MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 21 Shura field

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"Talk about it, what happened?" Lu Huanian sat down and looked at his younger brother with a pair of eyes. He chose to raise his eyebrows: "Last night you said that you didn't find Yunrong!"

Lu Heinian’s face flashed a glimpse of his face, and soon disappeared. He looked calmly: “I just met this morning.”

I believe you a ghost!

"It’s just a coincidence. It’s really clever.” Lu Huanian smiled with a deep look and thought of what Mr. Zhang said last night. He frowned. "What did Mr. Zhang say, did you tell the little girl?" ?"

"Well, this thing will be said later." Lu Henian saw Yunrong, who was still devoted to eating, frowning and interrupting Lu Huanian, and softened his voice: "What do you want to eat? I treat you."

Outside, Lu Huanian would not be confronted with his younger brother. Looking at the obvious compromise of Lu Henian, she took the message and smiled and said: "Then I have to eat more, and the round to eat is also counted in your account. Let everyone treat you."

Lu He smiled young, "Okay."

Lu Huanian really ordered a lot, but he didn't move the chopsticks, just watching Yunrong eat.

Yunrong’s eating is very good. Although he eats very quickly, he does not look rough. Instead, he eats cheeks round and with white skin and delicate eyebrows. People look happy and Lu Huanian looks at it for a while. The heart feels soft, and involuntarily put the food on the plate of Yunrong.

" Eat more." Lu Huanian smiled.

"Thank you for the Chinese New Year...Sister?" Yun Rong said thankfully, she looked at Lu Henian, just the boss called her sister, she should be right?

Yunrong felt that he had a good taste of the courtesy of the Terran, and he was a little happy.

When I heard Yunrong call her sister, Lu Huanian said that he was happy. He immediately showed a big smile and took the hand of Yunrong: "You look younger than the year of the crane, and let me be a sister." Since I called my sister, I will be my sister next time. If there is anything I need to help, come to me."

Lu Henian looked up and looked at Yunrong. He wondered if this little girl knew that their family would not confess their relatives, nor did they like other people to call their brothers and sisters. She called this sentence and others heard that she thought it was Climbing relations.

Also, his sister Lu Huanian was too exaggerated. One of his sisters was so happy that he leaned back into the chair and looked at Lu Huanian without revealing his words. He coughed.

Lu Huanian noticed his eyes and smiled even more brilliantly. He pointed his finger to his brother. "Since you are a sister, then he is your brother. If you can't find me, look for him. He won't help you, go home." Just scold him!"

"Sister!" Lu Henian listened to Lu Huanian saying that his face flashed a trace of unnaturalness, and his eyebrows screamed and told her to converge. He knew what his sister meant. It was nothing more than a relationship. After that, he used the relationship to find someone to help.

When the little girl saw it, she was very simple. She didn’t know what was going on in the words. He didn’t want to play a little girl.

Lu Huanian still doesn't know his younger brother. For more than 20 years, what a beautiful woman is in front of him, it won't take a look at it. Now it's a bit strange to protect Yunyun again and again. This attitude is obvious. There is a problem!

Although she listened to Mr. Zhang last night, she was a bit selfish, but more of her sincerely like Yunrong. This little girl seems to have a special temperament that people like to watch.

Lu Huanian ignored the dissatisfaction of his younger brother. He also wiped the sauce of Yunrong's mouth with a paper towel. He asked softly: "I can't eat enough, not enough to eat, and anyway, your brother pays."

"Enough..." Yunrong is not accustomed to others to move her. She wiped it with a paper towel and answered with a low head and heartache. In fact, she did not eat enough. How can such a good food eat enough?

However, she just secretly observed the surrounding people and found that she had just eaten, and it was enough for several people to eat. If she had to eat it again, she was afraid to reveal the stuffing. She could only bite her teeth and say that she was full.

She remembered this place. Anyway, she now has money. Although she wants to keep Danqiu Mountain under her bag, it should be enough to take a little bit to eat. Yunrong thought, next time she came to eat it herself. How much to eat and how much to eat.

I was afraid that Lu Huanian would ask her again, and her heart was even more reluctant. Yunrong quickly transferred the topic and asked: "Why don't Huanian eat? This is delicious." She pointed to the white sugar cake, and only this was left.

"I have a bad skin condition recently. I have two acne and I can't eat sweet." Lu Huanian said in truth that this woman is 30 years old and needs to pay attention to maintenance at all times. She is the only one of the Lushi Group. Daughter, her husband's family is also a family that is ringing. Lu Hua is half a public figure, so he pays great attention to his diet.

While saying that he still touched the face of Yunrong, the feeling was really smoother than silk. She could not help but sigh: "It is still a good girl's skin."

