MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 139 , the battle of Finley and Pollau

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The members of the 'Shadow Strange Wings' bandit group quickly received some instructions. While someone was trotting and huddled to bring news to the two groups of people in the narrow street, Finley read from the tense atmosphere. Out of the actions of these people.

"They're going to do it! Do as I say!"

Finley yelled, not only frightened the people who blocked them on both sides of the street, but even Pollau, who was sitting next to him, almost jumped out of the carriage driver's chair.

"I, I know! Ho, ho, look at the trick."

Leaving aside Finley, Pollau was taken aback, but instead of manipulating the carriage, he untied the hand crossbow Kiel had lent him from his waist, pulled the bowstring with a slightly trembling hand, and then pulled the bowstring from his waist. He took out a small crossbow bolt from his crossbow bag and stuffed it into the chute in the middle of the hand crossbow.

And at the corner of the street where the carriage was located, the group of thieves who were 'disturbed' by Finley immediately, under the command of a small leader, let several carts rush out of the street, and the carriage wanted to leave the street. Just go to the mouth of the street in a pile, dumped.

Completely block this place.

"Up, up, up! Give it to me, the boss will reward you for a good job, hurry up! Block this place for me, so that they can't run anywhere!"

The little leader of the thieves group, who was dressed in much better clothes than the surrounding men, hurriedly urged.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw a number of 'borrowed' trolleys blocking the road, and urged his men to rush up and catch the two people who came from above.

As long as he catches it, it will be a great achievement for him. At that time, he will receive a reward from the boss, and he can just share a little bit with his subordinates. After all, he 'thought' out this way of blocking the road.

As for the boy who really proposed this method, he sent him to watch the wind elsewhere in the town.

And the benefits after 'promising'.

As for whether it is really beneficial?

What are you thinking, as the leader of the gang, it's good enough that he can use your method, little young pickpocket, don't think that you can easily climb up if you change to the job of stalking and investigation. It's okay to want to be in the top position, at least let him advance to a level first, so that the bottom people have the possibility of being in the top position.

But this little boss thought very well, it seemed that with the advantage of having a large number of people, they could easily complete the task assigned by the boss of the bandit group.

Little did they know, this group of people had mistaken the opponent's identity from the very beginning.

The group of people who came to steal things were not at all high-level players who also made a living by stealing things, that is, members of the Thieves Guild. It's a bunch of guys who live by force.

Whether it's the two people outside the town, or Finley who is guarding the carriage here at the moment, they are all armed town guards who have been trained by Crow Knight for many years.

The rich and peaceful life in Kendall City was created by these guys who killed each other with swords and swords.


call out-

The sound of the short crossbow bolts flying was like a whistle that only sounded halfway. I don't know what Poerlau didn't do well. The originally silent hand crossbow shooting made him extraordinarily loud.

But it also has unexpected effects.

Hearing the order from the little boss, several low-ranking members of the bandit group jumped over the trolley and rushed towards the carriage. They had just run two steps, and the fastest one in the front fell to the ground sideways, followed by a shock that shocked everyone. There was a whistling sound.

Although Guaifeng Town is a small place, and crossbows are not commonly used weapons by western provinces, every local of Guaifeng Town present is very familiar with the flying sound of crossbows and arrows when they shoot.

That was the sound of the several tall arrow towers guarding the town shooting the harpies in anti-aircraft fire.

Even the flying monsters that make people change their faces are no better than lambs under the fire of ballistas.

Not to mention that some crossbow arrows shot high but missed, when they flew into the air and then fell, they pierced through the roofs of residents and chambers of commerce, directly killing their own people, which also happened every time they defended against monster attacks.

The people in the town love and hate the weapons on the arrow tower, which makes them very sensitive to the sound of the crossbow bolts.

At the same time, a sentence came from the carriage: "The arrows are poisonous, come and taste it."

This person fell down. Although he was not seriously injured, he held down the crossbow arrow shot in his abdomen and crawled back quickly as if he had seen a ghost. And the others moved even more quickly, instead of running towards the carriage quickly, they turned back to the back of the cart in two or three steps.

This unbearable scene made the little commander's expression completely uneasy. He pushed a retreating subordinate with his hand: "What are you doing? What are you doing? Come on! There is only one person with a crossbow in his hand. Is it okay to go up and knock him down while he is reloading?"

But the subordinates said to the little leader with a embarrassed face: "Boss, you take the lead, and everyone will go up if you take the lead."

Someone beside him chimed in: "Yes, if you take the lead, we will follow."

