MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 227 beauty snake

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The turmoil in the Eastern District did not affect the area of ​​Morning Frost under construction.

Du Caicai decided that she must be ruthless, and she would not go out if she could not go out, so as to avoid being assassinated.

"Do you want to tell Los Angeles about this?"

Du Caicai thought of the happy chef who was officially named, and felt that this matter should be known to the officials, so that the officials could inform all the registered travelers to disguise well, because people from other worlds They are malicious.

Lin Sui nodded: "Yes."

This is something that does not need to be considered. Although they have not planned to become the official editors for the time being, their position is always consistent with the official. This matter will be told to Los Angeles through the mouth of Yan Qin.

Du Caicai: "Should we hide our identity?"

Du Caicai and Los Angeles also didn't understand this, and didn't understand why they didn't tell the authorities the fact that they had traveled through.

Du Caicai is also an ordinary citizen who keeps herself safe. It is difficult for her to find an organization. This kind of thought penetrates her mind.

But now she doesn't dare to ask too clearly, she is not as careless as Los Angeles.

Yan Qin reiterated to Du Caicai what she had told Luo Shan before, and specially instructed her not to search for any related things after returning to avoid exposure.

After knowing what happened in the East District, Yan Qin not only did not change her previous thoughts, but instead strengthened her strategy of not revealing her identity for the time being.

The current situation is too chaotic, and the clean-up operation of the other world has made things more troublesome. Yan Qin did not intend to be the official founder of the main organization in the other world, because he was not on the main battlefield.

The leader must be in the East District, and he can reveal his identity later to cooperate with the North District and the East District, but now he can't reach the East District, there is a black tower between them and the East District, from Hope Township The edge of the eastern district can touch the outer periphery of the East District, but they have not yet occupied Hope Town.

The most important thing is that their current territory is not strong enough to fight against any force in the Eastern District, and they don't want to be targeted before they develop.

Considering all aspects, it is the best choice for now.

After Yan Qin finished speaking, he looked at Lin Sui, saw Lin Sui nodded and agreed with his idea, his eyebrows stretched a little unconsciously.

He is not walking alone, but walking with Lin Sui.

Du Caicai nodded again and again, yes yes yes, it makes sense.

The big stone in her heart fell, and she went back to the studio to continue working hard.

The clothes she can make now are relatively basic and practical styles, regardless of any aesthetics, mainly defensiveness and warmth.

However, Du Caicai has her own aesthetic needs. Even in such a different world where resources are scarce, she wants to make some beautiful clothes. The materials are not enough for now. The cleaning team on the other side of the garden saw a better mutant silk. If it was true, then she had a new material for making clothes.

Du Caicai left the office while thinking. Yan Qin closed the door of the office after he left, and discussed with Lin Sui about the East District.

"It would be nice to have a stronger armed force."

Yan Qin is a little regretful, the reason why the Eastern District is so powerful is that they have the most civilization materials and the most advanced weapons.

They don't have to worry about food and clothing, and their houses are under construction, but they lack weapons and advanced high-tech weapons.

Lin Sui did not answer, but fell into her own thoughts.

Combining with the original text, he is not worried about this, there will be some, but it will be sooner or later.

Yan Qin looked at Lin Sui thinking and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

He has deconstructed all the weapons on the second underground floor, and understands the principles. As long as he is given enough energy and materials, in theory, he may be able to design more threatening weapons, but There was nothing now, and he didn't like to promise empty promises.

He didn't want Lin Sui to be disappointed.

This kind of thought is violent, sudden, floating in my heart, and seems to have been hovering for a long time.

As if he had seen Lin Sui's disappointment, it seemed that he was expecting again and again and failing again and again.

Yan Qin took a deep breath and calmed down.

It was probably an illusion, he had never seen Lin Sui in this body before, how could he possibly see that he could not ask for something, and he had obsessions but failed to return?

However, Yan Qin is sure that what Lin Sui wants will definitely be obtained, and he will give all his efforts to this end.

The joys and sorrows of human beings may be connected at a certain moment. When the management of the Domain of Morning Frost is worried, the mayor of Hope Town is also in a state of anxiety.

The mayor of Hope Town is a thin man. In fact, he is only under fifty this year, but he already looks like an old man in his sixties.

"When can I get those free mercenaries?"

The mayor looked at the deputy mayor and paced back and forth in the room.

The deputy mayor hurriedly said: "I have already sent someone to invite them, but their prices are definitely not cheap."

"What time is it now, take those into consideration, it must be cheaper than the one in the black tower anyway!"

