hand and laughed twice. He laughed. "How come? Hahaha, who is with whom, isn’t it an explanation? Actually, this is... actually I It’s too shocking! You see, you have never seen any signs that might like boys. This is suddenly bent. I am shocked for a while... and I am afraid that you are only temporarily confused. After all, there are few friends around you, emotional experience. A blank, in case it is an illusion-"

"I want to kiss him and hold him to sleep, dreaming of him, illusion?"

Jiang Xiuwen’s voice was stuck, and then he coughed up.

Di Qiuhe old **** is listening to his cough, his expression is very unpredictable.

A minute later, Jiang Xiuwen had enough cough and his attitude was serious. He asked, "Autumn crane... Are you serious?"


Di Qiuhe blinked, remembering the puppy sitting on the ground and eating cold noodles, remembering the less obvious redness in his hand, remembering the fruit cake that tastes really good, and finally remembered the first time he met. The other side is stupid on the roadside.

"I want to be nice to him, I want him to live the life he wants, and want to have me in his life." He said faintly, his tone was even careless, but no one can ignore the seriousness inside. "Before me I never thought about it when I didn’t see my heart, so I want him to be my brother, so that I can take it for granted."

Jiang Xiuwen was silent and listened to him quietly.

"Now I still want to be nice to him, I want him to live the life he wants." He said this pause, and then added a daily tone that said "the weather is good today", "I still want to Let me have him in my life, but more than that, I also hope that there is him in my life, the only place around him."

Jiang Xiuwen’s eyes were so complicated that he held the mobile phone, and then he sighed and whispered. He said, “Autumn crane...” The friend’s temper knows that he has decided not to hit the south wall and does not look back. What a lifetime, but it is enough to show attitude.

If you want to be good to one person and then occupy the other's life, this is not just the level you just liked.

It’s clear that my friend and the puppy only know each other for less than three months. It’s just a matter of yesterday’s opening. How suddenly did you like it...

"So Xiuwen, you help me look at him. During the time when I am not in B city, don't let him be bullied." The sound of Jiang Guanshan was faintly heard from the entrance of the training hall. Di Qiuhe Looking back at the other side, I quickly added, "Help me focus on Qin Li. She knows that Xiaobai has a good relationship with me, so she may go to harass Xiaobai. Xiaobai is now developing very well, I don't want it. He suffered some unnecessary twists and turns because of me."

Jiang Xiuwen frowned. "The Qin family entered the G area and was blocked. Recently, Qin Li is busy playing psychological war with Dibian. Even if you don't have the energy to toss on your side, it should not be an unrelated person to He Bai. Think about it."

"Not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid that in case, prevent problems before they happen." Jiang Guanshan's figure has entered the training hall, Di Qiuhe put down the towel and got up and greeted over there, and finally said, "In short, you help me look at it, Jiang Shu When I got there, I hanged first."

"Wait! Have you ever thought about you as an actor, if you are with He Bai in the future, then your dad and public opinion..."

"I will deal with it. If Xiaobai is willing to be with me, then I naturally want him to stand right beside me. Don't say it, hang up." Di Qiuhe hangs up, puts the phone in his pocket, and already Jiang Guanshan, who came to the front, hugged a bit.

There was a busy tone in the phone, Jiang Xiuwen put down the phone, and the whole person broke into the sofa, and his headache licked his forehead.

The last sentence of the friend said that he did not hesitate to determine it. It is obvious that he has already considered how to deal with the series of consequences that may occur after being with the sweetheart, and prepares to lay a broad road for the other party, but... he looks The fruit phone and camera sent to Q from the table this morning, I was so painful.

I dare not say it, I dare not say it.

The friends have begun to consider all kinds of problems after they have been together. He Bai’s side is a set of postures that clearly define the boundaries and eliminate each other. The heat of the shaved head is not enough to describe the current situation. It’s all about Shura’s field.

Still, send it back.

He sat up, put the camera and phone back into the box, and carefully closed the lid.

After sending it back, send a text message to tell your friend about this terrible thing. Let him continue to dream first. In fact, there is a part of his responsibility for deceiving people. Go back and find a time to apologize to Hebai. I hope that this will allow my friends to pursue their wives, and the road to chasing husbands will be smooth...

After a day of class, the four people in the dormitory ate together for dinner, and then Wang Hu went to play, Chen Jie bubble library. After Niu Junjie and other dormitory rooms left him and He Bai, he quit the game and dragged his stool to sit next to He Bai. He asked carefully, "Little white, you and Qiuhe..."

