MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 228 beauty snake

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When Lin Sui woke up, she knew what happened in Hope Town, and asked Yan Qin to go to transport food to check the situation.

Yan Qin loaded the goods to be sold, because it was only for a place in Hope Town, he brought three-quarters of the red rice, and the rest were improved syrup sugar cubes, and Some fish and bird meat, etc.

The distance from Demu Farm to Hope Town is not very close. It takes an hour for a fast-powered car to pass through 901 Refuge and Kelin Street.

Because of the need to transport goods, the speed of the car could not be as fast as last night, so it was almost an hour and forty minutes.

Hope the town's gate is guarded by a guard. When you see an unfamiliar vehicle approaching, be vigilant. When you see that the goods on the vehicle are suspected to be food, you think it is a foreign caravan.

Clea jumped out of the car and reported to the door with the guard.

"We are from the Domain of Morning Frost, and Demu Farm is now our territory. Our lord has discussed with the Black Tower. Since then, we are still here for you. Goods. Because of the increase in quality and quality, the price will be slightly increased, but it will still be cheaper than Heita. We need to talk to your mayor."

The guard was a little confused by her words, and subconsciously looked at his companion.

The Domain of Morning Frost? When did this come out? Also annexed Demu Farm? How did they get here?

Too many questions swirled in their minds, and one of the guards hurried to the mayor's house.

They were directly supplied to them by Demu Farm a long time ago, and most of the time they picked it up by themselves, so the fee would be less.

But since the monsters appeared in the Kelin block, the road to Demu Farm could not be taken. The mayor could only get the food of Demu Farm from Heita at the price of It's a lot more expensive than before, so they can also find it more expensive to buy red rice and syrup.

Now it would be better if you can get the goods of origin at a cheaper price.

In the tallest building in town, the mayor took a deep breath.

This kind of low-quality tobacco leaves is completely ignored in the eastern district, but it is very popular in their northern and western districts, and the mayor is not always able to buy it, so it is very economical to smoke, but this But the two days were more fierce, and I was afraid that I would lose my life in the future.

From the corner of his eyes, he looked at the man sitting not far away. The man's face was fierce, he looked about forty years old, and he felt very oppressive.

After threatening him with a gun, he only asked for food and nothing else, so he swaggered in his house and ordered them not to speak out.

The mayor and the deputy mayor really wanted to disclose the information to ask for help, but their children were guarded by these people. As long as the wind was revealed, the children would die.

You can find it directly.

But that doesn't mean they won't have life worries, the mayor's palms are soaked with sweat, and his turbid eyeballs are rolling.

A violent knock on the door made him tremble subconsciously. He was still thinking about the matter of sending someone out to find free mercenaries, and felt that the man not far away looked like a needle. On himself, the mayor couldn't help sitting up straight.

He coughed a few times and asked, "What's wrong?"

The guard who knocked on the door muttered in his heart why the mayor was so gentle today, but he didn't think much about it and just said the business.

The mayor didn't even care about the people next to him, he stood up and walked a few steps to open the door, but stopped again because of the threat behind him.

"Let them drive in and I'll talk to them."

The guards took orders and left, and the mayor looked at the people behind him.

"My child is in your hands, don't worry, I won't tell you about it, but this matter is very important, I must go."

The man did not refuse, pointed to the person next to him, and said, "Let him follow you."

The truck drove from the gate of Hope Town through the main road to the gate of the mayor's house, attracting the attention of many people along the way.

The mayor looked at these strangers with some uncertainty in his heart, but when he saw the familiar goods covered by cloth, he was sure that it was red rice from Demu Farm.

After learning the location of the Domain of Morning Frost, he couldn't help but ask: "How did you come here, isn't there a monster in the Kelin block?"

Demu Farmhouse has a relatively strenuous road leading to the black tower, and it does not take their fork in the road. They can only pass through the Kelin block.

"They're not a problem for us."

Yan Qin brought this matter over, and the army of monsters is one of their trump cards. Although it is already a well-known card in the black tower, it is not necessary for everyone to know it.

This sentence made the people who fled in the East District standing behind the crowd couldn't help but take a second glance and write down this place in their hearts.

The process of communication was not laborious. Although the price of the goods sold was slightly higher than the previous price of Demu Farm, it was lower than that of Heita. The mayor also bought some other things.

Yan Qin followed the mayor to get the crystal coins. On the way, he felt that he was hesitating to speak, and also felt a strange gaze not far away.

Yan Qin's expression was as usual, as if he had not noticed.

