MTL - Women Disguised As Men and Mixed Men’s Team [Quick Wear]-Chapter 34 Girls disguised as men's mixed boy group (34th �

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Not only did Qi raise her head strangely, even her mother was stunned when she wanted to check whether Qi was injured. However, when Qi raised his head, he saw a woman in a wheelchair.

The woman is very good, and the years have not left too many marks on her face.

"Well." She replied to Qu Xiao to confirm her identity—

The talented dancer Xiao Qingru who made the dance world embarrassed.

It is said that Qu Xiao came to this stage for the sake of her mother, but at this time, Xiao's mother nodded gracefully, and raised her arrogant chin gracefully and gracefully on the beautiful swan neck, even if it was Greeted.

And Qu Xiao didn't say anything after that mother, and his attitude was very mother-like.

In terms of pride, Qu Xiao is really much worse than his mother.

The whole communication between mother and son is just two words, and then it ends.

The mother blinked innocently, apparently never seen such a strange way of mother-son communication. It's just that this is Shi Qi from someone else's house, and she is not easy to intervene.

I remembered that there were outsiders present, Shi's mother gave up the action that Shi Qi was injured, but introduced to Shi Qi, "Aunt Xiao is from the next ward, and was transferred to the hospital a few days ago. , I didn't expect it to be Xiao Qu's mother."

"Hello, Mama Xiao." Being saved, Shi Qi let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

Shi Qi, "...?"

What is this.

Shi Qi blinked innocently, her dazed and ignorant look, very much like her mother's expression just now. Qu Xiao looked at Shi Qi and Shi's mother like copy-paste and couldn't help but find it interesting, but he didn't know that he and Xiao's mother felt the same way in the eyes of Shi Qi's mother and son.

"Little Seventeen!" After staring at Shi Qi for a while, Mother Xiao spoke.

"I'm here." Shi Qi was not afraid of being seen, and let Xiao's mother look at herself generously, and then Xiao's mother nodded with satisfaction, "I am your wife of Qijia."

Grandpa fans and grandma fans claim to be seven grandpas and seven grandmothers, female fans and male fans claim to be seven young grandmothers and male wives, and father fans and mother fans claim to be seven wives and seven masters.

Obviously, Xiao's mother is a mother's fan.

Thinking that she had just rejected the title of Xiao's mother, and Shi Qi would not call anyone else's mother, so she once again took the prince's posture during the audition, but this time it was a welcome gesture , "Welcome my princess."

"Yeah." Sure enough, although Mama Xiao still looked elegant and noble.

However, those eyes were bright, obviously very happy but trying to control themselves.

Qu Xiao watched and shook his head helplessly.

No help.

Women, no matter how old they are, really eat this set.

In just one minute, Xiao's mother no longer had the aura of the elegant and noble wife before, and she changed directly from the seventh wife to the seventh young grandma, and even more words in her mouth .

Shi's mother wanted to say that Shi Qi was neither big nor small, but she also saw that Xiao's mother was pretending to be reserved, so she didn't stop it.

I thought there were many misfortunes in my life. In fact, many people have tragic experiences that they do not want to face.

The next scene was very harmonious, mainly because Qi was listening while she was talking.

Shi Qi doesn't even need to answer, just smile as a vase decoration, no need to respond.

After Xiao's mother's desire to talk was over, Shi's mother asked Shi Qi, "Why did you come back suddenly?"

When she learned that they were looking for their relatives to record a cheering video, Xiao's mother waved her hand directly and said it was handed over to her.

So the photographer sent by the program team the next day entered the hospital inexplicably, and then was shocked and speechless in Ward 717.

This was originally a senior ward, but I was stunned after entering.

It is elegant like a high-end western restaurant, but there are some nutritious meals on the table, as well as the corresponding spicy crayfish and barbecue. Harmony doesn't match either.

A mother who looks gentle and a mother who looks like a lady, two people appear here at the same time.