"Also, the crossbow arrows are poisonous!"

How can this matter take the lead? Isn't that just like the guy on the ground who got an arrow in the abdomen, whether he can survive or not is a matter of opinion. As members of the bandits themselves, they have long heard from their elder brother how these weapons are poisoned and drugged within the Thieves Guild, let alone an arrow in the abdomen for such a serious injury, even being scratched by a knife has to be careful , Is the knife coated with snake venom?

You only have one life, so you can't just lose it here.

"That's it." He glanced at the man on the carriage not far from the cart, and the man unhurriedly filled his small crossbow with another crossbow.

And after filling it, it was lifted up, and it was facing away from here.

Where the crossbow is generally pointing, where is the bandit group? No, the low-level members shrink back and hide themselves behind the wooden frame structure of the trolley, trying to let these hollow wooden frames resist.

"Gulong." The little boss also flinched, swallowed, and then said to the left and right: "Well, everyone will go up together, and I will follow along. I promise to take down that person this time and make a contribution! How about it?" ?”

"Okay, just listen to the boss."

Someone responded.

"That's right, that's it, you go up with everyone, so that the brothers dare to rush."

"Okay, I'll count to three."

The little boss took a breath: "One."

All the subordinates became tense, and even the surrounding atmosphere changed, making the crossbow in Poerlau's hand on the carriage tremble slightly. He quickly clasped his right wrist with his left hand and inhaled carefully.


Some low-level members of the thieves group looked suspiciously at the surrounding accomplices, and more people were secretly staring at the little leader who led the team.


The shout was loud, but what was embarrassing was that no one jumped out of the trolley and rushed forward after the words fell.

The little boss didn't rush, and the other gangsters, ah no, the low-level members didn't rush either.

Everyone stared at the little boss, and this guy's face turned red in an instant, and had a tendency to turn from red to deep red.


He was about to say something, but when he looked around, everyone was staring at him, so he didn't say anything in the end.

At this time, someone yelled strangely: "Look, the other guy, he, he is crazy, he killed our people!"

A young man with less thoughts caught a glimpse of another fight at the end of the narrow street and was immediately taken aback.

When the others heard the sound, they saw that the dagger in someone's hand fell to the ground in fright.

Seeing the appearance of this group of people, Pollau, who had been staring at them, also wanted to look back to see what happened to Finley, but there was only a faint wail coming from behind him, and then the wail disappeared.

He also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his teeth chattering slightly in his mouth.

Fortunately, the people on the other side couldn't see this subtle move, otherwise it would be really bad.

"Don't have an accident, don't have an accident."

Just as Boerlau muttered a few words in a low voice, Finley's cold voice came from behind: "It's all right, keep an eye on the carriage."

Then a man covered in flesh and blood strode past the gap beside the carriage, holding two one-handed axes in his hand, facing the eyes of the group in front, he walked calmly.

"Ah, yes, huh, fortunately."

He wanted to turn his head, but held back. Although he was there when he was fighting the harpies a few days ago, he was in the group of carriages and had never been in close contact with **** battles.

Instinct made him aware of the uneasiness of the horses pulling the cart in front of him, so he didn't really look back.


After finding out that the other party was planning to attack, Finley felt that he could no longer wait passively. Although he couldn't drive the carriage over before getting the signal, he could kill the surrounding people first.

Especially the guy with the heavy hammer in the back.

With bare hands, unless the strength is particularly strong, it is really not easy to cause damage to things like a carriage, but a heavy hammer wielded by a person is different. When the hammer goes down and finds the right place, it is no problem to smash the wheels of the carriage.

If the carriage breaks down, Lord Crow Knight's plan will not work at all, and it will fail completely.

Therefore, the person must be dealt with immediately, and the handle of the hammer must be destroyed or taken away.

"They're going to do it! Do as I say!"

As soon as he finished yelling this sentence, Finley jumped sideways, wiped his hands around his waist after landing, and each lifted a sharp one-handed axe. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the people blocking the road were startled by his sudden shout, he took a big step in an instant, using the method taught by Knight Crowe to gradually speed up the rhythm of breathing when approaching the enemy.

Boom, boom, boom, he is tall and heavy, every step he runs out can make a loud accent on the ground. At the same time, the heavy breathing was like a tiger, rushing towards the back of the street with an irresistible meaning.

I haven't really fought against each other, but everyone has the guts to fight.

Eight people gathered here at the back of the street. Among them, the man with a heavy hammer was strong, and the others were thinner, but all of them had bright eyes, held daggers or sticks and ropes, and looked eager to try.

