MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 28 first-time teacher

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"Xianjun, where are we going next?" Mu Chuihan raised his head and asked the person in front of him with interest.

"You decide." Ye Tingjiang didn't want to interfere too much.

Mu Chuihan took out a map of the secret realm. There were many striking red dots on the map, which were the jade tablets that the disciples were looking for this time.

These locations are also mostly where the beasts gather in the secret realm.

The disciples who enter the secret realm will be ranked according to the number of jade cards they have obtained, and the outstanding ones will be able to participate in the 10-year rookie competition between the sects.

Before coming, Ye Tingjiang had told him that he was the only disciple who participated in the secret realm this time and brought his own master. In order not to affect the fairness, they needed to go around the jade plaque.

Mu Chuihan looked at it for a long time and felt that the rest of the place was nothing special, so he simply closed the map and said, "Then we will see where we go!"

The great philosopher Mu Chuihan believes that with Ting Yunjun, the important thing is not the destination, but the process.

Although he revealed a very casual attitude, Ye Tingjiang, who has always been rigorous in his work, did not object, and the two of them walked in the secret realm so casually.

Fortunately, the secret space is very large, and they are completely uninhabited within a radius of ten miles. Otherwise, those disciples who slaughtered beasts with blood would spit out a mouthful of old blood when they saw this scene of walking in the courtyard like a spring outing.

After walking for a long time, Mu Chuihan pretended to be tired, looked at a grass, and lay straight on his back.

He still didn't let go of Ye Tingjiang's hand, so Ye Tingjiang was also led to his body by him.

Mu Chuihan patted the vacant seat beside him and invited with a smile, "Xianjun, come together?"

Looking at Ye Tingjiang from an upward angle, the ordinary black robe outlines his thin waist, making his legs even longer. The bright sunlight cast a halo on his face, and Mu Chuihan felt dizzy when he saw it.

Their cultivators call everyone "fairy friends", and they use the word "fairy" badly.

But he still wanted to call the scene of Ye Tingjiang "the immortal descended to the world".

Seeing the sudden smile on the boy's face, Ye Tingjiang released his hand slightly, shook his head and said, "No. You can lie down and rest for a while."

"Xianjun, you haven't tried it yet, it's very interesting to see the sky like this." Mu Chuihan assured: "Really."

As soon as he finished speaking, he straightened his upper body, and while Ye Tingjiang was not prepared, he stretched out his hands and pulled him down.

Ye Tingjiang almost fell on top of him, and the breathing of the two seemed to be close at hand. Ye Tingjiang put his hands on the ground in embarrassment and quickly moved away from the awkward position.

Looking at it again, the young man seemed to be just playing around, with an innocent face, which made Ye Tingjiang's original accusation speechless.

He chose a position far away from the boy, straightened his robes, and lay down upright, with his hands folded on his chest.

Mu Chuihan pretended not to know that the distance between the two was intentional, leaned towards Ye Tingjiang without hesitation, and pointed at the arc rainbow on the blue sky: "Xianjun, won't the rainbow disperse?"

Ye Tingjiang said: "That's an illusion. It's like a water moon mirror flower, out of reach, out of reach—"

He was going to mention the little disciples along the way, just like he would encounter countless illusions on the road to immortality, remember not to indulge. But before he could say the words, he heard Fuyan happily say: "But take a good look, Xianjun, do you also create such an illusion?"

Ye Tingjiang was silent for a while. This was the exact opposite of what he meant.

He calmed down and told himself that it was too early to teach Fuyan these things. He sighed and said, "I'm a sword cultivator, and I'm not good at illusion."

"Oh." Mu Chuihan said disappointedly.

To be honest, he was really moved by this rainbow. If it wasn't for the sake of maintaining his elusive environment, he would have wanted to go back and hang up.

Originally, I wanted to coax Jun Ting Yun to realize this wish for him at Ying Xuefeng, but who knew that Jun Ting Yun was not as versatile as he was and refused to leave no room for it.

Ye Tingjiang originally thought that the problem was solved in this way, but he didn't expect that his little apprentice didn't lose for long, suddenly got up again, and ran towards the colorful flowers on the edge of the grass as if he had found a treasure.

Ye Tingjiang saw the appearance of the flower, and hurriedly stopped it: "Stop, that's cannibalism..."

Before he could finish speaking, the boy's hand reached out to one of the blooming flowers.