"I pulled him black." He Baiping replied, looking at him sideways, faceless, faint. "He and I have only seen one side, and I have to live with you for two years. Recently, the relationship between the university and the bedroom is bad. There seems to be a lot of poisoning and killing..."

Niu Junjie shook his body and immediately threw his future spokesperson out of the galaxy, hooked the shoulders of He Bai, and said seriously, "The deceitful guy should be abusing! Good brother, don't be sad, I will ask you to eat at night." night?"

"No." He Bai smiled and pointed to his computer screen. "I still have work to deal with, you and the boss of the second to eat, let me just take it with you."

"Okay, no problem!" Niu Junjie should take a sip, then return to his position with interest, touch out the phone, and type quickly.

Niu Junjie: Qiu He, Xiao Bai is very angry, the consequences are very serious! How did you offend him? Really just built a trumpet and made a joke? Xiaobai is not so stingy.

Looking forward to this reply, Di Qiuhe looked cool after seeing this reply. He remembered the text message sent by Jiang Xiuwen. The cold turned into ice, his shoulders were down, and he was typing heavily: I was wrong, should not be Jian Xiao continued to lie to him after buying the signature. How is his mood recently? Is your work busy? Have you eaten well?

Niu Junjie: It’s quite normal. The work is booming, the bonus is soft, and half a bowl of rice is eaten for dinner. I am happy to say that Teacher Xu has finally taught him new content. It’s so good that it’s too good! Just when you mention it, you are murderous.

When Di Qiuhe saw the word "murderous", he couldn't help but sink down.

Niu Junjie: Brother, you honestly explain how you are white, you can't say that I can't help you.

Di Qiuhe spit out a sigh of gas and typed back.

Di Qiuhe: I lied to him, I am a girl.

Niu Junjie: This... is okay. It’s really shameful to buy back your own signature. It’s normal to pretend that it’s normal. Xiaobai shouldn’t be angry with this, and he’s selling his signature. You’re half-pounded and there’s no angry position.

Di Qiuhe: I still lied to him to send me a gift and let him send me a voice.

Niu Junjie: Gift? What are those photos? That's nothing, don't you also give a white gift, come and go, OK.

Di Qiuhe feels that the fingers of typing are as heavy as a thousand. If you cut his belly at this time and look at it, the intestines inside must be blue.

Di Qiuhe: The point is that I have no confession and voice when I have the opportunity to confess.

Niu Junjie: What voice?

Di Qiuhe took a deep breath: I lied to him. I was bullied by my family. I was so sad that I wanted to commit suicide. I threatened him to send me "Autumn and Autumn, Good Morning, Good Night, what?"

Niu Junjie was silent for three seconds, typing: ... brother, is your brain sick?

Normal people will not lie to friends to send this kind of numbness will definitely become the voice of the black history, this Di Qiuhe usually looks very reliable, how to make a joke so no sense?

Di Qiuhe wiped his face and then gave up on himself: I also used these voices to make an alarm. He came over to help me hear my birthday.

Niu Junjie blinked, turned his head and glanced at the white, and then quickly turned back, almost pressing the screen of the mobile phone: Do you actually use the voice that is so difficult to say? ! Also heard by Xiaobai? ! Or after Xiao Bai’s friendship with friends has given you a birthday? Lying in the trough! You are not dead, who is dead! Brother, you better not appear in front of Xiaobai recently, I am afraid he cut you.

Di Qiuhe looks like a dish: not saved?

Niu Junjie: What to save, deceive people and shame voice play, you escape is the best self-help!

Di Qiuhe: But I don't want to save myself. I hope Xiaobai forgive me. Do you have a solution?

Niu Junjie pondered deeply, secretly looked at He Bai, who was dedicated to retouching with a small mirror, and typed it seriously: Yes, you first punished three cups, then sinned, and then shouted three times at the white, "Dad, I am wrong." , Fu low to wait for three months of small white, this matter has basically passed. Don't worry, Xiaobai is soft. If you sincerely apologize, he will forgive you sooner or later.

Di Qiuhe also pondered deeply, and then typed heavily: good.

Niu Junjie gratified nodly: Then you cheer.

Di Qiuhe is full of ambition: ah.

The two communicated like a thief. One consciously helped the brothers. One of them consciously found a way to forgive the sweetheart, and they felt very pleased.

At the beginning of the new semester, the electives should be re-elected. He Bai logged into the campus network and found a bunch of private messages from a "bird born in the fall". He couldn't help but sneer and click and delete without hesitation.

