MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 7 Mutant Bat

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Chapter 7 Mutant Bats

As night fell, the dew in the forest fell, and when it was stepped on, it made a seductive "ba 唧 ba 唧" sound.

I've been running for nearly ten minutes. I have never seen anyone else in the woods except people and Goblin. But when I turned over a small dirt slope, I finally found something new. Monster!

"Squeak ~!"

The big bat, which had been shrouded in flames all over the body, made an unpleasant scream. It was blood red, but its eyes were green!

[Flame Bat] (ordinary monster)

Level: 5

Attack: 4-10

Defense: 4

Qi and Blood: 500

Attack Type: Poison Attack


I was a little surprised. It was actually a level 5 monster. Compared to that Goblin, he didn't know how many times more powerful, and the blood had 500, and the poisonous attack that was impossible to guess!

I looked at my attributes, and started thinking about—

Frivolous scholar

Level: 3

Life: 210

Attack: 11-17

Defense: 4

Reputation: 1

Lucky: 0


My attack is pretty good, but the defense is much worse. The Flame Bat is definitely capable of breaking the defense, and the poison attack is not easy to deal with!

However, in the wealth insurance, I must go up, and I have to catch up with other players!

So, immediately I swung the iron sword and rushed up, splitting my sword against the flame bat!


A dazzling number "85" flew high!

I was so happy that the attack that I did with all my strength was really tough, almost killing a large part of the blood of the Fire Bat with just one sword!

At this time, the flame bat also seemed to be angry, and immediately attacked me, but before it started, I quickly swatted out the second sword, and nearly a hundred blood was directly killed by me!

Finally, the flame bat fluttered with red wings and patted it on my arm, and a sudden pain came—

Battle Tip: You are attacked by the Fire Bat and lose 51 Life and Blood!

"Fuck! Kill a quarter of my blood all at once?"

I was astounded that the attack of this flame bat was really tough!

I dare not hesitate, before the next attack of the Fire Bat comes, I must kill it with a quick hit. After all, I jumped two levels to kill the monsters, and there is no NB defense equipment. I can only level this way!

The two swords continued to slap in succession, and two numbers "91" and "87" jumped out from the top of the flame bat's head!

Although the attack speed of the Fire Bat is slow, the second bite is here!

I saw a flash of green light, and a venom splashed from the mouth of the flame bat. At the moment I just felt a numbness on my body, and my blood flew up to 70 points!

Battle Tip: You receive a toxin attack from the Fire Bat. Qi and blood drop by 2 points every three seconds for 60 seconds!

I was a little stunned, and it was poisoned. Fortunately, this toxin is not as terrible as imagined. It is only 2 o'clock in three seconds and 40 o'clock in 60 seconds!

In fact, I did not expect that ordinary players can't afford potions at present. The cheapest red potion also costs 20 copper coins, while a Goblin explodes only 2 or 3 copper coins. The average player does n’t even have Maybe this extravagant leveling, only I am in the blessing and I do n’t know how to bless it!

"Beep" twice, the iron sword quickly fell on the back of the flame bat, and the last remaining blood of the flame bat was also lightened by me, and after a wail, it fell to the ground and burst out some copper coins!

"Ding ~!"

Battle Tip: You kill the Fire Bat and gain 120 experience!


I couldn't help but laughed loudly. Sure enough, high-risk and high-return. A Goblin's experience is only 10 points, but I did not expect that a leapfrog kills a flame bat to get 120 points experience!

Take out those copper coins from the soil, counted them, as many as 14, which is more generous than Goblin!

However, my blood has dropped to less than half, which is really a bit expensive, but it's worth it!

So, ate a blood bottle directly, and continue to kill the second flame bat!

In less than a minute, the flame bat was completely beaten down, and in addition to 120 points of experience, 19 copper coins were obtained. However, I still did not see the bat blood required for the legendary mission!

When I cut down the fifth flame bat, I finally heard a "snap", and the blood of a bat solidified into a drop fell to the ground-

[Bat Blood] (Quest Item)

Nothing to look at, just threw it into the parcel.

When I killed five Fire Bats and gained 600 experience points, I had already spent two small potions, and 40 copper coins had left me. This cost is really distressing!

Quiet in the forest, only the sound of "bats" flapping wings by flame bats. At this moment, I heard a voice behind me, and someone was surprised: "Fuck! This kid actually kills a level 5 monster by himself ! "

I looked back, but found that three players with level 2 were looking at this side. It didn't take long for one of them to step forward and lead a flame bat. Who knows that the flame bat is very tough, just go up Biting off half of the player's blood, scared him indifferently and said: "Second and third, please help!"

