MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 52 secret

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When Xu Bi’s words came out, Lu Songnian’s face flashed a trace of incredulity and turned into anger. If there was such a mother, the rebellion did not sell the daughter!

"I heard no, the words of the parents are the media, the number of rituals is complete, Lu Yunqing is already my wife." As soon as I heard Xu Bi, the ghosts were happy, and they laughed happily.

"What ages are there, and the words of the parents are the words of the media, so you can't find your wife." Yunrong felt that his thoughts were old enough. After sleeping for three thousand years, the human race changed a lot, and it was big before. Not the same, I did not expect this ghost that died only a few years, this idea is not as good as her.

Lu Henian heard the little girl's spit on the side, and he couldn't help but hook the corners of his lips. No matter what kind of opponent he encountered, the little girl could always make a fight like a cross talk.

The ghosts heard the ridicule in Yunrong's words, and saw Lu Henian and Lu Songnian's apparent ridicule. They were suddenly trembled and threatened: "You are not afraid that I will eat this woman's soul?"

Although Xu Bi couldn't talk, but he could still hear it. When he heard the ghosts say this, the body suddenly stunned like Perkins. Suddenly, the lower body was hot, and a large yellow liquid appeared on the floor.

Xu Bi was actually scared to death.

"Save, save me..." and the suffocating ghost in the same body, Xu Bi's soul is very painful, she hopes to look at Yunrong, I hope she can save herself, where there is a shadow of arrogance.

The ghosts see the cloud and don't talk, but they really bite the soul of Xu Bi, and Xu Bi’s pain suddenly bursts into the blue veins and screams.

"Do you still suspect that I am a liar?" Yunrong still doesn't do it. He just looked at Xu Bi faintly. The woman has questioned her three times and five times. The mountain **** is also tempered. She has not said false for four thousand years. Words, this is inexplicable, a liar, she and Xu Bi have no cause and effect, nor is it impossible to save.

"Yes, sorry, save me, save me." The pain of the soul is not something that ordinary people can bear. Xu Bi has to turn his eyes, his face is full of tears, and where can you see the giants. Look, she said, she slammed on the ground, could not attend to the yellow liquid on the ground, desperately stretched her hand to Yunrong.

Yunrong is not unreasonable. I saw Xu Bi apologizing, and my heart was smooth. I looked at the ghost material on her body: "As a ghost, you should go to the Nether to reincarnate, and forcibly stay in the world for the heavens." Today I will accept you for Heaven."

Saying, Yunrong reached out and grabbed a piece of black space at the top of Xu Bi’s head. He grabbed a black shadow in his hand and pushed it up hard. He only heard two screams of heartbreaking, a black The illusion of the shadow was dragged out of Xu Bi’s body.

"Why? Why do you only catch me, I am doing something wrong, I just want to get a wife, I was ridiculed by the old bachelor during my lifetime, dead or alone, a ghost, why I have to live alone, Lu Yun When Hara is born, it will be rich and expensive, why is Tiandao so unfair!" The ghosts were caught in the hands of Yunrong, knowing that they are escaping today, and their expressions are distorted.

Because he was close to Lu Songnian, although he was a big man, he was scared to go back a few steps. He couldn’t help but swallow his mouth and glanced at his younger brother. The girl carried the ghost and carried the chicken. Sure enough, my younger brother likes the girl, it is much stronger than the older brother, not ordinary.

Yunrong raised his arm a little, but still felt a little disgusting. This ghost is estimated to be suicide by jumping into the river. The body of the body is all water, and it feels wet in the hand. When excited, the water splashes everywhere. The smell is tangy.

Yunrong hates the cold and ice-smelling things in the water. When he listens to him, he still has so many words. He doesn't have a good air. "Who can blame, you see what you look like now, you know that when you are alive, it is not good." , a girl will not like you!"

Say, Yunrong still felt that he couldn't stand it. He took a long grass from Qiankun's bag and tied the ghosts together. He turned and looked at it. He finally put it in the hands of Lu Henian and said, "Two brothers, you help me. Take it for a while."

As soon as the ghost was stuffed into his hand, Yunrong quickly applied a purifier to himself. Numerous green spots disappeared into the air, and the black gas in the room disappeared without a trace. The fragrance of the vegetation.

Yunrong feels comfortable at first, otherwise there is always a feeling of staying in the toilet.

Lu Henian subconsciously caught, and the ghost might grow too much like a villain. He used almost the most strength, and his fingers were deeply embedded in the body of the ghost.

"Ah..." Because of the influence of Lu Henian's anger, the ghosts and pains suddenly yelled.

Yunrong turned and glanced at it. I saw that the suffocation of Lu Henian slowly penetrated into the body of the ghost. It seemed to be a hunter with thoughts, slowly eroding the soul of ghosts.

