MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 6 Goblin Tomahawk

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Chapter 6 Goblin Tomahawk

After leaving the village, I looked out and saw the little green monsters in the wide woods. There was no player. Looking back, the players in the novice village had swarmed!

Immediately galloping away, when I was about to start work, I saw a young girl in sackcloth standing not far away, she looked out from time to time and seemed to be asking for help!

"Huh? It looks like a mission!"

I was the first person to leave the village, so I didn't hesitate and flew over immediately.

When I came to the girl, she said to me, "Grandpa lost his axe recently when he went out to cut firewood. I heard it was taken by some nasty little brother Brin! Brother, can Help me take back Grandpa's ax? "

"Ding ~!"

The system prompts: Do you accept the task [Collect Goblin Tomahawk]?


How can such a good thing be rejected? !!

I immediately accepted it, and Ma uploaded another system ringtone—

"Ding ~!"

The system prompts: you have accepted the task [collect Goblin Tomahawk]! (Elementary Mission, current difficulty 10)

Quest content: Help the little girl to find the missing axe. The axe should be on those Goblins outside the village, kill Goblins, and collect 10 tomahawks from them!

I hesitated for a moment, clearly saying that Grandpa Xiaohua had only lost an axe, and this guy asked me to collect 10 at a time, and it really turned out to be an appetite, and all I did was the business of white gloves with empty gloves!

After talking to me, the little girl sat under the big tree, and it seemed that she could no longer take on the task.

I'll pack up and go and deal with these goblin first!

At this moment, a goblin who was very close to me had found me who was not supposed to be here, so he rushed forward with an axe, his short body was like a small winter melon, and he was still wearing A ridiculous green helmet!

I took a look and found that this low-level monster can easily get attributes-

[Little Brother Brin] (Ordinary Monster)

Grade 1

Attack: 1-3

Defense: 1

Qi and Blood: 100


The younger brother Brin attacked only 1-3, and it should not be difficult to fight with my 2 points defense!

So, I hurried forward, hitting Goblin's head with a short stick!


With a crisp sound, "12" damage figures floated over Goblin's head!

Goblin's axe also slowly fell on my shoulder, a little pain, and 5 points of blood lost!

Fortunately, my blood is not much different from that of Goblin, and I should still be able to carry it!

The important thing is that my attack frequency is much faster than Goblin. As a junior monster, Goblin naturally will not cause spikes to players!

The wooden stick hit Goblin's head several times in a row, it immediately wailed, and slowly fell down, and saw a few copper coins shining on the ground!


Battle Tip: You killed little brother Brin and gain 10 experience!

I immediately sank to pick up the copper coins, a total of 3, all wrapped up!

However, after hitting this Goblin, my blood dropped to less than half. If I hit another Goblin, it would be dangerous!

I quickly took a look at my personal attributes, and then suddenly found out that when I created an account to enter the game, the five attribute points included as system had not been added yet!

by! Is it still old? !!

I was ashamed, and immediately added all five attributes to my strength. How could the previous leveling without attack power work, and the profession I was going to choose must be a combat profession!

After adding 5 points of strength, my attack immediately changed from 0-3 to 0-8. In this way, it should be easier to deal with a younger brother Brin!

So, he quickly selected a goblin who was hanging around, and went down with a stick. An injury number immediately appeared on his head—


I was a little surprised, but I didn't expect it to look like this!

Bang Bang put on two sticks again, and the poor Goblin immediately wailed and fell down, "snapped", and a rusty ax fell to the ground with several copper coins.

[Goblin Tomahawk] (Quest Item)


Pick it up and see that it has no attributes and is slightly disappointed. Immediately throw the tomahawk into the package and continue to kill monsters!

The axe drop probability is not high. On average, every 5 or so Goblins that I kill can burst an axe, and the number of players is gradually increasing. When I hit 9 axes, I saw Woye There are all kinds of players in it, and each Goblin will be hit by several short sticks at the same time when it is refreshed!

It seems that it can no longer be practiced here, otherwise the level cannot drag these ordinary players away!

At this time, there was a little Brin just refreshed from my side, looking around the thief's head and his head.

I immediately struck a stick, and at the same time, the other four people around me also shouted the short stick up!


Three times in a row, the younger brother Brin just finished refreshing and completed his mission. After exploding an axe, he hung by the woods!

I have a good idea. My shot was lightning fast just now, not because I hit the monster first!

Quickly picked up the tomahawk, and when it was thrown into the parcel, 10 axes were collected!

Those robbers looked at me stupidly and seemed to want to ask something, but I didn't have time to deal with it, just turned around and returned to Xiaohua's side.

Taking out 10 axes, Xiaohua suddenly smiled on her face. She said, "Thank you, you helped me find Grandpa's axe. This is your reward!"

"Ding ~!"

System prompt: Congratulations on completing the mission [Goblin Tomahawk]. You gain 500 experience points, 2 silver coins, +1 reputation, and quest reward items [rough iron sword]!

"Ding ~!"

System prompt: You have upgraded!

"Uh? Out of gear!"

I was overjoyed, opened the package immediately, and saw an iron sword lying quietly inside!

[Rough iron sword] (rough product)

Attack: 1-4

Required Level: 2


Haha, it turned out to be Level 2 equipment, although it is still the lowest grade equipment, but the attack power is much stronger than the sticks distributed by my system! (Among the spirits, the equipment levels are: rough, white, black iron, bronze, silver, gold, dark gold, ghost, earth, and artifact. Of course, there are also legendary super artifacts. Similar NBs exist, but it is not known if they will be seen in their lifetime.)

Quickly changed into an iron sword, and suddenly I became the only master in this novice village equipped with an iron sword!

Many players have cast envious eyes. In their eyes, I have no doubt been the most NB character in this novice village so far!

I am now level 3, my little brother Brin is not enough to meet my needs, not to mention I now have new weapons, and then add all the upgraded 5 points to my strength, and suddenly my attack has reached a formidable 1-17, such a sturdy attack, if you don't hit the monsters of the NB point, it is simply a violent thing!

So, I quickly returned to the village. I bought 10 bottles of small potions at the pharmacy owner, and each one added 100 points of blood, but it was so expensive that I sold 20 copper coins each! Fortunately, the mission was just completed and the system rewarded two silver coins, so I bought potions!

High investment brings high returns, I still understand such a simple truth!

When I left the village, I found that there was an additional soldier in armor at the entrance of the village, and the steel sword was looking around.

I walked over and, unsurprisingly, this was the village militia captain. He glanced at me and said, "Brave young man, you are already strong enough, would you do me a favor?"

I nodded immediately. UU Reading Book www.

The militia captain exclaimed: "Recently a group of nasty fire bats have appeared in the south of the village. They have a certain toxicity. Several of my soldiers have poisoned them. I hope you will kill these fire bats and collect a batch of detoxified bats. Bat blood is back! "

I was a little surprised, and quickly clicked the OK button!

"Ding ~!"

The system prompts: You have accepted the task [Clean Field]! (Beginner task. Current difficulty: 50)

Quest content: Kill those fire bats in the south of the village, and collect 20 bat bloods to give to the militia captain Ma Su!


I was a little puzzled. The difficulty of killing Goblin just now was 10, and now the difficulty of this task has turned into 50. Looking at the eyes of the captain of the militia, it turned out that "the wind is cold, the wind is cold, the soldiers are gone. "No more return" meaning!

I couldn't bear a bitter cold, I packed up my bags and hurried to the south of the village!