MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 22 Zhou Muzi gets married

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Working at home, busy with farm work in the fields, when Wei Cheng sent Zhou Yuan back to the entrance of Qinghe Village, not many people saw him.

Wei Cheng sent Zhou Yuan to the gate of the village but didn't enter Zhou's house. If he entered Zhou's house, he would have to delay before leaving. Wei Lei, the breakfast stall, couldn't do it alone, so he had to rush back.

Before leaving, he said: "I will pick you up tomorrow."

Zhou Yuan said: "Well, I'll wait for you to pick me up."

"Say hello to my father-in-law and mother-in-law for me, I won't go in."

"okay, I get it."

"You enter the village first, and I'll watch you enter the village before leaving." Wei Cheng let Zhou Yuan advance, and Wei Cheng didn't go home until Zhou Yuan was nowhere to be seen.

At this time, Zhou's mother was working in the yard at home, his second and third sisters-in-law were also there, the eldest sister-in-law was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, and Zhou's father and Zhou Yuan's three older brothers were all working in the fields.

When Zhou Yuan returned to her natal home, he appeared at the door carrying a bundle. Zhou's mother was frightened when she saw her elder brother who came back alone early in the morning with a bundle.

Could it be that brother and son-in-law are having conflicts? Mother Zhou's worried heart instantly came to her throat.

"Yuanyuan, why did you come back early in the morning with your bags? Did you quarrel with your son-in-law?" Zhou's mother stepped forward to ask worriedly.

Zhou's mother didn't expect that brother carrying the burden would have something to do with Zhou Muzi's marriage.

Since it was early in the morning, Zhou Yuan was the only one who came back with a bag, so Mother Zhou would inevitably misunderstand.

Zhou Yuan's three sister-in-laws also mistakenly thought that Zhou Yuan had been driven back to her natal family, and the faces of the three of them suddenly turned ugly. These days, only those who have been driven back to their natal homes will come back with their bags.

If Zhou's mother keeps Zhou Yuan, they have made up their minds in their hearts that they don't agree to stay, and they will go back to their natal family to enjoy the autumn breeze after marrying them. They will not agree. They are the serious Zhou family, and they have the right to disagree. son came back.

Zhou Yuan knew his mother had misunderstood after hearing Zhou's mother's words. Just as he was about to explain, his second sister-in-law yelled, "Brother Yuan, you went back to your mother's house with the burden, did you quarrel with your brother-in-law?"

His third sister-in-law said tightly: "It's not long since we got married, why did we quarrel?"

After his sister-in-law heard it in the kitchen, she immediately came out of the kitchen, saw Zhou Yuan, and yelled, "Oh, what does it look like to go back to your mother's house after arguing. Brother Yuan, it's not that sister-in-law said you, you finally got married, why not?" You can quarrel with your husband's family at will."

Seeing Zhou's mother's worries come true, Zhou Yuan hurriedly said loudly: "I didn't quarrel with my husband!"

No quarrel?

Zhou Yuan's three sister-in-laws were the first to not believe it, and Zhou's mother didn't believe it either. Although she didn't like the sarcastic words of the three daughter-in-laws, the most important thing now was to care about her brother's affairs.

Zhou Yuan said: "Today is Muzi's wedding day, if we have to stay there until dark, it's not easy to walk at night, so I just came back with my luggage and stayed for the night."

"Yuan Yuan, you didn't quarrel with your son-in-law, why didn't you see him send you back?" Zhou's mother knew that Zhou Muzi would come back when he got married, and she wouldn't guess like this if she was an hour or two late, and she was only worried when she came back too early .

Zhou Yuan immediately explained: "My husband sent me to the entrance of the village. He wanted to rush back to open a stall, so he didn't go in."

After hearing this, Zhou's mother was still worried, so she asked, "Did your son-in-law send you back?"

Zhou Yuan: "Really, my husband will come to pick me up tomorrow, mother can ask my husband then."

Only then did Zhou's mother feel relieved, and gave her brother a look: "What stupid things are you talking about? You don't know how important it is to marry. How can you ask your son-in-law about this kind of thing. You haven't eaten breakfast yet. I'll ask your sister-in-law to cook more. some."

