MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 274 After the traitorous dignitaries x loyal ministers

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Lin Sui still claimed to be ill for the next few days, but in fact his cold had improved, leaving the illusion of recuperation, and secretly left Beijing to deal with the matter of Jin Yiwei.

Instead of spending a lot of time in the court and dealing with those people, it is better to implement it quickly so that those who are interested can take advantage of it.

He was only a few days away from Beijing, and when he returned, he found that the court had undergone a little change.


The accident happened to a five-ranked worker, whose surname was Song and whose name was Song Shan.

Giving is equivalent to serving as an advisor to the emperor, who can participate in political affairs. Although this official position is not high, not everyone can do it.

Because of the characteristics of Emperor Ming, he did not care much about political affairs, so this consultant would naturally not come in handy.

Song Shan was a jinshi in the period of the late emperor. He was an official for two years. Because of his good performance, he was transferred back to the capital. He was a close associate of the late emperor. people.

Therefore, when the Queen Mother was in power, he always played Tai Chi vaguely. Although there was no apparent objection, he belonged to the neutral faction, but the Queen Mother knew his thoughts and arranged him to this position, which was quite mocking for him. mean.

Song Shan didn't have any objections, and was earnestly working as his own petty official. Even if the emperor did not care, the political affairs were handed over to the queen mother. admonish.

Unfortunately, Emperor Ming didn't care about his thoughts, and Song Shan was completely disappointed by the appearance that his mother was in power well and I was very happy.

Faced with the chaos in the DPRK, Song Shan felt that he was soft-spoken and did not intend to control it anymore.

However, during the draft two years ago, his daughter was favored by the emperor and included in the harem. But Song Shan refused.

Song Shan knew very well that her daughter did not have the support of her mother's family. In this case, Rong Chong must be just a flash in the pan. He did not dare to go high, for fear of being eye-catching. Those who manipulated power targeted his daughter in the harem.

It was quickly left out.

It stands to reason that such a person should not have an accident. Lin Sui even thinks that Song Shan can even fish in this position to change the dynasty.

And Yan Yu is dedicated to the people and does not care about the size of the official position, Song Shan has long lost his fighting spirit.

Yan Yu doesn't care who is in power, as long as the country can be cured, he will obey, so he is the queen mother's party, doing practical things to benefit the people under the queen mother's will.

Song Shan belonged to the former emperor's party. When the former emperor died and the empress dowager took power, he had already been hit once. The emperor's attitude directly made him very depressed. After the empress dowager passed away, the state of chaos in the court, make him even more disappointed.

Lin Sui felt that if Song Shan's second daughter was not a concubine in the harem and his younger son was going to participate in the examination, Song Shan would have resigned long ago.

How could such a person be investigated for corruption at this juncture? Lin Sui knew that he was definitely being used as a scapegoat.

After seeing the ins and outs of things, Lin Sui was more sure.

Lin Sui sent someone to investigate, and found that this matter followed the clues and could have a relationship with Prince Li.

But this is not what Prince Li meant. A character like Song Shan can't get into his eyes.

Is a member of Prince Li's faction. Thinking of the appearance of Prince Li's visit a few days ago and the small actions that may occur later, Lin Sui decided to take care of this nosy.

He has always believed in the first to strike, and Song Shan has no big tree to rely on in the court. He doesn't mind taking this opportunity to take it for his own use.

Lin Sui entered the palace on duty and went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

He became the commander of Jinyiwei, so the position of the head of the House of Internal Affairs naturally fell to someone else, but he was also a Lin Sui person, there was no difference.

The concubines of Emperor Ming’s harem were imitated from Han. There are fourteen classes. The queen is Zhaoyi, and the last class is Wu Juan. The seventh-class was full of clothes, but after three months, she was named a fifth-class beauty, and she also had a small pavilion of her own.

Lin Sui didn't go to look at the records of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and found a responsible **** to ask about the situation.

The palace is always a place to hold high and step low.

Song Meiren fell out of favor, and her mother's family had no power, so naturally she didn't have any good treatment.

