MTL - Women Disguised As Men and Mixed Men’s Team [Quick Wear]-Chapter 33 Girls disguised as men's mixed boy group (33rd �

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A new week begins, with Wednesday's daily broadcast.

In addition to cheering for their own cubs, the most curious thing about netizens, audience and fans is what kind of musical instrument Shi Qi will play to complete the performance.

On how an 18-year-old boy with no foundation, how to perform at an almost professional level in seven days, this topic has become the highest attention rate.

There is no doubt that no one is optimistic.

Fortunately, although not optimistic, there is not much scolding.

It's gratifying that I finally didn't get scolded and hacked on the hot search.

However, a wave of distressed Shi Qi's hot searches still went up, and this week's Shi Qi still lived on top of the hot searches.

Audience Poll Rank:

The most popular among them is the triangle iron, after all—

The thing that echoes the triangle is the chime.

It is about the same difficulty as a triangle.

In addition, the folk artifact such as the suona is the most common suggestion. There are also drums, gongs, etc. in the voting options. Even the devil netizens did not even put the wooden fish. Pass.

And—Muyu topped the list with a high number of votes!

"Netizens are really devilish."

Blue Ocean's pd is also watching all this silently, and his good brother, the photographer who is an older male fan, can't help laughing, "Although it is very distressed, it is really funny."


Shi Qi looked at those strange instruments with the highest comments, "..." was suddenly opened to a new world.

Then, on the voting Weibo, I silently gave a like.

The first time I saw the news, the account named 'The 109th Young Mistress of Shiqi' who initiated the vote screamed wildly: [Ouch! My little seventeen gave me a like, so excited and so excited. 】

The account named 'Lolo Grandma' also reposted on Weibo, [My little seventeen is also following our vote. 】

And then, a group of fans called various young mistresses reposted it wildly, and then this Weibo that was liked by Shi Qi was surrounded by young mistresses.

And these are all Shi Qi's true fans.

Because of the "Lord Commander" that was performed on the stage, coupled with the support of grandparents with strong backgrounds.

Shi Qi's fans already have a very domineering name - Seventh Young Lady!

Not only that, he also has many men and women who exist.

I don't know why, Shi Qi's male fans are not only no less than female fans, but even more fanatical than little girls.

Of course, the most powerful fans among them are grandparents fans.

They don't call themselves Seventh Young Grandma, but directly call themselves Seventh Grandpa and Seventh Grandma! Sure enough, domineering, like grandparents, can't be compared.

Because the chasing owner personally liked it, the seven young grandmothers began to respond enthusiastically!


In the trainee castle, Chu Lian came over first, and found that Shi Qi was swiping Weibo, "What are you looking at?" Because of what happened last time, Shi Qi not only built a Weibo authentication number.

Even now, Shi Qi is no longer fighting alone. She signed with a newly opened agency. Although she seems to be very new in qualifications, she has a very strong background.

Even once registered, it attracted a lot of people's attention, and they didn't hide it. Everyone knew that there was a network of connections owned by Qu Xiao's dancer mother. It looks inconspicuous, but no one dares to underestimate it.

According to everyone's thoughts, this is the mother's end to pave the way for her son.

However, in fact, the first artist signed by this company was Shi Qi.

They didn't hide their relationship with Qu Xiao, after all, they knew what was going on just by surfing the Internet.

Shi Qi saw that the contract was not bad for him, and there was nothing to refuse. Naturally, he agreed to the contract. Now he is an artist who has debuted in a high-ranking company but has a brokerage company.


The only artist currently promoted by their company is Shi Qi.

This is a little wrong, Shi Qi found Qu Xiao, then Qu Xiao was silent for ten seconds on the spot, and replied coldly, "Don't think too much, I just think you can give me something new The company brings benefits.”

"I also think I'm quite valuable." Shi Qi thought about it, according to the businessman's thinking, his commercial value after his successful debut is definitely not low, there is no harm in signing himself.

Before this agency came, Shi Qi had rejected many.

Also, with the help of Han Xiche and Sheng Zhexing, she was rejected. One of them had gone out and the other had gone abroad to be a trainee, so they naturally knew which rules were right and which ones were overlord terms.