They saw Finley taking the initiative to attack. Although it was clear that Finley was not easy to mess with at a glance, it was obvious that the little boss with the hammer in his hand didn't think there was a possibility that they would lose.

"Go all! Just like the harpies, overwhelm this man with numbers!"

The heavy hammer was on the ground, and with a wave of his hand, he sent his subordinates to rush forward.

This man's prestige was obviously different from that of the little leader commanding on the other side of the street. With a wave of his hand, seven of his subordinates rushed up together screaming.

The guy with the rope in his hand twirled the rope in his hand, preparing to control this formidable guy like a lasso.

The guy with the dagger held the two daggers backwards and stretched forward, preparing to make two new cuts in the abdomen of the strong guy opposite.

The guys with sticks in their hands stood in a row and rushed forward in groups of three. They didn't think that the strong wooden sticks in their hands were inferior to the two one-handed axes in the opponent's hands. After all, their sticks had broken many people head.

There are also two people holding standard wooden shields that were borrowed before. The vertical rectangular wooden shields are strong and thick, but they are too heavy, so that the two guys who borrowed them cannot keep up with the fast-moving accomplices in front.

Soon, the two of them will have to thank themselves for not rushing so fast.


Finley is not a talkative person, nor is he in the habit of yelling during battles, so facing the seven people rushing, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief at first.

It's really good that the guy with the hammer didn't follow.

After all, the opponent was tall and the weapon he used was also a heavy weapon, so he couldn't resist it when he swung it.

If you wear a full set of guard armor, you can also fight with injuries for lives. But now, in order to carry out the task of Knight Crowe, everyone on this trip did not wear additional armor protection.

It was the armor style of the Kendall who left here because they were afraid of being recognized.

After all, the face can be recognized wrongly, but the physical evidence such as the armor cannot be recognized by people.

Facing the heavy sticks swung one after another in front of him, Finley didn't directly catch them. After all, he was the only one of the three opponents.

"If you fight more with less, you have to let them trip themselves."

This is what Keel said proudly standing in the middle of the field after camping in the wild and after another unarmored and unarmed fight that everyone loved to see.

Accompanied by the defeated generals in one place, Kiel's words are obviously very reasonable.

So the moment Finley came into contact with the enemy, he quickly took a step back, getting out of the way of the sticks that were swung down one after another, and then his eyes glanced at another enemy who was smiling sinisterly.

The pair of daggers in the man's hands were shiny white, obviously well maintained.

So Finley leaned forward with the hand ax in his right hand, hooked the lower edge of the ax to the stick of a man who was swinging in the air and was staggering, and moved to the right.

Puff, one sound.

In fact, it was two sounds, the two daggers did not stab Finley, but stabbed the accomplice who suddenly "broke in" halfway.

The sinister smile on the man's face immediately froze. Before he could explain anything, one of the "Three Stick Brothers" was already panting heavily. Just a stick.


Still, he was merciful, and the stick was swung down, but the head was broken and bloody, but it was not fatal.

The guy with the dagger staggered back against the wall and fell limp to the ground.

"Hmph, useless guy." The little boss who saw this scene sneered, but he didn't know who he was talking about.

However, the corners of Finley's mouth curled up as if he had succeeded, and the one who threatened the most was temporarily ruled out, and it was time for him to fight back!


Taking another step back to dodge the swing of the stick, Finley then seized the opportunity to swing the hand ax one after another, and swung it with a whirring sound to force back the impact of these people as a whole.

At this moment, the two people holding the wooden shield pushed away their own people and came to the front line of the battle. Facing the ax that was yelling at them, the two of them hurriedly put the big wooden shield on top.

But that's what Finley wanted.

He doesn't wear armor, so he can't ignore ordinary blows from his opponents, and if he wants to stay in top form, he has to try to keep himself from getting hurt.

If you want to keep yourself from getting hurt, you have to weaken the fighting ability and desire of this group of people.

A shield with two sides blocking both sides is very suitable.

This thing can not only provide the other party with psychological and force protection, but also has the same effect on him.

The wooden shield isolated his attack, but also weakened the opponent's attack.

This is what I want.

Then Finley swung the ax vigorously, forcing the opponent back a few meters.

Afterwards, he didn't attack, but turned around and slashed at the head of the guy who had received two daggers in the abdomen.


As soon as this man's brother yelled out, the man's head exploded.

Like a smashed nut, or, more like an unlucky egg dropped from the air by a harpy, red and white splashes from the head.

