MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 53 sick

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"Do you really see it? They didn't take it away?" The boss asked the waiter who was finally cleaned up.

The waiter was also a glimpse of it. After thinking again and again, he still insisted: "I really didn't pack it, they didn't say that they packed the bag, they didn't even take a bag."

This is really strange. The boss looked at the empty plate. I have to believe that some people would eat it. The two people are not wearing ordinary people. The ordinary people will not pack the whole cafeteria. He is not The general price, one thousand one, the two hours of the package is 50,000!

Are the wealthy people in the city now able to eat this way?

Yunrong didn't want to, she was nervous when she saw Lu Henian. When she was nervous, she didn't dare to chat. She didn't dare to chat and could only eat hard, and unknowingly ate so much.


Lu Songnian's family, after Lu Henian and Yun Rong left, Lu Songnian sat at his daughter's bed for a long time. Lu Yunqing's face was much better than during the day, but it was still pale and there was no blood, even if this daughter was not carrying everyone. Looking forward to coming to this world, as a father, Lu Songnian is still distressed.

Lu Yunqing looks like Xu Bi. When she sees her daughter, the life of her husband and wife has been passed from his mind for more than ten years. There have been countless quarrels and countless disappointments. At the beginning, Lu Songnian was ready. In the end, in the end, there are only escaping and tit-for-tat.

Lu Songnian regretted more than once, whether he should be decisive at the beginning, and should not be Xu Bi from the beginning. This ten-year life may not be so bad.

He has given Xu Bi time, for more than ten years, Xu Bi has not changed anything, and even become more mean and radical. Perhaps she only cares about the money and status of Lujia.

It's time to make a conclusion.

Lu Songnian’s hand on his knees clenched and loosened. Finally he left the room and called the secretary. The phone was quickly connected. He licked his lips and said: “Help me put the office safe. A divorce agreement was sent to the hospital to Xu Bi, and the next thing is up to you."

Hanging up the phone, Lu Songnian suddenly felt that the stone that had been in his heart for more than a decade had moved away, and the whole person suddenly became cheerful.

When the secretary sent the divorce agreement to the hospital, Xu Bicai just woke up. She was so frightened that she was a little embarrassed. She saw the divorce agreement in front of her and took two seconds: "What is this?"

The secretary repeated the voice and repeated it once again: "This is a divorce agreement. Lu has already signed it. You can take effect by signing the name."

"You said Lu Henian wants to divorce me?" Xu Bi's voice suddenly rose, and looked at the secretary incredulously.

The secretary saw Xu Bi not picking up, and stepped back two steps to put the divorce agreement on the table: "Yes, according to the divorce agreement, you can get a set of 30 million villas and 10 million in cash."

Even when the property was divided, Xu Bi believed that Lu Songnian really wanted to divorce her. He swept the divorce agreement on the table to the ground and excited: "On a set of houses and 10 million, Lu Songnian is sending Want to have a meal? Tell him, I won’t sign it, even if I am dead, it’s Lu’s wife!”

After many years with Lu Songnian, the secretary also knew Xu Bi’s temper, and she was not scared by her appearance. The expression on her face did not change. She said the divorce agreement on the ground: “Lu said, if you don’t sign Then we have to go through the legal process."

"Legal procedures, when I was scared by Xu Bi, I have been married for so many years, Lujia's company is getting bigger and bigger, that is the common property of our husband and wife, I have to get at least half!" The secretary's attitude represents Lu Songnian. Attitude, Xu Bi was panicked, but still stalked his neck and said: "What are you, arrogant in front of me, I will always be Mrs. Lu without divorce, you can open you now!"

When he was pointed at his nose, the secretary frowned, and his heart was also impatient. He said: "If you want to ask questions, you can talk to Lu. I just inform you of Lu’s decision. I have stayed here for the divorce agreement. I hope that you will consider it well." After that, he turned and left. Today he did not inform Xu Bi. If Xu Bi does not sign, the following is a lawyer to talk about.

The obvious scorn of the secretary's eyes tingled Xu Bi, Xu Bi did not put the needle in the infusion on his hand, so that he could get down on the bed and grab the cup on the table and go to the door of the ward.

The cup slammed on the ground and broke into two halves. Xu Bi still felt that he was not deflated. He took the divorce agreement and smashed it, and felt a little smooth.

Yesterday was shocked, just excited, Xu Bi looked at the ground full of mess, panting a **** sitting in the hospital bed, said to himself: "Lu Songnian, want to divorce me, you dream!"

After she finished, she sat silent for a while before she came back. She pulled out the needle on her hand and couldn’t attend the sick suit she wore. She rushed out of the hospital and stopped a taxi. Curry.

