MTL - Undying Patient-Chapter 154 Little vixen 1

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Su Jinzhi felt that if he was given another gun, he might not have the courage to face his head again.

Fortunately, No. 1 did not cause him pain for too long, and almost at the moment when Zi Zi popped into his head, Su Jinzhi's consciousness was gone, but it could not be said that he was totally unconscious. He could feel that he seemed to lie in a warm water later. The whole body was floated gently by the water, but there was no way to open the eyes.

After sleeping a few times in this way, Su Jinzhi found that he could open his eyes, but after opening his eyes, he could only see the dark blue liquid, as if he was sleeping in a dark blue ocean. Nothing can be seen beyond this, and not far from these liquids seems to float a glowing sphere. Su Jin subconsciously reached out and tried to touch it, but suddenly found that his hand was incomplete.

To be precise, it doesn't seem to be complete yet?

His fingers are only intact with his thumb, and the rest of his fingers are only half-cut. Around the cross-section of the finger, there seem to be many worms with a metallic luster moving around. Su Jinzhi opened his eyes wider, thinking To see what was going on, he suddenly felt dizzy, and then he felt nothing.

When he felt again, what he could see was no longer a dark blue liquid, but a surprisingly high pile of green grass.

Su Jinzhi's eyes widened and he looked at the weeds and weeds in the strangely high trees. For a long time, he was wondering what the No. 1 and No. 0 had made him a new world, and a slight tugging came from his neck. It felt like someone was biting his back neck, but soon, Su Jinzhi found that he was really biting his back neck and was suspended by something.

He looked down and found that his hands and feet as human beings were gone, and replaced by four small pink claws whose hairs had not been aligned. Because of the suspension, his body was involuntarily a little tight and hidden in the meat pad. The translucent small claws are also exposed, but this claw has no lethality.

Su Jinzhi looked up again at the huge weeds in front of him, and instantly realized that it was not that the grasses had become taller, but that he had become smaller.

There was no mirror or water nearby, and his body was soft, and he couldn't see what animal was holding him until he twisted, until Su Jinzhi was trapped in a small hole, just like the other ones. The little fox with a layer of milk stayed together, and then realized that he had turned into a white fox.

Fox mother, he returned to the cave and put him under his belly. He also stuck out his tongue and licked Su Jinzhi's face lovingly.

Littered by the fox mother, Su Jinzhi rolled a small circle under her belly, stretched out two claws with almost transparent white powdered milk powder, and wanted to crawl away a little, but another fox brother Arched back.

So two or three times later, Su Jinzhi also gave up struggling and put a sharp fox kiss on the body of another little fox to rest.

"Number one?"


Every time when I went to the new world, the number one or zero would appear to introduce him to the situation and tasks of the new world, or directly give him the memory, but in this world Su Jinzhi is just a little fox just born. What memory pack is there? I do n’t see No. 1 and No. 0 coming to him. I tried to call in my head without seeing any response. Because the little fox was born shortly afterwards, he closed his eyes after a while. Fell asleep.

As a result, one of Su Jin opened his eyes the next day, and saw a pair of rough hands attacking him. Su Jinzhi took a moment to wait for the reaction, then spread his legs and ran to the side.

But his fox's body should have just been born for a long time, his limbs are weak, and Su Jinzhi used to walk on two legs before. He has never tried walking on all fours at all. Lower limbs, stretched forward with a small front paw kicking forward.

As the ending can be imagined, Su Jinzhi jumped two steps forward, and was tripped to the ground by himself. He rolled the lap with two laps before stopping, and fell to a trance of seven and a half.

Seeing this, the people who caught him couldn't help laughing out loud, and said to one of his associates: "Hahaha, this animal hasn't grown up and has learned to walk!"

The accomplice also laughed twice, and came to hold Su Jin and put him in a large cloth bag.

Su Jinzhi was dizzy by himself, and when he slowed down, he was caught and there was no possibility of escape. If he was an adult fox, he might consider using a claw or Tooth escaped from birth, but Su Jinzhi just licked his teeth and found that he currently only has four small fangs. Not to mention biting a cloth bag, he can bite a pacifier.