Shi Qi is very popular now, so she can wait for the most reliable and most suitable agency for her.

When she brought the last contract, it was well received.

Out of courtesy, Shi Qi and Qu Xiao greeted each other.

Qu Xiao, "…"

You are really welcome.

But he can't figure it out now, why his own mother got a brokerage company and didn't tell him, and even signed Shi Qi first and then considered him.

In other words, if it wasn't for Qu Xiao's own request, his own mother would not even sign her own son.

Suddenly feeling that the mother's love seems to have shifted, Qu Xiao looked at the mother on the phone speechlessly, while his mother waved his hands in disgust, indicating that you can kneel, "Don't say, The hospital in this country is good, and you are in a good mood, so don’t use it if you have nothing to do, don’t bother me if you have anything to do with your father.”

Qu Xiao, "…"

I watched my own mother talk while walking into the adjacent ward 715, and then the phone went black.

Although she was injured at the beginning, her mother always had a dream of returning to the stage, so she always went for treatment, even if it could not be cured, she wanted to stand on the stage and dance again.

Because the recovery is good, there is no problem with my mother walking normally, and it looks like ordinary people.

But she was always dissatisfied, dancing secretly behind her father's back, and then tossing herself to the hospital with another knee injury.

He didn't know the magic of the stage at first, and he even felt like his father that his mother worked so hard for so-called meaningless dreams, and even injected some new medicines into the bone marrow .

Every time it hurts to death, but every time I insist so stubbornly.

This is totally useless!

Every time my father would quarrel with my mother over this matter, thinking that she was wasting his health and life.

However, no matter how good the relationship is, as long as the stage is mentioned, my mother is like a changed person, stubborn and persistent.

However, his mother always praised him for his dancing talent.

Between father and mother to survive, Qu Xiao does not know who is right and who is wrong. Therefore, he learns to dance with his mother and makes her happy. At the same time, he also learned all kinds of things in strict accordance with his father's requirements. He did exactly what his father and mother asked him to do.

Now that I am an adult, I have the right to choose.

He came to this stage just to know.

Is it the father's idea or the mother's insistence is more correct.

In fact, there is no right or wrong, the father is out of love for his wife, and the mother is out of love for dreams, even if they quarrel with each other, they never lack the father who should belong to them. love and motherly love.

Every kind of love should exist without conflict.

Just like Shi Qi's stage dream and his love for his mother.

The continuation of life is the meaning.

Your unfulfilled dream, I will carry it.


"Want to scatter your thoughts from netizens?" Chu Lian sat next to Shi Qi and chatted with interest, "It's not impossible, after all, there are so many people... ah, cough, cough, big?"

Other teammates also came over, and everyone gave their opinions.

Luo Gaohan thinks the triangle iron is very good, while Yu Chiying thinks the chime is very suitable.

Everyone said everything, but Qi didn't speak. He couldn't help but set his eyes on Shi Qi, and found in horror that Shi Qi's eyes lit up after reading the top voted by netizens.



"You don't really want to knock wooden fish on stage... do you?" Qu Xiao also has this bad premonition. Generally speaking, the probability of such bad premonition coming true is as high as 100% eighty.

"Don't!!" Although Sheng Zhexing seemed to be a little unsocial, but now is not the time to be silent, he couldn't help but come to stop Shi Qi, and frantically persuaded, "Don't think too much. !"

However, Shi Qi sat there, motionless.

The old monk looked like his teacher Huang Tianyu was asked by a reporter when he was in love.

Already Buddha.

No, no, no, you don't really have to practice.

I made up my own mind when Qi was wearing a cassock and then sat on the stage with a bare little head and knocked on the wooden fish in an otherworldly way. Everyone was bad.

"Throw me what you think in your mind!" When Qi was thinking about something in his mind, he wandered for a while, and when he came back to his senses, he found that everyone looked at him with a strange expression weird.

"Then have you given up on Muyu?" Chu Lian is a little bit unacceptable that Qi will become a little monk when he comes, and even now he vaguely understands why his fans are not very good Accept that you like things that are more rustic.

