MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 141 , succeeded, fled, escaped into the grassland

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"call out--!"

A Finley's familiar whistle came through the gap in the building overhead.

Hearing this voice, Finley, who was a little nervous at first, immediately shook his spirits, and quickly said to Pollau next to him: "The signal is coming! Yes, yes, start the carriage, let's go!"

"Ah? Oh!" Poerlau was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, and his face showed joy. His trembling hands suddenly stopped shaking at this moment, and he was not nervous anymore. He directly grabbed the horse's rein with his left hand. Shaking, the horse's rein was caught and twitched lightly on the horse's buttocks, and the obedient and well-behaved horse immediately took steps.

It first bowed its head to start the carriage behind it, and then pulled the carriage with light steps.

Poerlau pulled out a whip with his right hand, flicked the not very long whip lightly, and guided the horses pulling the cart to the left or right by the wind sound from the whip whip to ensure that the carriage went in a straight line.

This street has been going straight to determine a good location.

Finley stood up from his seat at this moment. He looked left and right, and never took his hands off the handaxe at his waist. It was because he was afraid that there would be accidents and mistakes at the last moment of his mission.

Fortunately, the result of his previous battle should have shocked the people who were watching them, and at this moment, there were no more suspicious people.

There are not even any passing people in the surrounding streets.

This made him secretly relieved.


After Knight Crowe jumped over in one step, Keir untied the rope in his hand, and completely handed over the matter of moving the heavy magic ballista on the roof to Knight Crowe.

This made Knight Crowe give him a blank look: "Go, meet Finley and the others in the street below."

"Hey, let's go now. My lord, don't forget the thorns that have fallen off these vines, and get them off together later."

After Kiel finished speaking, he picked up a bundle of plant spikes and came to the edge of the roof.

This is the only gap in the roof between one building and another, and the ballista can only be transported down here.

Holding the spike in his arms, he looked at the location and jumped directly.


Both feet landed on the ground, because the body is still light, this time the two feet only stepped on the dirt floor into a pair of not deep foot-shaped depressions. With the buffering force of life energy on his body, he just squatted his knees slightly to relieve the impact of the fall.

"It's really good."

With a mutter, Keir stood up, and pulled his feet, filling the hollows of his feet and stepping on them firmly.

Seeing the planned carriage rattling over, Keel waved his hand and made the approaching carriage stop right in the middle of the street.

But when Keir saw Finley, who was guarding the carriage covered in blood, his original smile faded away.

"An accident? No injuries?"

Finley waited for the carriage to come to a complete stop, jumped out of the carriage, and moved violently, obviously the blood on his body was not his.

Seeing this scene, Keir became lively again: "Your ax has cut many people. Where did they come from?"

"I don't know either. As soon as I waited at the place, I was targeted. The longer the waiting time, the more people on the other side, and the bolder their actions. Just?"

"Just what?"

"It's just that those people's level is not much better than that of ordinary people, and even slightly inferior to that of farmers? It's like some petty scum in the town."

Keel rubbed his teeth and scraped his fingers back and forth on his chin: "It seems that our actions are under the stalking of those people. Oops!"

Keir and Finley looked at each other. They both thought of Vinila and Cordoz outside the town. The town where they were located was no different than the one in the town. Maybe the other party would gather more people or something.

If something goes wrong, they can only find a way to rob some horses when they escape here.

Otherwise, we can't let them run to keep up with the carriage, right?

"I hope Vinila and Cordoz can be smarter and focus on preserving horse supplies," Keel said.

Finley shook his head regretfully: "The two of them have similar morals to me, and they must have fought. But if they are all enemies of the level I have met, there seems to be no problem."

"hope so."


As soon as the two of them finished communicating, the top of their heads suddenly turned black.

It turned out that Knight Crowe had placed the magic ballista between the gaps in the building and began to try to lower things onto the carriage.

Keir touched Finley: "You direct the carriage to move, and I'm in charge of controlling things to fall."

After finishing speaking, he threw the plant vine spikes in his arms into the carriage, then took out the metal hook with ropes, rehung the net on the ballista, and carefully assisted Knight Crowe to adjust the direction of the ballista and orientation.

The main thing is not to allow the two ends of the ballista to hit the building walls on both sides.

Otherwise, it may seem that there is no damage on the surface, but the complex structure inside is damaged, and they are not capable of repairing it.

Even if it is repaired, it is estimated that the money spent may not be a small amount.

