MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 56 Worshiping Witch (25)

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Xie Tao’s body lay on the cold ground of the underground palace. The blood poured out from the big hole in her chest. There were splashes of blood on the walls. She looked at the top of the head with horror, and was terrified and difficult before the death. Confidence was fixed on her face.

Isabel stepped back in amazement, clutching the arm of Qile, and was so strong that he had a row of fingerprints on his arm. Qi Le people patted her arm in a soothing manner, reluctantly pumped out her arm and went up to check.

The body is still warm, it seems that it has not died for too long, the deadly wound can not see what is caused by it, the area is very large, even the internal organs are exposed, a group of sticky and soft in the blood, looks exceptional nausea.

Qi Le people have not slowed down from the shock of seeing Xie Zhen’s body. How could she possibly die like this? This question repeatedly echoed in his mind, making him feel like a dream.

"Who killed her? Lu Youxin?" Qi Le people dreamed of asking.

Ning Zhou looked down at her wound and solemnly aligned with the musician and nodded.

Is it because Xie Tao tried to kill Lu Youxin and was killed? Is Lu Youxin so powerful? Qi Le people have a mess in their minds.

What about Lu Youxin?

Behind Isabel's pumping sound was like a sigh. She held her head against the wall and slowly fell to the ground and curled up into a ball. The Qi Le people ran back and asked her what happened.

Isabel seemed to be frightened, his hands clasped his head, his body trembled violently, his voice snoring in his throat, like a voice that couldn't be spoken when he was caught in his throat.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Qi Le was puzzled by her unusual reaction.

Ning Zhou also came over and lifted her up from the ground. Isabel’s face was white, and even her eyes fainted. The Qi Le people rushed to her, but there was no reaction. She seemed to be trapped. Deep coma.

"Probably seeing the dead touched her memory." Qi Le people said with a certainty, asked in distress, "What should I do now?"

Ning Zhou’s **** bird suddenly said with a calm statement: “Let’s find an empty room and let’s go to the last witch.”

Although I know that the bird of Ning Zhou can speak, but the bird said that in addition to ridicule or ridicule, when he heard it clearly stated a long sentence, Qi Le people listened to stupid: "You, you, you..."

"I told him to speak. Once my skills speak, the accumulated power will be wasted." The **** bird said again, using the bird to lick the ears of the boat, Ning Zhou aligned the musicians slightly nodded. .

Qi Le people listened slyly and looked at Ning Zhou and picked up the unconscious Isabel. He quickly chased him up and looked at his wrist that was written by the goddess. Bored to think, since she can let pets speak for her, why didn't she say it before? Do you think it is unnecessary to explain to him?

Goddess heart, sea bottom needle, poor long, did not talk about the love of love Qile people, scratching their heads in the heart, although rationally know that this dangerous situation should not entangle this kind of thing, but emotionally this is fundamental control living!

Turning to Ning Zhou has taken Isabel into an empty room, put her on the bed, and put a piece of spar in her hand, a layer of faint glow from her hands, shrouded her inside . Ning Zhou aligned the musicians and nodded. The two left the room and continued to search for the last witch.

The underground palace is too big. To find a witch indiscriminately is like a needle in a haystack. Qi Le people have nothing to talk to and talk to Ning Zhou. Pretend that they are seriously analyzing: "You still have to start from the tips on the stone wall, prompting to say This witch is like a gecko with a broken tail, but the person does not have a tail. The meaning of this 'broken tail' may mean that she is missing a part of her body."

Ning Zhou listened to him intently and nodded from time to time, but this has greatly encouraged Qi Le people. He seems to be eager to go to the favorite junior high school students who show off their ideas. "But it is also possible that the 'broken tail' is not a description, but rather describes her as a gecko that is desperate to survive at a critical juncture. It should be fast. She should have a keen sense of smell, because she said that she smells the smell of a living person. 'And 'to eat the dead body', we better go to Ye Xia or Xie Tao's body to see."

Ning Zhou blinked his eyes, and a beautiful blue eye showed a kind of emotion that can be called appreciation. Qi Leren was greatly encouraged, and he was too proud to pretend to be modest and said: "Cough, in fact, I am also saying. Not necessarily right."

Ning Zhou’s **** bird glanced at him with contempt, and Qi Le people looked back at it. One person and one bird used each other’s eyes to suggest each other “you are an SB”, and Ning Zhou has already taken a step and left, unable to use Qi Le, who had a slightly regretful look at the other side, quickly followed.

The corridor of the underground palace is like a labyrinth. Ning Zhou walked for a while and suddenly stopped to step in and meditated. Qi Le thought that she found something, and immediately alerted him. Unexpectedly, the bird of Ning Zhou said quietly: "Say good. Leading the way to Taijun?"