"I'm Qu Xiao's mother."

"I'm Shi Qi's mother."

Good guy, the most incongruous here are the two trainees and the two mothers.

Shi Qi and Qu Xiao are still the most fierce torn apart by fans on the Internet...

When did you get along so well?

to the point?

As Shi Qi's follow-up vj eldest brother, he has a strange feeling of being deceived, "Well, we will interview you two separately during your meal later."

Nutrition meals are specially for Shi's mother. Qu Xiao's diet is relatively healthy, so it is the same as Shi's mother's diet. At the same time, Shi Qi and Xiao's mother were eyeing unhealthy barbecue and crayfish.

Program Group, "…"


"Cough cough!" Then, Xiao's mother coughed, looking dissatisfied, "You are still ill, how can you do such a thing?"

Shi's mother and Xiao's mother had known each other for a while. Knowing that she had no bad intentions, she explained it kindly, "It's okay, I can't eat these now, Xiao Shiqi will eat more for me."

"That's not possible, you have to take good care of it when you are sick."

Although not explicitly stated, it is obvious.

Here is her son peeling crayfish for her, but her mother wants to peel it for Shi Qi.

In contrast, Shi Qi is not very filial. Could it be that this is to hide the needle in the cotton?

At this moment, a certain older male fan VJ eldest brother instantly made up the plot of the 300,000-word giant novel in his mind, and instantly the whole person looked at Xiao's mother vigilantly, wanting to be at the key point It's time to help Shi Qi, the poor little one, to resolve the tragic situation of being bullied by the rich and powerful wife.

"Eat me."

"There's more after eating."

While speaking, Xiao's mother also handed the freshly peeled crayfish in front of her to Shi Qi, and she didn't care about her son's thoughts at all.

I even sold Qu Xiao as a free laborer.

"It's okay, he doesn't like to eat these. The bowl of nutritious porridge just now gave me the face of my mother, so I barely ate those two bites. Otherwise, what is this child outside the meal time? They are unwilling to eat more, eating regularly is as boring as a little old man." In order to avoid her mother thinking too much, Xiao's mother explained a few words patiently, "Children can't be spoiled, they should do what they can. Look. Look, our little seventeen is better. It's so cute to eat meat and soup. Come, come, eat more, and see how thin you are."

"Mother Xiao will cover you in the future."

"Anything delicious, delicious, fun and useful will not be missing from you."

"Just be yourself."

"I saw a few endorsements and movie invitations for you here. When the competition is over, we will choose the ones we like to participate."

"On the road of your pursuit of your dreams, feel free to move forward with confidence, there is me."

While looking at Shi Qi, she said words of support, and even the more Xiao's mother looked at Shi Qi, the more satisfied she became.

In her opinion, Shi Qi has the same dream as herself, and the determination to work hard for the dream. I once put my dream on Qu Xiao, but in fact, after thinking about it, I realized that I had put too much on Qu Xiao.

Children are born by themselves, but they should not be left by their own planning.

She likes dancing and the stage, but Qu Xiao doesn't necessarily like it, and even quarreled with his father several times because of himself.

It's all because of her own reasons, in fact, she knows it very well. It's just that I'm not reconciled, I don't want to give up, I always feel that miracles will happen in the world.

So she often flew to various countries and tossed in various hospitals.

When did that change?

It's time for Qu Xiao to participate in the draft competition.

She is also following this show overseas, but just looking at Qu Xiao's performance at the beginning, she knows that this child does not really love the stage, but just came to seek an answer.

Hope was given up at that moment.

However, in this show, those teenagers full of dreams made her miss them.

So she insisted on watching the show. According to her understanding of her son, Qu Xiao must have retired from the competition early, who knows that he has persevered. Even suddenly, one day I called and told myself: He respects his dreams, but please protect his own body.

A son who is not good at words can actually say such thoughtful words.