In Ruyi Pavilion, the red maple fell on the steps and no one took care of it.

The small pavilion was very deserted. Song Meiren sat on the second floor and looked at the courtier who was righteous and lazy below, and looked at the square inch of the sky.

Wanxiang, the personal maid, hurried up with the food box and served the master.

It is a dish full of color and flavor, but Wanxiang's expression is very strange.

Song Meiren's expression was equally strange, she frowned and looked at Wanxiang: "Are you right?"

Wanxiang hurriedly said: "It's absolutely true, it's the meal **** on weekdays, and the servant asked again."

Song Meiren sent Wanxiang to get the silver needles, no wonder she was careless. Since she fell out of favor, she had no delicious food to enjoy. Two days ago, she learned that her father had an accident, and Wanxiang brought it The meal is even more bland and watery cabbage tofu, which makes people feel sick.

Song Meiren specially dressed up yesterday and wanted to meet the emperor to defend her father, but she didn't even see the emperor's face, and was punished by Rong Hua to kneel for an hour. , heartbroken.

However, today's meals are very different. It can't be said to be rich, but it is an example of what a beautiful person should enjoy.

Make sure it is non-toxic, and Song Meiren also eat it tasteless.

This was the case for three days in a row, Wanxiang also learned some exact news when she was picking up the vegetables.

For example, why did Master Song convict, and what is happening now.

Song Meiren didn't know that someone was doing something behind it, but she heard that her father was going to be beheaded in autumn, and the eldest brother who was in business was also implicated in his father's corruption case, and the whole family would be exiled , Qiu Wei's younger brother who won the third place is no longer qualified for the test next year, and can only be a white body all his life, and Song Meiren can't sleep or eat.

No matter who is behind this and what she wants to do with her, she can't refuse.

When she saw the hem of the young flying fish suit, she could not care that it was a big traitor who was spurned by others, and allegiance to him.

The leaves fell all over the ground, one layer of autumn rain and one layer of cool.

Yan Qin had rained a bit before she went out today, so she went out without an umbrella and went to the restaurant for a drink.

But when I left, it rained again, and the rain was not small, so everyone could only sit back in the teahouse and continue chatting.

Today's small gathering is for classmates. Everyone knows what turmoil Song Yanming experienced a few days ago. Now his father has been able to overturn the case and restore his innocence, Song Yanming can also take the exam again.

Yan Qin is also happy for him. After all, Song Yanming is also quite talented, but they are not very familiar with each other.

Although the rain blocked the way out, everyone was still very interested in reciting poems.

With this scene as the title, some people used rain as a metaphor to refer to the political phase.

Everyone inevitably talks about Lin Sui, after all, this adult's Jinyiwei has been in the limelight recently.

"Jin Yiwei is very arrogant. I think it is a better fish and meat town. What Jin Yiwei does, I am afraid that even the yamen will not dare to accept it."

Yan Qin was about to refute, but based on what he saw and heard, he didn't see Jin Yiwei's domineering appearance, and he also saw Jin Yiwei arrest the person who was riding a horse in the street.

Before Yan Qin could speak, he heard a voice say, "I can't see it."

Everyone looked at the person who opened the mouth, Song Yanming continued, "I don't think it's a bad thing."

Yan Qin clenched his hands under the wide sleeves and his heart tightened.

It's a good thing to have someone speak for Lin Sui, Yan Erlang told himself, but there was a very shallow haze in his eyes.

Song Yanming will not say good things to people for no reason, unless there is some connection between them, such as the case of Song Yanming's father overturning the case.

Yan Qin couldn't help thinking of other places, and felt very uneasy.

His seventeen night pearls have not been used yet, because Lord Lin has been too busy recently, and he can only enter the mansion in the middle of the night when he is free.

There is a lot of wind and rain outside the restaurant, and Yan Qin's mood is the same.

At this time, the young man who tasted love for the first time did not know that this gloomy, sour and sharp emotion was an ugly jealousy that had the same root as love.