MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 216 beauty snake

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After turning to positive, Miller walks with wind.

The Lord didn't talk to him too much, just praised him and told him that he had made outstanding contributions to the territory and was an excellent citizen. has his name.


Miller looked at the neat bricks and the open fields. He didn't feel that this place was barren at all, but a treasure to be built.

In the future, under the leadership of the Lord, it must be a thriving and prosperous scene!

Even though there is no shadow of the so-called monument, Miller has imagined standing proudly in front of the monument.

For more than 30 years, Miller never thought he could get this honor.

After becoming a citizen, the treatment is completely different from before.

Not only can you get clean clothes, you can bathe three meals a day, but you can also be treated friendly by other residents. Everyone sees him and praises him for doing a good job, and some people show respect to him, thank you his contribution to the territory.

Miller didn't like to laugh very much, but these days, the smile on his face is getting more and more The teammates who get along well are encouraged, let them work hard, try to get regular as soon as possible, they can sleep next to him, and they can chat together at night.

The increase in the rate of brick production means that the wall can be built quickly. Yan Qin is very satisfied, but soon he has new worries.

"Our people are still too few, have no mercenaries come recently?"

Yan Qin was a little worried when he heard that the mercenaries might come, but now he is looking forward to them. After all, the labor force in the territory is really not enough. Still too little, insufficient productivity, low efficiency, and slow progress.

"Not yet observed, but there will be."

Lin Sui is not worried about the problem of labor shortage, because this problem will be solved soon.

Soon, a slave trader will pass through this place with a large number of slaves.

In the original book, Yan Qin didn't worry about the labor force, because he didn't have the ambition to be a lord, he just wanted to manage his own one-third of an acre of land, but accidentally found him first, He was being watched.

Caught a few scouts who came to inquire, Yan Qin realized that he was a slave trader, and the leader had an armed team, adding up to 30 people, each person With weapons in their hands, and with nearly 200 slaves in custody, they walked around from Kelin Farm to the direction of the Black Tower.

On the mainland, slave traders are notorious, they are equivalent to robbers, but unlike robbers, they will die when they meet robbers, and they will be sold when they meet slave traders.

They invaded small tribes and captured refugees. Some robbers would sell them as goods when they got into their hands. They did not have a specific destination for the sale. Wherever they grabbed it, they sold it along the way.

They usually leave some strong slaves to sell to the Colosseum of the Black Tower, women will be sold to merchants or mercenaries, children are generally not very valuable, but some merchants and training teams will Buy, as for babies, they are usually slaughtered, very cruel.

The slave traders saw that the supply of goods was generally accepted correctly. In the book, they found that the 901 shelter had built a part of the wall, so they wanted to investigate and loot. Yan Qin was in this situation The weapon was found on the second underground floor.

He used tactics and those weapons to kill the slave traders by surprise, and successfully eliminated them, harvesting a large number of laborers and prisoners. These people are the basis for the future attack on Demu Farm.

Yan Qin saw what Lin Sui said with certainty, and asked curiously, "So sure, what news do you know?"

"Gengen is the first monster to come here. He said that people will pass through these places regularly. According to Gengen's description, I suspect that it is a person who transports slaves. They regularly go from the farm to the I went west to look for goods, and I didn’t eat meat, so I didn’t show up to stop them. According to the rules of time, they may be coming soon.”

Lin Sui fabricated the situation. Anyway, Yan Qin didn't know the language of monsters, so it was impossible to talk to the monsters. Naturally, there was no way to know the authenticity of his words. Qin knew whether these words were correct.

The flapping of a butterfly's wings does change the original trajectory of many things, but it definitely does not include this one thing that has no causal relationship.

Yan Qin heard the slave trader's heart tighten, looked at Lin Sui who was still calm, and couldn't help saying: "Then you are still so calm, are you ready?"

Yan Qin couldn't help but feel anxious when he heard this. He wanted to make deployments immediately, so that he could make full preparations before the crisis came, but seeing Lin Sui's calm appearance, he I almost feel that the other party and myself are not on the same wasteland.