Until Yan Qin left, the mayor did not say anything else to him.

When the truck passed by Tina's house, Tina excitedly tugged at Abba's sleeve.

"Abba, it's them!"

Kui immediately covered his son's mouth, telling him not to make too much noise, silently watching the distant truck with his eyes, and reciting the name of the realm in his heart.

When Yanqin set off from Hope Town, Lin Sui didn't wait, and let people clean up the Kelin neighborhood in an orderly manner.

The monsters have migrated to the outskirts of Klein block under his restraint.

Members of the clean-up team are responsible for the amusement park, while ordinary residents are responsible for clearing the gravel from the road and recycling the construction debris that can be used.

The North area is not very large compared to the East area.

Lin Sui opened the smart screen and looked at the simple map above.

Human living space is shrinking.

This large area has a north area, an east area and a west area, but there is no south area, because the south is a large desert, which is the source of yellow sand in the wind and sand season, and there are human activities outside the desert. Traces, there is another area.

Lin Sui raised his hand and closed the map. He didn't have to rush. In fact, his progress was already faster than the original book.

Calculate carefully, in fact, this node is not far away.

Lin Sui looked at the scene outside the window with a light expression.

When Du Caicai knocked on the door and came in, she saw this scene and felt that she might have come in out of time.

"Lord, this is a little thought for you."

Du Caicai is holding a beautiful handmade box in her hand, which she made by herself.

Du Caicai has been traveling for so many days, and she has been trying to express her gratitude. She is very grateful to be able to travel to another world and have a relatively stable life.

She didn't have anything else to take out, so she chose what she was good at and made two clothes for Lin Sui, although it also included "good-looking clothes with beautiful women". idea.

Lin Sui took the box and thanked her.

"Can you open it now and try it on? If there is something inappropriate, I can change it now."

Du Caicai boldly said that she was measuring the size of her eyes, and she was not sure that it would fit perfectly.

Lin Sui opened the box, which was neatly arranged with two tops and accessories of different styles.

Since the lord's lower body is a snake tail, Du Caicai did not design clothes for the lower body.

Lin Sui first took out the black woven gold dress above. Du Caicai has her own aesthetic in making clothes. It is not completely wrapped or too loose, but pursues coordination with the snake tail of the lower body. , the visual effect pursues the cool and gorgeous texture.

"No need to change."

The clothes fit just right, so Lin Sui didn't try the white one below.

Du Caicai's eyes are completely amazing. As a fashion designer, she has a pursuit of beauty. The effect is much better than she imagined.

Lin Sui's own gorgeous temperament suppressed this dress very well. The snake's vertical pupils and powerful snake tail are full of cold and elegant wildness.

"You look good in dress...then I'll go first, don't bother."

Du Caicai bowed slightly and ran away.

In fact, after the compliment, she wanted to ask, are you unhappy?

But the relationship between them is not so close, Du Caicai did not take the liberty to ask.

Generally people would be happier when they received new and beautiful clothes, but the lord's reaction was very dull, Du Caicai knew that this blandness was not aimed at her, it seemed that it started when she saw him in another world, He has always been in such a calm state.

When they first met, she was attracted by the smile in each other's eyes, but after coming to this place, she never felt his joy again .

That mood is not unhappy, but it doesn't seem to be happy either.

Du Caicai thought, the lord should like the administrator very much. The lord without the administrator seems to have no temperature.

Du Caicai felt that this state was not normal, but now she thought of a word to describe the complex feeling in her senses.

It wasn't until she was in a daze in the studio and heard what Los Angeles said to her that she suddenly found the adjective.

Los Angeles said: "Why do you always stay here alone, the weather is not bad today, do you want to go out for a walk together?"

Du Caicai patted the table: "Yes, that's how it feels!"

She muttered to herself again in confusion: "Why is this happening?"

It was a feeling of loneliness rather than indifference, not a superficial or enjoyable kind of loneliness.

That is a feeling of loneliness that even if he is standing in front of you and you are not far away, you cannot see his heart and think that he seems to be outside the world.

But he obviously has a partner, and he also has warmth because of the person he likes, why is this still happening?

Is Yan not good enough for him?

Du Caicai's image of the administrator appeared in her mind, and she shook her head again.

Impossible, she can feel that every time they are together, Yan's eyes are glued to the lord, the kind of person who doesn't know about love and possessiveness is not clear, but she knows this Insiders find it too obvious.