Although he said so, the mayor, who is also a miser, is also very distressed.

The free mercenaries are stationed in the black tower, Hope Town and the outer triangle area of ​​the East District. They are very complex. Some of them are not strong enough to place orders in the black tower. Can't afford the Black Tower or the Eastern District, some are unwilling to be organized, they are not serious mercenaries, so the price will be relatively low.

"They are so arrogant, they dare to break in casually."

The deputy mayor was distressed for money, and remembered the reason why he wanted to find a free mercenary this time.

Only a few days ago they discovered that some strange people seemed to have sneaked into Hope Town. The deputy mayor took the **** to arrest people, but the weapons in their hands were advanced goods from the Eastern District. The team was bombed and killed several people. The deputy mayor urgently dispatched people. As a result, several people did not know where to hide. They searched from house to house for several days and could not find it.

The mayor was always restless and felt that this was a hidden danger, so he planned to find two mercenaries to find someone together.

"The people in the East District don't want to stay in the East District, what are they doing here with us?"

The mayor is very upset, they have nothing here, if it is the kind of people who have committed crimes in the East District and run to the Black Tower, what are they doing here.

The deputy mayor was about to nod his head, but when he looked behind the mayor, his expression suddenly became frightened.

The mayor felt a chill down his spine and felt the red light.

"We need food."

The man with the gun said coldly, and the red light representing the aim shook the mayor's face.

This is destined to be a less peaceful night.

On the simple wooden bed, the man couldn't help making a painful sound because of the pain.

His abdomen was wrapped in bandages, and there were various degrees of burns on his face and hands due to the explosion.

A boy of about seven or eight years old is wringing out the towel on his hand, helping the man to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Abba, I'll go get you a doctor."

The man was in a coma, and the little boy put a towel over his head and ran out of the house.

There is only one doctor in town, and the doctor waved his hand when he saw the boy.

Can you handle it yourself?"

"Where can I buy the medicine to cure my father?"

"The Black Tower is fine, so is the Eastern District, but... Forget it, you'd better go back to accompany your father."

The doctor is a little sighed, Akui died a few years ago his wife, he was finally selected to join the **** team recently. No, he has no money, and he can't get any good medicine. The money is in the hands of the black-hearted ghosts of the town mayor.

Tina was kicked out and ran back to the house. After rummaging in the house, he changed Dad's head towel and went out again.

He doesn't know where the black tower is or where the East District is. He just wants to find someone to save Abba.

The child is small and drilled out of Hope Town from the hole.

A fork appeared in front of her eyes, Tina hesitated for a while, and ran to the right.

Tina couldn't remember how long she ran in the night, the grey wall was getting closer and closer.

Tonight it was Ge's turn to be on duty at night, he was standing on the tower drowsy, and saw a dark shadow getting closer and closer, and immediately alerted.

When he saw the appearance of the shadow, he was a little surprised and looked down from above.

The boy asked timidly, "Is this a black tower?"

Ge shook his head, is this going in the wrong direction?

The boy asked again, "Is this the East End?"

Ge continued to shake his head: "You are wrong, this is the Domain of Morning Frost."

Where is the Domain of Morning Frost?

Tina didn't know, but he didn't care about it, he said, "Can you save my father, we are in Hope Town, someone came in and injured him."

Ge felt the amount of information, and let his companions continue to stare, while he went down the tower and ran into the field to report the matter.

Crea immediately dialed the communication device and asked the Lord for instructions.


The man's voice came from the communicator, Kleia was a little puzzled, why is the voice of the administrator?

"A little boy ran to our door and asked if we could save his father. He said that someone broke into Hope Town and injured his father."

Creya thought that maybe the administrator was discussing something with the lord, looked at the time, and couldn't help but sigh.

It's so late, the two adults are still working **** the construction field.

Lin Sui replied lazily: "He will be there soon."

Yan Qin cut off the communication and pushed his sweaty black hair back.

Yan Qin bent down and picked up the battle uniform on the ground, red scratches running vertically and horizontally on his broad back.

"I'll take care of this for you first and report back to you when I get back."

The administrator is dedicated and dedicated to his work, and the front foot makes the lord comfortable. Even if the back foot is kicked by the lord to deal with the matter, he still has no complaints.

"Bring this."

Lin Sui threw the battle armor in the shape of the watch at hand into Yan Qin's arms, hoping that the town should be someone who entered the East District.

