MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 20 indecent

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Yunrong glanced, only feeling that the back neck was a bit cold. She turned her head and saw Lu Lunian standing a few meters behind her. He put his hands in his pockets and licked his lips. The handsome and indifferent face showed a trace of anger.

I don't know why, Yunrong feels a bit infiltrated, and she subconsciously smiles: "Total, president, you are here too? Do you want to take me to work?"

Work and work, full of minds are work, Lu Henian feels that he has to be angry, but looking at her soft smile, it seems that it can not be fired. He pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose and said coldly: "Do you know just..." How dangerous? So many passers-by use a little girl to go to you?

But when I hadn't finished talking, I saw that the smile on Yunrong's face disappeared without a trace, and the whole person rushed over to him.

"Go away!" Yunrong shouted, and the face of disgusting Lu Lunian, accurately said that he rushed toward the things behind him.

Behind Lu Henian, the man who was just standing in the middle of the road was **** and cracked his mouth, revealing a cruel and bloodthirsty smile. He opened his mouth and his mouth was full of awl-like fangs. He shouted: "Bad good things, this The man who is suffocating is better, let him be my scum!"

Lu Henian took a two-step subconscious mind. He only felt that he was cold behind him. He seemed to be caught in the shoulder by something. It was obviously a big summer, but the whole person fell into an ice cave, as if he had been nailed in place.

His face changed, and he already understood that he had provoked something dirty. Shen Sheng said: "Don't come over!" He wore the jade from Mr. Zhang, and the general dirty things could not be done to him.

Yun Yun did not pay attention to it.

Seeing the hand of the ghost thing has caught the shoulder of Lu Henian, Yunrong’s eyes are sinking, and my heart is very unhappy. You can’t do it in front of her. I want to move her boss. It’s just alive and impatient. Now, whether she can pack Danqiu Mountain can rely on this president!

"Nether spirits, not self-reliant!" Lu Henian only heard Yunrong sigh, grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the side. The backhand was slap in the air, and he could even hear the crisp sound.

"I think you are sad and do not want to move you, but also move my boss, do you have any eyesight price, but also want to be a devil?" Yunrong looked at the slap in the face of a slap in the face of a ghost, a whisper.

Lu Henian has been able to move, but looking at his white jade-like hand and the scent of the nose, his eyes are heavy, I don't know why, I don't want to move.

When Yunrong finished, he turned around and remembered that he was still standing behind Lu Henian, and he smashed the yin remaining on his shoulders: "It's okay, go home and take a hot bath."

Lu Heinian’s heart was warm, and he whispered. Just wanted to talk, and Zhang Chongming’s voice was heard on the side.

I almost got a traffic accident, surrounded by a circle to watch the lively people who eat melons. This is the case in Huaguo. There are lively local people getting together, not to mention the early peaks and cars. Zhang Chongming is hard to squeeze into the encirclement, panting. Road: "President, Miss Yun is fine, do you want to go..." Hospital.

When I didn’t finish the talk, I saw that their president and Miss Yun were very close. Miss Yun grabbed the president’s wrist and the other hand was on the shoulder of the president. From the perspective of Zhang Chongming, The two people are just like holding together, and they are still holding a cloud!

When Zhang Chongming slammed, the words were stuck in the throat, and he couldn’t say it anymore. When he returned, he just saw Lu Henian looking at him with a gloomy gaze.

He subconsciously stepped back two steps, and his mind was finished. I saw that the president was denied, and the other people could see it. He couldn’t, because others didn’t know the party, he knew it!

"I'm fine, Secretary Zhang, you are too." Hearing the voice, Yunrong released Lu's hand and turned and said hello.

Lu Henian looked at his empty wrist, his eyes flashed, and his heart could not help but float a little disappointment.

"Yeah, Miss Yun, hello." Zhang Chongming cautiously said hello, even the president is afraid, courtesy, confirmed eyes, is a person who can not offend.

"Fast, say thank you to my sister!" On the one hand, the mother and son who had experienced the shock finally returned, and the mother Wang Chunmei took her son to the front of Yunrong. According to the son's head, he sincerely thanked Yunrong.

Yuan Jianan's little friend cracked his mouth and revealed a missing front tooth. He said loudly and earnestly: "Thank you sister!"

Wang Chunmei looked at his son and said, only half-bent, and sincerely said: "This girl, thank you very much, this time thanks to you, if there is no you, my son will be dead, you are my son's reborn parents, we I remember your kindness all my life." She said that she did not mix a little water. Her husband died of cancer in the last few months. The family left such a son and she was dependent on each other. If the child is gone, then she still has What kind of money to earn, dead together!

