MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 29 land of fireworks

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In the early morning, crystal dew was condensed on the grass. The tent, which had been covered all night, opened a crack, and then two secretly prying eyes were revealed.

Mu Chuihan wanted to tentatively stick out his head, but this crack also let in all the moisture and cold from the outside, so cold that he shivered.

He wrapped his outer robe tightly again and calmed down, and when he stretched his neck, he saw Ye Tingjiang sitting cross-legged in front of the tent, with his back straight and his eyes closed as if he was meditating.

Mu Chuihan tiptoed out, intending to make a surprise attack from behind him early in the morning.

It's a pity, just as he carefully walked to Ye Tingjiang's side and wanted to stretch out his hand to pat his shoulders, Ye Tingjiang's slightly closed eyes slowly opened, and he cast a calm look at him: "Good morning, Smoking."

Mu Chuihan closed his hands. Ye Tingjiang's calm and peaceful attitude made his misdeeds even more sneaky.

He tried hard to forget the action just now: "Jun Tingyun, early!"

He murmured in his heart, how could Jun Tingyun bear not to cooperate with his performance!

Ye Tingjiang stood up, his black robe was clean and not stained with any grass clippings. He asked, "Have you decided where to go today?"

The time that Mu Chuihan could spend thinking about was spent thinking about how to seduce him. Where did he ever think about this, he casually said, "Let's go to the rainbow."

Ye Tingjiang nodded and agreed, and the two went back on their way.

Mu Chuihan was still pulling Ye Tingjiang like yesterday. The two were close to each other, but as they walked, the distance between them gradually disappeared until they were invisible to the naked eye.

Mu Chuihan was stuck to Ye Tingjiang's body, and the two were like a pair of conjoined twins.

Ye Tingjiang felt a burst of pressure on his side, and Fuyan was soft on his body as if he had no bones. This kind of intimacy was obviously beyond his acceptance, Ye Tingjiang gave way to the other side and said softly, "Stand up."

Mu Chuihan raised his head to look at him, and tucked his hands into his wide sleeves: "Xianjun, it's cold."

He pointedly looked at Ye Tingjiang's robe.

The almighty who asks the state of mind is not afraid of the cold and heat, and naturally he will not be afraid of this little morning wind. It is useless to wear a robe on the body, it is better to put it on him.

Ye Tingjiang asked, "Cold?"

Mu Chuihan hurriedly nodded and shrank back.

Ye Tingjiang sighed: "How can you still be so afraid of the cold after breaking the void."

Under Mu Chuihan's expectant gaze, Ye Tingjiang's hand was gently raised, and as he closed his robe, Mu Chuihan was about to blurt out his words of gratitude, but the hand stopped moving and hung in the air.

The storage ring on his finger lit up, and a small hand stove appeared in the air.

Ye Tingjiang pointed to the stove and said, "Hold it, this is a spiritual weapon, as long as you hold it, your whole body will emit warmth."

Fortunately, he prepared a few more things before he set off, so it doesn't matter if the disciple is afraid of the cold!

Mu Chuihan found that Jun Ting Yun's seemingly awe-inspiring face actually showed a somewhat unpredictable self-satisfaction.

He lowered his eyes, covered the deep regret in his eyes with his eyelids, and held up the stove without saying a word.

I kept reminding myself in my heart that I should carefully read the words of the world in the future. How could I forget that only mortals need clothes to protect from the cold. In front of cultivators, especially cultivators like Ting Yunjun, there is absolutely nothing that spiritual tools and spells can't solve!

In Mu Chuihan's deep repentance, they gradually walked under the seven-color rainbow bridge.

Looking up, the rainbow is like an entity, hanging high in the sky.

And there was a cliff beside them, and there was an entrance to a stone cave directly in front of them, which was half-covered by weeds, so it was quite hidden.

Ye Tingjiang asked, "Do you want to go in and have a look?"

Generally speaking, there are often secret treasures in this kind of cave, and it is not bad for the younger disciple to explore it himself.