It seems a little easy to break down.

Thank goodness, this uncle finally understands that the face cannot be used casually!

You have a beauty that can be called the ceiling of your face value, don't let it down, okay?

In fact, the most popular ones are Chu Lian and Luo Gaohan. However, Chulian's down-to-earth personality always makes his girlfriend fans sway from side to side on the edge of blackening, and Luo Gaohan's excessively beautiful appearance has made him have countless male fans calling him.

It turns out that men are visual animals, they just like to look good.

Put it on her, and it can't be moved away.

She has such a magical charm, not only for men and women, but also for all ages!

The number of followers exceeded 10 million within a week of opening Weibo, and he is still a high-ranking debut trainee, which is unprecedented!

Her own fans, plus grandparents fans who created new accounts, and because of her magical ability to have milk teammates, many other trainee fans, group fans and even CP fans came to join in the fun.

Therefore, an unprecedented prosperity has been achieved.

At this time, the owner of the big V number with millions of fans stared at a small appearance with bright eyes, and her attitude was very firm, "No!" She really likes this point of Muyu, and, through just Thinking already knows how to use it.



"Don't do this!"



In the trainee castle, there was a scream that almost overturned the roof from the musical instrument classroom.

No one knew exactly what happened, and the event came to be known as an unsolved mystery. Even less than two hours later, cheers came from the musical instrument classroom again, and this incident was called another unsolved mystery. ,

These two bizarre incidents were once called the second of the eleven unsolved mysteries of the trainee castle by other trainees.

Other unsolved mysteries include why Sheng Zhaixing often practices singing alone at midnight, when will Chu Lian get rid of the strange circle of indulging in earthy love words, how many games will Yu Chiying play, etc. wait wait wait.

How can Shi Qi eat so much!

Even after Shi Qi's debut, this problem still deeply perplexes everyone.

Not only can you eat, but you can really eat meat.


Sigong's stage arrived as scheduled under the expectations of all the audience.

As the top 1 of the total popularity list.

Shi Qi stood in the C position of the forty-nine trainees. The lights on the stage and the cheers of the audience were all given to her.

It is also the opening performance of the trainees' theme song "Shining"!

Standing in the center of the stage, Shi Qi once again subverted everyone's cognition. This time, he played a disc instead of singing or dancing!

In order to avoid everyone noticing her face, Shi Qi deliberately lowered the brim of her hat.

In this way, everyone noticed her hands.

Her hands are slender and good-looking, and the neat and neat opening of the disc is exciting and special, and the one-handed and backhanded disc play is very smooth.

【Fuck! 】

[Small Seventeen is so handsome! 】

【Could it be that our little seventeen's big move today is to play discs? 】

【But DJing is not a musical instrument, right? 】

[It doesn't seem to count! 】

! 】

[No, no! I'm a strict mommy fan, and I can't get my hands on a kid who just turned eighteen! 】

[I even thought about the names of myself and the seventeenth child, ooh ooh! 】

Every time they appear, they will surprise fans.

Huang Tianyu, who watched the performance, expressed her satisfaction. Although her mentality as a mentor almost collapsed several times this time, these trainees are really good. They are so good that they are worthy of idols. name.

Under much anticipation, Shi Qi and his team were the first to perform on stage.

Performance on Si Gong Stage—



Everyone was looking forward to it, and as a result, there was a dangdang sound of wooden fish on the stage.

Fuck! ?

The entire site is petrified.

It is actually a wooden fish?


Anyway, you choose a musical instrument, even if you don't learn well, everyone will not blame you.

But you just don't respect the stage and the audience, don't you?

[It was really the opening of the wooden fish. 】

[As a captain, it’s not good to paddle like this. 】

With the sound of wooden fish, polarized evaluations appeared instantly.

Because of Shi Qi's popularity, everyone's expectations for Shi Qi are also very high. Although this wooden fish is a coincidence, it is also disappointing. At the very least, those who had high expectations for Shi Qi were really disappointed.

But, the show has just begun.

