MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 140 , the retreat of the thieves, the drop of the ballista

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Finley only stabbed with a firm and firm stick, and directly knocked down the little boss who rushed up with blood red eyes and wanted to desperately.

The tall man curled up in pain on the blood-splattered ground, he couldn't care less about the heavy hammer in his hand, and tightly covered his lower abdomen with both hands, but he still couldn't stop it from being gradually soaked in blood.

There is no need for Finley to explain to the enemy that the prerequisite for offense is defense, especially the defense of one's own "vital" parts of the body.

This time he held up the strong and heavy stick, and swung it down heavily as the little boss looked at him with his mouth open silently.

Pfft, this sound is a bit dull.

However, he smashed it with all his strength, and the little boss's eyes protruded from their sockets, and blood or other things were squeezed out from the gaps in the eyes, and at the same time, two bloodstains flowed out of his nasal cavity.

On the head of the little leader of the bandit group, there is a large part sunken in, but the scalp is connected, there are only dents, no blood or brain splashes, it is relatively clean and neat.

Finley dropped the enemy's club casually, turned around and picked up his two-handed axe in front of the two corpses.

He found that this thing is quite easy to use, except for the limited number of moves when attacking and some restrictions when defending, there is nothing wrong with it. In particular, it can be thrown out unexpectedly, directly killing the enemy when the enemy is not prepared.

After picking up a two-handed axe, he first used the ax to cut off the handle of the heavy hammer that the enemy had dropped from his hand, so that this weapon could not be picked up and used, and then he strode to support with a body full of blood and flesh splashed on his body Pollau.


The situation is very good.

Finley thought so, and what he had told Pollau before seemed to come in handy.

"When you wait to shoot, you must aim at the first person, shoot accurately, and at the same time tell the enemy clearly: 'My weapon is poisoned.'" He explained at the time.

Passing by the carriage, Finley nodded to Pollau, but frightened the town militia who was driving the carriage.

This made Finley shake his head secretly. It has been so long since he set off from Kendall County, and the army has not experienced battles along the way. How can he be surprised by his current appearance?

"Boss! Retreat! Retreat!"

Behind the trolley, a low-level member of the bandit group asked the little boss directly and urgently.

Some people also meant the same thing, while some didn't ask at all, and just sneaked away without saying a word when everyone's attention was attracted by the murderous man.

Facing his subordinates kicking him with problems, the little leader quickly cursed these people over and over again in his heart, then raised his head and shouted loudly at Finley who was approaching: "Brother Thief, we didn't want to make such a big fuss ,I."

He just wanted to say a few tough words as usual, but he glanced at the blood-dripping ax in the opponent's hand, and immediately changed his words.

"I, I beg you to go around us! We will retreat now, please don't kill me, we will leave now, we dare not disturb the elder brother's affairs, and we will find a way to compensate the elder brother afterwards."

"Boss!" On the side of the trolley, several people looked at their little boss in surprise. They didn't expect this person to look soft, and the words he said were really so soft.

After doing this, how should I explain to the big brother in the bandit group when I go back?

But comparing the big brother with the fierce man who came down to do things in front of him, the others consciously put themselves on the side of their little boss.

Hearing the words and whispers of these people, Finley disdainfully exhaled a puff of air from his dilated nostrils.

His eyes glanced coldly at the few people behind the trolley: "Move these **** away and tell others not to cause trouble."

He took advantage of the **** to go down the donkey, and continued following the other party's words. Anyway, it doesn't matter if people misidentify them, and it doesn't matter if people expose them. It's best to let these people go away. No, he won't begrudge his physical strength, and exercise again .

During the battle just now, he confirmed that this group of people are not guys who rely on force to make a living. Although they are a bit fierce, they can only bully those who are alone, even a few young and strong ordinary people. The strength is not easy to win.


Thinking of this, Finley thrust the hatchet into his belt, put his hands on his chest, and looked at them coldly. At the same time, he kicked with his right leg, knocking out the guy who was moaning on the ground with the crossbow planted.