Xiao Qingru was very moved at that time, because her impossible dream and persistence were finally recognized by her son.

No one knows how long she cried under the covers.

Even when she knew she couldn't dance again, she didn't cry so sadly and sadly. Although her dream was stranded, she was always loved by her parents, husband and son.

They always tolerate their petty temper and willfulness, and allow themselves.

She wanted to find an excuse to return to China the next day, but Qu Xiao first gave her a reason, saying that there had been new breakthroughs in domestic medical technology, and asked her to come back and have a look.

In the original case, she would definitely refuse, because this is an excuse for their father and son to often lie to themselves to go home.

But this time she came back full of joy, waiting for the father and son to greet her, and then—the son really just found her a better doctor.

In order to avoid frequent travel abroad, the father and son have invested a lot of money to develop the medical industry in the motherland.

Xiao Qingru, "…"

Destroy it, really!

It is impossible for her to have a caring son, not in her next life!

The sullen Xiao Qingru met her mother in the next room, the woman who was always gentle as water. Even, she has heard stories about her in many people.

And then, I also knew about Shi Qi.

Opening the show again, Xiao Qingru couldn't help being attracted by that optimistic child again.


Then she became a fan of Shi Qi.

On Shi Qi, she saw herself who was desperate for the stage when she was young.

So excellent.

So, Xiao Qingru, who had avoided her teacher for many years, picked up the phone again and contacted her acquaintance, and directly established a brokerage company with her personal connections and financial resources.

This time, she wanted the power behind Qi.

To watch this child, to stand on the biggest stage, to be admired and cheered by more people.

She does things she doesn't like. She completely gave up on Xiao Qingru, who let Qu Xiao realize her dream, and this time changed the character of a strong woman.

She also wanted to learn how to be gentle with Qu Xiao when her mother was gentle, but she once said a few words of gentleness on a video call, and as a result, she called her own son and her husband, and she didn't know what to say, she was frightened She asked her husband, the busy man, to take a special plane from out of town overnight to find a professional team to check her body, mainly for her brain.

Xiao Qingru, "..." Haha!

If my mother didn't beat you, it was a mother's love.


The VJ brother who felt that he couldn't keep up with the rhythm was stunned.

What's going on!

My children cannot be spoiled, but my idols should be spoiled.

Double standard starts with mom fans.

Shi Qi, "…"

It didn't seem to be feeling well, she took a peek at Qu Xiao.

And then found that Qu Xiao had taken it all seriously, and even seriously peeled the shrimp and did not answer.

Don't ask, ask is a professional shrimp peeler.

These interviews were broadcast on Wednesdays.

As expected by the program team, once it is broadcast, it will detonate the whole network again.

No, no, no, no, every week, Shi Qi can always be trending in a new way and for various reasons, it's really amazing!

Fans also praised her mother's gentle beauty, and then marveled at the next plot development.

Who said that President Xiaoba and Shi Qi had a bad relationship?

Look at Xiao's mother, she is clearly a fan of Xiao Shiqi?


Looking at Xiao's mother's completely different attitude towards Shi Qi and Qu Xiao, netizens seemed to instantly understand why Qu Xiao and Shi Qi had a bad relationship.

My mother was originally my mother, but later, the maternal love shifted.


Unexpectedly, Xiaoba always has a big boy soul who wants to compete for favor.

【Baby don’t cry, we spoil you. 】

【Don’t be sad, you also have mother fans! 】

【Mom loves you! 】

【Come on! 】

In addition to comforting the mother's love like a landslide, Xiao Qingru's appearance also let everyone know the ultimate definition of mother fans!

The highest level of star chasing is probably to sign the person you like into your company, and then focus on cultivating and protecting him from harm in the entertainment industry.

This is too cool!


Rich people are so domineering, even chasing stars.