Sitting next to him, Niu Junjie smashed his fist and took out his mobile phone to type: Xiaobai didn't see it, deleted it all!

Di Qiuhe frowned and looked deep: I continued to send.

So during the entire enrollment class, the private letter reminder of He Bai backstage came again and again and never stopped.

Niu Junjie was in a hurry and couldn't help but pretend to be curious. He asked, "How come you have so many private letters? They are all unopened. Don't you watch? What if the school sends a notice?"

"Have you received a private letter from the school?" He Bai turned to look at him.

Niu Junjie shook his head honestly, "No."

He Bai simply removed the newly added private letters and smiled again. "We are in the same class as the professional. If you don't receive the notice, I will naturally not receive it. So these spam messages are not necessary at all. And they are missing. It doesn't matter if the notice is over, the squad leader will be notified again in the class group."

Niu Junjie: "..."

"What else?"

"No, no." Niu Junjie sat in the body and quickly texted by taking the action of the book: Brother, Xiaobai is too wit, I have no choice, and I am sorry.

Di Qiuhe fell on the lounge chair and put down his mobile phone. He sighed long and picked up the script.

The deputy director gathered at Jiang Guanshan and glanced at Di Qiuhe, who concentrated on studying the script at the corner. He praised, "Ginger, or your eyes are good. Although Di Qiuhe is young, but his temper is steady, he still works hard and is a good seed. ”

Jiang Guanshan showed a smile in his eyes and nodded. "Well, he has actually stabilized a lot recently." It seems that it is necessary to train a temper in advance.

At this time, it seems that Di Qiuhe, who is looking at the script, is faint, his fingers are pinching the corners of the script, and the petals are silently pulled in his heart: Xiaobai will forgive me, Xiaobai will not forgive me, Xiaobai will forgive me. ......

Weibo private letter came in one by one, and He Bai ignored it. He sent a message to publicize the little mermaid and put off the computer on the new Weibo. Some of the distressed ones took out the piles of TV drama MV posters in the backpack and pondered them.

After the arrival of the new semester, Teacher Xu Rongrong talked to him once and said that his characters have been taken quite a bit. After only slowly accumulating experience, he can start to learn new content. And this new content is the group image on this pile of posters...

The door to photography, the individual characters are good to shoot, but the group image is difficult. Teacher Xu’s new assignment is a group image of the week. It sounds like it’s less than the previous homework, but it’s actually much more difficult than before.

If you want to capture some characteristics of a character in a photo, it is simple, as long as you will catch it, take more shots, and always shoot it. But if you want to photograph the characteristics of two people, three people, or even more people in one photo, the difficulty is not simply one plus one equals two, but the multiple of two times two is equal to four.

Each person's traits are different. In order to harmoniously integrate the characteristics of two or more characters in a photo, you must have a solid photographic foundation and the ability to balance the picture.

The group image is too many people. If you don't pay attention, you will shoot it without focus. If you are confused, He Bai's photography skills are there, but because the time of contact with portrait photography is short, the ability to balance multiple characters is relatively weak.

What should I do if it is weak? The answer is that you can make up for it, learn more and learn more, and accumulate more.

After discovering his weaknesses, he immediately went to the library with a pen and paper.

From ancient times to the present, excellent and outstanding groups like thousands of dollars, the library can find a lot. He looked at his head for a day, but the more he looked at the chaos, when he came out of the library and took the camera at the playground of the school, he was distressed to find that the works he had seen before did not give him any inspiration, but let him The original clear idea was completely scattered.

The students walked around, the shutter rang and rang, but none of the photos that could be seen were taken. After trying for half an hour without fruit, he put down the camera and sighed and went out of school.

It is not the same to take a single person and a lot of people. It is impossible to practice from the capture. If you don’t talk about things like ambiguity, just say composition, he has already caught some.

Two people appear in a photo, how to stand up to be more harmonious?

When three people are active together, what proportion of the partition will not appear too chaotic?

A group of people on the field chase and go. Where does he focus on making the picture look like a whole, and can make each individual vivid?


There are too many problems, and they can only be solved one by one. The first point is to have a group like the basic station scale map in the brain. The most deliberate and most commercialized in this regard is the posters of major movie and TV dramas.

A movie or a TV series is definitely more than one protagonist, so the posters are basically multi-popular, deducting a small number of big-headed posters, and the rest of the posters that have been carefully arranged and designed. It is worth the object of his study.

Niu Junjie lay in bed and looked at He Bai, who was dedicated to writing and painting under the small table lamp, and found the mobile phone.