What's more, the beauty is strong and gullible, how could someone not like it, the administrator is obviously being manipulated, whether in the original world or in this world.

Du Caicai couldn't figure it out, and Luo Shan was also confused by her startled reaction to herself.

"How did this happen? Did something happen?"

Du Caicai shook her head: "It's okay."

Los Angeles is eager to try: "Then let's go out for a walk?"

Du Caicai refused: "No, I still have things to do."

Los Angeles failed to make an appointment with the girl, so she had to walk out of the hut lonely.

Yan Qin handled things well, and when he left the farm, he saw his classmates who were moaning on the boulder by the lake, grieved for the spring and the autumn.

This situation is not common. As an optimist, Los Angeles has always had a good mentality and rarely has unhappy things.

Whether it's out of concern for fellow students who are also transmigrants, or concern for the people of the territory, Yan Qin needs to go up and take care.

Los Angeles said bitterly: "Have you ever been in love?"

In one sentence, Yan Qin was asked directly.

He wanted to nod, but he felt that it was not the case.

Does he and Lin Sui fall in love now?

Yan Qin thought about it carefully, why does he feel like he is more like a bed partner and assistant than a relationship.

He never confessed to Lin Sui, nor did Lin Sui say he liked him.

Lo Shan looked at his choked appearance, and patted him on the shoulder with some sympathy.

"Dude, you look so handsome, and you have no object?"

"How long do you think we will stay in this place, will we live in two worlds forever like this, or maybe one day we will stay here forever? "

Yan Qin continued to remain silent, and he could not give an answer to this question.

Los Angeles didn't expect him to answer her. After all, who knows this kind of question, she just told her confusion and turned back to the topic she started.

"So do you think we have to find someone here and start a family?"

"Although I haven't graduated from university yet, I'm already a good young man here, and there are already uncles and aunts pulling me to introduce me to someone, but you said that if I get married and have children here If I wear it again, what should I do?"

Los Angeles is infinitely sad: "It's a pity that beautiful women don't seem to be interested in me. I won't live a life rashly. Anyway, no one in this world is urging marriage."

He suddenly became full of energy again: "Hey, tell me, will there be such a scumbag, in this world, there are wives and children, and there are also in that world, after all, these two worlds are not It may be possible to catch **** across the world."

Yan Qin found that she didn't need comfort at all, her classmates had gone from being single to expressing their feelings in life, to talking about the persistence and struggle of youth, and finally curious about social ethics and emotional issues.

Los Angeles doesn't mind talking to herself the whole time, ready to go to work happily, it's about to be dinner time, as the only chef in the territory, he has to give dinner to his apprentices get ready.

Luo Shan left, but Yan Qin stood by the lake and fell into contemplation.

Does he and Lin Sui count as objects?

Yan Qin was thinking about what gift to prepare for Lin Sui to create a romantic surprise, but the moment she saw Lin Sui, she automatically entered the work mode to report what happened in Hope Town to him.

Of course, during this period, I often looked at the Lord's new clothes, but he thought he was hiding it well.

"Send someone to guard near Hope Town and observe with hummingbirds."

As an intelligent observation instrument, the hummingbird has a limited signal coverage. It is sent from the sky above 901 Refuge and can only observe half of the Kelin block. To observe the situation in Hope Town, you must To release hummingbirds around Hope Township.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to do it."

After discussing these matters, Yan Qin reported on the construction of the house on the other side of the shelter.

A number of honorary residents have applied to build a house, and the house is being built rapidly. Although most of the residents in the territory are aware of this matter, but seeing the house has stimulated many residents and worked hard After that, some people applied for housing construction, and some people saved enough points to upgrade to honorary residents. The whole territory showed a benign upward trend.

The first honorary resident to apply for a house was neither Kleia nor Zhou Rui, but Hengya.

The scope of his application is relatively large, because he wants to live in Gengen as well.

Gengen is a vegetarian monster and gets along well with most people in the territory. Some people have natural rejection and fear of monsters, and some cannot accept Gengen Appearance and appearance, these are all normal situations, but people who like Gengen like Yokoya are so rare that he is almost the only one.

Lin Sui has no opinion, but she is a little curious about the child that Gengen said.

Ever since Gengen said he was pregnant, he has been waiting for when he will give birth, but Gengen has hardly changed, his belly has not bulged, and it has been a few months. As usual, combined with what he said before that the child had been in his belly for a long time, Lin Sui felt that he might have some rare genes in him, and he didn't take it too seriously.

