MTL - Worlds’ Apocalypse Online-v3 Chapter 54 Fierce battle!

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"If your strength is nothing more than this... then prepare to die in the chaos."

Gu Qingshan said.

Jiu Nian paused, and suddenly a long worm sound.

The nine faces on its neck roared together: "I am a nine-faced demon. In the long years, no one has ever said this to me."

"Gu Qingshan, you were born in Chaos, but you dare to offend me so, I will show you what a real battle is—"

"Your fate is doomed!"

Nine faces rose into the sky, each with a different body, flew in all directions, and quickly disappeared.

Gu Qingshan was ready.

The Hand of Destruction quietly said: "Attention, in another nine minutes, you must release the Dark Continent. It must be protected by the power of Chaos before it can suppress the spirits and monsters."

"I know." Gu Qingshan said intently.

The mist suddenly disappeared completely.

Gu Qingshan found himself standing on a large ground surrounded by worms.

A line of fireflies appeared quickly:


"The Evil Mystery Art: The Nine Stars series hit you."

"Explanation: Nine different phase worlds overlap, and they have sealed you in them."

"Nine worlds have their own crises, and you will jump in nine different worlds at any time."

Gu Qingshan looked towards the boundless insect tide.

"This kind of battle...I can handle it."

His figure flickered and turned into a sword light that soared to the sky, instantly shining all the monsters on the earth.

All the monsters died immediately.

Gu Qingshan appeared, suddenly lowered his head and saw that he was covered with all kinds of weird runes.

The prompt jumped out suddenly:

"——You were hit by the Destiny Insect!"

"The destiny of the devil is also your destiny. You will have the same cause and effect, that is, the cause and effect of life and death."

"you are dead."

Gu Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief.

so close!

If this rule is replaced by other conditions, I might still be hurt a bit, but if it is about life and death——

He was dead long ago, and he was fighting as a dead person at this moment.

Suddenly the angry bugs sounded:

"You think you can fight me by stealing **** and skiing?"

The surrounding scene flickered.

The world of the Demon Insect disappeared in an instant, and a brand new world arrived at a rapid speed, and Gu Qingshan was embraced in it.

Gu Qingshan landed gently and found himself standing on a huge iron rope.

The crimson fire light shone from the void below, letting the whole world appear before Gu Qingshan's eyes.

The whole world is made up of giant iron cables extending in all directions.

At the intersection of all the iron cables, a giant insect with dark patterns on its body came quickly along the iron cables.

"Succumbed to death, Gu Qingshan!"

The giant worm made a deafening hiss, raised its sharp forelimbs, and slashed straight towards Gu Qingshan.

"This trick is pretty good." Gu Qingshan waved his arm gently.

The infinite sword light condensed into a light in his hand, and it waved out in an instant to meet the forelimbs of the giant insect.


The sword light collided with the insect limbs.

Gu Qingshan flew upside down like a cannonball, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Countless armor pieces fell off his body, and quickly condensed into a new armor.

——The Real Ancient Demon King Armor was already broken into scum when the two sides met each other.

In the void, a line of prompt appeared quickly:


"This world is made up of top revenge rules."

"Every time you parry an enemy's attack, you have to take three times the attack damage."

Gu Qingshan glanced at it and said helplessly:

"Nine-faced, you are too shabby to play like this."

——If you resist, you will suffer three times the damage; if you don’t resist, you can hardly dodge and get hit directly.

After all, it seems that there is no other way but to be beaten.

The giant worm buzzed: "The power of the evil demon is unimaginable, and it will shock and admire all sentient beings, but you are still acting like a man's arm as a car."

Gu Qingshan wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, put on an offensive stance on the spot, and said: "——Just hit me once, you feel invincible?"

After turning his mind several times, a golden battle flag behind him quietly lit up.

——The Hammer of the Earth God is activated!

The soaring sword light enveloped him, and he gradually assimilated with the sword light.

"I'll see how many times you can block it!"

After Gu Qingshan finished speaking, the whole world suddenly lit up with sword light, covering everything in it.

The sound of airtight slashing sounded.

Those giant chains first appeared gaps, then broke at an extremely rapid speed, and then were wiped out by hundreds of millions of slashes.

-Everything is gone!

"All things are destroyed: all things are conquered, and all artifacts should not be sharp."

This is the magical power of delimiting the realm of the gods, which was displayed by Gu Qingshan with a sword light, slashing a sword in the whole world.