Yunrong looked at Lu Huanian’s face. It really looked pale and dark. She thought that she had just received 20 million from the president. It’s really a disappointment. Now Lu Huanian’s face is not good, he can help, Lu Huanian and Lu Henian are sisters. Didn't Lu Huanian help the president?

In this way, I reached out and took a green grass from my pocket and put it on the table: "Hua Nianjie tried this, and when it was eaten, the skin would be smooth and the face would be rosy."

Everyone looked at a lot of weeds like a leek on the table. I couldn’t help but see how the little girl was carrying a piece of grass with her?

"What is this?" Lu Huanian picked up the "weed" and smelled a faint fragrance. It was similar to the fragrance of Yunrong, but it was a lot stronger. "Where did you take it out?"

"Pocket... pocket." Yunrong stunned, remembering that the Terran could not see the Qiankun bag, subconsciously, just forgot to eat too happy, and quickly transferred the topic: "This is scribbled, eaten very much for women benefit."

Lu Huanian did not entangle this problem. There was indeed a pocket in Yunrong's skirt. She looked at the grass like a leek on the table. I couldn't help but believe it. This grass is really better than the leek, but it can be smooth. The face is rosy, which is really unbelievable.

But she remembered what Mr. Zhang said last night, and she could not help but shake it again. After hesitating, Lu Huanian took the sedge and smiled and asked, "How do you eat this?" She thought of wild ginseng. Think of this sedge as a Chinese medicine, thinking that it is the way to eat three bowls of water into a bowl.

"It’s good to eat directly!" Yun Yun said casually, how do you want to eat? Is it also a delicious dish?

Lu Huanian also wanted to ask two more questions, and she received a round call. The round children were anxious at home and urged her to go back.

Lu Huanian almost went round yesterday, and he was responsive to this daughter. When she heard the voice of her daughter, she did not care about talking with Yunrong. She held the weeds in one hand and packed things in a hand, and hurried away.

Lu Lunian and other people who haven’t talked on the side have left after Lu Huanian’s departure. “It’s just that it’s not good to pick it up. How much money I can give you.” He said, he couldn’t help but lick the lips and must keep the little girl moving. If you get rid of the problem of giving something, it will be dangerous if you are targeted by someone.

Yunrong listened to Lu Henian and gave her money. He quickly waved his hand: "You don't have to give me money, have you just given me 20 million? The grass is not a valuable thing."

The weeds are all over the Danqiu Mountain, and they can be picked up at any time. Is it worthless?

Yunrong suddenly felt a bit distressed. It was not a good thing to be chased by the money. She used to never accept the human race. Now she has collected more than 20 million. She is already very embarrassed. Give her money!

Zhang Chongming looked at the side, this one is hard to give money, one is hard, don't give it to him, he wants it, but these words can only be thought of in his heart, he shrinks his neck, only Reduce your sense of presence.

Lu Henian saw that the little girl was not reluctant, but she looked at her as she couldn’t avoid it. She couldn’t help but reveal a smile, and soon disappeared. She shouted: "Don’t you take something to tell others later? ”

"Hua Nian is not someone else, she is your sister!" Yunrong casually said that he would work in Lu Henian afterwards, not to mention that he collected so much money, the sister of the president sent her, the average person she did not come out It.

When I heard Yunrong say this, Lu Henian couldn’t help but wonder why the mood was much better. Looking at the little girl’s furry hair top, his fingertips subconsciously groaned, but did not reach out.

Lu Henian suddenly understood the feelings of Lu Huanian. When he looked at the little girl, he was happy, but when he thought about it, he frowned again. He was so simple and unconcerned that he was bullied when he went out.

When he thought that Yunrong was being bullied by others, Lu Henian felt uncomfortable in his heart and paused. He said: "I am the second child at home, and you will call me a second brother."

Yunrong thinks that the human race is really strange. She doesn't like her to call her brother and sister. She has lived for more than 4,000 years and always feels a little cheaper. But she is nodding her head and calling her second brother.

When I mentioned the little girl’s crisp second brother, Lu Henian whispered, but the lips were unable to hold back. He dropped his throat and his eyes were cold. Afterwards, who would bully her, they had to look at Lu’s. face.

Unconsciously, he has embraced the cloud into his own wings.

Zhang Chongming did not eat much for a breakfast, but he felt that he was very full. Yes, that is the invisible dog food. After eating breakfast, Zhang Chongming’s girlfriend Luo Xiaoya came to accompany Yunrong to buy clothes, but Luo Xiaoya can't come.

He looked at the president with his face on his face and couldn't help but suggest that "The president, the afternoon meeting is still early, is it better to take Miss Yun to go for a walk and eliminate the food?"

After Zhang Chongming finished speaking, he felt that he was very witty. He was a good secretary of the president and a good employee of Lu’s!

