MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 273 After the traitorous dignitaries x loyal ministers

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The door outside was opened, and a middle-aged man in his fifties walked in with the wind, wearing a gorgeous robe, walking with tiger steps.

Prince Li stepped into the inner room, the window of the inner room was ventilated with a slit, and the incense was fresh and elegant, but it still could not hide the bitter taste of the medicine.

There is an empty bowl on the low table beside the bed, I think I just finished drinking the medicine.

"Sir Lin is really sick. You haven't been to court for two days. Brother Huang is very worried. I am eager to visit the doctor. Please forgive me."

Prince Li said in a loud voice, showing full concern, but there was not much concern in his eyes, and he said apologetic words, his attitude was still a little arrogant.

His eyes are still looking at the room, especially the position of the screen.

Look at the girl outside, Lin Sui is most likely conspiring with someone to discuss important matters, but she pushes the door and comes in but no one is there. It seems that the person is still invisible, and Prince Li is even more curious. Now, observe secretly, not letting go of any clues.

Lin Sui said lazily, somewhat perfunctory.

The relationship between him and this Prince Li is not good, even bad, and it is even incompatible behind the scenes.

After all, the person who wanted to poison Chen He was this Prince Li. The original owner blocked the poisoned wine for Chen He and made his body look like this. He also secretly hated Prince Li. endlessly.

Yes, in the face of the dying original owner and Chen He, whose face was ashen, he could also greet him without changing his face.

Therefore, the original owner had no way to have trouble with him. Prince Li was always the emperor's elder brother, a prince. If he opposed him, he was rushing to give people knives and handles, not only for himself Trouble will also make the emperor unhappy. If the emperor is unhappy, I am afraid that his life will be easily lost.

What the traitor does is to see the wind and make the rudder slap the horse to see his face, so even Chen He is polite to Prince Li, not to mention the original owner.

However, although they can chat and laugh when they meet, they secretly hope that the other party will die early.

Prince Li was actually a popular player of the emperor back then. It was only a foreign relative who was involved in politics. The queen mother wanted a puppet that was easy to control, so the current emperor Mingdi was selected. Prince Li could only sit in the position of the prince. Being suppressed, under the hands of the Queen Mother, she kept a low profile.

It's just that the queen mother has been in politics for ten or twenty years, and she is not a dry eater. She has always been on guard against Prince Li. Even after his death, Prince Li is also feared by the people she left behind and dare not seize power without authorization .

This is why the Queen Mother died, and Prince Li couldn't wait to poison Chen He.

Chen He was able to stand up to Prince Li in court and even suppress him, but with Chen He's death, Prince Li's power grew, and the original owner was somewhat inferior.

But with his arrival and the establishment of Jinyiwei, Prince Li was naturally anxious, and even came directly to the door.

Seeing Prince Li observing the interior, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Your Highness is so anxious to come in, so he is interested in the furnishings in my house. If you like it, I will send someone to your house another day. Hand in a list."

Lin Sui changed her self-proclaimed, with a bit of sarcasm in her words.

Prince Li was not annoyed when he heard this, but instead smiled and said, "Very good, this prince looks at the things in Lord Lin's house very well, everything is considered a rare treasure, such as If I read it correctly, this screen of Sanqiu Guizi should be the handwriting of Master Wuyazi, right?"

Prince Li pretended to be appreciative and approached, and suddenly walked into the screen, only a small round stool was placed inside, which was empty.

Prince Li was a little surprised, there was only so much room for hiding in this inner room, unless he hid in a cabinet, but he couldn't open the cabinet to find out.

In the thick quilt in autumn, Yan Qin was clinging to Lin Sui's feet, her face flushed, I don't know if she was frightened by Prince Li or nervous.

When Prince Li was about to push the door and enter, he heard Lin Sui urging him to put the shoes under the bed quickly. Yan Qin's body responded faster than his brain. He got on the bed of Lord Lin, and got into the bed of Lord Lin.

In order to prevent Prince Li from seeing it, Lin Sui lowered the curtain at the end of the bed, so Yan Qin could only shrink in that area and stick to Lin Sui's calf.

The young man was listening to the conversation of the powerful man with trembling heart. He Kuan, with such a high concentration of mental power, quickly noticed the difference.

Sir Lin's slightly bent legs were stepping between his chests, and the feet wearing Luo socks slid gently one after another.

Yan Qin's Adam's apple slipped, and his face became even more red.

Besides the bed, Prince Li, who unfortunately couldn't find anyone, came to the fore, and he was talking about Jinyiwei.

He did not come to scold Lin Sui like the others, but to join in.

When I first heard the news, Prince Li almost lost his blood and scolded Lin Sui for being cunning.

, this instruction is executed faster than he imagined.