[No! 】

【The star chasing girl will never give up! 】

【The star-chasing man will never admit defeat! 】

【We are still young, we still have enthusiasm! We have to let the little seventeen feel our fanatical enthusiasm, otherwise it will be shameful to go out and say that I am a fan of the little seventeen! 】

[Brothers and sisters, red duck! ! 】

The fans have not had time to get out of Xiao Qingru's overbearing female president mode of chasing stars, and soon they were madly slapped in the face by a five-year-old kindergarten girl.

This is the support from Chu Lian's own sister. The little girl with pink and jade carvings captured everyone's heart as soon as she showed her face.

However, as soon as the 'doll' speaks, there is suspicion of 'initiating war'.

In front of the camera and everyone, I stepped on my brother and then pampered Shi Qi. The specific plot is as follows,

"I'm this guy's sister, but this time I want to cheer for my little prince, Shi Qi."

"Your little princess will always protect you."

"Brother Shi Qi will marry me when I grow up!"


What's going on.

Not only did she climb the wall in front of her own brother, she even asked Shi Qi to marry her!

Too much!

Too much.

"The prince likes princesses, not monkeys." Chu Lian was used to it, and he silently picked up the little **** who was riding on his shoulders, and when she was about to continue climbing up made threats.

"People will be good when they arrive in front of Little Seventeen." Hearing this, Little Loli immediately sat down obediently, looking like a cute doll. However, Chu Lian, who was sitting behind her, whose hair, face and even glasses were all messed up, told everyone that this was either a little cutie or a little devil.

【Hahaha! 】

【Is our first love sister so fierce? 】

[It is said that there is no beauty in the eyes of brothers and sisters, I believe it now. 】

【Little sister, it’s really too much for you to harm your brother so much. If you don't want it, please pack him up and throw it away, and then tell me the location, so my sister can go out and pick it up! 】

【If I have such a handsome brother, how can I be bullied. Little sister, you are still too young! 】

[Woo woo woo, sour and lemony and want to be a gangster! Sorry, I want to diss the five-year-old loli I confess! 】

【The charm of our little seventeen is really huge. Love rivals go down to the point where they will just leave, up to ninety-nine. 】

Not only my own mother is gentle and beautiful, but also the mothers and sisters of other teammates come to support, this popularity has not let my teammates let go.

Shi Qi!

You say you, who else is not a fan of you, say it!


Under this kind of popularity, no matter what Shi Qi performs, she will get a lot of votes.

In particular, she also picked a song called "LOVE" to give her love to everyone who loves her, you love her and she loves you too!

Fans are going crazy!

Love that responds is the happiest.

Shi Qi is well-deserved as the first place in Wu Gong, but other trainees are not so lucky. Especially Sheng Zhaixing, after losing the protection of the team victor to the safety seat, his road to [National Idol] stopped at the 21st place.

Twelve trainees were eliminated, leaving nine places left, and Mu Mulin narrowly advanced with the ninth place in his last remaining popularity card.

Shi Qi was generally evaluated by the tutors as the all-around popular king.

Mumulin is the luckiest newcomer.

Among the remaining trainees, Mu Mulin is not the most beautiful, not the most popular, nor the best singing and dancing rap. It can be said that it is lucky to be the eleventh.

Because this time the ranking is to count all the votes from the audition to the fifth performance.

Next time, the number of votes will be refreshed.

Both the first trainee and the last trainee will have to vote again.

Eleven trainees who participate in the competition will also have six public stage votes, and among the other eliminated trainees, one of the most popular trainees will be selected to participate in the resurrection competition.

The seventh performance will be the last competition of [National Idol] and the announcement of his debut.

And then, it became a night of grouping.

The original purpose of the program group to hold the program was to end the whole summer vacation.

The seven performances are forty-nine days, seven days are added to the eighth group performance, and then seven days are added to the previous audition.

The sixty-day group show has come to an end, and the countdown begins!

& nbsp;


Sheng Zhexing looked at the rising star on the stage with nostalgia and envy in his eyes.

My stage is over.