“No thanks.” Yunrong did not think that this was a big event. This was what she used to do three thousand years ago. Although the human race had forgotten her for thousands of years, she would not die.

"How can I not thank you, girl, what is your name? My son and I will remember your name, and will not forget your kindness!" Wang Chunmei looked serious.

"My name is Yunrong." Yunrong replied.

Wang Chunmei laughed, "Yun Rong, Yun Rong, your name is really nice!"

As she recited the name of Yunrong, she took her son and walked back. In the warm sunshine, a golden light rose from her body and floated toward Yunyun, missing into her body.

Yunrong took a deep breath and suddenly felt warm and comfortable. She snorted and laughed.

"I am very happy to save people?" Lu Henian’s voice rang around.

"It’s a happy thing to do good things." Yun Rong turned his head and saw Lu Henian standing on the side of the road. The sun shone from behind his back, as if with a layer of golden light, she could not help but said: "You look good. ""

Lu Henian glimpsed, the anger that had risen because of fear was suddenly ruined. He looked at Yunrong’s smiling face, and he couldn’t help himself, but he turned around uncomfortably and saw the stunned Zhang Chongming.

How is Zhang Chongming today particularly troubled?

As a secretary who is good at seeing the president's eyes, Zhang Chongming suddenly understood the meaning of the president, subconsciously shrinking back, pretending that he does not exist.

“Yunyun girl?” When the three men were ready to go back, the police who received the alarm rushed in. Although there was no traffic accident, there were still enthusiastic people reporting the police, and the car was still an acquaintance.

When Zhu Siming saw Yunrong, he smiled. He had just returned from the hospital and was on duty. He received an alarm call and rushed over to see Yunyun at a glance.

"Uncle police!" Yunrong saw Zhu Siming and he was happy. Two or three steps went to her side and said: "I saved the little boy, did you see the righteousness as a bonus?"

Zhu Siming’s face with a smile could not help but be stiff. “This time there is no such thing. Every time there is a reward for the righteousness.” The police station could not afford it.

Yunrong’s face was disappointing, but Zhu Siming was still in the excitement. He approached Yunrong and lowered his voice: “How do you know that my wife will have a daughter this morning?” He already has a son, and he wants a soft fragrance. Soft daughter, but because the one-child policy has been unable to give birth, this is not, just opened the second child, his wife is pregnant, he is afraid to come to a little devil, did not expect to have a daughter, for him I am more happy than having a son, is it a happy event?

He did not expect to give Yunrong a word!

"I will see you when you see it." Yun Rongyun said lightly, she saw that Zhu Siming knew that there was a son and a daughter in his life. The son had already arrived. Is it a happy event to add another import?

When Zhu Siming heard it, he thought that Yun Rong even knew that he wanted to have a daughter. He couldn’t help but raise a trace of awe. Isn’t this little girl really fortune? For a time, there was a suspicion of atheism that had been believed for decades.

The rest was handled by the police station. Yunrong and Lu Henian got on the bus. Zhang Chongming took the initiative to take the co-pilot and left the back seat to two people, but the ears were high, for fear of missing a trace of gossip.

"Is there something just behind me?" The car started to drive. Lu Henian only spoke. He was not easy to ask on the road. He heard the little girl screaming and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. "Ghost?"

Yunrong stunned, did not expect him to hear, and did not squat, nodded and said: "Not a devil, just a substitute ghost, died at the crossroads, I want to use illusion to confuse passers-by, become his substitute, He can reincarnate."

"Thank you very much." Lu Henian did not move his face. He remembered what Mr. Zhang had done last night. He thought that this little girl was really a bit of a skill.

"You have introduced me to work. I certainly want to help you." Yunrong waved his hand in disbelief. "In fact, even if I don't save you, the substitute can't be like you. His suffocation is not as good as you." many."

"How do you know that there is suffocation on my body?" Lu Henian asked casually, as if he was a normal chat. "Are you also a Xuanmenzhong?"

Originally heard Lu He’s sentence was still shocked, and his heart would not be discovered. He heard the words behind him and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. “Xuanmen, Xuanmenzhong, I am. ”

Yunrong said, carefully glanced at Lu Henian, and there was a feeling of being seen through. The president would not know that she was actually not a person. What if she didn't introduce her work?

Also, what is the meaning of the people in Xuanmen? Yunrong said, go back and ask Daqing to ask, how to quickly integrate into the human world.

Yunrong was thinking in a fret, and Lu Henian was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Yunrong to be a Xuanmen person. He also remembered the wild ginseng and jade last night. He said: "You said that you are short of money, don't want it later. I will give you the emperor's green jade and wild ginseng. I will give you the money. There are 20 million on this card. You should use it first."