Seeing these people stunned, he said, "What? Do you need me to ask you to leave this world? Huh? My ax is fast and doesn't hurt."

The group of people swallowed violently, and then moved.

Putting away his non-threatening dagger and short knife, he helped up the trolley that blocked the intersection of the street, and then carefully watched that Finley did not move, and then ran away pushing the cart without looking back.

The little boss originally wanted to push a cart and leave this place as soon as possible, but firstly, his gang of vengeful subordinates moved much faster than him, so he couldn't grab it at all, and secondly, Finley's eyes always stayed on on him.

Like a mouse stared at by a cat, he dared not move.

It wasn't until the people around him had finished walking that he backed away, bowed at the same time, and left here step by step with a fake smile that couldn't be more fake.


When the people were far away, Finley took two steps forward, looked around the left and right sides of the cross street, and made sure that no one dared to stay, and then walked back to the carriage.

Sitting on the vacant seat next to the driver of the carriage, Poerlau asked in a trembling voice, "Uh, is it over?"

Finley snatched the hand crossbow that Pollau was still holding, and carefully aimed the crossbow at an injured minion lying at the entrance of the street.

call out!

This crossbow shot was extremely precise, directly hitting the head of the unconscious person, causing him to die 'painlessly' after coma.

"It's over now."

After Finley finished speaking, he threw the crossbow back to Boerlau, searched for it on the carriage, took out a cloth, and simply wiped the blood on his clothes.

Seeing that Pollau still looked very nervous, Finley said in a low voice: "It will be up to Joe and Your Excellency to delay this for a while."

"Ah, that's right, that's right, look at the two of them."


"A bunch of trash!"

A wooden wine glass filled with golden ale was slammed on a group of people kneeling on the ground.

The alcohol foam covered some people's faces, but no one dared to raise their hands to wipe it off.

"A bunch of trash! A bunch of trash! All of them are a bunch of trash!!"

The boss of the 'Shadow Strange Wings' bandit group roared angrily, looking hoarse, shouting to the dismay of everyone present, but those who actually know him can feel that this is just a disguise put on by this big brother .

"Horse manure and they died outside, two of them! Neither of them could beat them. The guy with the battering hammer and his men usually boasted about how powerful they were, but what happened? All alone! What are you doing? All alone! Solved it?"

Roaring here, the leader of the bandit group suddenly didn't know what to say, they really picked the wrong opponent.

He overestimated the level of his subordinates, and underestimated those who came above.

Of course, the main reason is that the subordinates are not capable. If it weren't for these trashes who have been bragging about how powerful they are all these years, and there are various cases that can be proved by others, he wouldn't just be praised by these guys. Confused.

Of course it wouldn't be his own mistake, how could it be his mistake?

Thinking of this, he stared closely at the little boss who was kneeling and accepting punishment: "Skunk, anyway, although they lost, at least they died there in the battle. And you."

"Brother, I brought back the meaning of the other party. They said that as long as we don't interfere, they won't trouble us. Look?" the little boss nicknamed Skunk asked their boss back.

This guy is also a cunning guy. Just now when he bowed his head to accept the punishment and was scolded, he looked at the expressions of his companions around him with his eyes.

Everyone was afraid of the loss of more than a dozen people. Although there were not many people who belonged to the bandit group, most of the others were summoned temporarily. But they are still afraid of this loss.

So he followed everyone's mind and asked this question.

The boss of the thieves group is not stupid, he himself is also afraid, for fear that if he fails to gain fame this time, he will not be able to handle the people above him, and even annoy them, maybe one day, his head will disappear from his house Woolen cloth.

But if he retreats like this, who will be responsible for this responsibility, and when the time comes his seat?

"We can't just forget it like this. After all, we are all brothers of our own family. We swore an oath in front of the emblem of the God of Thieves. If I don't take revenge, how can I hang out in Weifeng Town in the future?"

The other people present were all tangled up, trying to persuade the boss not to think so much, they are thieves, pickpockets, thieves, they have no honor to speak of, if they are caught, they will either be beaten up or cut off. Fingers, I have to thank others for their mercy.