I don't even think about it. This morning, who is going to take a walk and eliminate food?

I didn’t expect Lu Henian to squint at Zhang Chongming’s eyes. After sinking a bit, his fingertips tapped on the table and nodded: “Alright, go to the nearest mall.”

Zhang Chongming stunned, did not expect the president to say such a thing, the next second saw Lu Henian to see his eyes, he suddenly realized, and the eyes were full of praise and clear, the president is to praise him.

In this way, Zhang Chongming is even more energetic. He smiled and said: "The new shopping mall in Shanhai Square has been renovated recently. It is better to go there. So, Miss Yun, can you?"

Yunrong is in a hurry, but also shopping, she wants to start work now, her Danqiu Mountain is waiting for her to bring money back, but Lu Henian nodded, she is not good to say, after all, he is the boss, himself This work is also counting on him.

Just as Yunrong was tangled, Zhang Chongming said again: "If you are tired, you will be a DA cake shop. The materials are imported from Australia. You can customize it. Miss Yun should like it."

“Cake?” Yunrong glanced, didn’t know what it was, “Is it delicious?” Is it better than the tea that I ate today?

"It's delicious." Zhang Chongming's girlfriend Luo Xiaoya likes to eat the cake of this store. Every time I have to book an early day, I only make 30 cakes a day. I heard that it has been discharged for half a month.

However, the president of the construction of Shanhai Plaza has also invested in the possession of shares. It is okay to insert a team.

Zhang Chongming has secretly sent a message to the secretary group, letting the secretary of the company order the cake.

Zhang Chongming: Who is free now, will you set a few cakes at the DA Cake Shop in Shanhai Square? It will be in an hour!

Secretary 1: DA Cake Shop Do you know how difficult it is to order? Still a few, are you dreaming?

Secretary 2: Zhang Chongming, are you not following the president? What cake is ordered, the president never eats cake!

Secretary 3: You are not going to use power for personal gain? Zhang Chongming, said, are you taking a cake to please your girlfriend.


Zhang Chongming: I am such a person. I tell you that this matter can be related to the lifelong happiness of our president. You are still nonsense here. Be careful when the president returns to the company to cut you.

Secretary 2: Lying in the trough, happy for life? The Wannian Iron Tree finally blossomed?

Zhang Chongming: I feel so fast!

Secretary 1: Set it right away, all the classic flavors are ordered for you! (rushing duck.jpg)

Yunrong suddenly moved, this name is obviously better than the tea, and the work is not anxious at this moment, she nodded, "Let's go."

The three people quickly arrived at Shanhai Square by car. Zhang Chongming and his girlfriend came over. They knew that the things used to sell women were on several floors. They led Lu Henian and Yunrong to the high-end women’s area. On this floor, they bought both domestic and foreign. Luxury and light luxury brand women's clothing, bags.

Yunrong looked left and right and finally understood why Jin Hongmei saw her when she saw her ugly clothes. These clothes are really much better than those worn by Wu Songya.

Yunrong looked at the dazzling array of clothes, and fortunately, he did not wear the Zhouqu Qufu, or he would be killed by the Terran.

"Miss, this row is the latest style of the store, they are very suitable for your temperament, do you want to try?" The three have entered the store, the guides are bright, they are all done in luxury stores. The general eyesight price is still there. Although the clothes worn by the two people do not see the brand, the watch on the man’s hand is a limited edition in the world. One is in the tens of millions. These people are rich owners. .

So when Yunrong came in, the shopping guide came up enthusiastically, and the smile on his face was like sugar.

"I don't buy clothes." Yunrong waved his hand, faintly, turned and glanced at Lu Henian behind him, feeling strange in his heart, obviously he was coming, how can he not speak now?

Lu Henian didn't come to the women's clothing store. He didn't come in at the door. His face was a little uncomfortable. When he saw Yunrong, he nodded and said, "Try it."

"No, I don't need clothes." Yunrong can change anything without wearing it.

When I came to the city from the countryside, I didn’t even have any luggage. How could I not lack clothes? Lu Henian frowned and felt that Yunrong was embarrassed, so she was strong and her heart was a little uncomfortable.

Zhang Chongming saw the president's face and knew what he was thinking. It was still too young. The girl was a bit of a disappointment. The president didn't touch the girl at first glance. I don't know that the girl likes to say the opposite.

He quickly said: "Miss Yun picked a few pieces that she liked, and she was the work clothes that came to our company."

"Workwear?" When Yunrong was in the clubhouse last time, Jin Hongmei also asked her for the bunny's clothes as a work clothes. She thought that wherever she worked, she would send a work clothes, and did not think much. She nodded and really began to pick clothes.