"Isn't this in preparation, some things can't be rushed, and we are not only these few people."

Lin Sui is really not in a hurry, in the book Yan Qin can use these people to beat the slave trader by surprise, there is no reason why he can't, not to mention that he has more arrogant power than Yan Qin, his The monster army doesn't need to do anything, just standing there, some people can collapse their psychological defenses.

Lin Sui: "Compared to this, I think there is something more urgent."

Yan Qin answered subconsciously, "What's the matter?"

Is there anything more important than someone calling soon?

"Do we need a cook? The meals are the same these days. I'm a little tired of it."

Lin Sui was a little tired of looking at the constant boiled mutant lotus root and roasted meat soup.

The frozen fast food Linsui in stock will not be eaten. Although he does not need much food, he still needs to take in and eat.

Some mutated lotus root to stew, but nothing else.

Because these people don't know how to cook, there is no such kind of cuisine in their concept, either boiled or grilled, Lin Sui lacks interest, and feels that the food needs to be improved.

If it weren't for the lack of manpower, he would want to attack Demu Farm now and bring the classmate who went to the farm to come, because this classmate has a family background and is very good at cooking.

Los Angeles, who was working hard in Demu Farm, sneezed heavily and rubbed her nose.

"Did you catch a cold yesterday?"

He murmured in his heart, and when he heard the urging voice of the foreman, he continued to water with a frown.

Come and save him, he really doesn't want to farm anymore!

After hearing Lin Sui's looming question, Yan Qin fell into a long silence.

"What would you like to eat?"

Lin Sui raised her eyebrows: "Can you cook?"

He remembered that Yan Qin didn't seem to have this basic setting in this world, so he never asked for it.

"Fried green vegetables?"

Yan Qin tentatively said that after seeing Lin Sui's eyes, he immediately righted his name: "I can also fried rice with eggs and boiled instant noodles, but the conditions here are not allowed."

Lin Sui waved her hand: "Then let's fry some vegetables."

Yan Qin walked all the way to the door of the small kitchen in the territory, only to remember what he wanted to ask just now.

So what is the solution? Someone is about to call me, and it is definitely not a victim of a slave trader!

Forget it, since the lords are so calm, there should be no problem. Anyway, Lin Sui has more eyes than lotus root, so it is impossible to fight an unprepared battle.

It is not yet time for dinner, the door of the small kitchen is locked, and old Mok manages the small kitchen and warehouse. When he sees the administrator coming, he trots over immediately.

"I don't need you, I'll do it myself."

Yan Qin also had the kitchen key and waved to Old Mok. When Old Mok was about to leave, he suddenly stopped him and asked him about the slave trader.

Old Mok's face changed slightly when he heard it, and he said everything he knew.

"Does the adults want to buy slaves? I heard from the farmer that the prices they sell are not high, the children will be cheaper, and the cattle and sheep raised by the tribesmen will also be sold."

Although he hates slave traders, Old Mok really thinks that the territory should buy some slaves. There are few prisoners alone.

Old Mock thinks that he should buy some men and women of the right age, so that the territory can be more populated.

"Just ask."

Yan Qin let Lao Moke go out. What should I say, the territory is very poor now, and there is no money to do business with people.

The property they have is all gold coins looted from those mercenary prisoners. It can be seen that those chips were not originally used as transaction currency, but now they have become passable currency.

Only after eating Yanqin did I know that it was edible, and it tasted like green vegetables when cooked.

Yan Qin cut a piece of bird meat, sautéed the fat, poured it into the wild vegetables and fry it quickly, carried a box and walked to the administrator's office.

Zhou Rui came across and saw the dark dishes in the hands of the administrator. She asked a question curiously. After getting the answer, her eyes widened in shock, and she hurried to Clay. Ya there.

"The lord is very kind, let us eat meat, but we eat that kind of black vegetables."

The little girl's eyes were red and she was obviously very sad.