In some places, the laws are strict, and thieves often cut off their hands and hang them, so they should be counseled.

Seemingly seeing what the people around him didn't say, the boss of the bandit group thought about it and said, "Then, let's stop, um, aren't those people playing tricks on the Magic Light Planting Chamber of Commerce? Send someone to inform them If it is not enough, then notify the chambers of commerce in other towns and inform them that a group of professional thieves from the Thieves Guild have come to the town, and they must be targeting one of them.”

"Brother, good plan!"

"This plan is perfect!"

"It will definitely kill those guys with blood and money on their hands!"

Hearing the same flattery, the leader of the thieves group smiled on his face, but in his heart he kept cursing the guys around him who only flatter and brag. Although this group of people are his subordinates, but how good they are, he has really been tempered in the fire this time.

It turned out to be a bunch of scrap metal.

Could it be that he is actually the same?


Knight Crowe broke off the wooden wall facing the side of the arrow tower piece by piece with his hands.

He moved neither fast nor slow, and while ensuring the speed, he couldn't let the guards on the other arrow towers see anything wrong.

If everything goes well and no one finds out until they take the things away from Weifeng Town, that would be the best of course. But if this is not possible, it is also possible to be found as far back as possible when sending the magic ballista down the arrow tower.

The worst thing was that the things hadn't been removed yet. He was discovered when he demolished the wooden wall on the top of the arrow tower. They summoned many security militiamen to surround the bottom of the arrow tower.

At that time, it is estimated that he and Kiel may still be able to escape and join the waiting Vinila and Cordoz outside the town.

But Finley and Pollow were definitely dead.

It is not necessarily dead, but it will take a lot of resources and time to fish it out.

Either Baron Kendall would have to pay a sum of compensation and lose face, or he would have to find a chance to get someone out of prison.

It's all things that make Knight Crowe feel uncomfortable when he thinks about it.

In the former case, his mission failure not only lost his self-confidence and the trust of the Baron, but also caused Baron Kendall to lose a large amount of noble honor and reputation.

And the latter is his least favorite kind of covert action. Because every guy who is put into a prison and waits to be rescued, in order to reduce the chance of escape and increase the trouble of the rescuer, the prison will impose severe punishments on the detainees, making people a burden.

Shaking his head quickly, Knight Crowe dispelled this bad possibility.

In the end, he never looked at luck, although the goddess representing luck was always on his side. He only believes that his actions determine the development of things.

He looked down at the top of the arrow tower with a big hole broken, and saw Kiel and a large open space on the top of the building around Kiel at a glance.

Eyes lit up, here is an example, not to mention luck, choosing the right man, in a position that needs him, is the most important factor for the actual implementation of the action.

Rubbing his hands, the knight noticed that Kiel saw him, waved his hand, and then Knight Crowe came to the magic ballista placed on the ground. This thing has been set in a strong net and hung up. Long enough, strong enough rope.

Picking it up, Knight Crowe came to the top edge of the arrow tower, put the ballista on the ground, then grasped the rope with his hands little by little, and moved the ballista out little by little.

When the end of the ballista base was halfway out, the whole ballista immediately fell down.

Claw Knight stepped steadily, and his life energy exploded half a meter high. He connected his body to the main earth and stone structure of the arrow tower through the obstacles of life energy and wooden boards and metal parts under his feet.

With this leverage, his body didn't move, his arms were stronger than a healthy horse, and he switched hands from left to right to send the rope, and let the ballista fall step by step.


Keir waved at Knight Crowe, and the knight waved at him, and then left the wooden wall at the top of the arrow tower that opened a big hole.

Soon, the knight appeared again, and this time a thick ballista several meters long was pushed out of the edge of the arrow tower by him.

"Gudong." Kiel was really afraid that the ballista would fall from the top in one breath and break into the patio at the bottom of the arrow tower. That would be bad, not only did not get any benefits, but also caused trouble.