The shopping guides on the side are watching, and now the girls are popular. What company sends more than 100,000 pieces of work clothes? Is she still able to change jobs now?

However, the Tucao went to the Tucao, and the guides looked at Lu’s eyes with awe, and the service was more diligent.

Yunrong took two sets of clothes into the dressing room under the recommendation of the shopping guide. The clothes of the Terran are really troublesome. It is not easy for her to put on a skirt. When the belt is being tied, the nose **** and sucks, and I always feel that I have smelled it. Savory smell.

Outside the dressing room, Lu Henian stood at the door, like a unique landscape. The women who attracted shopping were frequently looking at the scene. Several courageous people came directly into the store, pretending to pick clothes and secretly looking at him.

Lu Henian noticed the gaze of these people, unpleasantly licked his lips and pointed his fingers to the row of new products that were just recommended for shopping. He said: "This row is wrapped up."

Zhang Chongming quickly went to the checkout counter to check out, the shopping guides were all crazy, this row of more than a dozen new, less than three million, which are sold out, how many rebates, look at Lu Henian's eyes can not help Glowing.

At this time, opposite the store, a full-body brand name, hot woman, wearing sunglasses, she stepped on a dozen centimeters of high heels, and saw Lu Henian standing at the door of the store.

Chewing the chewing gum's mouth could not help but stop, subconsciously pulled the sunglasses down a little, Hu Qingmei revealed a playful smile, did not expect to casually visit a shopping mall, but also meet such a good man, this yang is enough, separated If you can take a sip of such a bright light, it will be more than a dozen mouthfuls of ordinary goods.

Hu Qingmei licked her red lips and felt itchy in her heart. Recently, the people in the special bureau didn't know what was going on, and they stared very tightly. She hadn't smoked a yang for months.

Hu Qingmei touched his beautiful face and always felt a lot rough.

Biting his teeth, Hu Qingmei twisted his body and walked toward Lu Henian. She did not go straight to the past, but passed by him. Everywhere she passed, there was a kind of sweet smell.

Hu Qingmei walked into the store and raised his chin on the shopping guide: "I have to go this row, go pack it for me."

The shopping guide glimpsed, did not expect to come to two big customers at once, but this season's new products are very popular, only the shelves on the some, she quickly apologized: "sorry this guest, this The row of clothes has been wrapped up by the gentleman and has already been paid!"

Hu Qingmei’s face was stiff and not very happy, but when she turned to Lu Henian, she had a smile on her face. She slowly walked to Lu’s side, her voice was like a honey, and she raised her fingertips. Pointed to his chest: "This gentleman, can you give me a few pieces? I really like this season's new style."

"Get out of the way!" Lu Henian had a strong sense of disgust in his heart, and frowned and shouted, his voice seemed to be wrapped in ice.

"It’s so fierce for a beautiful lady, it’s not a gentleman’s job.” Hearing Lu’s swearing Hu Qingmei’s anger and laughter, she was very excited. The first time she met a man who clearly smelled her charming fragrance. This made her feel more challenging. She bit her lip and smiled, and the fragrance became more and more intense.

Lu Henian only felt that the perfume at the tip of his nose was getting stronger and stronger, disgusting, and even the mood was irritating. He subconsciously pushed away the woman who almost relied on him, and screamed: "I said, go away!"

Just finished, as soon as he looked up, he saw Yunrong standing on the side, holding his hand and covering his head and smiling with a bright face: "Let's go home, okay?"

Lu Henian stunned and looked at the "yunrong" in front of him. He wanted to say good things and felt that there was something wrong. He slammed his head hard and wanted to be clear.

Hu Qingmei looked at someone on the side, but the man in front of him was not confused, biting his teeth, pulling up the stupid Lu Henian and going out, as long as he got to his home, it is not how much to suck!

On the other side, Yunrong in the locker room finally pulled the zipper of the skirt, the breathing room is full of scent, she could not help but frown, where the little demon, there is no conscious in public, this is To stink her!

She pushed open the door of the locker room. When she walked to the door, she saw a **** woman pulling Lu Hangian to the elevator. She was angry at once. Now the little demon is so little. She is still there, dare to take her boss away?

She was still wearing the clothes in the store, and walked up a few steps. She grabbed Lu’s other hand and showed a disgusted expression on her face. She said to Hu Qingmei: “Just you are farting in public?”

At this time, Zhang Chongming just came over with the packaged clothes. When I saw this scene, I couldn’t help but stop.

Is this the legendary Shura field?

The author has something to say: Don't think that Lu Henian doesn't care about himself. This is a foreshadowing. I am afraid that I will say it first.

Once again, ask for advance receipt: "After one night, Ba is pregnant," you can see in the column of the author~~ Love you! !

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