The stamens trembled, and the petals suddenly changed their appearance, extending wildly towards the position of his hand, the stamens were drawn into sharp hooks, and the cold light flashed, wanting to directly hook his wrists.

Mu Chuihan instinctively shrank his hand, but the petals did not give up, chasing the prey at a faster speed.

He then screamed miserably: "Xianjun—"

A pure white aura flashed behind him, straight into the corolla, the petals with their teeth and claws retreated instantly, and the sharp hooks also turned back into the stamens, which were once again protected by the petals, and looked like they were budding.

Mu Chuihan's hand was rescued, he hid behind Ye Tingjiang and put his hand on his chest: "Xianjun, so scary..."

Only then did Ye Tingjiang have the opportunity to say unfinished words: "That's a piranha."

Mu Chuihan said in fear, "So that's the case, I thought it was the same as those red flowers at the entrance."

Ye Tingjiang said earnestly: "So you remember that in the world of immortals, the more beautiful the appearance, the more likely it is to be dangerous."

"No." This time, Mu Chuihan retorted very firmly.

On the contrary, Ye Tingjiang was a little surprised. The young man rarely refuted him like this.

Mu Chuihan's feelings were sincere: "Xianjun, you are so good-looking, and you are indeed a good person."

Ye Tingjiang: "..."

He was stunned for a long time, and then barely managed to say: "It can't be like this analogy..."

Mu Chuihan insisted, "Xianjun is a good person."

Naturally, Ye Tingjiang couldn't refute this point, so he turned to another point: "Why didn't you use a sword just now?"

Before coming, he specially equipped Fuyan with a mid-grade spirit sword. At this moment, the sword was hanging upright on the boy's waist, and the scabbard was tightly seamed.

Mu Chuihan said embarrassedly, "I forgot."

Finally got a chance to stop Yunjun, why use a sword?

Ye Tingjiang said solemnly: "Spirit swords are not decorations. If you miss the opportunity to defend against the enemy, then the subtle spirit swordsmanship will be useless."

Mu Chuihan bowed his head in despair, and his lively expression just now was trained to wilt.

Seeing this, Ye Tingjiang also began to reflect on whether he was too strict. Obviously he brought him out to play, and he didn't want to stir up the atmosphere too stiff, so he was gentle: "I mean, I can't protect you for a lifetime, you still have to experience it yourself."

"Yeah." Mu Chuihan pursed his lips: "I won't let Xianjun worry so much anymore."

Ye Tingjiang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, let's not mention this, let's go after we have enough rest."

"Okay!" These two strokes of comfort made Mu Chuihan's face brighten instantly.

Not long after walking, passing through a dense forest, a beast with a black body and long mane suddenly rushed out from the depths of the forest, with two long fangs showing the corners of his mouth, and headed straight towards Mu Chuihan.

His first reaction was to grab Ye Tingjiang's sleeve, and he was about to softly call "Xianjun", but fortunately he remembered his sworn promise before calling out.

"I won't let Xianjun worry so much anymore."

Mu Chuihan felt regretful. But he knew very well that in front of Ting Yun-jun, he had to pay attention to the sense of proportion, and this kind of drama would lose its meaning if there were too many scenes. So his spirit sword was unsheathed for the first time in the secret realm, and the tip of the sword pointed at the rushing beast.

In theory, this should be Fuyan's first independent combat.

Whether the stake in the trial is a dead thing is still different from a wild beast.

Bearing this in mind, Mu Chuihan swung the spirit sword without appearing to be too skilled. He kept about the frequency of every time he stabbed the beast twice, he missed a sword, and was scratched by the beast again. The beasts are fighting.

He had been counting the time silently in his heart, and when his arms gradually felt sour, it was estimated that Ye Tingjiang's patience was about to run out before he stabbed a sharp sword towards the key point.

The behemoth fell to the ground.

Mu Chuihan immediately raised his eyebrows, and although he was covered in dust during the fight, he couldn't hide the look on his face asking for merit: "Xianjun, look, I won!"

The hand holding the sword trembled slightly with excitement.

Ye Tingjiang released his spiritual power and healed several skin injuries for him. He was also happy for him: "Very good, experience is accumulated from actual combat."

Mu Chuihan stood there, looking at the fallen beast. It looks like a wild boar, but has a pair of tusks. Mu Chuihan was most interested in these exotic beasts and knew that it was called "Dangkang".