“What?” Yunrong was still nervous about his true identity. A black bank card appeared in the blink of an eye. She swallowed her throat: “20 million?”

The little girl who saw it was surprised because of her wide eyes. Lu Henian couldn’t help but feel good. He smiled at the corner of his mouth and pointed his fingertips on his knees. He wanted to reach out and look at the top of his head.

In the surprised expression of the little girl, nodded slightly.

Yunrong carefully took the black bank card and sincerely said thank you to Lu Henian, and smiled and said: "If you have something, I will help."

Lu Henian’s mouth finally smirked. He was amused by the little girl’s childishness and said: “This is what you deserve.”

What Daqing said is really right, Lu Henian is really a good person! As for the stone and the grass, where is the value of 20 million, she has a lot of things. It must be to thank yesterday for the rescue of Gu Yuanyuan’s nephew yesterday, and deliberately find a reason to thank her.

Yunrong thought, but still closed the bank card, she is short of money now, with these two million, closer to the goal of 100 million, she does not take this money, just as the president gave himself After the enshrining of it, I will pay more attention to him in the future, and bless him for a long life.

Yunrong made up his mind and the smile on his face was more brilliant.

Lu Henian looked at the little girl's smile and took the bank card. It was like a little squirrel who stole the pinecone. He laughed involuntarily and said: "The jade and wild ginseng are so easy to sell. "This kind of good thing, there are many people who know the goods. If they are stared, I am afraid that the little girl will be in danger."

Yunrong nodded and said that she understood that she would not have come out. If such a thing was sold out, it would be a broken stone and weeds in the mountains. What should she do if she was a liar?

The two people clearly did not think the same problem, but miraculously reached an agreement.

In front of the front passenger seat, I have been paying attention to the later Zhang Chongming directly to see, what jade ginseng wants 20 million, Lu Zong once chased the girl, it really is a little experience, this reason to find, he listens Not going down!

Just when Zhang Chongming was thinking again, his cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID. It was his girlfriend Luo Xiaoya. He connected the phone and lowered his voice. "Xiaoya, are you here?" Commanded, let Luo Xiaoya come out to accompany Yunrong to go shopping, by the way to buy clothes.

There was a small voice in the mobile phone, which was a little anxious. "Chongming, I can't go today, Xiaofeng is missing..."

Zhang Chongming sighed and asked: "How can I go missing? Is it going to my classmates, is the police going?"

"The classmates have already asked all the questions, have not been, have been alarmed, I am now in the police station to check the monitoring." Luo Xiaoya did not have time to say, hurriedly hung up the phone.

Zhang Chongming looked at the phone hanging up and frowned. His girlfriend's younger brother, Luo Xiaofeng, was 14 years old. It is reasonable to say that he is a big boy. He usually does not need to follow the parents when he goes out. How can he suddenly disappear?

"President, Xiaoya just called and said that there was something urgent in the family. I can't come over today. Would you like to find another female employee to accompany Miss Yun?" He turned and asked Lu Henian carefully.

"With me? I don't have to be with anyone." Lu Henian hasn't answered yet, Yunrong has already waved his hand.

Lu Henian stunned for a second, only to remember that Xiaoya seems to be the name of Zhang Chongming's girlfriend. He looked down at his watch. It was already more than nine o'clock. He turned and asked: "Have you ever had breakfast?"

"No." Yunrong subconsciously answered, she did not need to eat at all.

"Go to the tea house outside the building." Lu Henian heard, faint to the driver, and said to Zhang Chongming: "This morning's meeting is pushed to the afternoon."

Zhang Chongming was surprised to see his own president. He was a secretary for him for several years. The president is the best person. The scheduled trip is a must-have. It will never change. Now, for Miss Yun’s meeting. It has been postponed.

For a time, Zhang Chongming looked at Yunrong’s eyes with awe, and the woman who could make the president’s exception, except the old lady, Missy and Miss Xiao, would have no fourth, and now add a cloud.

Yunrong feels that Zhang Chongming’s eyes are very strange, but she does not understand the thick gossip that is filled with it. When she hears that Lu Henian said that the tea house is still drinking tea, she said: “I don’t go. Drink tea."

"We went to have breakfast." Lu Henian naturally noticed Zhang Chongming's eyes. He felt a slight movement in his heart. He did not know why he suddenly delayed the meeting and decided to accompany the little girl personally. Perhaps his eldest sister was innumerable and found it. Yunrong, be gentle, don't scare her, take care of it.

Thinking of this, Lu Henian breathed a sigh of relief, as if he found a reason for himself, and the voice was more gentle.

Yunrong licked his mouth, and the boss said so. She refused to accept it. Not only did she take 20 million, but she should accompany him.