Rumbling rumbling--

The surroundings began to shake constantly.

Those giant chains broke one after another, opening the curtain of world destruction.

Everything is coming to an end.

All the sword lights gathered together and re-condensed into Gu Qingshan.

He looked around, and his pupils reflected endlessly dense runes.

The mystery rune of the whole world told everything before his eyes.

——Master of Mysteries!

It turned out that while he was fighting, he was exploring everything with the "Master of Mysteries"!

In an instant, the whole world disappeared.

A new world quickly unfolded before Gu Qingshan's eyes.

A bug man stood opposite him, looked at him with a cautious look, and said: "It seems that you are quite good at dealing with sudden battles."

Gu Qingshan shrugged and said: "There is no way, as an ant, there are too many emergencies to face."

Before the words fell, the insect man suddenly raised his hand and pressed against the void——

At almost the same moment, a sword light had already arrived in front of the bug man, and it was only a few meters away to stab it.


Following the wormman's movements, the sword Mungdon was in the void.

The bug man stared at the sword light and snorted coldly: "Your time is immortal, and everything ends here."

"However, you are proud to be able to fight us to this level."

"——Destroy it completely."

The bug man circled the sword light a few times, hesitated several times, but never made a move.

——This is a sword light.

Even if I stopped time, how would I kill a sword light?

Chongren hesitated for a long time, suddenly took out a pitch-black warhammer, and raised his hands high.


The bug man broke out a roar.

But seeing that the warhammer suddenly turned into a black lightning, slamming on the sword light.

Between these sparks and flints, something strange happened.

The worm man's body suddenly stopped and froze in place.

Opposite it, Jian Mang also stagnated in the void, motionless.

Time began to pass.

The next moment--

Jian Mang and Chong Ren resumed their actions at the same time.

Jianmang reacted more quickly and wiped the insect man's neck directly.

A worm head rose into the sky.

The golden waterfall swept down, and couldn't wait to resolve the insect man's direct entropy into a piece of fly ash.

Lines of small fireflies quickly appeared before Gu Qingshan's eyes:

"You killed a real demon!"

"All the mysteries of chaos cheered for this, and are unanimously willing to give you a powerful gift."

"Your sequence: Doomsday Online·Darkness has gained an evolutionary significance."

Gu Qingshan glanced over and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

After such a long battle, he tried his best and finally killed a demon.

——They can still be killed!

In the emptiness, the resentful voice of nine faces sounded:

"No, you killed one of my fighters!"

In the next instant, all worlds disappeared.

The void is full of mist.

The two returned to the Ruins of Chaos again.

Gu Qingshan regained his human form and said in deep thought, "That move was quite strong just now, but it's a pity that I just turned into a sword light, otherwise I have to say two things about victory or defeat.

Jiu Mian stared at him, and asked: "How did you break the ultimate mirror of time?"

Gu Qingshan said, "I won't tell you."

In front of his eyes, lines of small fireflies quickly appeared:

"You started the lonely flying fairy technique."

"You carry the power of the'Earth God's Hammer' in this swordsmanship."

"Earth God's Hammer, passive skill, unique."

"Description: Your battle automatically comes with the power of the earth gods, and every attack is equivalent to the power of your attack-like spiritual skills, and the enemy's body falls into the state you specify."

"The state you specify is: the state of being blessed by the enemy."

"The enemy hit you."

"The enemy has gained the same state as you—"

"Time is forever."

"Explanation: You and your enemy are in a state of time freezing at the same time, then using each other as a reference, time returns to normal."

Gu Qingshan sighed.

After a series of battles just now, he has determined one thing.

-Demons are really hard to kill.

With so many perverted abilities, just picking one out can kill countless sentient beings on the battlefield.

I also tried my best to be able to support it up to this moment, and even had the upper hand.

If every evil demon is as difficult as Nine Faces--

At least one thing is certain.

The demons are worthy of the masters of the new era. They are so strong that no one is an opponent.


Those four epochs wake up.

Among the many epochs, they were too powerful to retreat from the stage of history, and were eventually destroyed by the doomsday.

Gu Qingshan thought about killing the evil demon who used time spells, and his strength was improved again, then—

I saw him quickly shouting: "With all my eternal power, summoning the will of chaos, I will untie some restraints for you, free you from the disgust of all the laws, and get more powerful power from the endless sleep!"

In the nothingness behind him, a fiery red battle flag began to bloom.

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ActionAdventureMartial ArtsSchool Life