Niu Junjie: Xiaobai did not read Weibo private letter.

Di Qiuhe: He hasn't slept yet?

Niu Junjie: Well, the teacher has arranged a new photography assignment for him, and he is pondering it. By the way, you let your friends stop sending cameras to this, and waste the courier fee back and forth. Xiaobai has bought a new camera.

There will be no information back for a while, Niu Junjie sighs in his heart, typing comfort: You concentrate on filming, when you return to B city, you tell me, I will eat you with Xiaobai, you face to face Apologize, Xiaobai will forgive you, sleep.

After a few more minutes, Di Qiuhe’s text message came back: I understand, thank you.

Niu Junjie: Everyone is a brother, you are welcome.

There was no reply over there, and Niu Junjie took another look at He Bai, who concentrated on studying, and tangled and caught the hair.

This one wants to apologize, one is still angry and completely does not want to take care of each other, it is not easy to get it.

Di Qiuhe sent the doctor away, took a drink from the water that the assistant handed over, and asked, "How is the scene?"

"Ginger directed a good temper, and the people who took the pipe had a meal and dismissed." An assistant stood in front of him with a stern attitude, and some replied.

Di Qiuhe nodded and said that he put down the water bottle and said, "Go, go back to the studio."

An assistant gave a glance and glanced at the wound that had just been wrapped around his arm. He was hesitant. "You can lose your injury... Jiang said, the following are all action movies. You have a broken arm. You can push one." Push, let you rest for two days."

"No." Di Qiuhe waved his hand, and did not care about moving his arm and replied. "It’s not a big injury. I am the protagonist. The drama is the heaviest. The day of the filming of the entire crew will be slowed down. I can't Too arrogant."

Assistant An also wants to persuade, "Where is this wayward, the director also said, you can rest..."

"I don't want to rest." Di Qiuhe looked at her sideways, and the tone could not be refused. "An assistant, I know that you care about me, thank you, but I don't want to say the second time like this explanation."

An assistant was taken back by his lack of emotional eyes, bowed his head and said, "Hold, sorry."

Di Qiuhe no longer looked at her and strode out.

It happened that Wang Boyi came back with a list and saw Di Qiuhe coming out with a sullen face. He stunned. After a glance, he followed the assistants who came out a few steps, frowned, and quickly recovered his sight, waiting for Di Qiuhe to go. When I came to my own body, I turned around and followed, and walked and said, "Di Shao, what you said has already been bought, will you send it immediately?"

Di Qiuhe heard a little expression and shook his head back. "No, you will bring me the recording pen for a while, then give me a sticky note. I will get something and send it again."

Wang Boyi nodded and looked back at the assistant who looked down at the two men, and sighed in his heart.

A new day came, He Bai was blocked by express delivery when he went out for lunch, and signed a big box and two small boxes.

"I guess the big box is filled with fruit." Holmes said, yelling at his chin, and then shouted at Wang Hu and Chen Jie. "Brothers, move this box to the bedroom! Let's go this week." After the meal, the fruit doesn't have to be smashed, and I don't want to thank Bai Ye for letting us shine!"

Wang Hu and Chen Jie looked at each other with a tacit understanding. "Thank you, Bai Ye let us get rid of it!" After talking with Niu Junjie, he made a group, and moved up the box and flew toward the bedroom. He had never eaten fruit in his eight lives.

He Bai: "..."

A classmate was sour and passing by, yelling, "Hey, I said that I was not taken care of. I didn't see people until the weekend. The clothes I wore suddenly became high-end, I bought a new camera, and now I see the gift of the day..." , disgusting little white face."

He Bai no expression looks at the past, and the smile does not laugh. "You can get a little louder, Huang Wei, do you think that the anonymous posting on the campus outlet is really anonymous? Do you dare to make a classmate, not afraid of the counselor to talk to you?"

"What, anonymous posting, you, you nonsense, I have no rumors!" Huang Wei retort retorted, carrying a backpack and hurriedly ran.

He Bai looked at him running away, remembering that he had been dropped out of school in the last year because he was arrested, and frowned. He went to the bench in front of the dormitory and sat down, waiting for Niu Junjie and others to come down and open the two hands. The big palm of the box.

The boxes are very common ethnic wind wood boxes, some ugly, but very strong. The first box contained a recording pen and a piece of paper, the second box contained a glass, and a piece of paper was pressed under the glass.

This is all messy, He Bai doubts picking up the paper strips in the box.

Di Qiuhe: Xiaobai, I am sorry. There is a recording in the recorder, so be sure to listen when you are alone.