When Lu Bi returned home by car, Lu Songnian was at home. Because of his dissatisfaction with Xu Bi, he was too negligent to Lu Yunqing’s daughter. This time, he also reflected on it for a long time, so he pushed the company’s things at home. Accompany your daughter.

When Xu Biyi saw Lu Songnian’s anger, he suddenly came up. He grabbed his collar in front of him in three or two steps: “Lu Songnian, you are still not a man, I am being bullied by a little girl, you don’t say a word. Even so, I still want to divorce me?"

Lu Songnian frowned, letting Xu Bi grab the collar and said: "Since the secretary has already given you the divorce agreement, you are not satisfied with the direct and the secretary said, I will promise if I can promise."

Seeing that Lu Songnian was a public official, Xu Bi’s anger was even greater. She sneered. “What is dissatisfied? Why did you divorce me? I used to make my stomach bigger. Now my daughter is so big, you I patted my **** and wanted to marry me. I told you, no way!"

Xu Bi didn't mention it, and Lu Songnian also sank her face. She looked at her with a disgusted look: "Why did you get pregnant in the past, you know in your own heart, Miss Xu Jiada gave medicine to men, I don't know how to shame off clothes. Is it glorious to say these things?" These words Lu Songnian have been in his heart for many years. Today, when he said something, he seemed to have something broken.

More than a decade ago, he was only a young man in his twenties. He also had an illusion about his marriage. But everything changed in the night when the woman took the medicine. He touched him and he chose negative. Responsibility, but the two couples have been in bed for more than ten years, and he never feels happy again.

Lu Songnian’s disgusted eyes are like a needle deeply immersed in Xu Bi’s heart. For many years, Lu Songnian has always been cold, no matter how fierce she is, but at this moment, she understands her own unscrupulous means. A wall was cast between the two people, and now the wall collapsed, revealing the most authentic idea of ​​Lu Songnian's heart.

Xu Bi began to panic, she had a feeling, once again Lu Songnian would not forgive her again, she subconsciously loosened Lu Songnian's collar, stepped back two steps, muttered: "At that time, I did not want to I like you too much, Songnian, I like you when I see you from college, but no matter how beautiful I dress, how many times I pretend to meet you, you can't see me..."

As Miss Xu Jiada, Xu Bi did not have a stunning appearance, but she also made a good appearance. However, Xu’s family suddenly became a family. Her father was a patriarchal. The value of Xu Bi was just a tool for marriage.

If she does not catch Lu Songnian, she will marry a big boss who has died in her forties in the next month. At that time, she was only twenty-four. If she married, she would be ruined in this life!

"Just because you like me, do this?" Lu Songnian did not have a trace of pity, but sneered, "You like yourself, Xu Bi, don't deceive yourself."

Lu Songnian's words are like a slap in the face of Xu Bi, Xu Biyi, suddenly calm down and asked: "Lu Songnian, you really want to divorce me? You are not afraid that I will tell the things of the year, yes, I have prescribed medicine for you. This kind of thing is always a woman's loss. Who would believe that President Lu was responsible for me, and if your family has no face, you will divorce me."

As soon as I heard Xu Bi’s words, Lu Songnian’s calm face finally showed anger. He looked at Xu Bi’s face for a long time. “You said it, Xu family wants to do business in the sea market, you just manage Go and say, Xu Bi, don't challenge my tolerance, I will let Xu Jia and Zhou Jia disappear in China."

Lu Songnian’s voice was very cold, as if it was mixed with ice. At this time, Xu Bicai really felt that he was ironic, and her face suddenly became pale. If Xu Jia and Zhou Jia fell, She does not have to divorce, and her dad will personally end her.

Xu Bi finally shed tears, nervously smiled: "Lu Songnian, you are so worried."

After saying this, Xu Bi did not seem to struggle. When the secretary once again sent the divorce agreement, he bit his teeth and signed the word. He did not go to Lu Yunqing room to look at the luxury goods and precious jewelry that he had bought for so many years. One reason, out of Lu Songnian's home.

After so many years, she still saved a lot of money, plus the divorced property, no Lujia, she still lived very well, out of the community, Xu Bi bite his teeth, and sat back to her family's car.

When Xu Bi returned home, Xu’s family was having dinner. Xu’s mother asked with amazement: “How come this time is coming back? Quarrel with Songnian.” I saw my daughter’s hand and blamed: “How to pack the luggage? Come back, I have told you that it is a man who is always a bit tempered. You just follow him. How can you still quarrel back to your family?"

Xu Bi did not say divorce, but casually said: "I came back to live for two days..."

When the voice just fell, I heard Xu’s father slamming the chopsticks on the seat and screaming coldly: “I still live for a few days? Now I will return to Lujia, no matter what, you apologize to Songnian. Back to her family, who gave you your face!” There is a project in the company that has been working with Lu’s in the past few days. Now, when the two couples quarrel, what should Lu Songnian do if he deliberately disagrees?