Yan Qin and Lin Sui have the same idea. There are several kinds of people who come to Hope Town, but at this time, the most likely people are from the Eastern District. The Eastern District is a time of turmoil. For the purpose of cleaning up, he killed Furla's father, Dahl, and if he killed Furla, he would also clear Dahl's original power.

Yan Qin did not know that this was a battle armor, because the watch was usually invisible on Lin Sui's body.

The moment Yan Qin put it on, the black armor covered his whole body, Yan Qin adjusted the button, and the head protection was lifted.

The armor is not a steel model, it fits on Yan Qin's body like a strange clothes.

Yan Qin didn't think much about it, released the battle armor from standby, took off his coat and trousers, put the battle armor inside, and put on his clothes.

Yan Qin asked, "Why have I never seen you use it?"

"It has always been with me, but it has become invisible due to my particularity."

Lin Sui was a little sleepy, and the temperature at night was relatively low, which reduced his activity. In addition, he just exercised, and he was more and more lazy to move.

Yan Qin swallowed his saliva subconsciously, feeling that things that he had not completely subsided, seemed to be on the rise again.

He was wearing Lin Sui's body armor, which seemed unspeakably intimate when he thought about it, as if Lin Sui's body temperature remained above.

After being rewarded with such a private weapon by the lord, Yan Qin traveled happily.

Tina sat listlessly for a long time, when suddenly someone asked him, "What's wrong with your dad."

It was a tall man, and he heard the aunt next to him call him "Master Administrator".

"My dad was injured by the blast. His face, stomach and hands were the worst. He was in pain and he didn't wake up after taking the medicine."

Tina's ability to express is limited, only very serious.

"Can you save my dad, I can pay you."

Tina took something from two pockets and stretched out her palm.

His money is very limited, half a crystal coin and some beautiful small stones and broken beads, these are all he has.

He looked at Yan Qin expectantly, and Yan Qin told him to put it away.

"Go and see."

"Crea, bring a few people with me, you wait outside Hope Town."

Since some foreigners have entered Hope Town, the current situation in the town is not the same as before. Yan Qin wants to know what is going on inside, so as to plan when he and Lin Sui can start .

Because Tinai's legs were too short, Ge directly carried him on his back, and the group took advantage of the night to cross the Kelin block and head to Hope Town.

Tina took Yan Qin to the hole he drilled, Yan Qin climbed up the high wall and turned over quietly.

Tina went home out of breath and locked the door.

Yan Qin untied the gauze wrapped around the man's abdomen on the bed, and only then did he understand why he burned so badly. The fragments of the blasted bullet were still embedded in his flesh, deeply embedded. Come out, even if he took anti-inflammatory medicine, it didn't help at all.

Yan Qin used the tools he carried with him to treat the man's wound, picked out all the shrapnel, sprayed it with medical spray, and gave the man medicine.

Tinai wiped the sweat off Dad's face and was relieved to see that he was getting better.

"Uncle, thank you, please accept these."

Tina held out his little treasure box, although he was very reluctant to give it up, there were toys he played with for a long time, but Dad said that he must thank him for being helped.

Yan Qin teased him: "These are not enough."

Tina sighed, her little face full of melancholy, what can I do.

"But don't worry, our generous lord has instructed, this rescue is free."

Free things are the most expensive, what they want is not money.

Tina thought for a long time, and said solemnly: "Uncle, I will marry your lord."

The uncle next door owed money to the grandpa next door, and the grandpa next door said that you marry my daughter, so they got married.

Tina is too young to know what it means to show conjugal love, so she believed it to be true, thinking that she owed a lot of money, and she had to marry someone else to pay it off.

Tina knew what marriage meant, and the little man became more and more melancholy. He didn't expect that he would take up the burden of the family at a young age.

Yan Qin: ?

Benefits revenge, right?

If it is not a seven or eight-year-old child in front of him, then he may be convicted by the administrator of Morning Frost Domain for breathing at this moment.

"Our lord, it's not your turn to marry."

Yan Qin doesn't think it's wrong to be honest with a child, it's ridiculous, he can't even marry.

This idea naturally popped out of my mind, making Yan Qin pause for a moment.

Does he want to marry Lin Sui?

But if the lord wants to get married, he should be the first candidate, right?

Yan Qin felt that there was no doubt that there was no one around Lin Sui who could match his status, so he should naturally be in the first place, so those who had this kind of intention should go back Depend on.

Yan Qin was persuaded by his own logic and didn't even feel wrong.

He didn't react, feelings were never a sequential choice, he felt that he was the closest person around Lin Sui, and of course it was the first choice for Lin Sui's reproduction period, getting married The same is true.

