MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 217 beauty snake

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In the wilderness, a man is running hard.

The hummingbird is suspended in the night sky, hidden in the night.

Blackface could clearly hear the rapid beating of his heart, the taste of blood in his throat, his lungs seemed to explode, but he dared not stop, as if something terrible was chasing behind him , it will be shredded as long as it stops.

There was an undisguised fear on his face, and the source of his fear appeared repeatedly in his mind.

What scared him to the core was not the combination of man and snake, nor the legend of the devil spread among the tribes in the Western District, but a drop of blood swallowed in his body.

It was thrown into his mouth by the monster lord. Before he could swallow, the greasy thing flowed down his throat into his stomach.

- I will watch you, if you are not honest, this drop of blood will burst in your body and you will be poisoned instantly.

It's too terrifying, how can such terrifying things exist.

Blackface has no doubts about the authenticity of the threat. Although he tried to vomit, he couldn't spit out anything. Tiny monitors flew around him, scaring Blackface. Running towards the resting place.

901In the shelter, the sleeping residents were woken up and got up immediately after hearing the news of the enemy invasion.

Together they went to the building on the ground of the shelter.

Crea and the others saw the identities of the two people on the ground at a glance, and their expressions darkened.

"Lord Lord, is it a slave trader?"

Lin Sui nodded: "Don't worry too much, tie these two people up and throw them into the captive's red house."

Slaves are not qualified to live under the ground, and the surface buildings are not perfect, but a place for slaves to live on the edge is built, because the bricks are red, it is also called the red house.

"Is there an enemy, do you need us to help?"

The four slaves here are also mercenaries. Carter, who is talking, is Miller's friend, and he wants to show himself.

The other three did not speak, but had different thoughts. The two who were thrown in looked like slave traders. When a fight broke out, they might be able to take the opportunity to escape.

"Waiting for the Lord's will."

Yokoya left after saying this, and reported the matter to Lin Sui.

"No need, follow my plan and prepare an ambush later."

At the same time as Lin Sui opened her mouth, Yan Qin zoomed in on the monitoring screen.

"Many people."

Yan Qin saw the slaves who were tied up, his eyes lighted up, they were all labor!

Hearing the happy tone of the administrator and the calm look of the lord, Claya and the others also calmed down.

Isn't it a slave trader team of twenty or thirty people, they are... and there are also a lot of monsters!

"Lord Lord, will this person really deceive the leader, won't he suddenly regret it?"

Zhou Rui asked worriedly, after all, it was the notorious slave trader that Kleia had said. Like the robbers, they didn’t tell the truth at all, their so-called loyalty was **** .

Yan Qin briefly summarized Lin Sui's threat, and was surprised because it sounded like magic, but this is a science fiction channel.

"Lord Lord, is this true, what is the principle!"

Zhou Rui's eyes are bright, she is relatively young, and she loves and respects the Lord more than awe, so she dares to ask.

Lin Sui gave a rough explanation, wrapping his poisonous blood in a film of some kind of high-density thing, with a built-in reactor, which can explode under his command.

In the days when Yan Qin was in infrastructure construction, in addition to stockpiling grain, Lin Sui was studying this thing. This technology came from Yan Qin in the book and was used in the middle and late stages. He took it in advance To use it, he needs something that can threaten people well.

I didn't intend to keep that person alive.

Yan Qin watched Lin Sui's eyes light up, this thing sounded too interesting, as the former administrator of the base, of course he knew what materials were in it, some of them were indeed feasible but also time-effective Sex, so Yan Qin quickly guessed something, but he didn't care about the life and death of the black face, this kind of scum would be better for the society if he died.

"It turns out that the Lord is too powerful!"

Zhou Rui didn't understand, but it didn't prevent her from feeling amazing and looked at Lin Sui with admiration.

Although this method is not very bright, and it feels like there is some villain in it, but the people in the shelter do not feel that there is anything wrong.

Yan Qin nodded with satisfaction, this group of residents is really promising and has a bright future.

The elevator on the first floor was opened and Gengen walked out.

Everyone saw the pile of weapons in his arms, and their eyes lit up.

At this moment, Gengen seems to have its own light in the eyes of everyone, and it is completely different from the monsters outside, and it does not eat people, and it is written with honesty and honesty all over its face.


Lin Sui raised her hand slightly, and everyone went to the stack of weapons.

These are some of the weapons that Lin Sui took out from the second underground floor. When dealing with slave traders, Yan Qin in the book used the energy fort, but Lin Sui did not plan to use it at this time. This range of weapons is needed to take down these people as well.