Yunrong could not help but be surprised. Although this ghost was not beaten, it was also a little repaired. The suffocation was heavier than the average ghost. However, compared with Lu Henian, there was no room for resilience.

Just as she was surprised, the footsteps suddenly came from the door, and a familiar male voice rang. "I am sorry for the cloud predecessors, I am late."

Yunrong returned to God, not angry: "You are not late, I have sent you a letter half an hour ago." The ghost is a ghost, originally Yunyun did not want to shoot, so After confirming that Lu Yunqing was tied to the marriage rope by the ghosts, he directly sent a letter to the past year.

In the past, his face showed a sly smile. He actually deliberately arrived late. This ghost was somewhat repaired. He had already caught it several times and could not catch it. He was almost injured, so he deliberately waited for Yunrong to do it. Come over again.

"It's really unstoppable, the cloud predecessors, the maritime market is lacking people now. When I received your letter, I just took the new ghost in my hand and sent it back to the Nether."

As soon as I heard the words of the past, Yunrong frowned. "How are you going to be in Nether? Three thousand years have passed and there is still a shortage of people. The ten old men are too tricky. This will not work, and it will ruin the reputation of the earth goddess."

After the earth was born into a genius to create a ghostly world, to give the soul a place to reincarnate, now the earth goddess has long fallen, leaving only the ten temples in charge of the Nether, Yunrong really can not pick up the little old man, a top trick .

This can be said, Yun can say, but can not say in the past, can only smile and transfer the topic: "Thank you for the predecessors to help us to seize this ghost." .

Just for a while, the suffocating opportunity on the ghosts was swallowed up and turned into a translucent look. In the past, I couldn’t help but look at Lu’s inexplicable look. I seem to say nothing. After all, nothing. Said, slightly sighed.

"Although the ten old men are a little bit stunned, but you can't be too uncomfortable. If such a ghost is left in the middle of the sun, it is going to be a big deal." Yunrong did not see the look of the past, and shouted.

I caught this worries that have been worried for a long time. I was happy in my heart. I nodded and said: "I know my predecessors. I must pay more attention to my colleagues. I have to go back to the Nether and return to life."

Until the past year, Lu Songnian, who was standing on the side of his face, was relieved and cautiously asked: "Miss Yun, who is that person? Is it a bull-headed horse?"

"No, it's a bad haze. The cow's head has not easily walked out." Yunrong replied, and went to Lu Yunqing to check the situation: "There is nothing wrong with it. It is better to wake up and sunbathe."

Said, Yunrong looked a little embarrassed to look at Lu Henian, it is reasonable to say that this is life-saving and ghost-picking, this must be to collect money, she has already inquired, Wanbo they go out once, at least one million Starting, but this person is the president's big brother, the president is so good to her, and today she took her out to play, she is not very good at opening money now.

The presence of people is fine, Lu Songnian has done business for so many years, and the ability to observe the color is still there. I immediately responded: "Miss Yun, this is a trouble for you. We are self-employed in the future. I don't say anything, thank you, what's going on in the future, this kind of affection is in my heart."

Said, turned and went to the study.

Yunrong saw Lu Songnian go, a little disappointment at a time, thank you for your gratitude? Is there a substantive statement? He said this thanks, and it is not easy for him to ask for money.

Lu Henian saw the little girl's face changed and changed, and she felt helpless in her heart. She subconsciously tried to reach out and touch the hair of the little girl, but she was completely escaping by Yun Yun. Yun Rong slightly dismissed: "Second brother, you Just grabbed the ghosts, don't touch my head."

Lu Henian: ...

When Lu Junnian was in the same place, Yunrong thought of the ghost or the stuff he had given him. He felt embarrassed. He reached out and applied a cleaning curse on his hand. He smiled and said: "Now it is clean."

Just when the two spoke, Lu Songnian returned from the study. He handed a check to Yunrong: "Miss Yun, originally you saved the Qing Qing, you should not use this cheesy thing to express gratitude. This is my little wish, you accept it."

Although they all said that the younger brother and the little girl were in the office, but they were still not married, and they helped save their daughter's life. Lu Songnian was very grateful, so he made a check for Yunrong.

Listening to Jiang Shuhua, Yunrong’s family is in the countryside. She has no father and no mother, and she is also a poor little girl. Therefore, when he wrote a check, he added a little extra money, which is also a house for the girl.

Send it out in the name of gratitude, the little girl will not be embarrassed to accept.

Yunrong took the check and took it up. She suddenly stopped and turned to ecstasy. She counted the number of zeros incredibly, and took a look at the capitalized text. It took several seconds to make sure that it was a 20 million cheques, the face of disappointment suddenly hangs a smile, and quickly said: "Not tacky, I feel very good, very good!"