Zhou Yuan said: "Mother, I came here after breakfast, so you don't need to cook mine."

Zhou's mother was surprised and said: "Why so early? Your family wants to get up so early to make breakfast? Is it too early?" It takes more than half an hour to walk across Qinghe Village from the outskirts of the county. When we reach Qinghe Village at this hour, we must leave before dawn.

It can't be earlier to get up and cook breakfast, even earlier than the country people!

To get up so early in Wei's house, her brother's life is worse than at home.

Zhou's mother was worried, but she didn't notice that Zhou Yuan's face was rosy, he didn't look like a bad person.

Zhou Yuan: "My family is in the catering business, so I have to go to the county town early to sell breakfast. I get up at Mao every day to work. Today, my husband will send me back, and he has to go back to open a stall, so I get up earlier than usual."

It turned out to be like this.

Maoshi is also the time when they get up to do farm work.

The son-in-law has no farmland at home, so he relies on trading to make money for food and clothing. I don't know if the business is good, Zhou's mother asked: "Yuan Yuan, you said that the son-in-law is in the food business, how is the business every day?"

"It's not bad, I can make a lot of money every day." Zhou Yuan didn't directly say that the family's catering business is very good and how much money he makes. After all, he can't say it in front of several sister-in-laws.

Zhou's mother was more relieved, and only then saw that her brother's complexion was ruddy after being raised, his face had grown flesh, and he was also quite fair. It seemed that he could earn money for living.

Zhou's mother doesn't care how much her son-in-law earns. It's always a good thing to make money. Only after earning money can life go smoothly. "It's a good thing for son-in-law to make money from business."

Zhou Yuan's three sister-in-laws heard that Wei Cheng's family was doing business, and all three of them wanted to find out what business Wei Cheng was doing, and if they could make money, they would see if they could bring their head of the family to do it together.

Sister-in-law Zhou Yuan: "Brother Yuan, sister-in-law is not good, I misunderstood, sister-in-law is also worried that you will be bullied by Wei Cheng at your husband's house, so she said that."

Zhou Yuan's second sister-in-law: "That's right, we are all worried. It's good that you and your brother-in-law are fine."

The third sister-in-law of Zhou Yuan: "Our brother Yuan would not quarrel with his brother-in-law. The couple are very nice, and they even started a business, but they don't know what to do. Brother Yuan, tell me, if you are too busy, I can call you three." Go help me, let’s all be together, don’t be shy to speak up.”

Zhou Yuan's third sister-in-law spoke first, but the other two didn't want to, so they hurried to speak.

"That's right, Brother Yuan, if you need help with work, I can let your eldest brother go."

"And your second brother, he must be willing to help."

"Okay, you guys, hurry up and cook breakfast, your father and the head of the family will come back to have breakfast." Zhou's mother sent Zhou Yuan's three sister-in-laws to work.

What kind of thought is there, he licks his face if he wants to take advantage, how can it be so cheap.

The son-in-law is only in business, and what money he can make, even if he earns, is not what her Zhou family should worry about. If the son-in-law mistakenly thinks that her Zhou family is in-laws, it is not for her brother to come to seek benefits. If she loses face in front of her son-in-law, then her brother's life will be easier.

Zhou's mother didn't agree, and the Zhou family didn't do that kind of shameless thing.

Zhou Yuan wanted to stay at home for one night. Zhou Yuan's father and three older brothers were very welcome. Zhou Yuan's three sister-in-laws would not object, but Zhou's mother was awake, and there was no place to live at home.

It turned out that the room that Zhou Yuan lived in before became the room of the two nephews. Originally, Zhou's mother was not willing to give his brother's room to his grandson not long after his brother got married. It was her three daughters-in-law who had been lobbying, saying When the child grows up, the little man can no longer share the same room with the little brother and the little girl, so Zhou's mother agreed.

Fortunately, Zhou Yuan added an extra bed to the room before, and he slept back on the bed he had before he got married. The two nephews slept separately before, so they can sleep together.

After breakfast, Zhou's mother was helping her brother make up the bed, moving grandson Shitou's things to one place, and Zhou Yuan was changing the sheets.