The car quickly arrived at the tea house outside the building. At 9:00 in the morning, it was the busiest time of the tea house. Every table was filled with people who had morning tea. The tea house outside the building was a long-established tea house in the city. The traditional Cantonese style morning tea flavor is characteristic, so there is no even a box, only the dine.

The three men found a place to sit down by the window. Lu Henian didn't like this noisy environment. He frowned and frowned. He was usually taken away and never eaten in the store, but he chose the store. After eating it, he quickly recovered his cold appearance and handed the menu to Yunrong, saying, "What do you want to eat?"

When Yunrong came in, he was attracted by the smell of the food that was filled in the air. The fragrance was too fragrant. When the food of the Terran became so fragrant, since there is such a fragrant thing, why did it be given to her before? Just slaughtered pigs and cattle?

As she thought, she took a few breaths and looked at the menu that Lu Henian handed over. The unsightly eyes were sparkling, and there were pictures on the menu. She didn’t know what was delicious. She picked a few good-looking ones. Zhang Chongming quickly picked up Yunrong.

The morning tea was quickly brought up, and a table was placed full of steam. The steaming steam made the fragrance more intense. When people smelled the index finger, Yunrong looked at a table with colorful flowers. Know which one to eat first.

Lu Henian used a chopsticks to put a shrimp dumpling in a Yunong dish and smiled and said: "Eat."

"Thank you, the president!" Yunrong looked at the small things that appeared on his plate, white in the powder, raised his head and revealed a harmless smile to Lu Henian, picking up the chopsticks and eating.

Lu Heinian couldn’t help but feel that this smile is very familiar, as if he had seen it there.

However, he soon did not have the energy to think about this problem, because he had finished eating a shrimp dumpling and raised his head. The cage in front of him was empty five or six. Yunrong was holding chopsticks and stuffing the last roast into his mouth.

Yunrong never knew that the Terran's things were so delicious, they made good looks, and they tasted delicious. They simply compared the offerings she had received before to the mud. The worship she had received before was not touched. If you have these delicious foods to offer, will she not eat? She must have finished eating it!

Yunrong was happy to eat. When she looked up, she saw Lu Henian looking at her. She subconsciously put the last quicksand bag on his plate and smiled and said: "This is delicious, you try it!"

"President..." Zhang Chongming whispered a whisper, knowing that the president never ate something that someone else had.

But the next second, he was beaten again.

Lu Henian squatted for two seconds, looked at Yunrong's bright eyes, slowly picked up the sandbag with chopsticks, took a bite and nodded: "It's delicious."

"I think it's delicious." Yun Rong saw that he had eaten, and he didn't feel that something was wrong. The smile was too little. She had finished eating a cage in a few mouthfuls.

Zhang Chongming’s eyes were falling out. He silently took out a small book in his heart and made a big asterisk on the name Yunrong.

Lu Henian had already eaten in the morning, so I only ate a few mouthfuls. I saw that the things on the table were almost eaten. I ordered a dozen more. The little girl liked to eat salty, but the sweet traditional cakes didn't like it very much.

In a short while, the new tea spots came up. Yun Rong saw that she had just eaten and wanted to eat. My heart was happy and the chopsticks were clipped faster.

Lu Henian looked at the cheeks of the opposite girl and smeared the red sauce on her lips. Not only did she not feel dirty, but she looked very cute and couldn’t help but laugh.

Pour a cup of Pu'er tea and put it on her hand: "Slow it slowly."

Yunrong took it up and took a sip. He felt that he was not very good at drinking. But when he looked at Lu’s face, he swallowed it. He took a sip and put the cup aside.

Lu Henian saw her like this, involuntarily revealing a smug smile, and felt that this little girl was as childish as a round.

Zhang Chongming looked at his own president with a look at everything. He was surprised to be numb today. He silently shrank himself into a corner, and wanted to become a display on the desktop without disturbing the sister's sister time.

Just as Yunrong was making a big splash, there was a pleasant voice in his ear, "Yun Rong!"

Lu Huanian came by the road today. She was scared yesterday. Although nothing happened, the round children still rested at home and did not go to kindergarten. This is not the case. Lu Huanian came out to do things in the morning, and he called to eat the restaurant outside the building. The refreshment, let her bring the package back.

Lu Huanian just walked in and saw the Yunrong sitting at the window. She was sitting next to her two men, all facing her eyes. When she walked in, she could not help but wonder: "The Year of the Crane How are you doing?"

Lu Henian’s face was stiff, and his heart raised a sense of embarrassment.

The author has something to say: Tomorrow is also 20th, to restore the daily update of 18:00, the future update is fixed at 18:00 every day, there will be a leave of absence!

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