Fortunately, Kiel's thoughts were just fantasies after all. A khaki-yellow light flashed all over his body, and Kiel's eyes, who were staring at him, were pierced. The magic ballista was sent down.

Kiel could see clearly that the knight at the top of the arrow tower sent a piece of the rope, and the ballista slowly fell down.

"Hope nothing goes wrong."

He took the metal hook with rope in his hand and turned it around, his eyes fixed on the magic ballista that was slowly lowering down against the wall of the arrow tower.

Soon, but after a few minutes, Keel felt the height was right.

He walked a few steps quickly and came to the edge of the patio. Looking at the magic ballista hanging in the air only a few meters away, he threw the metal hook in his hand.

Whoo-oh, when!

This throw missed the ballista, but because the strength was too cautious, it hit the wall of the arrow tower below.

Keir was very embarrassed, and quickly recovered the rope in his hand.

Then, it was the second throw.

Whoo-oh, beep.

This time the metal hook hit the magic ballista and made a dull sound. As soon as Kiel heard it, he knew that the magic ballista must not be made of stone, otherwise the sound would not be so dull.

He pulled down when the metal hook hit the surface of the ballista, just caught a section of the net that wrapped the ballista.

"It's done!"

He shouted excitedly, but unfortunately no one around could see it. Even Knight Crowe didn't look down at this time because he wanted to ensure stability.

Kiel quickly pulled the rope in his hand and pulled the ballista towards him.

At the same time, the life energy of the whole body was fully activated, providing him with strength far beyond his own.


At the top of the arrow tower, Knight Crowe felt the rope in his hand slightly pulling outwards, and he knew that Kiel had hooked the net on the ballista, and began to pull the ballista out of the courtyard.

So, he also lowered the rope in his hand little by little. Of course, he couldn't let it go too much, because he couldn't grasp the situation over there, so he could only deal with it at a slower but more secure speed.

Things have come to this point, there is no need to take more risks, it is best to be safe.

Because there is no place or condition to practice coordination beforehand.


While pulling the rope in his hand, Kiel moved backwards and slowly, waiting for the ballista to fall and flow out of the space.

After all, there are still large stretches of giant vines on the left and right, only in the middle, in front of and behind him, there is a small area where the ballista can fall and move.

Kiel saw that the Crow Knight on the top of the arrow tower was bearing a huge pulling force like a metal pulley, and he could still keep his body motionless. By comparing the life energy in his body, he could roughly judge the difference between the two of them. How much is the difference in strength between the It's amazing. When will it be possible to reach this level. "

While Kiel was thinking this way, the magic ballista finally landed on the roof of the building at the bottom of the arrow tower with a dull bang.

Kiel pulled twice more hard, forcing the ballista to be more outward, so as not to slide into the patio pool after a while.

And when Knight Crowe loosened the rope again, he couldn't feel the strong pulling force from the rope all of a sudden. He carefully looked down from the top edge of the arrow tower, and after confirming that the magic ballista had indeed landed on the top of the building, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew, it's considered to have completed a small and a half of the key. Next."

After he confirmed that Keir had cut the part of the rope in his own hand that was connected to the net, Knight Crowe quickly retracted the rope in his hand while looking in one direction.

Flat roofs, weird plants all over the place, and narrow spaces between buildings.

Knight Crowe whistled in the direction Finley and the others were in.

"call out--"

The sound enhanced by life energy will not be affected by the strong wind blowing around from time to time, and it will indeed be transmitted to the past.

"Okay, I should go down too." Retrieving the thick and strong rope in his hand, coiling it into a loop, and hanging it around his waist, Knight Crowe jumped out of the big gap at the top of the arrow tower.

He didn't fall, but grabbed the stone surface of the arrow tower a little lower.

With this help, he stepped on the "automatic steps" that automatically appeared from the wall, extended to his feet, and automatically retracted into the wall after stepping on them like walking stairs.

There was still a valuable item in the backpack behind him, and he didn't dare to bump it into damage.

Read The Duke's Passion