Shouts came from outside, and Aunt Zhou Yuan came rushing through the door.

"Sister and sister, I heard that Brother Yuan is back, so I'll come and have a look."

How could his aunt come to knock on his door? Didn't she always disdain to come to his house? Zhou Yuan felt strange, so he looked at Zhou Mu.

Zhou's mother put the eldest grandson's bed on the second grandson's bed, and said angrily: "It's not about Lan Lan's marriage. After you got married, your eldest aunt talked to Lan Lan every day, so you must find a door in the county. Later She likes a man whose family lives in the outer city of the county and has two shops in the outer city, she is very satisfied, she always comes to me to talk about things, and uses you and your son-in-law to run people."

"I'll send her away, you stay in the house and rest."

Zhou Yuan was obedient and didn't go out, but he didn't know how his mother sent his aunt away. This was a matter for the elders, and Zhou Yuan didn't bother to ask.

It's just that in the room I still heard my aunt's yelling, Mother Zhou stopped her vigorously and said a lot of things that pleased her, so Aunt Zhou Yuan was satisfied and left.

Zhou Qiu came to find Zhou Yuan, and the two went to Zhou Muzi's house together.

Zhou Muzi's family is in the lower village of Qinghe Village, and there is still a small road to go to the lower village. There are several dilapidated wooden houses at the foot of the hillside, where the poorest households in the village live, and Zhou Mu's family lives here.

Zhou Yuan and Zhou Qiu came over, and Zhou Muzi's parents were very happy that his brother had friends over. The originally deserted house became warm, so it was a bit like a home for weddings.

Zhou Muzi's family has few relatives, and Zhou Muzi's family is poor, so they don't want to see each other anymore. When Zhou Muzi got married, besides his parents, he only had two friends.

Zhou Muzi's wedding dress was a reddish-brown coarse cloth, and the family didn't have any extra money to make a new wedding dress, so his hair was tied with a red string.

Zhou Muzi's object Li Hu originally wanted to give him money to buy new fabrics for wedding clothes, but Zhou Muzi did not agree to buy it in order to save money. After all, they were not ignorant of the situation of the two families.

Li Hu's family background is good. There are several acres of paddy fields in his family. Li Hu is also a capable man, and he is not bad in appearance. He went hunting with the hunters in the village and learned hunting skills. During the hunting season, wild animals such as pheasants and rabbits can be hunted every now and then. They can be sold to restaurants in the county to earn some silver taels, and the silver taels sold are handed over to Li's mother.

Li Hu was very kind to Zhou Muzi, and he was very filial to Zhou Muzi's parents. He gave all good things to Zhou Muzi's family. Li Hu's savings were used to subsidize Zhou Muzi's family when the two fell in love with each other. Zhou Muzi's younger brother was malnourished, and when the seasons changed, he fell ill and took medicine. The family had no money to buy medicine, and the money for medicine was all given by Li Hu. .

All of this was done without telling the family, because Li Hu's mother is not easy to get along with, and is known as a hot-blooded person in the village.

Li Hu also has girls in the village who like him, but Li Hu only sees Zhou Muzi. Li Hu's family initially disagrees with their marriage because Zhou Muzi's family is too poor and is a well-known poor household in the village.

The Li family could easily agree to the marriage between Li Hu and Zhou Muzi, but without the dowry, Li Hu could marry whatever he wanted, and Li Hu wanted to marry too. In the end, Li Hu's father gave two taels of silver as the dowry for the sake of the eldest son. Nothing else.

In fact, there is another reason why Li's family slackens their mouths. Li Hu's second brother, Li Zhi, has a crush on a girl, and the marriage has been settled. But Li Hu was not married, so Li Zhi couldn't get married before his elder brother. In the countryside, there are still some families who pay attention to these rules.

Li Hu was determined to marry Zhou Muzi, and it was not good for Li Zhi's marriage to be delayed, so the Li family let go, anyway, Zhou Muzi would work if he married, so he should support them.

Zhou Muzi doesn't care about external things, he is very satisfied if he can marry Li Hu.

Zhou Qiu took out a red bead flower, which was her wedding present to Zhou Muzhi, and she put it in Zhou Muzi's hair bun. "This is like a married brother."