In the next stage, everyone felt Luo Gaohan's perfect piano accompaniment, Chu Lian's saxophone charm, Xiaoba's total song Xiao's different cello charm and the guqin player who is completely opposite to rap Yuchi Shadow.

Han Xiche and Sheng Zhexing who wrote lyrics in Korean and English while playing and singing.

In contrast, Shi Qi's performance is too ordinary. Although Shi Qi also used triangles, drums and chimes as transitions in the music rhythm points and transitions, but for most audiences, it was the stage expression of this threading effect. After many times, It is no longer fresh.

No matter how many instruments you have, it can't hide the fact that you don't practice hard at all.


Many people are really disappointed.

Others performed very well, but Shi Qi, as the captain, did not perform as expected, not even her DJing in the opening dance.

The sense of drop makes many people not satisfied.

However, at this level of popularity, Shi Qi has also gained a group of true love fans. Even if many people are disappointed with her performance, those fans who really like her still support her as always.

Although Shi Qi's performance was not good enough, she did not steal the show. This is a concession made for the entire team.

[As expected of my little seventeen! 】

【And my little seventeen didn't steal anyone's limelight, this kind of dedication is very rare. This is a team competition for promotion. Of course, Shi Qi must ensure that his team wins. Xiao Qi has already wronged himself for doing so, so don't say that he is not good. 】

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 】

The fighting power of the fans is very strong, and the number of them is large, which makes the sunspots unable to defeat Shi Qi's Seventh Young Mistress.

I don't even care if it's always a brainless name.

However, this feeling of being favored is really super good.

On the stage, I also heard a lot of boos and insults and the corners of Shi Qi's mouth raised. The stage is not over yet. How could she let her fans down?

Even if she wants to tear up with black fans, she has to give her fans enough confidence to tear up and win.

The show is still going on, this time the performance is a song called "Jianghu".

In the second lyric accompaniment, this time it wasn't the wooden fish that shocked everyone.

Rhythm, Rhythm!

A classic song "Jianghu" was actually played by a green leaf all over the street.


【What? 】

[This will work too? 】

[Although I can blow the leaves out of the sound, I can't make it into a tune. 】

[Be aware that each leaf is different, and the sounds emitted by different leaves will also have subtle differences. Shi Qi's one was clearly picked from the prop tree next to it. 】

[The prop tree on the stage is actually real! 】A certain netizen who inexplicably strayed from the topic had a shocked face, and there were countless similar shocked faces below him. Fortunately, there are not many crooked buildings, and more of them are discussing Shi Qi's leaves.

[I saw it too. 】

【Ouch! 】

【I knew my little seventeen would never let me down. 】

【Ah ah ah ah…】

[Calling my little seventeen crazy! 】

[Wuwuwu, I want to repent for my rant just now, I shouldn't say I'm disappointed with Xiaoqiu, I said my disappointment before the performance is over, I don't deserve to love Xiaoqiu seventeen. No, I must love our little seventeen more in the future, and never be shaken by anything. 】

The magic of a leaf instantly turned the situation around.

Shi Qi was able to use leaves as a musical instrument, and play an unexpected rhythm.

This is the sound of nature, which is beautiful but not permanent. Shi Qi just used the leaves to blow a transitional rhythm, and the stage was handed over to others again.

Because, the stage life of that leaf is only so short.

And the debate between fans and audiences, it can be said that it will not stop from today!

This leaf!

You can call it a musical instrument or you can say it is not a musical instrument, but that's okay.

This is just a point to add charm to yourself on stage.

Is it unimportant, anyway, her little triangle has helped her perfectly cater to this theme instrument.

The stage time that belongs to her, the focus of everyone can be screaming and admiring, but it can only be hers.

Other evaluations and quarrels, it has nothing to do with her, all she needs to do is to perfect and perfect her stage.

At the end of the performance, the host Lu Ye came to the stage and praised Shi Qi's leaves.

His leaf playing is very special and brilliant, not losing to anyone's edge. It is obviously his weakest place, but he can completely indulge his teammates to show his best, without fear of any comparison.

