MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 23 stall

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How can I go to my father-in-law's house without bringing something.

Because Zhou Yuan was hungry, he woke up very early in the morning. He lay on the bed and waited until he heard Zhou's mother's voice coming from outside the yard.

The two nephews were on the next bed, and he moved very quietly when he got up to avoid disturbing the two nephews.

Zhou's mother was surprised to see her brother get up so early. It could be seen that he didn't sleep well last night.

"Yuanyuan, why don't you sleep more? Seeing that you look tired, you still can't sleep well when you get home?"

"No, I'm just thinking about Muzi. I saw his mother Li Hu yesterday, and his mother Li Hu doesn't seem to like Muzi very much."

This was Zhou Yuan's random excuse.

It's hard for him to say that he was hungry all night and didn't sleep all night, okay, look at the time, it will take a while to eat breakfast, just wait a little longer.

If before marriage, if he was hungry, he could go into the kitchen to get some food to fill his stomach. After marriage, he would return to his natal family and be regarded as a guest, so he could not do so.

"Don't think too much. After you get married, the family gets along well, and if you don't get along, you have to get used to it. Which family's daughter-in-law hasn't encountered difficulties from her mother-in-law. If you marry Wei Cheng, his family will be separated early, so that's why you can't get along well. You don’t need to encounter such a thing. As for Muzi’s child, Li Hu is protecting her, and Li Hu’s savage mother is a bit more savage, so at least she can’t be Li Hu’s boss.”

"Well, I know mother." He married Wei Cheng, so he didn't have to worry about getting along with his mother-in-law. Now that the family can earn money to live, he was very happy to meet Wei Cheng.

Zhou's father and the others went to the field, and Zhou Yuan's three sister-in-laws worked to cook breakfast, and he helped Zhou's mother feed the chickens. There were no pigs at home, but a few chickens.

During breakfast and dinner.

The whole family ate together as before.

Breakfast at home is coarse grain porridge with a lot of porridge and water, a plate of steamed corn bread with thick noodles, and a plate of side dishes without oil and water.

After finally being able to eat breakfast, he realized that without his thick noodle steamed buns, he only had a bowl of clear water porridge. The complexions of Zhou's mother and father suddenly turned dark, and Zhou Yuan's three elder brothers also looked bad.

Father Zhou's chopsticks fell on the table with a clatter, and Zhou Yuan's three sister-in-laws and children were all shocked. After they got married, they had never seen Father Zhou so angry. The small, black and sullen father Zhou is even more frightening.

"Master, what's going on here?"

Zhou Yuan's sister-in-law, who was named, explained in a low voice: "I cook so many servings every day, and I forgot to make more."

Zhou Yuan's sisters-in-law really forgot, they cooked rice with semolina while chatting, and cooked according to the amount they used to cook, so there was no need for one more person in the family.

Zhou Yong said angrily: "Yuan Yuan is at home, don't you remember that Yuan Yuan is at home?" He can ignore his daughter-in-law's little thoughts, but he can't let his daughter-in-law not treat his brother as a family.

Even if the younger brother gets married, his younger brother is still his younger brother.

Zhou Yuan's sister-in-law did not dare to answer, while the second and third sisters-in-law lowered their heads and did not dare to raise their heads, for fear of being called out by name.

Zhou's mother was also very angry, but she also knew that the three daughters-in-law of her family didn't have the guts to secretly play tricks on purposely not preparing her brother's breakfast, at best they didn't care.

Zhou's mother: "Since the three of you forgot to cook, you go to the kitchen and cook another one. When will you finish cooking breakfast?"

Zhou Yuan's three sister-in-laws looked bad, and they didn't do it on purpose, but because of a thick cornbread, they were told not to eat it, and they had to cook breakfast for Zhou Yuan. They are Zhou Yuan's sister-in-laws, elders, and this is not to embarrass them ?

Zhou Yuan persuaded: "Father, mother, I'm not very hungry, and the sisters-in-law didn't mean it either, I can just drink porridge."

He is a married brother, so it's not good to embarrass the third sister-in-law at home because of a bun.

My brothers persuaded her, and Zhou's mother didn't let things go. No matter what, they were all married into her Zhou's family. The family can be noisy, but they can't be divorced.

Zhou's mother has always been in charge of this family, and Zhou's father and the three brothers of the Zhou family listen to Zhou's mother.

"Okay, Yuan Yuan has spoken for you, this time the matter is over, you have to remember, Yuan Yuan is still my brother of the Zhou family after he gets married, and there is no saying in my Zhou family that marrying a brother should be thrown out, don't I don't care about my family, do you understand?"

"Got it, mother."

Father Zhou picked up the chopsticks and said, "Let's eat."

During the meal, Zhou's father and Zhou's mother had to give half of the corn bread to his brother, Zhou Yuan would not accept it, how could he eat his parents' food.