This gift sent people like it, Lu Songnian is also happy, and asked some things about her daughter, Yunrong repeatedly assured Lu Yunqing no problem, but in the next few months the body will be weaker, take care of it.

Everything was solved. Everyone remembered Xu Bi lying on the ground. When she grabbed the ghosts in Yunrong, she fainted. Now she hasn't woken up. Lu Songnian looked at Xu Bi on the ground and looked at it. After a trace of disgust, I finally asked Tao Ma to clean her up and send it to the hospital.

This day was scared and tossed. Everyone was not in the mood to eat. Lu Henian went home with Yunrong. Sitting in the car, Yunrong immediately leaned back without an image and stretched out.

Lu Henian looked at the little girl around her face and was tired. She couldn’t help but feel a bit of pain. She adjusted the angle of the position and made her lie more comfortable. Wen Wen asked: "Is it tired?"

I don't know why, in front of Lu Henian, Yunrong always felt particularly relaxed. She nodded. "One thing, the aura that was used last time to kill He Bo was only half restored. Today, the ghost is taking the side door and repairing it. Soon, I can't help but deal with it."

Lu Henian just wanted to talk. He only heard the little girl say: "But this is nothing. If you can earn 20 million each time, I will soon be able to earn enough money for the Danqiu Mountain. When I get it, I will put it. Danqiu Mountain is packed and will not let anyone develop."

The little girl's face was full of excitement. When Lu Henian thought of Danqiu Mountain, he sank in his heart and pretended to ask casually: "Then you will stay in the mountains in the future, don't come down, then we can't see each other?"

Yunrong’s smile on his face, I don’t know why I’ve been a little uncomfortable. After a few seconds, I’m not going to say: “No, I can shrink to the company to find you, you can also go to Danqiu Mountain to find me. When I let the creatures on the Danqiu Mountain welcome you."

Silly girl, he wants to stay with you all the time.

Lu Henian felt depressed in his heart and asked: "Would you like me when you return to Danqiu Mountain?"

"Yes, I will always think of my second brother, the second best brother I have ever met." This time, Yunrong did not hesitate. When I heard this question, I replied without thinking about it. She licked her lips and had some questions: "Will the second brother think about me?"

Looking at the girl's serious expression, Lu Henian’s heart was as if it was gone. He sighed and smiled and said: "When you return to Danqiu Mountain, I will always miss you."

Yunrong looked up and saw Lu Hangian's burning eyes. He couldn't help but smile and said: "The second brother doesn't have to think about me every day. I think I will be fine occasionally. After all, you have your wife and wife. more."

When Lu Henian heard it, the emotions that had just been brewed disappeared without a trace. The expression on his face suddenly froze. Looking at the little girl’s expression is not like laughing, she didn’t knock her forehead and said: “I am I have a wife, I still want you to do something!"

Yunrong grabbed his forehead and stared at Lu Henian, not understanding what he said was wrong, why the second brother was angry when he mentioned the marriage and his wife.

Suddenly, her mind flashed a thought at once. She remembered the public service advertisement she saw when she watched TV a few days ago. What love is beyond gender, she loves to love, and she suddenly widens her eyes.

Lu Henian will not like men!

Yunrong was suddenly shocked by his own thoughts. The more I thought about it, the more likely it was. Otherwise, why are the male employees in the company? I used to say that the influence of the suffocation, now I give him a character, the suffocation will not fall, she last The list of new employees is still male, and the age is in their early twenties. This is the age of marriage!

Also, she usually watched so many TV dramas. The presidents in the TV series have various cocktail parties, several female companions, but Lu Henian has nothing. Don’t say that there are young and beautiful girls around, that is, the family’s aunts are almost five Ten years old, this is simply not in contact with women of the appropriate age!

Yunrong wants to be more flustered, and the expression on his face has changed.

Lu Henian was originally driving intently. When she saw the little girl, she didn't talk for a long time. She thought that she was talking and said that she was heavy. When she turned her head, she saw the voice of the little girl, and she subconsciously asked, "What happened?"

Yunrong saw the public service advertisement. I know that most people in this kind of thing can't understand it. No wonder Lu Heian never said it. How could she feel depressed? She reached out and patted his shoulder and comforted: "Second brother, Nothing, no matter what you like, I will support you."

Lu Henian:? ? ?

"What do I like?" He subconsciously panicked and thought that the little girl had misunderstood something.

This expression falls in the eyes of Yunrong, that is, the panic that was guessed, she immediately said: "You can rest assured that the second brother, I don't think I will go out, but if this is the case, a son in your life. A woman will not come, are you ready for adoption?"

