MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 57 Worshiping Witch (26)

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[One of us, go back and return. 】

The last blood words that appeared on the stone wall made Qi Le people stunned.

What is going to go back? Is it that the dead witch is once again resurrected? No, one of them, going back and forth... is it back here? Could it be said that there was a surviving witch candidate in the sacrifice witch mission three years ago, and came here again three years later, and was among them?

Is she a player or an NPC? Why is she doing this?

The feeling of creeps slowly climbed from the darkness of all sides to the soles of Qi Le people, and then slowly climbed up his body along the nerves, swaying his imagination, making the original strange situation more complicated and confusing.

If someone last survived and once again came to the underground palace, who would it be? The only ones who are alive now are him, Ning Zhou, Lu Youxin, and Isabel. The sisters of Eliza are not known. Which one is most likely?

No, it is impossible to make effective inferences. From another perspective, if the person receives this task again, she will be very familiar with the task flow and terrain. Familiar with the terrain...

Between the electric and the flint, Qi Le people suddenly recalled the situation in the swamp tower. At that time, Lu Youxin asked Ye Xia not to burn a map of the underground palace to her, Ye Xia said the truth under Lu Youxin's skills - - She refused.

At that time, he and Lu Youxin thought that this was because Ye Xia did not trust them, but now I want to come, will it be because she is very familiar with the terrain of the underground palace, so she does not need this quarter map?

But Ye Xia is already dead. He has seen and touched her body, and Xie Zhen who killed her is dead...

Is the body fake? The thought flashed past, Qi Le people themselves felt funny, this is not a detective novel, but also the body can be sneaked into the column, he actually saw the bodies of the two.

Isabel made a low-pitched voice, and struggled like being shackled. It looked very painful. Qi Le people checked her situation. Suddenly, the flash of light flashed. Will this returning person be Isabel? She also said that she had lost a memory. Perhaps in this lost memory, she followed her sister to the underground palace. For some reason, she escaped and lost the memory. Then three years later, she came again. It is here.

Would it be what he thought?

Yes, there is an altar.

"Now the seven witches have all died. According to the clues given on the stone wall, should the altar appear?" Qi Le said to Ning Zhou, "but now it seems that the altar is not here, is it still necessary? What are the conditions?"

Ning Zhou shook his head silently, saying that he did not know.

"She seems to wake up." Qi Le people saw Isabel's eyelids vibrate a few times, and immediately fell to her side.

Isabel whispered, seemingly shouting at her sister, and finally woke up from a coma. After waking up, she lay on the ground and looked at the dark dome, as if she had lost her soul.

"Isabel?" Qile people called her.

Isabel climbed up from the ground like a demon, pulling the arm of the Qi Le people and screaming: "It is her! She is back! It is not wrong, it must be her!"

"You calmly say slowly, who is it?" Qile people held her shoulder and asked solemnly.

Isabel, who had calmed down from her stunned eyes, looked at him emptyly, her eyes were out of focus, and she squirmed her lips and whispered, "...the woman with a knife."

"Ye Xia? Have you seen her?" Qile asked again.

Isabel’s body was shaking and his voice was shaking: “Yes, three years ago, she and my sister were on the same carriage...”

Isabel, who was still in the chaos, spoke out of her own memories. From her messy reversal, the memory she lost three years ago was slowly presented to several people.

After her sister was selected as a witch candidate, she was taken away. Isabel secretly inquired about where her sister was locked. When the day of the sacrifice came, she quietly followed the carriage to the forest and saw the witch candidate who was driven off the carriage. People, the one who is in the same car as her sister, is Ye Xia.

Their domesticated dogs rushed into the jungle, and Isabel worried that her sister would go boldly into the taboo forest after the people left. At that time, the sky was already dark, and in the dark, she was looking for her sister in a panic, trying to take her out of the forest, but she was quickly lost.

Then she met a woman.