In addition to evading, the three elder brothers also have to share the corn bread, and the three elder brothers have to do physical work, which is even more unacceptable.

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law, my son-in-law is here to pick up Yuanyuan." Wei Cheng shouted into the courtyard.

Hearing Wei Cheng's voice, everyone in the room looked out, and Zhou Yuan's eyes showed surprise.

Wei Cheng will go to the door of the house, enter the door, look at the Zhou family, and say hello to them one by one.

Zhou's father was also happy to see his son-in-law: "Chengzi, you came so early, did you have breakfast?"

"I came so early, I haven't eaten yet, I'll go to the kitchen to cook some." Mother Zhou got up and went to the kitchen.

"Thank you father-in-law and mother-in-law, my son-in-law really didn't have breakfast." He came in a hurry, and the family didn't cook breakfast, even Wei Lei asked him to make breakfast himself, rushing to pick up his wife.

Wei Cheng glanced at the breakfast on the table, his eyes flashed for a moment, and his expression remained unchanged: "Mother-in-law, you don't need to be busy, my son-in-law has a lot of baked pancakes here, you eat first, I will add the pancakes with sauce That's it." He turned and went to the kitchen.

"How can you do this? How can you cook like a man." Zhou's mother followed, "If there are big pancakes, there is no need to cook them. I will just take them out of a basket."

Zhou Yuan also got up and followed into the kitchen.

"Mother-in-law, I want to add eggs and miso when I make pancakes."

Wei Cheng took out the things in the cloth bag, Zhou's mother exclaimed: "Cheng Zi, why did you bring so many things?"

There are seven or eight flatbreads, miso in ceramic jars, and several eggs.

Wei Cheng said: "It's all my own stuff, not many."

Zhou Yuan squeezed in and said, "I'll help light the fire."

Wei Cheng glanced at his daughter-in-law, with longing in his eyes, and Zhou Yuan's eyes sparkled even more, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

It's not easy for the mother-in-law to make intimate moves here, so she can only make eye contact.

Zhou's mother saw that Wei Cheng wanted to do it herself, and she wanted to take over. How could Wei Cheng let her do it? It's not important to know how to do it. He came to eat, so how dare he keep his mother-in-law busy.

Forgive the notion of a modern man.

Zhou's mother couldn't resist Wei Cheng, and stared at her elder brother who was lighting the fire, "Yuan Yuan, how can you let your son-in-law do anything, you persuade him to go out."

Zhou Yuan smiled and said: "Mother, let your husband do it. You don't know how to make this roll of flatbread. My food stall sells this. You can try your husband's craftsmanship." The meals at home are basically cooked by your husband. If the husband does it, he can't hold back the husband.

Zhou's mother pretended to be angry and glared at her brother. The smile on her face showed that she was very happy. If any son-in-law came to help cook, looking at the whole Qinghe Village, there was really no one who would meet him.

Such a good son-in-law belongs to her family.

Here the son-in-law looks more and more satisfied.

In the future, who would dare to say that her brother is unlucky, and her brother marrying a good husband is the best blessing.

"Okay, you can do what you want. As a mother-in-law, I just wait to eat the meal cooked by my son-in-law."

“Guaranteed delicious!”

Considering the farm's savings, Wei Cheng used a small amount of oil to fry flatbread, eggs, and miso. Once heated, the aroma overflowed. No matter Zhou's mother or the rest of the Zhou family, they all looked forward to the aroma.

Even the neighbors next door could smell the aroma of flatbread.

"What is the family cooking this week? It smells so good."

"The Zhou family won't cook meat early in the morning, will they?"

"Isn't this gluttonous?"


Wei Cheng cut up the finished pancake so that it would be convenient for everyone to eat together and serve it up again.

He made all the pancakes he brought.

This breakfast was the most extravagant breakfast the Zhou family had ever had.

The flatbread was so delicious that even eating the wowotou was unpalatable. Fortunately, the Zhou family finished eating the wowotou before eating the flatbread.

Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan didn't eat the buns, they both ate the pancakes, and the others who were greedy hurriedly finished the buns before eating the pancakes.

Zhou's family is satisfied with the food, and the children are even more happy.

After breakfast, the two are going back.

"Chengzi, don't leave until after lunch."

"There is still a stall at home, father-in-law, mother-in-law, and uncles, let's go first.

On the way back, Wei Cheng took Zhou Yuan by the hand and asked him how his relationship with the three sister-in-laws was. Zhou Yuan didn't hide it, saying that the relationship with the three sister-in-laws was average.

Wei Cheng understood, and he also had a calculation in his heart.

When he entered Zhou's house, he saw the situation clearly. There was only a bowl of porridge in front of his daughter-in-law, and everyone else had buns.