As the foxcatcher walked for a long time, Su Jinzhi was finally able to see the light. He was also moved and held in a small black cage. The hair on his body hadn't even grown, and the iron cage was cold and cold. Su Jinzhi could not help trembling with his limbs lying on it. The foxcatcher came to see him in this miserable appearance, took a small stick and poked him out of the iron cage slit for pleasure.

Su Jinzhi was sore in pain that she opened her mouth and bit the stick.

It was just that he had no teeth in his mouth, and the flesh was tender and delicate. The stick had an extremely rough skin, not to mention that the fox-man twiddled the stick back and forth after he bit the stick. Let go of the stick and lie down again.

Another fox catcher saw that his mouth was full of blood, and he looked at the cricket, and he couldn't help but be anxious. One fox catcher holding the stick, anxious: "Don't get it, it's bleeding, those expensive houses. Ms. Jiao likes such a tender little fox. What else will we sell if you will be killed? "

"What are you afraid of?" The foxcatcher grinned and pointed to a cloth bag next to him. "Isn't there any more?"

"How many of these are good-looking ones? Besides, if you sell one more, you will get more silver money! Do you think you don't want more silver?"

The foxcatcher couldn't hear him, and tossed the **** stick away, no longer torturing Su Jinzhi: "I walk and walk, I know, I won't make it."

Su Jinzhi roughly guessed from their words that he had been caught and was going to be sold, but he did n’t know where his brothers and mother had gone, thinking they would probably not get rid of the same fate as him, and even To make things worse, I didn't expect them to be here, or even locked together!

After the foxcatcher left, Su Jinzhi quickly supported his limbs and walked crookedly next to the small iron cage and looked at the place pointed by the foxcatcher. He suddenly saw a large cloth bag lying in it, like There was a living creature, which was twisting uneasily, and screamed "唧唧" from time to time.

The foxcatcher holding his small iron cage is indeed a death sentence for little savvy animals, but after all, Su Jinzhi's shell is an individual. Opening this device is not a waste of small iron cages. Blowing power.

Su Jinzhi studied the iron cage, pulled out his claws, and unlocked the lock. The iron cage door was opened. He climbed out of the cage obliquely. Fortunately, the table on which the iron cage was placed was not too high, and there was fluffy beside it. Su Jinzhi jumped onto the haystack and rolled it twice before sliding to the ground.

Except that he was kept in an iron cage, other small foxes, including fox mothers, were packed in large cloth bags, and the mouth of the cloth bags was tightly tied with a hemp rope. Su Jinzhi could not bite with his teeth, and he also used his claws. Not open, can only stand outside anxious.

But it didn't take long for him to hear a gurgling noise, and then he took another look at it. It was actually the mother fox opened his mouth on the cloth bag with his teeth and claws. Su Jinzhi rushed forward to help the mother fox from When the fox mother came out of the cloth bag, the little foxes in the cloth bag were carried out one by one, and they pointed at them with pointed fox kisses, signalling that they hurried away from a small hole in the corner of the wall.

Su Jinzhi's mouth was hurt, she already hurt, and she walked slowly. After crawling out of the small hole, Fox Mother saw that Su Jinzhi hadn't followed up yet, and turned her head to leave him directly.

However, at this time, the fox catcher who went out for dinner suddenly returned. He was just the one who teased Su Jinzhi with a stick. When he saw the foxes all fled, he yelled and picked up the broom on the corner of the wall to face Su Jinzhi's big fox. Hit it.

The big fox was beaten, and he was surprised to let go of his mouth and scream. Su Jinzhi fell from his mouth, and the foxcatcher then raised his broom, and when he waved it, he hit the tail spine of Su Jinzhi. on.

Su Jinzhi was almost beaten on the floor by the broom, and his head was blank for a moment when his broom stick fell on him. Then there was an unspeakable pain from the internal organs. The place exploded quickly, spreading to the whole body, he moaned and fell to the ground, his hind limbs twitched twice and then stopped.

The fox mother heard his painful cry, and when she had ran to the entrance of the cave, she turned to look at Su Jinzhi again, and made a scream of a fox, with water in her eyes, and ran away from the small hole for a moment.