However, Jinyiwei was set up in one day, and the internal iron laws were prepared, Prince Li knew that he could not stop it.

But he can't watch Lin Sui take all the power in his hands, of course he wants to come in and take a share.

Lin Sui listened to Prince Li's words and slid her feet on Yan Qin's body.

He didn't show his impatience on his face, but Yan Qin in the quilt had already fully felt Lin Sui's absent-mindedness.

Prince Li's meaning is obvious, saying that he wants to cooperate and win-win, in fact, he is expressing his position. If Lin Sui does not let him intervene, he will cause trouble and hinder Jin Yiwei, and then it will make trouble. No one is happy if it's too stiff, and he doesn't want a big head of power, he just needs to arrange some of his people in it.

It is both a threat and a low-pitched gesture, but Prince Li said it very naturally, as if those were the words in his heart, even the original owner who was killed by him must think about it here. think.

Lin Sui doesn't have to think about it at all, he doesn't like others interfering in his affairs.

"Your Majesty has an order, those who act in the way of Jinyiwei can be punished."

"Your Majesty asked everyone under your command to act more carefully, but don't act recklessly like you, break into other people's houses, and then be chopped off, and you will come to open your mouth to complain ."

This is a reminder rather than a straightforward threat, and even the words are filled with a vicious smell of blood.

Even if Yan Qin couldn't see Lin Sui's appearance at the moment, he could still outline his expression in his mind.

Yan Xiaolang should have hated such people, but the sick beauty who spit out these words stepped on his toes under his abdomen and acted carelessly when she said these words to others .

Under this situation, all the pure and honest feelings were temporarily put aside, Xu was panicked by the stuffiness in the quilt, and they all began to be dazzled and fascinated.

Where did the young Lang Jun go through such storms and means, holding the ankle of the powerful minister, I don't know what to do, it seems that he wants to let him move away, and it seems that he is eager to ask for more pity.

"Lord Lin is joking, this king's people have always been honest and responsible. Like this king, who came here in a hurry, they are all rushing to bury the deceased. Naturally, the master's family will not be dissatisfied."

Mr. Chen said of course Chen He, and Prince Li didn't bother to pretend to be polite when he couldn't talk about the matter. Lin Sui threatened him, and he cursed him to die early.

"Don't worry, my lord, I haven't given your great-grandson a gift yet, and I have to wait for you to inform my godfather that I have to go later."

Lin Sui responded indifferently, Prince Li is nearly fifty this year, the eldest child has long been married, and Prince Li even has a grandson.

Only his eldest grandson is only eight years old, and it will probably be ten years before his great-grandson is born.

Prince Li sneered and walked away, just to see how long Lin Sui's body could last.

After Prince Li left, Cai Xiao and Yun Xiao came in to plead guilty, but Lin Sui confiscated them and ordered them to replace the gatekeeper and set up two more people at the gate of the courtyard.

Caixiao took the medicine bowl and retreated, Yunxiao changed new tea, none of them asked where the little Langjun in the room was, they quickly retreated and closed the door.

Yan Qin sat up. His clothes were wrinkled because he was tucked into the quilt to hide in a hurry and he had just been teased.

"It's really good."

Lin Sui looked at the place where Yan Qin was in high spirits and meant something.

"If the prince finds out, I guess I'll have to add another sexual affair."

Xiao Langjun is thin-skinned, so being said, it is difficult to even pretend to be calm on the face.

He was about to find the shoes he hurriedly stuffed under the bed to leave the soft bed, but heard Lin Sui say, "Come here."

Sir Lin's order, who can disobey.

The drapery was lowered, and there was a whisper.

A voice lazily said: "I won't go to court tomorrow."

The other is a refusal: "But you are still sick..."

Lin Sui sneered: "I can't die."

His will will support the mimetic body until the world dissipates.

Cinnamon gives incense, and the courtyard is deep.

"If it goes on like this, I'm afraid I won't die on this useless body first."

Yan Qin came secretly and left secretly at night.

When sitting on the carriage, Yan Qin realized that he forgot to ask Lin Sui about his adopted son again. He thought that the next time he saw Lin Sui, he had to tell him that if he wanted to adopt a child, Better to be younger.

That half-year-old boy is really not good, but thinking about it like this, Yan Qin is worried that the child has been in love with Lin Sui since childhood.

Looking at the carriage that took him to the alley and left immediately, the always noble young man suddenly felt absurdity of stealing incense and jade, secretly savoring it at night.

This kind of feeling that cannot be known to others and cannot see the light, when it is secretly joyful, it is like a dream-like unreal trance.

The traces of blue butterflies were drawn under his brush, and the ink was smudged on the drawing paper because of his ecstasy, but he had no regrets, it was always less than one ten thousandth of what he had seen.

Read The Duke's Passion