That would be too bad.

Finley stood aside, looking up at the position of the ballista, and then commanded Boerlau to control the small movement of the carriage box to ensure that the cylindrical ballista could land in the rectangular carriage.

"Fine, drop, drop, drop. Stop!"

Keir instructed the Crow knight above to stop, and then climbed up directly from the back of the carriage, holding the ballista with his hands during the final fall.

"Okay, go on, drop! drop! drop! stop! done! Uncle Doddle!"

Kiel cheered, and then untied the ropes that bound the net.

Knight Crowe quickly retracted the rope, and after a short while, he dropped something again.

It was a backpack and a large bundle of plant vine spikes tied with rope.

Of course Keir knew which was important, he ignored the spikes and carefully touched the backpack in his hand.

"Huo! It's heavy!" The backpack in his hand was not big, but it was extremely heavy.

He saw the magic brilliance and golden color emerging from the gap in the opening of the backpack, he was taken aback for a moment, and then carried it on his back more carefully.

Crow Knight then jumped directly from above.

As soon as the others arrived, the operation officially entered the final stage.

"Retreat!" Knight Crowe said.

While speaking, he frowned and looked towards both sides of the street, the knight heard the sound of messy footsteps approaching.

And there are a lot of people.

Of course, he also saw Finley, who was stained with the blood of many other people, and the slightly tired face of Pollau, who was excited after hearing his order.

There are some differences between the action and the plan, but it doesn't matter, this is also considered in the plan.

He, Knight Crow, has always done things if he can, and if he can't do it, he has to use force to do it.


Keel and Finley quickly followed behind the carriage, and Keel was in a hurry to hang the hand crossbow and crossbow quiver bag returned to him by Pollaw on his belt.

Knight Crowe and Pollau the driver were in the carriage.

The reason why Knight Crowe didn't carry the base of the golden magic circle is that it is not light, and if it is pulled by a carriage, it may delay the speed of the carriage. It is better to let Kiel, who is stronger than an animal, carry it Worried about losing or being robbed.

As soon as the group of them started to move, a few staff members of the chamber of commerce with sticks in their hands and thugs hired by the chamber of commerce appeared at the entrance of the street ahead.

These people were in a hurry, and they were in a mess. They obviously rushed over after receiving the news suddenly.

Not only in front of the street, but also behind Kiel and the others, most of them were dressed in the same clothes, and some sloppy guys were mixed in, pointing directly at Kiel and his carriage and shouting: "It's them! It's them! I saw them Stole something from your Chamber of Commerce! Stop them!"

Hearing these words, the buddies of the "Magic Guangzhi" Chamber of Commerce also rushed to chase after him.

While chasing his mouth, he yelled at the people in front to stop Keir and the others.

How can it be.

Knight Crowe ignored him and directed to Pollau who was driving the carriage beside him, "Speed ​​up! Let the carriage run over! I see who wants to be trampled by the horse's hooves and then crushed by the wheels!"

He didn't lower his voice, but he said it specifically for everyone around him.

Sure enough, not to mention the tangled and struggling expression of Poer Lao, the chamber of commerce buddies and thugs in front of their group, after hearing this, cursed in their mouths, and their bodies obediently stuck to the walls on the left and right sides of the street.

There were also people who sucked their stomachs, for fear that the carriage carriage rushing fast would scrape their stomachs on both sides.

However, even so, some people were brave and loyal. When the carriage passed by, they stretched out their hands to climb onto the carriage, but Knight Crowe directly drew his sword and cut off the hands of the two people on the left and right, and then used the thick rope in his hand to pull it out. Go, knock off the hand of the person who wants to climb up.

Keir and Finley behind the carriage didn't do anything, and they immediately fought with the chamber of commerce personnel who had skipped the carriage.


Kiel raised his hand and punched, and the sound of the wind resounded through the narrow street.

The person who was beaten didn't even react, and flew up to a height of more than two meters, flying seven or eight meters away against the wall made of adobe bricks.

Taking advantage of the moment when the people around were frightened, Finley directly slashed with an axe on the body of a Chamber of Commerce employee who was trying to hold the latch and padlock of the rear door of the carriage.

Most of the man's neck was cut off, and he died immediately.

Seeing blood and death, most of the guys in the chamber of commerce shrank back immediately. They were only working for the chamber of commerce. There was no need to work hard. After all, there were only a few hundred iron coins a month. What kind of life was there?