The other two players immediately stepped forward, and the short stick waved up, knocking twice on the flame bat's forehead, and the two numbers jumped out at once-



I looked at it from a distance and almost laughed out. They didn't have any weapons at hand, and they dared to go beyond level 3 to fight this terrible level 5 monster, which was tantamount to death!

Unsurprisingly, in less than two minutes, these three people could not survive the fierce offensive of the fire bat, and they turned into white light and returned to the city, leaving behind a blood bat that was left behind!

Is there a reason not to take advantage of the cheap home delivery?

I immediately stepped forward, and the iron sword suddenly swept away!


Among the crisp sounds, the flame bat wailed and fell to the ground. At the same time, two consecutive “ding dong” sounds, something seemed to land!

I didn't care much anymore. I immediately rummaged in the soil and found that in addition to the 17 copper coins, there was a bat's blood, and in addition, it was a bleak leather armor!

I was a little surprised, and quickly picked up the leather armor, and looked at the properties-

[Bat leather armor] (white equipment)

Defense: 8

Required Level: 4


I can't help but smile, God help me too, Zhengchou doesn't have armor to protect himself, now it's okay, this is a good thing to send to the door. If those players just knew it, they would not regret it!

Looking at the experience bar, I almost upgraded to level 4!

So, I drank a red potion directly, chopped down another flame bat not far away, and in a burst of golden light, I officially upgraded!


System prompt: Congratulations, level up, add 20 points of physical strength, and get 5 points for free attribute distribution!


Haha! Construction has finally started!

I immediately replaced the bat's leather armor, and the defense immediately rushed from 4 to 12, and then all the 5 points were strengthened, and the attack became 16-21!

Although the bat leather armor is not very good-looking, but after all, it is the first dress I got, and it may even be the first dress from this novice village, so I am still happy to wear it!

After having a 12-point attack, I rushed to find the trouble of the flame bat again, and slammed it with a sword, and suddenly a number appeared on the top of the flame bat-"248"!


I can hardly believe my eyes, but I can kill half the blood of Level 5 monster with one sword?

I flipped through the records and found out that it was a critical strike!

Even so, I can still get 124 points of blood from the Fire Bat, which is pretty good!

At this time, the fire bat also attacked me aggressively. For a time, I just felt a slight pain in my body, and then looked at the blood, but never thought that the toxin attack of the fire bat just caused me 24 points of damage. !!

I was overjoyed, it seems that after wearing bat leather armor, with the large increase in defense, I can continue to fight!

So, immediately carrying the iron sword and continued to find the trouble of other flame bats!

The time passed by one minute and one second. After half an hour of the opening of Ling Ling, I have collected 19 bat blood, and at the same time, I have smoothly upgraded to level 5. In the face of monsters of the same level, the attributes are no longer subject to level Suppress it and kill it more refreshingly, almost every three swords can solve a flame bat!

After several consecutive swords overturned a flame bat again, he picked up the booty from the ground-bat blood!

I counted it carefully, the bat blood in the package has reached 20, full! You can go back and make a mess!

So, I immediately turned to prepare to return to the village, but at this moment, I felt a cold wind on the right, and the whole man couldn't help fighting a chill. When I turned around and looked, I was even frightened!

Not far away, there was actually a huge bat, bathing in fire all over the body, at least ten times the size of a flame bat, like a small airplane floating in the air!

[Mutant Flame Bat] (Mutant Creature)

Level: 8

Attack: 20-28

Defense: 18

Qi and Blood: 2000

Attack Type: Mutant Toxin Attack


I can't help but hesitate, UU reads www. uukanshu. com is actually a quasi-level creature! The attack is terrible. The upper limit is as high as 28 points and the defense has reached 18 points. With my level 5 attack at 26 points, I can barely break the defense!

The mutant bat didn't seem to want me to think too much, and rushed directly, the sharp claws left a trace on my leather armor immediately!

A sudden pain came, and the number of "88" points of injury directly appeared above my head!

Although the numbers are auspicious, I was not happy at all, and quickly fought back with a sword. With a bang, I cut out "110" points of damage on the front of the flame bat!

The numbers are also good, but it takes at least 20 swords to make this mutant bat. Looking at the potion in the eye package, there are 5 small potions that can support the killing of this flame bat?