Xu’s father spoke, and the family pleaded with enthusiasm. The cockroach ate a bite, and the yin and yang grotesquely said: “Daguzi, we can’t be too capricious to be a woman. You live at home for a few days. This is not a brother-in-law. Pushing it out? Now there are so many pretty little girls outside. If you don’t look at it, you can’t do it. If you have a bunch of things at home, go back.”

Xu Da Ge also advised: "Yes, your nephew is right, you have told us that our Xu family is relying on Lujia to carry, don't always lose your temper with Songnian, as long as you are sitting in the position of Mrs. Lu, Lu Songnian Is there any relationship in your heart, who is not the day?"

I didn’t say anything about myself. I started to catch up with each other. In the words, I would like to please Lu’s words. Xu Bi would have the gas in his heart, and he would have a suitcase above his mouth. Divorced Lu Songnian!"

"What are you talking about?" Suddenly in the room, Xu father asked incredulously.

Looking at Xu’s panicked face, Xu Bi’s heart showed a hint of happiness, biting his teeth: “I said that I am divorced, I am divorced with Lu Henian, I am no longer Mrs. Lu!”

When the voice just fell, Xu’s father stood up and grabbed the stool on the side and went to Xu Bi’s past. He shouted: “You are against, you dare to divorce!”

Xu Bi didn't react at all, and put the stool on his hand, and the tears came out. He said, "This is my own business. Why don't I dare? Lu Songnian doesn't love me at all, why can't I divorce?" !"

"Do you dare to talk back?" Xu father heard Xu Bi's words, and his face was suffocating. While squatting on her stool, she shouted: "Don't be Mrs. Lu, I will kill you today." !"

Xujia business can do so much, so many years rely on Lujia to carry, many companies are looking at the face of Lujia and Xujia cooperation, and now there is no Lujia, Xu family in the sea is still like before Then the scenery!

When I thought of the scenery after Xu family, Xu father would not want to kill Xu Bi directly, a divorced daughter, what is the use of it!

Xu Bi screamed and shunned. Her eyes swept over other people. I saw that there was no worry or urgency on their faces. They were all indifferent and blaming. Her heart was cold and hysterically said: "Why do you beat me? Why do you blame me, if I am not married to Lujia, Xu is still a nouveau riche, and wants to enter the upper class, you dream!"

"You are a gimmick, you don't live up to it and dare to marry your family..." This is what Xu said.

"You are a married woman who still drinks five drinks, and Laozi has long seen you unhappy!" This is the big brother of Xu.

"Aunt, what's the matter with you? I just promised that my classmates would go to Lujia to play, and you were divorced. How do I go out and say, this is a shame!" This is what the most loved nephew said.

All of them are complaining, all are falling, Xu Bi only feels the brain creaking, and was originally weakened by the ghosts in the body yesterday, and now the stimulation is even more crumbling.

"Ah..." She screamed, and when she was black, she lost consciousness.


Yunrong doesn't know what happened to him. Since she was kissed by Lu Henian in the car last night, she is not too embarrassed to see him. When she sees him, she will see her heartbeat accelerate, her cheeks are hot, and her breath is short. She checked it online, and the doctors on the Internet said that she had a serious illness. If the disease was on the human race, she would soon be paralyzed.

But she is a mountain god, how can she get sick? Is it a problem for the Terran in the human race for a long time?

Lu Henian discovered that the little girl had always been hiding from him. She didn't like to talk when she was together. This made him a little anxious. Just recently there was a European study project to go in person. He thought about it, the little girl had never been out. Country, take her out to have a play.

When he was eating at noon, he said his thoughts and asked the little girl if he would like to go together.

Yunrong is burying his head for dinner. When he listens to Lu’s problem, he can’t help but actually go out to play. She is definitely willing to go out. But when she thinks about getting along with Lu Henian, she is a bit embarrassed. She recently saw the president and felt herself. The condition is aggravated. She is a mountain ghost. She has not been sick since she was born. This is the first time I have a disease and I don't know how to cure it.

If this is a disease on the road, what can I do if I delay Lu’s trip? Yunrong bite the chopsticks and hesitated: "I won't go, the company still wants me to make a fortune, I have to stay in the company."

When I heard this, I was not satisfied. Lu Henian just wanted to talk. Yunrong’s mobile phone rang. The phone was dyed and scented. Recently, there was a drought in Lingnan. It has not rained since summer, and everyone has not Concerned, but this year Lingnan even did not come to the typhoon, this is not right, Lingnan is in the typhoon belt, this is not normal.