But the thugs of the chamber of commerce who specialize in eating this bowl of rice can’t do it. They see that the idea is difficult, and now they have to go up and earn a bit of money, otherwise the chamber of commerce will use more salary to support them.

"Kill! Take back the things from the chamber of commerce!" Someone took the lead, and the others immediately pulled out the eaters. The sticks, machetes, clubs, and iron bars were all raised together, and they all rushed towards Kiel and Finley.

The momentum of this wave of seven or eight people shouting and rushing forward made Finley subconsciously put on the defensive with two-handed axes, but Keir was amused.

"Hahahaha, look at the trick!"

Unexpectedly, Kiel grabbed a handful of plant vine spikes placed at the rear of the car, and directly threw these things at the attacking chamber of commerce thugs like throwing darts.






"Legs! Legs! Legs!"

"It's a foot! It's pierced!"

The plant spikes Keel threw were designed to greet those who caught up with him in three ways, and he threw them very accurately.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the close distance between the two parties, and the fact that there are many thugs chasing them. In the narrow streets and alleys, there are no space to dodge because of the crowds.

The guy whose legs and feet were pinched was not just as simple as being pinched, because Kiel was too strong at this time, and when he was pinched, he usually started with three fingers thick into the flesh.

The guy who was shot in the thigh could still limp and try to catch up with the carriage, but the guy who was shot in the calf and the sole of the foot was out of luck.

The calf was pierced through the entire front and back, and it didn't matter whether there was a bone blocking it or not. Immediately, I couldn't walk around. If I moved my muscles, I would pull the body with the sharp thorns piercing the calf, causing intense pain.

As for the guy whose sole was pierced, even before the pain went from the foot to the brain, they didn't realize that the sole of their foot was actually nailed to the street for a short time because the spike pierced it.

So these people fell to the ground one after another, then wailed and hugged their legs and feet, watching Keir and his group go away in the narrow street.

Almost out of town!

"Take a weapon and throw them! Smash their heads!"

Some thugs got ruthless and went back after such a disastrous defeat. Losing the goods from the Chamber of Commerce is another matter. Their own abilities are questioned by their employers, which is a terrible thing.

Unless you don't hang out near Weifeng Town, you won't be able to do the shopkeeper's work as a thug.

So a bunch of miscellaneous weapons were thrown towards Keir and Finley!



With a strange cry, Kiel drew out the dagger at his waist in an instant, focused on targeting the threatening incoming weapon, and blocked it with the dagger within an extreme time.

There was a jingle, and when it was over, Keel was unscathed, but this time Finley was really hurt.

A stick hit his forehead, obviously he had tried his best to block the incoming weapons with two hatchets, but the action was not strong enough, the speed was not fast enough, more importantly, facing this sudden situation, he panicked for a moment .

As a result, a stick broke through and hit his forehead.

He immediately became dizzy, and his feet couldn't keep up with the speed of the carriage. Keel grabbed his belt directly, lifted it up, and directly put the tall Finley on his shoulders.

Then, like carrying a bucket of dirty laundry, Keel strode towards the carriage and chased after him.

There were still people behind who wanted to chase after him. This time, Kiel showed no mercy, retracted his sword, pulled out his hand crossbow, turned around and shot back, and then the fastest guy got shot in the head and fell to the ground, only twitching Everyone in the Chamber of Commerce slowed down their bodies and hearts.


Seeing that there was no problem behind, Crow Knight finally turned around,

The narrow street suddenly opened up, and the daylight shone on everyone, and everyone's vision instantly widened.

Knight Crowe, with excellent eyesight, just glanced at them, and saw Vinila and Cordoz wandering on the open grass outside the town not far from the planned exit.

Of course, there were corpses and carriages not far from the two of them.


He breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, Vinila and Cordoz were also constantly paying attention to this direction. Seeing the carriage rushing out of the gaps in the outermost buildings of the town, and there was still Knight Crow sitting in the carriage, the two immediately greeted the surrounding horses and quickly moved towards the carriage. near.

After approaching, Venila opened his mouth and said to the knight: "Your Excellency, we encountered a conspiracy attack by a group of people!"

Unexpectedly, Knight Crowe waved his hand, pointed behind him and said, "It's all the same, let's not talk about this, you quickly put another horse on the carriage, and then everyone rides away from here! There must be someone chasing behind."

After giving the order, he jumped out of the carriage and found Keir: "How is Finley?"