Yan Qin looked at the weapons and glanced at Lin Sui's side face, suppressing the doubts in her heart.

He hadn't seen these weapons before, they looked very new, but the style was what the administrator remembered a hundred years ago. There is only one answer. These weapons were originally in the shelter. Lin Sui found them, but he didn't find them before.

Why didn't Lin Sui tell him, don't worry about him, but aren't they companions?

All kinds of thoughts appeared in Yan Qin's mind, and she recovered only after Kleia shoved a gun.

"Sir Admin, this is for you."

Yan Qin was a little moved, but when he saw the empty ground, a question mark appeared in his eyes.

Is it all divided up so soon? He remembered as if there were more than just guns, there should be something else.

As soon as Yan Qin raised his eyes, he saw Zhou Rui who was stuffing a pistol in his pocket, and this guy had a pistol tied to his leg.

Looking at it again, this group of people each held more than two weapons, even A Tian and A Shui played with two guns, only he was holding a gun.

Zhou Rui met his gaze and said with a guilty conscience: "Master administrator, do you want one?"

She reluctantly took out a pistol from her pocket, sharing the action so slowly.

Yan Qin took it with a smile without hesitation.

He took back what he said before, why did this group of people not wink, their future is worrying!

However, Yan Qin still felt that these equipments were too little. He looked at Lin Sui aggrievedly, and his eyes were quite accusing others.

Lin Sui knew that Yan Qin still had an administrator's gun, but she still raised her hand.

He has no other weapons, but he can get them from himself. His long hair fell in front of him, just above his navel.

Lin Sui combed her hair and took a long hair from it.

The thin hair will be ignored if you don't look carefully under the light, Lin Sui lowered her head and tied the long hair to Yan Qin's wrist.

"Melee defense," Lin Sui whispered in Yan Qin's ear, "dissolved in saliva, you know the effect of my toxin."

Yan Qin clearly couldn't be clearer, his mind was a little chaotic, the sweet and warm fragrance covered his senses, making his eyes instantly dark.

Uncontrollably, I remembered the afternoon when the curtains were drawn, the dim light, Linsui biting his neck, and his smiling eyes.

Lin Sui straightened up, her long hair swept across Yan Qin's shoulders, and the fragrance went away, Yan Qin's fingers moved unconsciously, as if trying to catch What, but it was empty.

Yan Qin couldn't help but raise his hand to tidy up his clothes, exposing the wrist of the hand whose hair was tied.

The thin black hair is like a silk thread, fluttering in the air with Yan Qin's movements.

Yan Qin couldn't help twisting the ends of her hair with her fingers, as if stroking Lin Sui's long hair.

Zhou Rui looked at Yan Qin's hand with some envy. She didn't know it was a weapon and thought it was a blessing from the lord to the administrator.

She also seems to want such a blessing, not only she wants it, but everyone wants it.

Even Uncle Ato's eyes are full of envy, this is the blessing of the gods.

Yan Qin smiled and made no secret of his pride.

On the other side, the black face has run to the temporary resting place.

"There are only seven or eight people in the domain of the old humans?"

Dobson was a little disappointed. He was excited for a while when he heard the old human beings, but when he heard the quantity, he felt that the stock was too small.

But it is always a harvest, and you can make a fortune.

"Let Stone and Roman take ten people first, and we will follow."

Dobson was too lazy to go there in person, an old human realm with no gates, he could say Weir and the three of them, but after hearing Blackface say that these people have weapons, he still Decided to let his subordinates take ten people, adding up to fifteen people, killing them is not as easy as killing chickens.

Blackface was a little anxious, the devil's will is to let the leader lead people, the leader must go, thinking of the poison in his body, Blackface glanced at the sky unnaturally , then shook his head.

"Boss, you may have to go. Weir said there may be a monster running from the Kling block. He seems to have seen it, but he is not sure."

Blackface swallowed dryly, his throat tingling, but he did not dare to show any strangeness in front of Dobson.

Dobson snorted when he heard a monster.

He has been out for a few months. It seems that he heard that after he walked through the Kelin block, a group of monsters occupied the place, but it is not clear whether it is true or not.

If there was, it would be a bit of a hassle, he didn't want to break too much.

Dobson ordered twenty people to bring heavy weapons and head towards the old human realm.

Before leaving, he stopped again and gave a few words in Roman's ear.

Ge is the patriarch of the tribe. He is only 30 years old. Logically speaking, he cannot be the leader of a tribe, but the previous patriarch, his father, has already died under the gun of the slave trader , he was hastily elected as the new patriarch, leading the tribe to fight the enemy, but unfortunately their knives and guns were no match for the guns of the slave traders. Overnight, all their people, cattle and sheep property became the enemy's goods.