It was a woman she didn't know what words to use to describe her beauty. In the sunset, she stood quietly under a withered giant wood, with a **** body on her feet, she looked at her. The eyes couldn’t tell whether it was indifferent or gentle, but she was only looked at by her. She had forgotten everything and even forgot that she had a body lying on her feet.

"You are not the chosen person, why come here?" The woman asked her this way, the voice was as elegant as the lark who was singing in the morning light.

"I am coming to my sister." Isabel replied.

Hearing her answer, the woman showed a smile-like look, and the slightly twirling mouth made her a perfect sculpture into a living person. She said briskly: "Now is not when you should come. Come back in three years."

When she heard her words, Isabel seemed to be enchanted, and she could not help but answer. When consciousness began to blur, she struggled to ask the final question: "Who are you?"

The woman still smiled at her calmly, but she said a shocking answer: "I am the one you will serve."

After that, she gently pointed her finger on her lips, smiling and mysterious and charming: "Brave girl, you have to keep this secret for me."

The memories came to an abrupt end. After that, Isabel woke up in her own bed and lost that memory until she saw the **** body of Xie Tao in the underground palace, and finally remembered the scene in the jungle three years ago.

The Qile people were shocked and speechless, and they whispered for a long while: "Don't you see the person who is the devil?"

Isabel squinted and shuddered and said, "I don't know... I don't know who she is."

Qi Le people looked at Ning Zhou, she frowned slightly and seemed to be thinking.

"If the devil devil really came to the sacrifice three years ago, then you can explain why the last witch died so badly." Qile people thought back to the **** tips on the stone wall and the one he had met. Several witches have blurred things in their minds.

For some purpose, three years ago, the fraudulent demon disguised as an ordinary person joined the mission, and was happy to see human disputes, deception, desperation, she played with a group of poor witches, provoking them to kill each other, he still remembers Isabel’s My sister was kept in the iron shovel and killed with iron water. She said, "I didn't hurt her... she cheated you." This "she" refers to the deceitful demon. And the **** witch who created the illusion, she is distorted in the love that she can't ask for, and constantly maiming other witches, I am afraid it is just a game of deceiving the devil.

But what is Ye Xia? She also participated in the sacrifice for three years and then survived? One may be the ultimate winner of the last sacrifice, and the other two who completed the sacrifice, she just survived. No matter what, she survived, and returned to here three years later, and then died in the hands of Xie Tao.

This is too weird, and it is totally unreasonable. A person who survived the task of the fraudulent demon king, it is unreasonable to die in this task so simply!

The more Qier people thought more, the two eyes vacantly looked at the front, Ning Zhou stood there, quietly watching the text on the stone wall, just a back, it easily attracted his attention.

Qi Le people suddenly remembered his situation of talking to "Ye Xia" in the illusion. At that time, "Ye Xia" said to him...

- Whether it is the true one being loved, or the false one being loved, as long as it is loved, it is all happy. Sometimes love can't help but be involuntarily, even if it is impossible to know, it will not give up.

The "Ye Xia", is it her own? Who is the impossible love she said to whom?

In a silence, a familiar voice came.

"Oh, I finally found you."

Qi Le people almost jumped up from the ground, the direction of the voice came from the door of the temple, a translucent virtual shadow standing there, like the ubiquitous soul in the underground palace.

Lu Youxin’s phantom stood there with his arms in his arms and looked at them with ease. The voice said mechanically: “Congratulations on the lucky prize, I am a good person to come to the last day. It’s important to tell you three things. Things, can you live and leave here to see this time."

"Lu Youxin?" The voice of Qi Le people is lost. No matter how you look at it, the people in front of you are not like a living person, but a spirit.

Lu Youxin seems to be unable to hear his voice, his voice is awkward, and his voice continues to say: "First, I am already dead. Second, the person who kills me looks like Xie. Third, she will transfer the soul, she grabs I walked away from my body. In summary, the murderer is Ye Xia."

Read The Duke's Passion