"Wait." Mu Chuihan felt that the cave was a little strange. He took out the map of the secret realm. There was a piece of rock on this area, but there was no mark about the cave.

Ye Tingjiang glanced at the map and said, "This map can't be detailed."

"That's right." Mu Chuihan nodded and folded the scroll, and said with a smile, "Then Xianjun, let's go in together!"

As long as it is not the location of the jade plaque with the red dots, they should be able to explore at will.

As the two of them stepped into the cave, before they could see the scene inside the cave, a thick white mist suddenly appeared in front of Mu Chuihan's eyes, boundless.

The damp mist engulfed his whole body, and it was very uncomfortable. It was so dull that it was extremely difficult to even take a breath. Mu Chuihan could no longer see where Ye Tingjiang was, so he opened his mouth and shouted, "Xianjun."

These words almost exhausted the breath in his chest, but they were swallowed up by the white mist, and not a single trace could be conveyed.

Mu Chuihan bowed his head and began to take out his anger at the small hand stove.

If it wasn't for holding it, I was still holding Ting Yun-jun's hand, how could this happen!

He was angry for a while, thinking that Ye Tingjiang hadn't figured out a way to appear yet, and most of the time he hoped that he would solve the predicament by himself. So he finally took a hard step, trying to walk through the white fog.

Although the soles of the feet are like wet clay when walking, they can still move forward inch by inch. Mu Chuihan walked hard for a long time, but still couldn't see the end of the white mist.

His patience was wearing down little by little, and he felt that this was not a road that he could walk on his feet.

Mu Chuihan hesitated before deciding whether to use the Sight Seeing spell. Since it is Void Breaking Realm, the spiritual power that this body can carry has also increased slightly. Maybe he can try the lowest-level spells.

It's just that Fuyan has not learned any spells yet. Will Tingyun-jun be suspicious if he uses them rashly?

Mu Chuihan weighed for a moment and thought that since Ye Tingjiang dared to let go, he was sure that the white fog was completely within his ability. He thought about pulling out the spirit sword, trying to split the white mist.

Jianguang really stirred up the fog, but it didn't do anything other than make him feel a rush of overturning in his chest.

Mu Chuihan hurriedly stopped his sword to avoid the outcome of his suffocation.

He smashed the jar into the sheath, took the long sword as a crutch, and continued on foot in resignation.

But I don't know if it was because the crutches shocked Bai Wu. He only took two steps, and the white fog gradually thinned. His eyes were instantly clear and bright.

It turned out to be on the edge of the fog just now...

Mu Chuihan consciously accomplished the great thing, and Jun Tingyun should praise him for his perseverance and perseverance, and overcome the fear of the unknown by himself.

However, in fact, he opened his eyes and swept back and forth in the empty cave in front of him three times, but he didn't see a single figure.

Mu Chuihan called out "Xianjun" a few times in disbelief, but got no response, only echoes from the stone wall.

"Jun", "Jun" and "Jun" echoed for a long time, and the sound seemed to mock him for being a single person.

Mu Chuihan finally believed in the fact that he was the only one here.

This is really tragic, and it can be regarded as the most tragic incident that Mu Chuihan has encountered in the Immortal Sect for several months.

Mu Chuihan lost a bit of his spirit and energy as the person who could make him contrive to manipulate and contrive was not there.

He casually found a stone to lean on and sat down. He stood there for a while, then finally regained some strength and began to think about where Ye Tingjiang had gone.

Either there is some kind of formation that forces people to separate in this cave, or Ye Tingjiang can hide his figure and wants to test him.

Considering the possibility of the latter, Mu Chuihan decided not to make himself appear so incompetent. The sadness in the previous paragraph has already been shown, and he should set up a self-reliance and self-improvement character later.

Mu Chuihan stood up, full of energy. He clenched his fists and made a cheering gesture, and said to himself: "I must find a way to find Xianjun!"