Kiel smiled, and turned around with Finley on his shoulders. Finley's head fell behind Kiel's back. After seeing Knight Crowe, he could only smile awkwardly.

"Huh, can you ride a horse, Finley?"

"Your Excellency, if you can ride, just let the horse run with you." Finley still looked a little dizzy, with a strip-shaped lump just swollen in the middle of his forehead, looking funny and embarrassed.

"Be careful next time, if it's not a stick but an axe, your boy's life will be gone."

Knight Crowe appeased, and Keel also put Finley on the back of an empty horse next to him.

Then Keir handed the backpack behind him to Knight Crowe, and rode a horse himself. After everyone got on their horses, Knight Crowe waved his hand: "Let's go, go west first! Then go south to find a trade route."

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison, so Poerlau slammed the reins and urged the two horses pulling the cart to speed up, and the others also rode horses to guard around the carriage.


After everyone walked away and disappeared on the gentle undulating **** of the ground, the town was originally peaceful during the day, and it became chaotic because of this incident.

First, the two places where the fighting took place in the town were surrounded by security militiamen. The dead bodies were carried away one by one, and the wounded screamed and were carried by others, and sent to the medical center in the center of the town and the stronghold of the God of Wealth Church. go to therapy.

Of course, as for the treatment expenses of their own hands, it must be borne by the Magic Guangzhi Chamber of Commerce. Ordinary thugs and guys don't have enough money to go to priests for one-on-one treatment after they are injured.

With the clues gathered, this is undoubtedly another robbery of high-value property of the chamber of commerce. At first, the security militia thought so. In particular, the Magic Light Planting Chamber of Commerce broke down the door of its own warehouse, and found the janitor who was knocked unconscious, and the precious ornamental birds that disappeared in the iron cage on the second floor.

It was originally a gift from the Chamber of Commerce to the owner of the western province, Earl Wedel.

It is a gift specially used to curry favor with the earl himself, so that the earl can replace some of the ornamental plants in the palace with luminous plants in their home, so as to quickly open up business routes in the noble circle.

But it's all over.

Everyone thought so at first.

After all, the value of this thing is what the responsible manager of the Chamber of Commerce said, and it did cause such a group of desperadoes to do such a thing.

However, apart from the casualties of the members of the chamber of commerce due to the pursuit, the tragic battle that took place on a street not far from the warehouse of the chamber of commerce left the security militiamen puzzled.

Why is there a fight here?

And more people were killed or injured than when the opponent fled later.

The security militiamen quickly recognized that the dead bodies were some low-ranking extortionists on the streets of the town, and they made a discovery that made them feel that something was wrong.

Fortunately, the boss of Shadow Wing moved quickly. When everyone's attention was attracted by the town, he personally led people to collect the dead companion's body outside the town and temporarily hid it in their own stronghold.

All this has happened so far, and to the people of Guaifeng Town, it is nothing more than one or two 'famous' theft accidents every Everyone loves to talk about it, but it is just talk.

But at noon, the police militia at the bottom of the arrow tower where the magic ballista was located returned, and found that the guards guarding the ballista hadn't come down to eat until noon. .

Then they found the three stunned guards in the energy room, as well as the stunned guards and the disappearing magic ballista on the top of the arrow tower!

Things are getting bigger!

The militia who discovered that something had happened immediately blew the warning horn on the top of the arrow tower.


The horn sounded, and all the people who were still outside the building returned indoors, and all the militiamen returned to the public security station where the four arrow towers were located to gather and arm themselves. All the townspeople who were able to fight had to prepare their own weapons and hide at home, while the people in charge of the town People from several large chambers of commerce had to protect the responsible stewards and arrive at the town house where the town's affairs were handled to gather to discuss and judge the situation.

Therefore, when the militiamen who came to report reported the loss of the magic ballista to the belated senior stewards, everyone was stunned.

An anecdote that happened in the morning suddenly turned into a serious snatching incident that no one thought of.

"Chasing! Find me the best hunter and ride the fastest horse! Catch up with those people!"

"I'm going to torture them, who sent them here, and why did they come to destroy the security of our town!"

"I'm different, I just want them to die!"

But faced with this request, the captain of the town militia who is in charge of the management of the town's security militia is very embarrassed.

It's easy to say, but in fact, no one in the town dared to rush into the strange wind grassland like this, just because they didn't know if they could catch up with the thieves who had fled long ago.