MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 142 , between the main story and the side story "Night of Destruction"

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"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-"

The crying child was grabbed and stuffed into Priest Batar's arms.

The young priest was about to collapse. Although he was young and strong, the villagers had already stuffed six and a half children into his arms at this critical moment.

"Lothar, good boy, my child is in your hands, you must hide it! You must hide it well!" The messy-haired peasant woman ignored her child's crying, and then pulled her older boy away. There are many children crying and howling here.

Seeing that there were several ten-year-old boys beside the peasant woman who had been listening to him preaching the doctrine of Saturn and helping to weed the church garden, Priest Batar couldn't help but said, "Please, come with me!" Let's hide together, they are all demons, the children will die if they follow you!"

But the strong peasant woman just took the sickle handed over by her silent man for threshing grain, and held it tightly in her hand. Her boys around ten years old also bravely held straw baskets filled with small stones, Or a long wooden stick, a game of waiting for a battle to show off its skills.

"We escaped once, from our hometown. Here we will not run away any more. We must fight." The peasant woman didn't know much, so she could only say such words. Her taciturn husband spoke at this time: "Luo Sa, after you survive, let the children grow up to avenge us."

After finishing speaking, the farmer rushed towards the front of the village with these 'weapons'.

Priest Batar watched the family fight towards the village where flames and wailing were everywhere in the distance. His teeth were chattering, but he was still wearing a backpack. He took the little children who were handed over to him by the villagers to the village. The entrance to the church shelter where I live.

The entrance is made of stone close to the ground, and a complete image of wheat grains is carved on the surface. This thing is not only awkward in the entire wooden Saturnalia Church, but also cost a lot of money when it was built. All the farmers in the village relayed the large stones from the foot of the mountain far away.

He was just an adult at the time, and he still hated having to spend a lot of effort to repair such a useless thing. He might as well give these stones to the village to build a stone well for all villagers to use.

how nice.

But all the villagers who contributed to this at that time just looked at him and wanted to say something, but in the end they silently spent their energy to get the stone and built this one-room stone shelter under the church on their own.

One by one, the half-grown children were carried into the room where no one had come in for a long time. Priest Batar finally looked at himself in the direction of howling and screaming.

The group of demons had already arrived in the middle of the village. A congregation's house was set on fire, and the flames rose, faintly illuminating the distorted faces that were constantly running and releasing violence and malice.

His heart tightened, and he quickly retracted himself into the passageway into the refuge, and then tightly closed the stone door above his head.

Not only that, he blew out the lighting oil lamp, and took out a bunch of last year's wheat ears from his arms. Muttering a few words tremblingly in his mouth, this ear of wheat emitted a blue light that could replace the light of an oil lamp.

Putting the ears of wheat on his waist, he took out the stone bricks that were originally placed here from under the walls on both sides in accordance with the requirements of the original shelter construction, and moved them to the bottom of the stone gate, according to the pre-prepared gap, Get stuck here completely.

After everything was done, he sat down on the stone floor of the refuge. The six crying children around him stopped crying when they saw the shiny ears of wheat on his body, and surrounded him sobbing curiously. .

After teasing the children with this thing, seeing them clapping their hands and laughing happily, Priest Batar burst into tears.


At the entrance of Changmai Village.

A group of men who looked like soldiers of the Southern Provincial Army, but were dressed in shabby clothes, walked slowly towards the village.

There are more of these guys around who are constantly arresting the villagers of the village, and they are still moving anything they think is valuable to the street.

The narrow street is full of door panels, and there are all kinds of things on the door panels.

Wooden boxes, piled up messy clothes, bundled poultry, domestic dogs with broken heads crying about to die, wooden tubs, metal tools, barrels of grain, iron pots, shoes without owners, etc.

Someone pulled a young peasant woman with one hand, pulled her out of the well with a strange smile on her face, pushed her onto the street and tied her up.

Someone loudly gathered other people around who were also doing evil, and besieged the peasant households who were relying on their own doors to fight.

Those who resisted stubbornly had their arms broken easily and were driven to the streets to be tied up. Those who were unable to resist were also tied up, waiting for their fate like trophies.

"Give me everything! Valuable, worthless, useful, and useless! Move them all away! The empty house is ordered! Let these guys never think about coming back! Why don't you follow us? Right? Hahahaha."

In the center of the chaos, a tall soldier with his waist in his arms laughed out loud. He was wearing armor, and his subordinates around him also became excited.

Some people couldn't bear it anymore, and when they saw a pretty peasant girl, they untied their leather belts and forced their way in in the dark night under the firelight.

There were also people who were extremely hungry, and with poultry worn on spears, they lit the barley outside the farmer's house and grilled the food with soaring flames.

Of course, it is not without resistance.

The villagers who reacted in the village gathered in the middle of the village. Although they didn't have many weapons in their hands, they stopped these wanton guys here with their strong village houses and warehouses.

Except for some believers who handed over their children to priest Batar to take refuge in the church shelter, more villagers living in the back of the village let their wives and their children escape to the surrounding farmland at night.

The surroundings are so messy and the sky is so dark, so he should be able to run away, right?

"Run? Good idea! Huh——"

The armor-piercing warrior leading the team strode to the place where the battle took place, and blew a loud whistle. One of his men fired a rocket into the sky that would signal the building to ignite at night.

Then there was the faint sound of someone shouting and neighing around the village.