During breakfast, his daughter-in-law seemed to be very hungry, and she ate more than at home, so why would she be hungry when she returned to her mother’s house? The attitude of the father-in-law and mother-in-law doesn’t seem to treat his wife badly. Some, want to eat but dare not take too much, the others are no different, he probably understands the reason.

"Yuanyuan, didn't you have enough to eat last night?"

After being discovered, Zhou Yuan told about what happened at the banquet last night. He didn't eat enough at the banquet, and he was embarrassed to cook again when he returned to his mother's house.

"Next time, don't let yourself be hungry. If you come back hungry once, you won't be allowed to come back for the night." After returning to her mother's house, the daughter-in-law didn't have enough to eat, and Wei Cheng was unhappy. No wonder his complexion was bad. He must have been hungry last night. Didn't sleep well.

Zhou Yuan, who knew he was wrong, nodded obediently.

Back home, Zhou Yuan was rushed back to his room by Wei Cheng to catch up on sleep.

Wei Cheng took a fancy to a stall, and the place was huge

The location is on the street, where the commercial street and the food street diverge. The location is good, but the price is a bit more expensive. Two taels of silver a month is comparable to the rent of a small shop.

Wei Cheng still decided to rent there.

Good location, great place to walk around.

The deposit is two taels, and the lease contract is half a year.

After signing the contract and paying the money, the stall on the street will belong to Wei Cheng.

Wei Cheng went back to tell his wife the news.

When Zhou Yuan heard that the rent was two taels of silver, he didn't think it was very expensive, because the family had recently earned a lot of money, so the price was reasonable.

If he didn't make a deal, he might think it was expensive, and he might even be afraid that he wouldn't be able to earn it back.

There are stalls, and there is no need to be exposed to the sun and rain. The stalls are large, and there is a lot of cooking and food, so he can also help.

"What kind of food are you going to eat at the stall? It's not just selling pancakes, is it?"

"Your husband, how can I spend money to rent a stall and only sell big pancakes? There are so many foods to cook." Wei Chengluo listed a bunch of foods, all of which Zhou Yuan had never heard of.

Cold dishes, noodles with fried sauce, iron plate fried rice, white porridge with soy milk, rice rolls, egg pancakes......

It should be good to hear, and it should be delicious to make.

The stall will be transferred to the stall, Wei Cheng told the customers the news in advance, next month the stall will open at the corner of the street, besides the flatbread, there will be new food, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, he will make a decision based on the business .

The guests were all looking forward to what new tricks Wei Cheng would come up with.

"Boss, do you have any pancakes?"

"That's right, we don't buy it if it's not tasty."

"The boss wants to introduce more delicious food. I also like pancakes, but I also want to change the taste."

Wei Cheng said: "Don't worry, it's absolutely delicious, and it won't disappoint your expectations."

The stalls need to be set up, the pots and pans need to be prepared, and the sauces that need to be used must be prepared in advance. Soy milk needs to be bought and rolled to make soy milk, rice rolls must also be steamed, and cold dishes are mainly sauces, cold noodle and jelly can be added.

The trolley is too small, so a large trolley needs to be custom-made. You can rent a place to store the pots and pans on weekdays, but not the ingredients.

The breakfast stall was closed, and there were too many things to prepare. Some customers complained, so Wei Cheng had to apologize. Some customers heard that he opened a stall near the pier. They couldn't eat breakfast, but they could also go there for lunch.

In addition to preparing things, at the end of the month he has to suspend the opening of stalls.

Because his eldest brother Wei Liang came to him, and at the end of the month, his grandfather celebrated his birthday, so he gave him an invitation card, so that he would not forget the past.

"Grandfather? Husband, did grandfather come when we got married last time?"

"No, I asked someone to send congratulatory gifts." Not only the grandfather, but also several of his uncles and aunts did not come, they all asked someone to send congratulatory gifts, and Mother Wei took those congratulatory gifts.

His grandfather and his uncle lived in the inner city of the county. His uncle was also a scholar, and his cousin was also a scholar. He had a good chance of being admitted to Juren, and he was considered a scholarly family.

This time in the past, think about what gift to give.

"Daughter-in-law, let's make a few sets of clothes." They are busy recently, and the clothes at home are all ordinary, so when they go to the uncle's house, they have to dress appropriately.

"Ah, why?" Zhou Yuan asked Wei Cheng to take him away with a dazed expression. Clothes are so expensive, they can make them themselves.

"Need to attend the birthday banquet." Importantly, his wife's clothes will also increase.


"Grandfather's house in the inner city is a scholarly family."

As for congratulatory gifts, there is nothing more suitable than birthday peaches.

The mold must be customized, and the gift box must also be customized.

Shoutao is not a steamed stuffed bun, but a pastry Shoutao.

This saves money and looks good.

The author has something to say:

Bad luck happened one after another. Just after the computer system was repaired, there was a problem with the power cord and had to be replaced. The update may be a bit slow, please forgive me, and I will make it up later.