The guy with the heavy hammer couldn't stand anymore. He saw what Finley meant, and Finley's cruelty exceeded their expectations.

It's all business, there's no need to fight like this.

But before it was over, Finley kicked on the approaching wooden shield, forcing one person and several people behind him back, and then he dodged to the wall of the street, and with a flick of the ax in his left hand, he aimed at the person who had fallen against the wall. The stunned guy's face is like an axe.

There was a terrible sound of puffing.

Even the other people who were fighting with him took a step back in fright.

"Look at me!"

A young man yelled loudly, and then threw the loop rope in his hand towards Finley.

It has to be said that these people in the Western Province are very good at this. Even though Finley knew that this person was going to use a rope to tie him, he did not escape.

The opponent even counted him hiding in that direction.


A ring-shaped lasso bound his left hand, and when the other party pulled, the rope tightened immediately, pulling Finley's figure slightly.

"I've got him, I've got him! Me!"

Before he finished speaking, Finley threw the hand ax in his right hand with a swing, and the ax was thrown smoothly through the rope route that the others deliberately made way for.

You are very good at playing, so are you also very good at hiding?

The ax spun and slashed at the young man's neck. The expression on his face was still smiling, and he immediately showed doubts. His body was hit hard by the ax and fell backwards. Blood spurted out of his mouth and nose, and he whimpered. Say something, but the words are drowned in blood.

The third person was killed, and now the little leader of this gang couldn't sit still, so he rushed forward with a heavy hammer. And although the others were a little surprised, they still came to kill again amidst the urging voice of the boss approaching behind them.

But Finley handed over the handaxe in his left hand to his right hand, held the rope that was attached to it with his left hand, straightened it and tightened it, and carried it away with the two wooden shields covered.

One end of the rope was attached to Finley's wrist, and the other end was attached to the fallen young man's hand.

The intertwined ropes were taut, swinging at the bottom of the two wooden shields, bypassing the wooden shields, directly catching the feet of the two people holding the shields, pulling and pulling, the two people were tripped to the ground.

Finley slashed the rope in front of his left hand with the ax in his right hand. After cutting the rope, he slammed it hard again, knocking away a stick that followed the wooden shield.

The guy whose weapon was knocked into the air was shocked, and Finley bowed his head to meet him.

This time, he was ejected heavily, and due to the difference in weight and height between the two, the guy who was ejected directly knocked down to the ground along with the brother behind him.

Finley raised his head and wiped the top of his head, thinking it was funny. He still learned this trick from Keir, and every time he used this trick at critical moments, Keir could defuse the situation.

Because this move is indeed very powerful, although the attack distance is short, but it can be launched as long as you lower your head, and the opponent cannot guard against it at all. And the strength is huge, the top of the head is the top of the body's central axis, although it is the key point, it is also the place where the strength of the body is most likely to gather.

It's just that the name of this trick is very strange. Every time after Kiel released it, he had to yell strangely: "Zidane!"

Everyone doesn't know what this means which heroic warrior it is.


Flying the man away, before the guy with the heavy hammer arrived, Finley raised the ax and dropped it, chopping the necks of the two shield-bearing enemies who were lying on the ground and struggling to get up, from the back of their heads.

"No! You executioner! I'm going to kill you! Avenge my brothers—"

Two more people were lost, and the leader of the team went crazy. After rushing over, he raised his hammer high and slammed it down on Finley.

But Finley just picked up the wooden shield beside him, raised it with one hand, and slid away the opponent's heavy blow at a side angle.

Pooh! boom!

The heavy hammer hit the ground, shaking the surrounding blood-stained floating soil.

With just one axe, Finley tested the level of this man's martial arts.

Very ordinary, he spat secretly, pushed the shield with his left hand, and pushed the man against the wall.

Seeing the light in the man's eyes as he resisted vigorously, Finley turned around and slashed the ax horizontally.

A head flew into the sky.

But it was a guy holding a stick in his hand and trying to sneak attack him.

"Hahaha." He couldn't help it anymore and laughed out loud.

The ax that had just beheaded the man threw it at the last guy under this man who was thrown to the ground, and poof, it hit the forehead.

Fin put his shield against the little boss and laughed: "There are many tricks, but each one is messy. Let me teach you how to use a stick."

Taking a step back, he stepped on a stick, raised it up, stretched out his hand, and held this primitive weapon in his hand.

Looking at the red-eyed enemy rushing up, Finley flicked his left hand, first threw the wooden shield to resist the attack, then raised the stick in his right hand, dodged to avoid it, and stabbed at the enemy's vitals.