"Haha, I have sent people to surround the whole village! Want to run? Are you able to run? You gang of whimsical guys, come out and surrender honestly. I promise not to kill you."

Hearing this man's words, many villagers hesitated.

"Don't believe the words of these villains, put down your weapons, life or death is up to us! Big guys, fight! Hold on until dawn, they must run!"

The soldier leading the team snorted coldly, and ordered several archers around him: "Shoot that talkative peasant woman to death!"

Whoosh, whoosh, more than a dozen arrows were shot at, and the peasant woman hiding behind the furniture of the village house was shot dead, not only her, but also several children who were holding small stones and wooden sticks beside her.

"It's much cleaner now. Look, this is the end of rebellion. Someone, bring up the captured villagers and let them see that few people died. It would be nice to surrender obediently."

The armor-piercing warrior who led the team spoke, and immediately someone brought over most of the injured and panic-stricken captured villagers.

Seeing this scene, many villagers who resolutely resisted lost their will to fight. After all, there is a possibility of being alive, and no one wants to be killed.

"All come out, all come out. The three who come out first can bring their own families to join us! Be your own, and you won't have to suffer all of a sudden! How wonderful."

The tall warrior in armor smiled strangely, and looked at the villagers walking out of the village houses and warehouses in front of him with mocking eyes.

He rolled his eyes, pointed at the family of three who surrendered in front, and tapped three times.

"One, two, three, the three of you can bring your family to join us! Don't say I don't mean anything, say three is three."

But these three people are a family, the middle-aged parents and the just-adult son.

The old man in the family has passed away, the child has not yet married, and there are no more relatives.

Some villagers felt that they had been fooled, but they were immediately disarmed by the prostitutes who rushed up, slapped a few times, and then tied them up.

So the villagers were all taken down like this.

"Quick, there must be a lot of grain in the warehouse, %¥#¥, brothers have been starving in the woods for a whole winter, quick, move these grains away for me! Let those adult villagers with families go move!"

Commanding, the soldiers in armor rushed into the village house with their cronies.

Under normal circumstances, there are also large sums of money that are used in many villages to purchase supplies from business travelers.

They like food, and they like coins.

But as soon as he entered the village house, a man squatting among the corpses shot to death by arrows rushed up brandishing a shovel. He greeted the soldier who took the lead.


The man just raised his arm and blocked the inexperienced attack with the metal armor for a while.


The man smiled, but the farmer who had his weapon turned back didn't answer, but just stared at him with hatred.

As if annoyed by the gaze, the armored warrior kicked the farmer over to the side of the corpse, then turned his wrist, picked up the opponent's shovel as a weapon, and slammed at the farmer who was still staring at him. Smash it in the face.

"My ¥% was originally a good person!"

He yelled frantically.

While shouting, he continued to hack the man's head and face with the shovel.

"Defend the home and defend the country! Fight against the enemy! Return home triumphantly! What a wonderful vocabulary! Don't blame me for those who are #¥! Those **** fight for power and profit, if there are benefits, we will go together, and when there are difficulties, we will shirk. Everyone has lost the battle! Complain Me? Blame me? Blame me?"

He yelled and then slammed it hard. After the whole sentence, the farmer's head and neck were gone, and there were only fragments of the head flying all over the place.

The other people next to him were also unorganized and did not respond when the leader was angry, but they listened to what the leader said, and seemed to feel much more relaxed about the tragedy around them this time.

Yeah, we don't want to either, it's the noble gentlemen who screwed up everything.

"Search for an iron coin from this place, take it all away! Then burn it!"

Throwing away the shovel, the man continued leading the men through the center of the village.

The village is olive-shaped. After passing the center of the village, there are fewer residential houses behind. But at the end of the road, not only the ground has been repaired, but there are also more stone tablets engraved with images promoting agriculture on both sides of the road.

A Saturnalia Church built of stone and wood is in front of you.

On both sides of the road leading to the church, besides the, there are also graves of some villagers who have settled here and have died.

Looking at these small square tombs, the armored warrior leading the team waved his hand: "The tombs are all upturned for me. Check inside, besides the ashes, are there any valuable funeral objects!"

The subordinates looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Why? Don't you like to do this? If there are gold and silver jewelry buried with you, do you like it? If you want it, you can get it yourself! Humph, who can these gods bless? It is said that the Kingdom of St. Holes is a religious kingdom , but why didn’t they protect us on the battlefield? We just watched the magicians from neighboring countries set fire to us brothers and burned them to death in large numbers in the forest.”

Staring at the emblem of the God of Saturn hanging on the roof of the Church of the God of Saturn, the man spoke louder and louder, and soon incited the disgust of the gods and the idea of ​​blasphemy among the defeated soldiers.

"Take away all the valuables inside. Then click here." He looked directly at a wooden statue of the God of Saturn, pointed at the statue and said, "Just look at it like this, and watch it all go to ruin. .Besides here, there are other places. Not only you, but also other villages that are protected by the gods. Heh, what can you do? Did you do anything? Huh?"

Soon, the flames lit a large number of wooden churches, and everything was reflected in the flames.

A statue in flames.

Priest Batar and the children in the refuge gradually felt suffocated and scorching.

The arrogant and domineering defeated soldiers and their generals.

Villagers strung together with ropes.

All kinds of belongings that were loaded into the carriage, and barrels of grain that were moved out.

The flames of the church rose very high, sparks and smoke were flying.

There is only one who sighs that no one can hear.