Qi Le people immediately realized that the goddess lost! So he hurried forward to express himself, but before he could show his own recognition skills, Ning Zhou suddenly changed his face and ran in the direction of coming.

what? What kind of trouble? Qi Le people suddenly stunned and quickly chased up.

The speed of going back was much faster than when I came. When Qi Le people panted and ran to the door of Isabel’s room, a shadow lightning in the door slammed out and slammed the face of Qi Le’s face. He stood on the spot and looked at it. When the blood is splashing, a hoarse and soft voice sounds in the house: "Let's go!"

Although the inexplicable power is not strong, the body of Qile is still uncontrollably glimpsing aside, a strong wind sweeping over his head, and he raises his head subconsciously - the only half of the body shadows the blood It splashed on his face. When he looked back, it climbed like a gecko on the wall of the corridor, and the eyes under the hair flashed with greedy light. The mouth was like being torn open, and it was all over the ear, revealing a dense, fangs.

Ning Zhou had already rushed out of the room, and the Gecko witch screamed in a hoarse voice. The body with only two arms was hung upside down on the wall above the head, fleeing in general.

It was too fast, but it disappeared in front of the two in a blink of an eye. Ning Zhou gave up the chase and inserted the double knife into the scabbard.

Qi Le people stood up against the wall and hurried in to see Isabel's situation. She was still in a coma, and the layer of enchantment that was on her body was still there, but the halo seemed to be faint, probably after the gecko witch attacked her. The enchantment, so Ning Zhou will be so eager to come back.

Fortunately, Isabel is fine. If she is dead, it will be troublesome to complete this hidden task.

Ning Zhou came in from the door, and Qi Le asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Ning Zhou shook his head and frowned at him. He wiped the blood on his face with his sleeves. The Qile people noticed that they were covered with blood by the gecko witch, and immediately disgusted and wiped their faces. It is. This is not a new blood. If he is poisonous, is he not disfigured?

The black bird parked at the bedside of Isabel cleared his throat and said seriously: "It has a knife wound on it."

I couldn't help but hear that the black bird said something in a natural and ridiculous voice. The Qile people still accepted it a bit. They stole Ning Zhou and looked at it slowly.

Wait, the goddess means that it was injured, not her cut?

"Is it originally injured?" Qile asked.

Ning Zhou nodded.

"Is Lu Youxin?" Qile asked again.

"You are stupid, it is a knife wound." The **** bird scorned.

Well, this sentence is definitely not what Ning Zhou said, it is so good to distinguish.

But if it is not Lu Youxin, who is it? From the time point of view, when the last witch appeared, Ye Xia was already dead, Xie Zhen could not be sure. From the interval of the tips on the stone wall, the appearance time of the last three witches is very close, but it must be the next one after it is eliminated. Judging from the traces of the battle, Lu Youxin and Xie Zhen suspected that they had handed over the statue witch, and then Xie Wei died. The murderer is most likely Lu Youxin. From the point of view of the death of Xie Tao and the statue, the two of them are likely to join hands to deal with the statue witch and immediately turned over. If Xie Wei chopped the gecko witch, the time is a bit reluctant, and then Xie Zhen can not use the knife. Ok?

Is it the sister of Ellie Aisa? Could it be that the two missing sisters are not that simple? Or is it Lu Yuxin cut, in fact, she will also use a knife? But looking at the body of Xie Zhen, the wound may be worn by Lu Youxin. He remembered that Lu Youxin had been **** and returned to the temple before, and she probably got used to it.

Things became more and more confusing, and Qi Le people licked their temples, and they were upset.

Ning Zhou picked up Isabel and walked outside the door. Qile people wondered: "Where to take her?"

The **** bird squinted at him, and said strangely: "The end of the earth, go wandering."

Qi Le people looked at it silently, simply ignored it, and said with Ning Zhou: "It is not convenient for you to meet her with a gecko witch, or let me come."

Ning Zhou looked at him deeply and looked at it from head to toe. When the Qile people were flustered, she handed Isabel over to signal him to pick it up. Qi Le people quickly stretched out their arms and tried to hold people around. As a result, he regretted his weight and his arms and knees were soft and smashed to the ground - so heavy! Can't hold it at all!

The soft sister's body can't afford another soft sister. The Qile people have accepted their lives. They look at Ning Zhou's sacks and put people on their shoulders. No matter whether Isabel wakes up or not, will it be won? Stomach pain, such a contrast, when he enjoyed the princess of the goddess, he should have received VIP treatment, right?

The two men continued to move forward with Isabel, who was still in a coma, and soon came to the vicinity of the palace. Qi Le people proposed to go back and have a look at whether Ellie and Aisha were back. Ning Zhou was not allowed.

After entering the palace, Qi Le people saw a line of text on the stone wall. He immediately went forward to check, and the last clue to kill the witch had already appeared.

[One of us, go back and return. 】

Read The Duke's Passion