"May I ask Captain Shi Qi, what gave you the courage to use a leaf to share the stage with their professional and excellent musical instruments." As soon as he came up, Luye started to do things.

Men's and women's groups, the most inevitable is the comparison between members.

Rao was the most popular fire boy group back then, and he didn't avoid it when the group fans were the strongest. Everyone was picked up and stepped on by each other's fans.

What Shi Qi has to face is the fans of the other six people, as well as his own fans.

Drinking water is a science.

According to the current development, it is imperative for Shi Qi to become the group and even the captain, so you have to start seeing the terrible side of the entertainment industry, and learn to speak children.

Lu Ye, who silently dug a hole, looked at Shi Qi with a smile like a good man.

Now, this is a small test of Shi Qi's on-the-spot reaction.

However, Shi Qi did not take this as a test, she answered this question very seriously, and her answer was, "Because I hold it."


What does it mean?

It means that no matter how good the team members are, she Shiqi is not afraid.

Although you are excellent, it doesn't matter how you shine on the stage, because she holds it!

Shi Qi's answer didn't hold water at all, that is, he didn't appease his own fans or bribe other people's fans. His strong and confident words blew up the audience in an instant.

Even Lu Ye, who was doing things, had to applaud Shi Qi in his heart and say he was beautiful!

Even if he had thought up countless reactions and countermeasures himself, he didn't have this answer that was domineering and confident.

Very good!


This is the confidence.

Lu Ye looked at Shi Qi with admiration, "Yes, that's right, you are indeed holding it!"

And fans, go crazy!

【Atmosphere! 】

[Small Seventeen is really atmospheric! 】

【Team Soul! I finally know the position of Xiao Qi in the whole team, the soul of a group, the power that can bring everyone together. 】

【Little Seventeen Come on! Seventh young grandma loves you ah ah ah ah...]

In the fanatical state of the fans, Shi Qi and his team won 2,869 votes, completely stunned everyone.


Too high?

The other trainees were desperate, and the program team was also stunned.

As an internet celebrity pd, Blue Ocean Zhi takes it for granted.

"This is psychological warfare."

"The appearance is a refreshing opening, and the expectations are very high."

"Then the performance was played with wooden fish and some seemingly unnutritious musical instruments, coupled with the super excellent performances of other players, the sense of gap made many people disappointed with Shi Qi, and even the scene was already There are a lot of people who can't help but yell at birth."

"At this time, Shi Qi's miraculous performance of leaves, and when everyone's expectations were the lowest and even gave up, pulled the surprise value to the fullest."

"Under this strong emotional ups and downs, I successfully captured the hearts of every audience."


The pd of Blue Ocean has indeed studied the art of war and even some psychology. This wave of Shi Qi's operations is actually similar to the black and red methods used by many people in the entertainment industry.

Whether it is black or red, as long as it is well-known, it will be successful if the black is washed white.

Even if someone hacks him, he will leave some so-called black history, but it doesn't matter. And Shi Qi's move is smarter. In just five minutes, she dragged people's mood from the highest to the lowest and then to the highest.

Many people have not even had time to evolve into black fans, and they have been directly followed by guilt or some other reasons. Such a high number of votes is very reasonable.

Because they were close, so I followed the filming of Big Brother Vj and listened to it clearly, and then not only did he not turn to black, but even made a foolish smile, "Hehehe, my little seventeen is excellent, even It's awesome to have such a smart brain. If I enter the entertainment industry in the future, I will be designated not to be bullied by others, and my husband and wife will be relieved a lot. "

The pd of the blue ocean, "..." is no help, next.

However, when he looked at the others, he found sadly that everyone was helpless.

Shi Qi's psychological warfare is beautiful, and she is a very clever one, making people willing to be crushed by her IQ.


Looking at Mu Mulin, which has been sluggish to the point where I haven't noticed it, I can't help but feel that times have changed.

Silly and sweet characters are no longer popular. A smart little fox like Shi Qi, who is arrogant and likes to make people's appetites, is king.

That kind of silly white sweetness will only make people feel distressed and arouse the desire for protection. People like Shi Qi will arouse the crazy worship of fans!

For the strong, everyone's instinctive worship and yearning.