Zhou Yuan gave Zhou Muzi a red lucky bag as his wedding gift, which contained a tael of silver. He didn’t give the silver to Zhou Muzi directly. He knew that Muzi would refuse, so he made this lucky bag, “The lucky bag is mine. The heart can only be opened after getting married."

Zhou Qiu: "If the Li family treats you badly, I will beat Li Hu."

Zhou Yuan: "Muzi, you can come to me for help if you have anything, don't hide it like before, we are friends, don't be shy to speak up."

Zhou Muzi accepted his friend's kindness, and smiled brightly: "Thank you!"

It is the best blessing for Zhou Muzi to have friends who care about him.

Li Hu came to pick up the bride. Li Hu knew a lot of friends in the village. When he got married, he followed a few friends to pick up the bride.

After returning to Li's house, Zhou Muzi and Li Hu paid homage and formally became Li Zhou's family.

Li's banquet consisted of a few plates of stir-fried vegetables and steamed buns, without any extra oil or water.

During the banquet, a pleasant incident happened. Li's mother was counting and cursing at the side. She didn't like Zhou Muzi very much, because Zhou Muzi's family was too poor.

"It's okay to marry a brother. There is no dowry, just a few rags. The family didn't have a good meal, and now they have one more person who eats for free. My Li family is really unfortunate."

Li's mother also pointed at Sang and scolded Huai, "It's fine to marry and raise for nothing, and bring two people to eat for nothing."

Zhou Yuan and Zhou Qiu's expressions darkened. This meant that if they hadn't given Zhou Muzi face, they would have left directly. Why would they let Mother Li trample on their face?

Just because they were afraid that Li's mother would make irresponsible remarks, they came to the banquet and made a ten-cent red envelope.

Li Hu's sister, Li Damei: "Mom, that's not Zhou Yuan, who married Zhou Yuan in the suburbs of the county." My brother can marry the county, but she, Li Damei, is still a girl, and she can marry the county in the future.

Li Damei is rough-headed, has big bones, does things with rough hands and feet, and speaks loudly, but she feels that she is a girl's family, and she can't compare with the girls in the village, and she must be better than the brothers in the village. Ever since I heard that Zhou Yuan would marry to the county seat, I have dreamed every day that I could marry to the county seat.

Li Damei said to Zhou Yuan: "Brother Yuan, you are really well dressed. If I marry to the county town, I will definitely dress better than you." A girl with broad bones like a man, with heroic features, Twitching and talking, that appearance is really unsightly.

Li Hu inherited that his father was a rough man, and Li Zhi inherited that from his mother, she looks a bit gentle and looks popular. In the Li family, Li's mother treats Li Zhi the best. Li Damei looks like Li's father, but her personality is like Li's mother, narcissistic and self-righteous.

Li's mother has also heard about Zhou Yuan's incident. It seems that there is such a thing. It turns out that Zhou Muzi and Zhou Yuan are friends. His face changed instantly, and a smile climbed onto his yellow face. seat, sit down now."

Zhou Yuan and Zhou Qiu: "..."

Who are these people?

Zhou Yuan and Zhou Qiu only had a few mouthfuls of this banquet, and they were not in the mood to eat, so they bid farewell to Zhou Muzi and went home.

Zhou Muzi opened the lucky bag given by Zhou Yuan that night, only to find that it contained a tael of silver. Zhou Muzi wanted to return it to Zhou Yuan. Li Hu said that since it was Zhou Yuan's wish, they would keep it for emergencies.

Zhou Yuan didn't eat enough, he was hungry in the middle of the night.

Zhou Yuan went to bed hungry and woke up from time to time. He had also been hungry before, and since he got married, he ate well at home and was cared for by Wei Cheng, so he never suffered, and it was the first time that he felt hungry.

Thinking about Wei Cheng, if Wei Cheng was here, he would definitely not let him go to bed hungry... Thinking about it, he missed Wei Cheng, and he couldn't sleep well all night.

Wei Cheng was at home, but he didn't have a wife by his side, so he couldn't sleep well either.

When we are separated, we can only know the depth of missing.