MTL - Undying Patient-Chapter 155 Little vixen 2

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Lu Qingheng also thought about it. The younger sister is the elder niece of Bidanfeng Lingzhi. Although she is not an authentic doctor of Bidanfeng, usually any discomfort on the disciples of Lingxiaofeng can be cured. Such a mortal beast is certainly out of the question.

"But this little fox is going to die when he looks at it. Feed him a pill of elixir to continue his life?" Lu Qingheng said, taking the Lingtan he usually took from the storage bag at the waist, he would eat the little fox .

When Xiao Wenxuan saw this, he immediately raised his hand to stop his movements, and frowned, "It's just a beast. If you are such a miracle, it will take its life."

The spiritual aura they took was too rich, and the lower-level spirit beasts could not eat it, let alone such an ordinary beast fox? Not to mention the whole one's life, only half of it can make it explode.

Lu Qingheng was anxious when he heard his words: "What should we do?"

"Shave its hair first." Xiao Wenxuan watched the little fox for a while and looked for some Lingluo cream for skin trauma. "He has a wound on his body, shaved his hair and gave it to him. Let's rub the white feather cream. "

"What is it ?!" Lu Qingheng's eyes widened, and he pulled the little fox into his arms. "How shameful Mao's shaved, Xiaoshimei would not like it."

Su Jinzhi was discomforted by his rude movements. Although he didn't feel the pain, he still hummed twice in Lu Qingheng's arms.

"You're going to kill it." Xiao Wenxuan looked at him coldly.

Lu Qingheng looked down and found that the little fox was softly held by him, motionless, and it was quite good to see, but it was definitely because it had no strength to escape.

You must know that there is always some difference between the beast and the spirit beast. Most of the beasts are a bit savvy, knowing how to avoid harm, and the beast only understands obedience to its own instinct. The torture will not be obediently nestled in the arms of another person, but will always want to escape, it is so honest right now, I am afraid that there is really only one breath left.

Lu Qingheng hurriedly put the little fox back gently into the cage, afraid to make it again, and saw the little fox slump and lie on the iron cage in a long stripe, closed his eyes weakly, anxious, but still unwilling.

Xiao Wenxuan also said: "It's the lanugo on it, and it will fall off in a few days."

"If you can't do it, in short, you can't shave." Lu Qingheng still didn't give up, dragging Xiao Wenxuan's sleeve, and asked, "Brother Xiao, apart from shaving and applying medicine, wouldn't there be other ways to save it?"

Xiao Wenxuan was helpless, and after thinking about it, he found a pot of pear blossom sake that Bidanfeng nun gave him from the bag. This sake was added with a lot of herbs to brew, so it also has some health effects. This little fox Cream can't rub medicine and can't eat, you can only use this aura to weaken some medicinal wine.

Su Jinzhi closed her eyes to raise her soul, and before they knew what they had discussed to save herself, she was squeezed into the throat with a sip of fox kiss.

The wine has the fragrance of pear blossoms, and it tastes dry and mellow. It is not so spicy and even tastes good. Su Jinzhi's mouth sipped his lips, and his mouth with a small pointed mouth was still drinking wine gourds, and he wanted to drink more. Xiao Wenxuan But his eyes quickly removed the wine gourd.

When spirit wine enters the throat, the bruises in the body are swept away, bringing a warmth. Su Jinzhi can't help but make a small purring sound from his throat.

However, Xiao Wenxuan felt that there was something wrong. Spirit wine can indeed heal wounds, but it will also wash away impurities attached to the bones and veins, which will cause severe pain. The little fox is just a beast. I do n’t know how much impurities have accumulated in the flesh and blood. Theoretically speaking, when this spirit wine enters the stomach, it will scream and roll in pain. Why can't I see a reaction?

However, Lu Qingheng did not think so much about Xiao Wenxuan. When he saw that the fox was all right, he closed the iron cage, covered the cage with white cotton linen, and carefully carried it back to the Kunlun Gate in his hand.

Lu Qingheng left the practice world this time to go to the human world to break his Fangen. Because his parents in the human world died, he had to go to the grave for his corpse as a child and do his last filial piety. His master, Ling Xiaofeng Feng Gu Gurong, was worried that he was still young, and that he would be captivated by the prosperity of the human world, so that Xiao Wenxuan, a great disciple under the door, went to Fanyuan with him.