New good news soon came from the farm, and the seeds sown from Refuge 704 had sprouted.

This matter is more important, Yan Qin thought about how to create a romantic surprise while guarding the fields.

I hope that there are always people watching from the town, but there has been nothing unusual.

Yan Qin originally thought that there would be unrest in the town soon, after all, the mayor was under control, but he did not expect that more than a month later, the time for them to return to another world again, I hope The town is still quiet as before.

Modern furnishings allow travelers to reorganize their brains.

The first thing Du Caicai did was to walk to the window and open the curtains to look in the direction of the other building.

When she saw Lin Sui's face, Du Caicai's heart was completely settled, and she communicated with Lin Sui according to what they said before crossing.

Because of the speed of the two worlds, it is difficult for the official to find out how many traversers there are. Du Caicai did not search for any relevant information, and did not reply to any discussion posts. According to Lin Sui's Explain to do your own thing, even if you are inquiring about things, you should rely on the direction of the clothes.

She doesn't want to go back to fight with Mr. Dahl like Furla, she just wants to be a seamstress quietly.

At the same time, in the same city, Los Angeles quickly and officially reported information.

In response to the important news that he said "Demu Farm was annexed by the Domain of Morning Frost", the team leader of the special action team went directly to the door to record and register.

The lord of the Domain of Dawn Frost was a half-human snake creature that attracted their attention, and the responsible personnel recorded it in detail.

Luo Shan remembered Yan Qin's advice, and specially weakened the existence of the administrator, and put everything on the lord.

"Do you think this lord is a traveler?"

The team leader stared at Los Angeles and asked, after all, it is hard not to think that these means were done by transmigrators.

Luo Shan originally thought of saying no, after all, these tricks must have been given to the lord by Yan Qin, but he felt that it was too strange to insist, so he simply said that he did not know.

"I haven't seen the lord very much, only a few times from a distance, and I have seen his snake tail."

Lo Shan is telling the truth, he has never seen the lord very much.

He usually doesn't have much interaction with the lord, and the meals he cooks are sent by Hengya Miller and the others, and he will not go to the lord to tell him what the lord looks like. Unable to speak.

The team leader made sure he wasn't lying, recorded this, and said, "If you can, next time you try to get closer, remember what he looks like, it's better to draw it."

The organization already knows that the faces of traversers in this world and in another world are the same. Although they don’t know why this is the case, they have not even researched the reasons for the collective traversal, so this is not too much. get to the bottom.

As long as you can know the general appearance of the other party, you can conduct a search in the database. Countries have discussed this matter, but not all voices are the same. Very unclear.

Los Angeles: "There is another very important thing. I heard the administrators say that the other world seems to be cleaning up the invaders. I don't know if it is cleaning us up."

The team leader's eyes were sharp and he pressed the headset on his ear.

"Tell me about it here."

Los Angeles insists on saying more and more mistakes, but only explained what should be explained, and the rest will not know.

The team leader closed the device and said, "Keep in touch, you can contact me if you need anything."

The lights of the special operations office are bright, and time is only a blink of an eye for them, but for some people three months have passed, and so much can happen in three months.

In the community, the lights of many households are still on.

Yan Qin skillfully turned on the computer, entered the virtual IP and key to enter the forum, watched a large number of posts, and filtered information from it.

Everyone mainly discusses the changes in the Eastern District, and some people discuss places such as St. Del.

In the different world map, the semi-circular east area is divided into six parts, the central tower is erected at the core, the east area is an ocean, and some areas are fragmented on the other side of the ocean. One of the larger places is called St. Del.

Yan Qin found that according to the current traversal trend, it should be where the traversers are in this world, and they will be placed in similar places after traversal.

He skipped the overseas section first and focused on the Eastern District.

This time there are new traversers, but just like the first time, there are not many people, and even fewer people can find this forum. After reading the content of the East District, Yan Qincai Go to other areas.

In the room, Lin Sui walked out with some discomfort.

The brain is probably used to the way of snakes, this time it is more serious than the last time, suddenly switching the world, he almost fell to the ground when he got out of bed.

Lin Sui intellectually knew that these legs belonged to him, but his walking posture was still a little awkward, so it was easy to find clues when he went out. He lowered his eyes and walked back and forth in the room.

Seeing that Lin Sui didn't come to the study for a while, Yan Qin got up and went to the bedroom.

Lin Sui was walking with her back to him, and her pants were probably discarded because they were too cumbersome to get in the way.

Under the cool light, the straight and slender legs became more and more white.

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