Lingnan has not set up a special office, and this matter has been reflected in the capital. The special office of the capital sent a person to investigate. It is really a sinister thing. It can be done in the whole Lingnan in the summer, and the evil thing is also Not an ordinary character, so I would like to ask Yunrong for help.

"What evil things have been checked?" Yunrong asked.

The dyeing scent was silent for a few seconds: "We preliminarily concluded that it is a drought, and at least a thousand years of roads." The drought and flood is not the same as the demon. The millennium of the thousand-year trajectory and the demon is also a heaven and earth.

It is rumored that the marmot is a goddess, and there is a godhead. The demon is born to fear the gods. Therefore, even if there are a few demons who have practiced for thousands of years in the special section, they still have to worry about not being able to deal with it. This reminds me of Yunrong.

Yunrong was last killed by He Bodu, and his body was meritorious. Although he could not see the body, it was always more powerful than them.

The drought and flood is a monster. If you want to help, you must kill it. This is not the same as killing a drought and going to Europe. It may mean how much aura you need to consume, and you leave the land of Danqiu Mountain. If you don’t care about Danqiu Mountain, How to do?

After all, I am the mountain **** of Danqiu Mountain. I can’t leave my own house and take care of other things.

For a time, Yunrong was a little hesitant.

Feel the hesitation of Yunrong, and dyed the incense quickly: "Predecessors, we will not let you help in the special office of Beijing, if this can successfully kill the drought, the millions of bonuses awarded by the leaders, we can give the predecessors 8 million. ”

The last time I dyed the incense, I saw that the cloud predecessor was a love for money, so she had an opening of eight million. She couldn’t give it to Yunrong. Everyone was a force, and they always scored money.

Yunrong’s eyes are bright, and her current deposits, plus the eight million, are more than 80 million. If they are more than 10 million, they will be able to get together one hundred million.攒一攒, isn’t it just a good time to pack Danqiu Mountain?

"I am going to help, when will it be?" Yunrong thought so, and quickly said.

When I smelled the fragrance, I said in my heart: "Predecessors, the people at our special office are already in Lingnan. Can you come over immediately?"

"Yes." Yunrong agreed to come down and hung up the phone, only to think of Lu Henian still, thinking: "Second brother, dyed the incense told me to go to Lingnan to help, I will not go to Europe with you."

Looking at the little girl's little face, Lu Henian's nephew was dark and ordered her forehead: "I am so happy not to go to Europe with me."

"No, my brother, you know, I want to earn a wallet under Danqiu Mountain. I went to Lingnan to help me. I want to give me eight million for the special office." Lu Henian’s movements are very light, but Yunrong feels that the forehead feels crisp and numb. Hemp, subconsciously grabbed his forehead, smirked.

Lu Henian raised an eyebrow. "I will postpone my trip to Europe, first accompany you to Lingnan?"

Yunrong went to Lingnan to help, on the one hand, to make money, on the other hand, she also avoided the meaning of Lu Henian. She always felt that she was staying with her. Her condition was aggravated. When she heard this, she quickly said: "So how? OK? Your trip to Europe was fixed half a month ago. In order to delay the company's problems, you can only go to Europe. I am not a child."

Lu Henian listened to the girl’s words and resisted it. His heart sank. His trip to Europe was really not delayed, and he should be separated from the girl for a while, so think about how he should face this relationship. .

Thinking of this, Lu Henian nodded and said: "Is this going to Lingnan dangerous?"

"I don't know, I have to go and see that I know that there is a drought in the millennium. I should be able to deal with it." Yun Rong said that it was too full, it was a god, but it was still very different.

She is a mountain ghost, the **** of the belief of the human race, but the drought is not, she is a god, before the drought, is the **** of heaven, has endless mana, even if Lingnan is not the legendary drought, but since With this name, there is a bit of divine power, and Yunrong is not 100% sure.

The word "Land and Drought" Lu Heinian also saw in the mystery novels. I couldn't help but worry a little more. "You didn't make up for the last time you dealt with He Bo Ling. Don't rush ahead, if you can't really deal with it. Just run away and protect yourself is the most important thing."

Yun Rongyi always felt that he had heard this.

"You are a little hill ghost, what is strong, the world famous mountains and rivers, how many powerful demon creatures, when you encounter something that is not allowed to rush ahead, do you hide behind me?"

"What if you are not there?"

"I am not here? I am not running away from you, as long as you protect yourself, it is the most important!"

"Yun Rong?" Seeing the little girl in the blasphemy, Lu He screamed young.

Yunrong came back to God and nodded seriously: "You can rest assured that you will take care of yourself!"

The author has something to say: Xu Bi out~

Speaking of this role, Xu Bi is a patriarchal woman. Everything is self-centered. In fact, it is because her Xu family is such a family. When I wrote it, I was a little bit sighed. The influence of a native family on a person is a lifetime.

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