As a result, Lu Qingheng was blinded, and secretly brought back a small fox with a beast. Because the fox was so beautiful and strange, even Xiao Wenxuan, who had always been strict with himself, covered him.

Lu Qingheng successfully brought the little fox back to his disciples and hid a long breath. He patted Xiao Wenxuan's shoulder and said, "Brother Xiao, thanks to you this time."

Xiao Wenxuan, as the chief disciple of Ling Xiaofeng, was deeply noticed by the master and his sisters and sisters every day, so he had to show a mature and stable appearance, but in fact he is not a rigid master, Lu Qingheng is soft. Yang begged him for help, and Xiao Wenxuan refused him resolutely: "Okay, today is the birthday feast of Xianzun. We're a little late. You need to change the box for the little fox, and wait until the banquet ends The fox gave it to little sister. "

"Okay!" Lu Qingheng promised repeatedly, taking the little fox out of the iron cage while he was sleeping, turning out a red silk ribbon in his house and tying a beautiful knot on his neck. I found another big red festive box to put the little fox in, and waited to give the little fox to the little sister herself after the birthday banquet without asking Xianzun.

When Xiao Shimei received such a beautiful little fox, she would be very happy at that time, and she would certainly not be too embarrassed to smile at him.

Lu Qingheng dreamed of that picture, and smiled so that a pair of Dan Fengyan eyes were about to form a slit, not to mention how happy he was, even walking as if dancing, holding the red box floating to the disciple's hall, moving the box to the green sandalwood As soon as the round table was placed, I went to Xiaoshimei to talk about the pain of parting over the past few months, and I didn't notice that the green sandalwood round table still had a small purple satin box.

The small purple satin box was a gift prepared by Xiao Wenxuan for the disciples of Ling Xiaofeng. It was a small gift, but it contained a precious millennium fire chalcedony. It ’s a good time to ask Xianzun, and this is the best gift for their younger disciples.

However, Xiao Wenxuan, as the chief disciple of Ling Xiaofeng, has been with Gu Shurong to help receive outside visitors, so he can only let a young master who has just entered Ling Xiaofeng to go to his disciple's congratulation before the birthday feast. My brother was worried when he saw two large, one small, one red and one purple satin gift boxes on the green sandalwood round table. Brother Xiao only said that Heli was a satin gift box on the green sandalwood table, but did not say Which one is it

The young master held it in front of the two gift boxes for a long time, and finally took away the gift box of red satin cloth, because the box was large enough, although the color looked a bit vulgar, but it was impossible to use the gift without asking Xianzun. Small purple box, right?

The Kunlun Gate is the first of the three major gates in the practice world. There are six peaks in the gate. Today's birthday feast is for the head of the six peaks.

Regardless of the fact that Xianzun is the head of the town school ’s great power in Kunlun Gate, it has reached the end of the robbery period and is only one step away from soaring. His three thousandth birthday party has almost half of the people in the cultivation world. , Send countless gifts.

However, regardless of whether or not Xianzun liked the noise, the birthday feast lasted only three hours and ended.

After the end of the feast, all the guests from the outer door returned with the sword, and the disciples of Kunlun Menben also knew Xianzun's temperament, and did not dare to stay on his peak. After the congratulation, he left in a hurry, only Ling Xiaofeng Peak. Lord, the current master of the Kunlun Gate is daring to stay on his peak.

Gu Shurong was a brother who did n’t ask Xianzun. He was also a brother from Ling Xiaofeng two thousand years ago. Later, Gu Shurong inherited the position of the master of Ling Xiaofeng, without asking Xian Zun ’s cultivation as too high. There is a difference between the Taoist method and Gu Shurong, and he simply emerged from Ling Xiaofeng and became the master of a single peak.

People in the cultivation world thought that not asking Xianzun was dissatisfied with Gu Shurong, and they speculated that Kunlun Gate would be a mess. However, until Gu Shurong became the master of Kunlun Gate, he did n’t ask Xianzun to stay in his coldness Wang Yuanfeng did n’t ask about the world, and the relationship between the two brothers and brothers was still as good as ever, leaving those who were waiting to see the lively disappointment.

But this is just a rumor circulating outside the party. The party's Gu Shurong shouted grievances when he heard it.