However, he will still bless Shi Qi, because Shi Qi is worth it!

That night, Sheng Zhexing went back to clean up his things in the trainee dormitory, and then he gritted his teeth and walked out.

He was afraid that if he didn't go, he would lose control.

Although he accepted this fact, he couldn't help but feel sad.

As a result, the backpack behind him became heavier and heavier, and it became a bit difficult to drag him.

Looking back, I found myself being held back by Shi Qi.

This guy who just won the first place, put his head on his backpack with a smile, blinked his big eyes and looked like a boneless rogue, "The next time Liu Gong is a personal battle, According to the rules, we can arrange the stage and choose the song by ourselves, and I want you to come back and perform with me."

"Hey, are you so confident to ask someone to help you speak?"

"Sister Xiaolin, come over here." It was very troublesome to persuade Sheng Zhexing, so Shi Qi asked Sister Xiaolin, an agent arranged for him by Xiao's mother, to help.

She said a few words in Sister Xiaolin's ear, and Sister Xiaolin elegantly walked towards Sheng Zhaixing in a capable white suit and skirt, and then gave Sheng Zhaixing in front of her. His team made a call.

It turns out that today's Sheng Zhexing has no manager at all.

So Sheng Zhexing's own phone rang, and he hung up, not knowing what trick the two were trying to play.

Sister Xiaolin continued to call, but Sheng Zhaixing could only answer the face-to-face call, and then, "I have a business show here that needs to invite you, Sheng Zhaixing, don't worry If you refuse, I have enough chips here to make your heart flutter."

Sheng Zhexing, "…"

I was just eliminated from the competition, and ended up taking a commercial show?

Shi Qi's way of comforting people is really different.

Even when Shi Qi chose to let him act as an assistant, the song to be performed was too much, because Shi Qi chose the famous song "Fire" by his Fire team.

The next day, Sheng Zhexing found Shi Qi in the corridor of the hospital and asked him face to face, "What do you mean?"

"I want to be more popular, this song fits the occasion."

"Speak clearly."

Sheng Zhexing, "…"

He found that he had no way to reason with Shi Qi, this guy was unreasonable at all.

Press him with the contract!

Good, you are really good.

Sheng Zhaixing gritted his teeth, but he really couldn't breach the contract, because the penalty was too high, he couldn't bear it at all. This **** actually calculated him.

"Tell you, I'm performing your famous song. If I don't perform well, then you will definitely be scolded. At that time, you will discredit your Fire yourself." Shi Qi He put his arms around his chest, carried the threat to the end, and even looked like he was thinking of you, "Instead of thinking about how to get rid of it, it is better to think about how to help me improve the stage. Otherwise, even if you breach the contract, I will You still have to perform this song. If you're not afraid of my magic change, just go."

The boy in front of him is cute and cute, and he is the little prince in the mouths of all netizens.

Why is his expression no different from that of the devil?

Forcing him!

Shi Qi is obviously forcing him!

I hate myself for not being able to do anything.

Sheng Zhexing touched his heart, "..." He suddenly wanted to check his heart, and was about to die of anger.

I have nothing left, why does Shi Qi treat him like this?

Sheng Zhexing couldn't figure it out, but Shi Qi didn't want to speak.


Does Shi Qi also want to step on his Fire team to pave the way for his summit?

If that's the case, it's cruel.

Sheng Zhexing's mind was very confused, he almost left the hospital with his feet floating.

In order to avoid being recognized, Sheng Zhaixing was fully armed, even if he was wearing a wide sweater, it could not hide the despair radiating from him.

The feeling of being betrayed can never be calmed down.

As Sheng Zhexing left, two equally armed men strode to Shi Qi at the corner, they pulled Shi Qi from left to right, and then pressed him against the wall She had nowhere to go, and she said words that were almost squeezed out between her teeth,

"Hey, who made you bully our captain like this?"

"Believe it or not we beat you, boy!"

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