What is this and what? The little girl must have misunderstood something.

Lu Henian tried to slow down the voice: "You tell me clearly, I can't say anything about it!"

Yun Rongyi, also thought that Lu Henian is not confident, pretending to be calm, and quickly said: "Second brother, like a man is not your fault, public service advertising also said that love and gender have nothing to do, you like Wang Jing also said Li Minghai Zhang Chongming can't do it. His girlfriend and he have a husband and wife. If you cross the foot, it is a broken marriage..."

In fact, both Wang Jing and Li Minghai have a talented person. They usually have a mild temper. Yunrong is more optimistic about Wang Jing. Wang Jing’s life is better, and his breath is pure, and he is also a decent person.

Half of Yunrong’s words, as soon as he looked up, just saw Lu’s face. Under the dim light, his face seemed to have a layer of ice, and the body was chilling.

Yunrong’s heart was awkward, and he suddenly closed his mouth and dared not say it.

Listening to the little girl’s mouth, Lu Henian felt so good and funny, and finally couldn’t help but stop the car on the side of the road. He held the steering wheel and immediately bullied him. He licked his lips and sneered: “I Like a man?"

Lu Henian's face suddenly magnified in front of her eyes, Yun Yun scared back and forth again, but the car was just a little space, behind the back, Lu Henian grabbed her shoulder, almost circled her in her arms, nowhere to retreat It is.

"Second brother, are you because I know the secret, to kill me? You can't kill me, you have to do it to me, you can't reincarnate in the next life." Lu Heian, who is not talking, has a temperament Yunrong only felt scared by the heart and thumped, said pitifully.

She was not afraid that Lu Henian really did her work, because the Terran could not touch her.

Still talking! Lu Henian was mad at him, his eyes fell on the ruddy lips of the little girl, and the scorpion could not help but darken and whispered: "This is not my secret."

"What is your secret?" Yun Rong asked subconsciously.

My secret is you!

Lu He smiled young, and the gentle temperament was different in peacetime. It seemed to be aggressive. He reached out and took down the golden silk glasses on the bridge of the nose. The dark scorpion was dark and turbulent.

Yunrong feels more and more uneasy. She surrendered and said: "I don't ask, but I am wrong. Second brother, I will not talk in the future. I will know nothing about myself. If you are not satisfied, You just hit me twice, I will never give up..."

Yunrong’s words have not been finished yet. Lu Henian suddenly bowed his head. A gentle kiss fell on her forehead and blocked her words in the throat. Nothing could be said.

Just a simple kiss, Lu Henian immediately left, quickly raised his head to loosen the little girl, hiding all the emotions in his eyes, his voice was low and dumb said: "Okay, beat!"

Hearing the sound, Yunrong looked up and saw the deep scorpion of Lu Henian. It seemed to crouch a beast and rushed out to eat her at any time.

Her face brushed red, and even the heartbeat speeded up. Yunrong touched her heart and said: When did the courage become so small, it was scared.

Lu Henian sat up straight and re-opened the car, but his eyes kept paying attention to the little girl all the time. I saw that the little girl still kept her posture in the corner. I don’t know what I was thinking.

Just when he thought his behavior scared the little girl, Yunrong muttered: "Second brother, how do you use your mouth?"

When Lu Henian glanced, the excitement in his heart seemed to be poured into a basin of cold water at once, and suddenly he calmed down. He smiled and said: "Because I can't bear to beat you with my hands."

Because I want to kiss you, his little girl.

Yunrong felt that there was something in Lu Henian’s words, but he didn’t ask again. She always felt that it was just a bit strange.

For a time, no one in the car spoke, the atmosphere was a bit silent. Fortunately, I soon arrived at the place where I had finished eating. This was a good discussion before, and the two came to eat the buffet.

This cafeteria is divided into two floors. The upper floor is more expensive and the ingredients are also airlifted. The fine route is taken. The lower floor is cheaper. Because the little girl is not comfortable, Lu Henian calls when he comes out. The restaurant that wraps down the upper floor, the boss attaches great importance to it, and thinks that the boss must make a party in the restaurant.

Also waiting at the door, the result was waiting for Lu Henian and Yun Rong two people, he was slightly surprised to ask: "Is there two?"

Lu Henian nodded and took the little girl into the elevator. The boss who walked behind was first glimpsed and turned to smile. Two people are good. He used to charge 50 people, but now only two people. Not only saves labor, but even the dishes are saved. How many people can eat, and the next group of guests can use it.

But when two children were young, Lu Henian and Yun Rong left, the boss went upstairs and looked at it. He couldn’t smile. Although he didn’t finish it, he ate at least two-thirds, but it was the weight of fifty people!

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