Gee, the meat is delicious and the taste is delicate.

Mu Chuihan couldn't help swallowing his saliva. After thinking about it, he still mentioned it regardless of the occasion: "Xianjun, I'm hungry."

Although Ye Tingjiang couldn't figure out why he had just experienced a fierce battle, his first reaction was to be hungry. But he always thinks about others, guessing that he may have consumed too much energy just now, so he took out the storage ring: "I brought some dry food for you."

Mu Chuihan didn't want to chew cold and hard dry food, he hinted: "Xianjun, I heard that when it is delicious and tender..."

Ye Tingjiang was startled when he heard him call out "Dangkang" accurately, and when he heard that he even remembered the characteristics of this strange beast, he couldn't help but cast a suspicious look.

"How did you find out?" he asked.

He clearly didn't even recognize the man-eating flower just now, but in the blink of an eye he understood Dangkang clearly.

Mu Chuihan didn't evade at all, and said simply: "There is a saying in the world that those who know food are Junjie. I'm in the outer door, and I read these edible animals and plants in my spare time."

The implication is that he can't eat piranha flowers, so he knows it's strange. It's hard for him not to know when Kang eats so prominently.

Ye Tingjiang corrected silently: "It's the one who knows the current affairs who is Junjie."

But Mu Chuihan's reason persuaded him perfectly, but unfortunately there is no cooking utensils: "It is difficult to cook in the secret realm. If you want to eat, I will find someone after I go out..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mu Chuihan recommended himself with bright eyes: "Xianjun, I can roast beast meat!"

Ye Tingjiang was stunned for a moment, Mu Chuihan had already picked up branches to build a pyre, and hoped again: "Xianjun, set fire to it."

Ye Tingjiang choked and asked the cultivator of the state of mind dignifiedly, and it was unexpected enough that one day he would become a lighter for his little apprentice.

The fire rose smoothly, and Mu Chuihan Meimei had a full meal. At the end, he frowned in disgust: "It's a pity that there are no seasonings, and the taste is still lacking."

Ye Tingjiang interrupted his nitpicking and persuaded: "It's not early, you are ready, it's time to rest."

The long-hanging rainbow also disappeared in the dark sky as the night fell.

Mu Chuihan is not tired now, and tentatively said: "Xianjun, I think I can hold on for a while, shall we chat?"

Ye Tingjiang is very persistent: "It's not long before you break through, rest is very important."

"Okay." Mu Chuihan compromised, got into the tent that Ye Tingjiang set up for him, and made one last effort: "Xianjun, I'm a little scared, can you come in and accompany me?"

"No," Ye Tingjiang said decisively, "I'm outside, keeping watch for you."

His attitude was firm, Mu Chuihan knew he couldn't shake it, so he obediently got into bed and said, "Good night, Tingyun-Jun."

After everything was quiet, Ye Tingjiang finally let out a breath outside the tent.

He knew that the little apprentice wasn't tired, and he didn't even want to rest.

In fact, he was too tired.

Even more tired than when he was young when he was crawling around in secret realms.

Is this what it feels like to be a teacher?

The apprentice did not worry about touching taboos everywhere. He wanted to scold him harshly so that people would remember the lesson, but he was always worried that the harsh words would hit the young man.

I want to encourage my apprentice to fight bravely instead of hiding behind him timidly; but when Fuyan really went to fight against Dangkang, he was also anxious behind him, and every time he saw the young man injured, he wanted to block him attack.

At the end of the day, exhausted.

Ye Tingjiang couldn't help but think of his senior brothers and sisters, and a feeling of admiration arose spontaneously.

It turned out that the other elders were carrying such a heavy burden.

They are already tired of dealing with a disciple by themselves, and they are dealing with a few or hundreds of times as many disciples.

Ye Tingjiang was in awe. It seems that what I have done for Linxianzong is still too little!

The author has something to say: Other elders: No, we are different~

Xianzun's plan for the last quarter: a tea master who flew first √

This quarter's plan: a waste beauty who only knows how to eat

Dangkang also comes from the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Borrowing the name, it was originally an auspicious beast that heralded a good year, so it should not be eaten ×

The clip will be uploaded tomorrow, so it should be postponed until tomorrow night (1.31 night) to update at 11:00, so what?

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-2823:57:35~2021-01-3000:36:44~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 ever-bright lamp;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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