They were **** one by one and dragged forward, no one knew where their destination was and where they would be sold.

This time, Ge knew that this group of hyenas were going to be dispatched again.

When he was taken away, there was some expression on his numb face, a bad premonition filled his eyes with despair, and the clansmen were sobbing behind him.

Ge knew in his heart that they might die tonight.

Dobson walked at the front with a gun, Roman took a few slow-moving goods in his hand and kicked them in dissatisfaction.

The red wall is like a silent night watchman at night, casting irregular rectangular shadows in the dim light.

Ge was pushed forward. He looked at the unknown place, and his frayed feet hurt.

They are people with five feet tied together. Before coming, the slaver separated the ropes on their feet and let them walk forward.

This is obviously a human territory, Ge thought bluntly, maybe it was a group of hungry wolves, otherwise, how could the group of hyenas be so careful, they usually only arrogantly trample other people's territory, With guns and bullets with all the power he fears.


Is it raining?

Ge couldn't help raising his head, his pupils dilated.

The huge spider was reflected in his gray eyes, and his survival instinct prevailed. He roared and made his clansmen run, but he saw another black monster, which could only move towards the red wall run in.

When he fled in in a hurry, he felt the coldness of the back of his head.

A gun was placed in the back of his head, and he saw a woman smile.

Crea and Miller stunned several slaves who ran in and threw them into the red house.

From the picture of the hummingbird, they saw a few cowardly slaves who came in. The lord asked them to keep their mouths alive, knock them out and leave them to work later.

Miller was worried that there were too few brick-burning workers, so he tied the person happily and continued to return to the ambush point.

A few dozen meters away from the red wall, the stone moved his ears.

"Strange, why is there no sound?"

Except for the initial running and screaming, there is no sound at all.

"It is estimated that they were directly swallowed, waste, who let them run in!"

Roman looked very annoyed, his order was clearly to let the piglets run out, lead the monster into their line of sight, and then bombard them, but those people ran into the wall Inside, the monster also followed.

"Where are Will and Jerry?"

Dobson's eyes were sharp, like a carrion vulture, staring at the black face.

Blackface shook his head frantically: "I don't know, they were still here when I came back, let me go back and report!"

Blackface's hands were full of sweat, afraid that he would be shot by Dobson.

"Is there really any stock in there?"

Blackface looked excited: "It's true, I saw it with my own eyes, there are about seven or eight people hiding in the broken door."

Dobson made a gesture: "Stone, hold a cannon, and lead a team to press in."

Stone put the wearable rocket launcher on his back and walked towards the red wall with a group of people.

As Blackface said, the gate here has not been built, and the front wall is only a few layers.

The stone vaguely saw that there seemed to be a red house inside, but it was too far to see clearly, but you could see that the gate of the surface building was indeed half open.

The stone found the shadows of the two monsters, walked carefully against the wall, and gave a shot when he saw the spider monster.

The flames exploded at night, the red bricks shook, and the walls were broken in several places.

"Our Wall!"

"Ahhhh my brick!"

"No conscience!"

Lin Sui ordered: "Beat."

Zhou Rui couldn't hold it anymore, the bomb exploded at night, like a signal for war.

Stone subconsciously knew that it was not good, and held a rocket launcher in front of him.

Stone suddenly felt that he was lifted up, and in his panic saw a green monster, and the next moment was torn in half.

Miller was still ambush in the shadow of the treetops, staring at people not far away with a gun.

The screams and wailing were mixed with the sound of artillery fire, Dobson's heart burst, and he grabbed the black face's hair: "You lied to me!"

Blackface frantically shook his head: "I don't! Boss, I don't..."

His head was twisted and torn off from the neck, and the trajectory that flew out was like an arc.

"It's in the scheme, there are more than seven or eight people in it. Those people knew there were monsters and deliberately used them."

Roman was stunned: "Why don't the monsters eat them?"

"How the **** do I know, dare to count on me, use the big guy!"

The big guy Dobson was talking about was not the kind of petty rocket launcher. The big guy was pushed by several people, revealing a dark hole.

The younger brother who was in charge of delivering the shells began to load the shells, and the person in front was in charge of adjusting the angle.

"Are you okay, why are you so slow!"

The person in front did not hear the sound of the heavy cannon being loaded for a long time, but when they came over, they found that the man had vomited blood and fell to the ground.

The sound of breaking the air came from the ear, the man lowered his head subconsciously and felt a pain in his neck.

"Boss! Someone attacked!"