The foxcatcher chased to the entrance of the hole, and unconsciously stretched his arms toward the small hole, trying to pull the big white fox out, but he didn't even get the fox fur.

"Fuck! All the **** is gone!" The foxcatcher spit on the ground, cursing in a low voice.

Su Jinzhi was lying on the ground and humming quietly, the fox catcher heard his cry, and his sullen eyes shot at him immediately. Su Jinzhi was afraid of him now, and stared at him so fiercely, his hair was all blown up When he got up, he stretched his front paws and crawled on the ground for a few steps, and then he was picked up by the back of his neck, and he threw it into the small iron cage.

"Lao Tzu lets you run again!" The anger in the heart of the fox catcher was still over. He closed Su Jinzhi back to the small iron cage and shook it vigorously, watching Su Jinzhi go up and down in the iron cage and was hit. He shouted, tormenting him for so long, and finally worried about killing him before he closed his hand.

But Su Jinzhi felt that he was almost dead now.

He didn't know where the broom had hit him, and his body was very painful, but he didn't feel any sensation in the lower limbs. He couldn't even feel his tail flicking. How many steps can I take with my limbs.

"Number one? Number zero?" Su Jinzhi lay in an iron cage, twisted his upper body, hugged himself or a slender fox tail, and kissed the tip of the tail with a fox kiss, trying to call number one and zero again A few voices, "Are you there?"

As a result, he still did not get any response.

Su Jinzhi was extremely tired and painful, and was quickly dragged into deep sleep by the exhaustion of his body. However, not long after, he was woken up again by the vocal vocals and the endless noises.

He opened his eyes, but couldn't see anything, because the foxcatcher seemed to cover him with a white cotton linen, covering his whole body and blocking his sight, but Su Jinzhi didn't need to think about it, he now It must have been brought to the bazaar, waiting for Miss Guifu of the fox catcher to buy him.

Su Jinzhi has n’t eaten anything since he was caught. He has n’t even touched his saliva. His head feels dizzy and his body hurts. Then he collapses into a cage softly. If not, his belly is still slightly undulating. The body is warm to the touch, and it may make people mistakenly think that he is dead.

Su Jinzhi was not afraid of the sudden pain coming from the moment. He was even more afraid of the constant hidden pain from the internal organs. This kind of pain can torture people crazy, and he couldn't help humming in the iron cage and issuing a weak fox. Ming.

If it doesn't hurt

Su Jinzhi thought this in his heart, silently hypnotizing himself, but he did not expect that after a while he would really feel like no pain, no pain at all, only endless tiredness still haunting him tightly.

But this is also much more comfortable than before, Su Jinzhi closed his eyes and kept his head up, and continued to lie in his cage with his head resting.

After staying in the bazaar all morning, none of the fox-catchers said that Ms. Jiao personally came to inquire about the price of Su Jin, but there were quite a few people in your government who had brought them with her, and every time they asked for a price, The fox catcher has to wake up Su Jinzhi once, forcing him to open his eyes and look at the talent line.

At first Su Jin didn't know why this was, until a cricket stunned after seeing his eyes: "Yeah! It's just cricket."

The foxcatcher proudly said, "No, it was caught after a lot of effort. This one is unique in the entire street."

"It's really good-looking, but it doesn't look too healthy." The uncle also liked Su Jinzhi's squints, but the fox catcher's purchase price was too high. She watched the little fox look dead and sick. And some hesitations, the servants of the big families were not stupid. The little fox looked like he was about to die. He was afraid that he would not be able to feed if he bought it back. He died and made his owner sad. He shook his head and left.

"Tell you not to hit it, see, no one is willing to buy it now." The foxcatcher with a better temper started to complain.

"This beast has released a whole nest of foxes!" Another foxcatcher was also angry. "If it weren't for one, I would have killed the beast yesterday!"

"This uncle, how does this fox sell?"

Between the two, another man came over to ask Su Jin's price.

The fox catcher looked up and found that the man was handsome and handsome, with a gentle smile on his face, and a Tsing Yi look more like a dusty man, so that at a glance, he must know that he must be a waist-slam slam. Son, the fox-catcher was about to talk about the price. A man in Tsing Yi came behind an equally outstanding man, but Zhilan Yushu wanted an older man in blue.