The monks outside said that they would not ask Xianzun for being indifferent to fame and fortune, but only Gu Shurong knew that his younger brother Jiang Youhui would not fight because he was extremely indifferent. It ’s also a deep feeling of brothers and sisters! He wanted Jiang Yuhui to spend the night at Wenyuan Peak, but he was only allowed to sleep in the outer cabinet, and he was not allowed to enter the main cabinet.

So even after spending thousands of years with his younger brother, Gu Shurong always suspected that his younger brother was not the fire spiritual heavenly root, but the mutant ice spiritual root. After all, he had never seen any fire spiritual root that could be deserted from his master. It looks like this.

The ancient book was sighing with sighs, walking around in the congratulations to see for him what kind of congratulations he had received at the birthday party.

In the congratulatory pile, a glazed crystal box was placed at the highest position. The glittering crystal was extremely eye-catching. When Gu Shurong glanced at the box, his eyes widened. He walked over and took the shiny silver bell in the box Come out, Lai sighed: "This wonderful sound fairy is really affectionate to you, voila, this is the first time to send you a wonderful sound bell? Also in such a box, I'm afraid you can't see."

Joked by Gu Shurong, the white-haired man sitting on the main seat still said nothing, his face was frosty, his eyes were indifferent, he didn't even look at the delicate silver bell.

By comparison, Gu Shurong couldn't help sighing longly: "Hey, you are so temperament, even if you put it in front of you, you will be invisible?"

The white-haired man was wearing a black suit, his eyelashes were slightly dangling, and the gray eyes inside were staring out of focus somewhere in the void, sitting still as if he hadn't heard Gu Shurong, and never blinking his eyelids from beginning to end.

"Huh? You said I was right?" Lest the world be chaotic, Gu Shurong deliberately carried the little bell to Jiang Jianghui in front of him and made a loud noise.

The white-haired man finally gave alms to the eyes, but his eyes seemed to be mixed with frost, as cold as white snow in the deep winter.

Gu Shurong glanced at him, his body stiffened for a moment, and he closed his hands back.

His younger brother Jiang Youhui's birthday banquet is held every one hundred years. Every time the birthday banquet comes, countless monks come to congratulate him and send countless gifts, but Jiang Youhui never puts these precious treasures that ordinary people want to have. In the eyes, even the envy of the wonderful sound fairy who everyone envied did not fail.

Thinking of this, Gu Shurong couldn't help sighing again, and turned his attention to the other birthday gifts in the center of the hall. He wanted to find other novel and interesting little things from it, and see if this ice fairy Jiang Youhui could be stained with some popularity.

Gu Shurong's sight has always been on the treasures sent by the powerful monks outside the gate. He only hurriedly swept the congratulatory gifts offered by his disciples, but when he passed by Ling Xiaofeng's congratulatory box, he heard it there. Some weird sounds, listening to the "rustle" sound of a small animal flicking the box with its claws.

Gu Shurong made a "beep", looked up at the pile of gift boxes, and looked for a long time in a pile of silk cloth boxes of different colors, only to find that the sound came from a red gift box with extremely gaudy colors.

When he picked up the box, he still muttered in his heart what the taste of his own Ling Xiaofeng was so vulgar, thinking about it, and shaking the big red gift box.

The big red gift box was fluttering, and the small beast hidden inside seemed to be frightened by the shaking, and issued a few weak "snoring" sounds. I couldn't hear what kind of small beast inside, but the sound was soft and soft. Weak, it was easy to make people feel pity. Gu Shurong was surprised by the sound of milk and milk. He opened the gift box three or two times and looked at the probe.

However, the little milk beast inside moved faster than him. The lid of the gift box had just been opened, and its snowy white head couldn't wait to come out. A sharp fox kiss was placed on the edge of the box, a pair of glass-like crickets. The eyes seemed to rush into Gu Shurong's eyes with countless flowing brilliance.

The author has something to say: This article's realm ranking: Practicing Qi, building a base, Jin Dan, Yuan Ying, Huashen, crossing the calamity, soaring.

My computer has a problem again. It took me a long time to turn it on, so it ’s a bit short today. I ’ll write a little more tomorrow, and the mine list wo n’t open. Thanks for copying together tomorrow. It ’s more than 70w. Did n’t I write in the four worlds. Should I write over 100w?

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