Dobson immediately raised his head, saw a shadow among the trees, and immediately shot his gun there.

Yan Qin deftly avoided the strafing and fled to another tree. Dobson threw wildly with his gun, and heard the screams of his younger brothers.

A dozen monsters rushed over, ignoring the cannonballs, and some people were caught before they even had time to escape.

Yan Qin knew that he didn't need to worry about it here, and the task Lin Sui gave him was to ambush in a tree to prevent this group of people from using heavy artillery, lest the wall they want to build expand.

The monsters are very happy one by one, the boss doesn't let them eat people, they have eaten other meat for many days, now there is an opportunity to vent, and they are all enthusiastic and active.

Dobson ran away quickly in the woods, planning to take the rest of the people around from Demu Farm, so strange, so strange here.

How can there be so many monsters, how could there be living people in so many monsters, but it is indeed living people who set traps and sneak attacks.

And the monsters have always come out of their nests, they should have appeared when the spider monster appeared, how can they come out now!

Dobson frantically cursed the enemy's cunning in his heart, and walked towards the resting place.

The sound of the exchange of fire was also moving in the distance. The little leader who stayed behind waited for the leader to return in triumph, but saw the leader running out of the forest.


Dobson was carrying a gun when suddenly a donkey rolled around and shot without hesitation.

Miller hung from the tree and slid down, surprised by the keenness of this slave trader. He could even hit Cleia with this shot. This man reacted so quickly.

"Miller, the lord said, don't kill those who surrender, tie them back!"

Crea pulled a Miller, turned her wrist, and shot the little boss.

The slaves were like a flock of frightened sheep. They were tied to their legs and could not escape. They could only hold their heads in despair, feeling the horror of the shells blasting around.

Seeing the companions coming, Miller nodded, and quickly climbed up a new tree, occupying the height of vision.

Yan Qin stared at the leader of the slave trader and fired several bullets. He clearly saw that he hit the man's arm, but found that the man's movements did not stop.

He dodged sideways, his forearm being grazed by a bullet.

Three words appeared in Yan Qin's mind: robotic arm.

Several people fled with Dobson. When they were about to leave this area and reach the farm, something flashed by in the dark night. Dobson bounced and escaped, but a few of his men had already been swept away. fly out.

When Dobson saw the monster in the moonlight, he suddenly understood everything tonight. Although I don't know why there is such a half-human, half-monster thing, he must be the initiator, he designed all this!

His eyes were bloodshot, and he shot frantically at the monster.

The scales arrived at the impact, the energy barrier of the upper body armor was depleting, Lin Sui pressed the red dot on her heart, and the heat ray spurted out of the armor, Dobson was able to escape and was burned She lost her hair and burned half of her cheek, she turned her head and ran away.

"How can I let the Lord do it himself."

Yan Qin smiled at Lin Sui, but the movement in his hand did not stop. The bullet exploded at Dobson's feet. Yan Qin kicked his leg when he stumbled, but he felt Anti-shock.

This man not only has a pair of robotic arms, but also a pair of robotic legs!

The bullet shot out of the mechanical arm, Yan Qin bent down to dodge, but was scratched by the blade that popped out of the leg, and the two scuffled together.

Lin Sui didn't help, so Cleia, who came over, **** the people who fell unconscious on the ground and took them back to the territory. If he helps, Yan Qin may feel that he is looking down on his strength.

When he got to the side, Dobson was willing to die, but Yan Qin, not to be outdone, kicked his leg.

Lin Sui leaned against the tree beside her, but the entangled snake tail stood up unconsciously.

Yan Qin's hand was bruised, and in the numbness that could not feel the pain, he gave Dobson two more punches on the slightly sunken head, shook his hand, and stumbled towards the lord He left, showing him a smug smile.

He said, "I won."

The young man was covered in scars, and his blood dripping palms were flattened. He squeezed the palms of the monster king and performed a non-standard knightly salute.

"Lord Lord, it is an honor to fight for you."

Yan Qin's eyes darkened, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

Lin Sui looked at him on the verge of fainting, ready to take him back to the base.

His hand was about to be pulled out when someone squeezed it.

The young man's jaw line tightened, he raised his dark eyes to look up at the beautiful lord, and stubbornly muttered: "I haven't kissed hands yet."

He endured the intense dizziness, bowed his head and kissed the back of his white hand indiscriminately.

A battle-wounded knight, loyal with ulterior motives, and unwitting ambition.

Lin Sui rubbed the corner of his blue and cracked lips with the back of her hand.

Lin Sui rubbed his black hair: "Puppy."