He didn't think about why Lin Sui wanted to get married and why he wanted to marry him, he had already started to imagine what their marriage would be like.

Tina was dejected: "Uncle, my dad said that I can't take other people's things for free, but that's all I have."

"Just wait for your dad to repay us when he wakes up. You don't have to pay. You also dismissed that thought as soon as possible, and you are not allowed to mention it to anyone."

Yan Qin still doesn't know how long they will stay in this different world. Although this child is seven or eight years old now, he will be seventeen or eighteen in ten years.

Yan Qin felt a sense of crisis and strangled the bud in the cradle.

Ti Nai gave up on this issue and poured a glass of water for Yan Qin.

Yan Qin did not drink, and told Tinai not to run around, left Tinai's house, and went to the mayor's house.

Night is the best shelter, Yan Qin didn't know where those people would hide, he didn't plan to search alone, but wanted to see the situation at the mayor's place.

Just as the most conspicuous building in the farm is the farmer's home, I hope the tallest building in the town is the mayor's home.

When he was about to approach, Yan Qin keenly sensed something, turned slightly sideways, and hid himself in the blind spot.

At the window on the second floor, someone was holding a gun.

Yan Qin roughly observed the appearance of the gun and determined that it was not a weapon that I hoped the town could have.

Hope Town is much poorer than Demu Farm, and even more backward in weapons.

They generally rely on livestock to exchange goods here, because small and poor, even robbers do not come often.

The entire North District is so desolate and backward, only the Black Tower is more prosperous, but it can't compare with the East District.

It seems that the mayor has been controlled, Yan Qin returned the same way, left the town, and joined Kleia outside.

"Their mayor has been controlled by outsiders. Tomorrow we will come to transport grain and trade in, and we will observe later."

Crea and the others nodded, and the group returned to the Domain of Morning Frost.

When Yan Qin returned to the farm, he found that Lin Sui had fallen asleep.

Since the cleaning team has stepped up its progress and obtained more and more materials, the layout of Lin Sui's room is not the same.

The silk cloth is filled with the soft fur of a mutant animal, which is soft and warm. Du Caicai also embroidered a small silver-white snake on the cloth.

Lin Sui's tails were not intertwined, and were placed on the bed.

Yan Qin helped Lin Sui cover the quilt, but found something strange on the scales.

The traces are dry, although they are all white, they can still be distinguished from silver and solidified on the edge of the scales.

Yan Qin unconsciously touched the scale and carefully removed it.

Perhaps Lin Sui fell asleep after he left, so nothing was done.

Yan Qin was in a tangle for a while, and wanted to deal with the aftermath, but was afraid of waking up Lin Sui.

In the end, he decided to compromise, went to the bathroom to get a basin of water, and began to wipe the snake tail.

Finger hook, Yan Qin wiped every snake scale clean.

Yan Qin unconsciously thought of what Tinai said before, although this kid is joking, there are people who really have bad intentions.

Yan Qin thought of Shuxing, and was worried.

He knows that a dazzling orb will definitely attract a lot of attention. It is normal for these people to like Lin Sui Duo, and he likes it too.

Yan Qin was stunned, and felt that this emotion was called liking.

Yan Qin has experienced many confessions since he was a child, but he has never felt it. He has never experienced the feeling of liking, and he does not understand the meaning of this kind of feeling. Naturally shielded outside.

At first he just admired Lin Sui, his methods, and even his viciousness.

Because it was a viper, he knew it from the start.

Smart, determined, thoughtful, ambitious, and his beautiful skin is just the icing on the cake.

Yan Qin enjoys walking with the strong and even chasing. He never thought about looking up to anyone, but there is a kind of person in this world that makes people feel that he is looked up to for granted .

Yan Qin presented a gift to him, admitting that he is above himself, and that he is the closest person to him in the world, so he should be chosen by Lin Sui.

That's why he was so out of control when he found out that Lin Sui's body was abnormal, how could Lin Sui choose someone else?

Lin Sui should choose him, only he can stand by Lin Sui's side.

He was madly jealous of the person who was watched by Lin Sui, and his heart overflowed.

How can you look at others, how can you abandon me?

It was you who approached me at first, and you chose me!

Yan Qin closed his eyes and calmed down his turbulent emotions.

He told himself that Lin Sui chose him, no one else.

Only him.

If Lin Sui wants to get married, she can only marry him.

If he could go back to an hour ago, he would not tell Tinai that it was not his turn to marry the lord, but said:

"He's mine."

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