He moved around. This stone cave looks extremely small from the outside, but it is unique inside. Mu Chuihan seemed to hear the slight sound of water droplets, but it was clear at a glance that the cave was empty, and there was obviously no water source in it.

He had to follow the sound a little bit against the stone wall, and finally determined that the sound of water seemed to be coming from behind the stone wall. Mu Chuihan knocked on the wall all the way, repeatedly confirmed, and finally stopped at the place where the knocking sound was the most crisp.

The spirit sword was unsheathed, and the stone wall was broken open with a bang.

To his disappointment, behind the cave, there is just a bigger cave.

And still did not stop Yunjun.

There is a clear pool in front of you, the cave is dark, but a bright moon is reflected on the water!

Mu Chuihan looked overhead and confirmed once again that the top of the hole was a dome of stone walls.

There is no moon in the sky, but there is a moon in the water.

Mu Chuihan couldn't care less about maintaining his self-improvement image of a little white flower, and turned around and started hurriedly looking for something else.

It didn't take long for him to find his target at the edge of the cave - a bright mirror.

A pure white Epiphyllum blooms in the bright mirror, which is breathtakingly beautiful.

Moon in the water, flowers in the mirror.

Yesterday Ye Tingjiang was still admonishing him that the Water Moon Mirror Flower was unreachable, but today he really saw such a sight!

At this point, how could Mu Chuihan not know what happened. As a sword cultivator, he has been distracted and practiced a lot of other things, and his understanding of the illusion is much deeper than Ye Tingjiang.

Right now, they were clearly encountering some kind of heart-wrenching illusion.

To be more precise, it was Ye Tingjiang who encountered this illusion.

Mu Chuihan knew that if multiple people were under the illusion of magic at the same time, the magic technique would select the person with the highest cultivation level, read his memory, and restore the most unforgettable scene in his memory.

If it is a joyous thing, the practitioner of Chinese art will indulge in it and cannot extricate himself.

If there is painful memory, the practitioner can only experience the pain again and again, until the soul is completely destroyed in the torment.

The strange feeling that Mu Chuihan had always had outside the stone cave was finally confirmed.

The Chuihong Secret Realm, a secret realm that offers the most trials for the disciples of the Spirit Realm, why is there such a cave where illusion techniques are applied?

But now that there is no time to think so much, Mu Chuihan no longer pretends to be.

He knew that Ye Tingjiang was not here, no one watched the show no matter how he acted, and his expression was rarely solemn.

The illusion is not without solution, it just needs him to enter in person, find Ye Tingjiang, the master of the illusion, and bring him back to reality.

It was easier said than done, but every time Ye Tingjiang stayed in the fantasy world, it was more dangerous.

Mu Chuihan didn't dare to hesitate any longer, closed his eyes and slammed into the mirror.

The body touched the mirror, but there was no sound of the mirror shattering, nor did it feel any pain.

The mirror seemed to melt into water, absorbing his entire being.

When Mu Chuihan's feet felt real again, before he could open his eyes, a woman's coquettish laughter could be heard in his ears.

Explicitly flirtatious.

Mu Chuihan controlled his mind and finally summoned up the courage to open his eyes.

It is late at night, but the streets and streets here are bright as day, and the night wind carries the fragrance of powder, and the red sleeves are full of red sleeves.

On the top of the small building, the singing girl leaned against the lantern, the music curled up, her face was full of spring, and she smiled all over the city.

Mu Chuihan's mind went blank, and then he finally slowly realized where it was.

The land of fireworks.

He recited these four words silently over and over again, but he couldn't make any expression except dazed and unbelievable.

I didn't expect you, Ting Yun-Jun, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, the place that you miss in your heart is actually a brothel!

The author has something to say: Immortal Venerable: This, no, can, can! [Explosion.jpg] Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-3000:36:44~2021-01-3123:17:22~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of play; 6 bottles of Moonweaving Fog Yarn; 5 bottles of Burning Heart will not change in this life; 2 bottles of Yuran and Rice Cakes; 1 bottle of Xingyuan; thank you very much for your support to me, I will Keep working hard!

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