Shi Qi, did it.


The seven-man squad of "Jianghu" was the first to appear, and then all the members stood in the seven-man seat representing the promotion.

There, Shi Qi is still the C-bit center.

Although there is no debut, everyone seems to have recognized Shi Qi's debut.

The next process is that trainees from other groups come on stage to perform, and then the 3,000 spectators at the scene score. Compared with the teams in the safety seat, whoever has the most points will go to the safety seat, and whoever has the lowest score will go to the waiting seat and wait for the final elimination.

Shi Qi's team deserves to be praised as the strongest team by her!

Since sitting in the safe seven-man seat, they have been sitting there, and no one from the other six teams can shake their position.

Victory is so natural!

No one can shake the first place.

It's another tear-jerking farewell stage. Although fans feel distressed, they can only say that a competitive stage, only the real strong can stay.

The rules of the fifth issue have changed again.

Starting from the fifth period is the individual battle. After that, the tutors vote for each trainee to determine the position they will represent in the future group.

People who were teammates before may become opponents in the future.

Shi Qi's joking remarks hit people, this time is to really kick off the cruel prelude.

"Everyone can ask their family members to cheer for them, whether it is to invite their parents and relatives to support them, or to take a photographer to their home to shoot materials, it is up to each of you to decide for yourself."



Most of the trainees were pleasantly surprised, while some were not able to laugh.

For example, Chu Lian.

"It's over..." Chu Lian, who learned the news, was not happy, because returning home meant that he had to face the little devil sister. And if he refuses to go home, then the grandparents who spoil her will take her to find him.

He has refused many times his sister's request to come to see him, saying that outsiders from the trainee castle can't enter casually, and he can't go out casually.

It's better now, the show team is cheating on him!

Can't handle that little devil, Chu Lian wants to discuss with Shi Qi to see if he can help.


People are gone!


Chu Lian was stunned, and his teammates pointed to the door.

When I learned that there were two days of 'holiday', Shi Qi took the phone and ran away. At this time, the program team could no longer find anyone. Under the filming of the monitor, I saw Shi Qi's figure rushing out like a gust of wind.

According to the familiar clothes, it can be seen that it is Shi Qi.


Again? !

Shi Qi avoided the first place carnival with them and ran home directly.

Their pool pajama party was again delayed due to lack of Shiqi.

When he slipped back to the hospital, Qi let out a sigh of relief. I really don’t know why those boys are addicted to undressing! No wonder she didn't run!

Thanks to the show team for letting her escape.

Sitting in ward 715, Shi Qi poured herself a glass of water while waiting for her mother who said she was out to check her body back.

While chatting in every possible way, before her mother came, Qu Xiao came.

Shi Qi backed away vigilantly, Qu Xiao looked amused, and could not help but spread his hands to prove his innocence, "I didn't come to arrest you."

In front of Shi Qi, he learned a lot of patience.

There is even an explanation.

And she really slipped away. Anyway, although Qu Xiao was a little arrogant, he was still very obedient to his mother, so Shi Qi ran at ease.

As soon as the door opened, I bumped into Shi's mother. In order to avoid bumping his mother, Shi Qi hurriedly stopped his feet and stepped back frantically, almost hitting the bed, but Qu Xiao supported her arm so that she didn't hit her head.

"Baby?" Looking at Shi Qi who suddenly appeared, Shi's mother was a little surprised.

Shouldn't it be in the game, why did it suddenly come back?

What happened to this child?

Why are you rushing out to escape? Although she is curious about what happened, Shi Qi's body is the first thing Shi's mother cares about, "What happened, be careful not to fall."

It feels good to be cared for by my mother, but she has to check her from head to toe!

How this works!

Shi Qi fluttered under her mother's hands like a flexible fish, afraid that she would be found out that her son would become a daughter and then her mentality would collapse again.

But her mother was still very weak, Shi Qi didn't dare to struggle so hard, she could only look at Qu Xiao who was watching the fun for help.

Received Shi Qi's distress signal, Qu Xiao, who was standing next to him, stepped forward unhurriedly and called out, "Mom!"

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