He glanced at the little fox on the table, and then frowned, "You want to buy this fox?"

"It's just squinting. I just saw it." The man in Tsing Yi seemed to ignore the disapproval in his tone and pointed at the little fox excitedly. "If you give it to the little sister, the little sister must like it very much."

"Yeah, this little fox has a pair of pupils!" When the fox catcher saw this, he immediately lifted Su Jinzhi's fox kiss and forced him to look up. With a hard finger, Su Jinzhi couldn't close his eyes any more, only a pair of fogs were opened The fox's eyes were full of people looking at them, "You two, look, these eyes are blue and yellow, so beautiful!"

The blue man looked for a moment when he saw the pair of pupils of the little fox. He hesitated to see the blue man's face, the fox catcher gritted his teeth and pushed down the price. After all, the little fox seemed to be beaten by him. The foxcatcher was worried that he would not be able to sell it today. I'm afraid he would be ill the next day. It would be better to sell it at today's discount price, which would be too much. But the man in blue is not really distressed with the money. The coins in the mortal world are of no use to them, because he was not planning to let the third division bring such a mortal. The world fox went back. After all, there are wise spirit beasts who don't know geometry. Why should they waste time on this little fox with a short life?

Just after seeing the fox's pupil, the man in blue also had to admit that the fox's pair of different-colored eyes are really beautiful and clear, just like a pair of precious two-color gem glass, even if it is placed in the true state The industry is also extremely rare.

"Do you really want this fox?" The blue man asked, turning.

The man in Tsing Yi emphasized: "I want it!"

However, the little sister in your mouth is not here.

The man in blue was too lazy to correct the loophole in the man's words in Tsing Yi. He took out a few pieces of broken silver from the money bag and handed it to the fox catcher. He replaced Su Jinzhi from him.

As soon as the squinting fox arrived, the man in Tsing Yi couldn't wait to open the iron cage and lift the white cotton linen covering the fox. Looking at the full picture of the fox, he saw the sparse milk of the fox with only a large palm. The bruises under the hair, and a little mottled blood, suddenly realized that the fox catcher covered the white cotton linen on the little fox was not worried about it being frozen, but was afraid of bad selling.

The man in Tsing Yi narrowed his eyes and immediately looked up at the foxcatcher: "You--!"

But the fox catcher had already packed up the stalls while he was talking to the blue man to see the little fox, and quietly wanted to leave the path.

The man in Tsing Yi clenched his eyebrows and was about to approach him for an explanation, but was stopped by the man in blue: "Qing Heng! Forget it, we have too much inconvenience and involvement."

"Brother Xiao, he—" Lu Qingheng was unwilling, but he also let out his energy, looked down at the little fox in the cage, and couldn't bear it. "It turned out to be so small, I'm afraid we haven't weaned yet. Will it be brought back to feed? "

"Why don't you say that when you buy?" The blue man snorted coldly.

Lu Qingheng said dumbly, only a moment later, he said, "I remember seeing the squinting eyes and not paying attention to them."

When mentioning the little fox's pupil, Xiao Wenxuan also had a heart for it. The pair of different-colored pupils really drank the soul. If he didn't know that the little fox was just a beast, I was afraid it would be suspected Only fix it for non-shallow fox spirits that are attractive and attractive.

"What are you worried about?" Lu Qingheng worried that the little fox would die early, but Xiao Wenxuan dismissed it. "Take it back to feed with fairy dew, it ’s more than enough to survive, how can you not support it? Besides, you do n’t want to give it to the little sister Would it be nice to leave it to the little sister for a few days? "

The author has something to say: I originally planned to write a little marten, but I found that I was not familiar with this animal. After thinking about it, it is better to write a fox. After all, fox essence is more interesting, right? Anyway, my first article is also a sweet article, this world is not sweet.

I ’m so sweet and long every day, do n’t everyone comment on me? Maybe I'm overjoyed and add more

Saying that pulling out a wisdom tooth today hurts me. Wow's crying, why is the wisdom tooth so painful, will everyone pull out the wisdom tooth?


-Thank you, the little angel who threw mine, love you 啵啵 啵 = 3 =

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