Di Qiuhe: Xiaobai, I am sorry, I have punished three cups. The video of the penalty is in the memory card below the glass. In order to express my sincerity, I sent the cup to you. You can see that this size is not suitable. Not suitable for me to drink.

"..." This guy is mentally retarded? What is the three cups of self-penalty? Also recording video? Also sent the cup over? Is the courier fee not expensive?

He Bai didn't know what to put on his face. He looked at the two boxes for a long time. Finally, he turned the box into the backpack with his white eyes, and looked at the door of the dormitory. Some doubts about how the roommates had not come out.

Niu Junjie retracted his head and celebrated with Wang Hu and others. Then he sent a text message to Di Qiuhe with a beautiful mobile phone: Xiaobai received two small boxes, and the autumn crane was good! keep it up!

Di Qiuhe: Thank you, I will.

Niu Junjie put away his mobile phone and hooked Wang Hu and Chen Jie’s neck. He said, “Go! Brother is happy today, please eat seafood!”

Wang Hu and Chen Jie held him down and smiled. "Brother? You are so self-proclaimed to be a brother? You are too bloated recently and need good education."

Niu Junjie was struggling to run out of the building, waving to the white horse looking at it. "Little white, run! The boss is crazy!"

"I think you are crazy." He Bai got up and greeted him.

After dinner, Niu Junjie took Wang Hu and Chen Jie to go to the badminton hall to sing, leaving He Bai alone in the dormitory, and continued to ponder the work and handle the work brought back.

I was busy until 9:30, and I basically finished the matter. He Bai took a look at the time. Seeing that Niu Junjie and others have not returned, frowning and calling them.

"We are eating late at night, going back in a while!" Niu Junjie's background is a bit noisy, and the words are all swearing. "Do you want to eat, I will bring you back, when you are busy, look at the video. Rest, don't be too tired!"

"Then you bring me a bowl of porridge." He Bai sighed that the intimate roommate was really happy, and shouted, "Don't drink alcohol, hurt the stomach, come back early, don't eat too late."

Niu Junjie is naturally full of mouths.

He Bai smiled, hung up the phone, went to take a shower, then sat down at the table to sort out the messy information, was preparing to turn off the computer, the line of sight swept the two boxes at the corner of the table, paused, took them It’s up.

Hesitating between the recorder and the memory card, he finally chose to watch the penalty video in the memory card first.

After the video was clicked, it was black for a moment, then there was a scene of a strange room. Di Qiuhe, wearing a camouflage uniform, took a bottle of wine and a cup into the lens, sitting in front of the small table in the middle of the lens. Like the national leaders who are going to announce any important decisions, they are sitting in danger, serious, and bent down and sincerely, "Little white, sorry, I am wrong."

He Bai: "..."

"I shouldn't lie to you. I didn't have a face to apologize for the last time. I am sorry, now I am punished three cups." Di Qiuhe said seriously, raised his hand and opened the bottle of brand new unopened wine, and fell. Fill it with a cup and pour it on your neck.

He Bai could not bear to look straight at the side and wrinkled his face.

Can't stand it, this barrier is leaking through the screen.

After a glass of wine went down, Di Qiuhe’s face immediately turned red, and there was a faint glow in his eyes, which looked quite attractive.

After he finished drinking, he turned the cup upside down on the ground and looked at the camera seriously. "The feelings are deep, a bit stuffy! I am bored, you are free."

He Bai: "..." There is no more mouth.

"The second cup, I am sorry again, it is my deception that ruined your trust in me." It was full of cups and a bit stuffy, and now the neck was red.

He Bai took a deep breath, touched the phone with his hand, and had a kind of phone call in the past.

"This is the third cup." Probably the alcohol was on the head, and Di Qiuhe’s voice was slightly floating, but he was strong and steady, his expression was still serious, his hands were not shaking, and he also spoke of a toast. Cheers for our encounter!"

Once again, I was bored. After I finished drinking, I put down the cup and looked at the camera solemnly. "Little white, sorry!" said that he took out an A4 paper from under the table and wrote something on it. Then put the paper up.

I saw the white paper and arranged the three lines of dragon and phoenix dance characters: Dad, I was wrong!

He Bai’s old blood lingered in his throat, and finally couldn’t help but pick up his mobile phone and dragged Di Qiuhe’s number out of the blacklist and dialed a phone call.

"Sorry, the user you dialed has been turned off."

"..." fuck!

He put down his mobile phone, wiped his face, glanced at the video that had already been played, and angered Di Qiuhe’s number into the blacklist!