How can a lord eat worse than the residents, let the residents eat meat but eat vegetables, the lord is really the best lord in the world!

Animals are a lot of trouble for us, it seems we have to work harder, I'll see if I can go to the woods to catch more animals and catch more fish."

Zhou Rui clenched her fist: "Then I will eat less at each meal and go with you."

Crea rubbed the girl's head: "Good boy."

Lin Sui didn't know that she just wanted a plate of fried vegetables on a temporary basis, and suddenly added the diligence buff to the residents of the territory.

Yan Qin is very regretful, because there is no rice, their current staple food is very simple, although the basic condiments can be extracted, but the rice cannot be made out of thin air.

When can I do business with Demu Farm.

As the season progresses, nighttime temperatures drop.

The weather in the wasteland is different from another world or a hundred years ago. Even in the supposedly hot summer, the daytime temperature here is like the previous spring, and the night is like autumn.

It is August now, and the temperature at night is less than nine degrees. Fortunately, the people in the wasteland are used to this temperature, as long as it is not in the cold winter, it can be tolerated.

A group of people holding torches and marching in the night.

This is a very large team, a group of people with weapons are followed by a long line, the people with loose hair are tied with ropes on their feet, and they are tied into a string with the people behind, He walked forward numbly.

"Rest in place."

The man riding on the bull yawned, picked up the wine bag next to him, and took a sip of spirits.


The little leader next to Dobson responded immediately and ran to pass the word.

The team immediately stopped in place and looked extraordinarily spectacular.

Dobson sat on the cow and looked at the goods this time, but he was not satisfied.

But soon, his mood warmed up.

"Are you sure you saw someone?"

"I didn't see anyone, but I saw the wall with a spy device. We can go over and investigate first. If there is any activity, we will report back."

The little leader with a bird-like spy in his hand said with a smile, obviously excited about getting another shipment.

"Okay, Will, you can call the two fast runners to see it, see what's going on and we'll make preparations. If it's successful, you'll be rewarded."

"Thank you boss!"

Vill was very excited, and immediately ordered two of his men to follow him to investigate the situation.

They used the edge of the woods to cover their tracks, and saw a wall erected there in the distance.

"It looks like a small tribe, but when did the tribe live in this place?"

Hearing Jerry's muttering, Will couldn't help but say: "Never mind, if it's a small tribe, it'll be easier, let's go to a team first, and hope to meet some good people as always. The goods are sold at a higher price this way, so I won't run to us for so long this time."

"After passing the black tower, be sure to go and be happy."

The black face at the far side spat, grinned, and showed yellow teeth.

"What's so fun about the black tower, you're still too young, go to the east area to play, even in the outer ring, there's more fun than the black tower."

Jerry glanced at the black-faced ignorant, the black-faced robbers on the road surrendered, and quickly followed behind Will, Jerry was originally the most powerful deputy behind Will Captain, now the limelight has been robbed by blackface.

Blackface heard his run, and didn't mind it. He couldn't help but think about the fairy life in the East District. He has been wandering in the West District, where there are many hills and life is much more difficult. He hadn't even been to the Black Tower, but had just heard from other robbers.

Jerry: "Boss, go back and let the birds watch?"

The bird is the device that can record video. They usually control it to fly into the air and then check it back. There was a real-time viewing device before, but it was destroyed when fighting with a group of robbers. , It cost a lot of crystal coins to buy it, and Dobson was so angry that he dragged the robber for several kilometers, eating the person until only the bones were left to relieve his anger.

Will shook his head: "Let's take a closer look and see if we can turn over."

Several people approached slowly, and when they came to the corner, a few people were happy.

Because the wall was never built!

They don't even need to break into the door to build it, and the door has not been repaired at all!

Jerry saw the outline of the building in the dark, his heart jumped, and his voice contained excitement: "Boss, it is the territory of the old humans!"

Weir squinted his eyes: "No wonder this place looks familiar, there used to be an old human territory here, but there was no activity, and I thought it was abandoned. It seems that there are mice hiding here. They finally couldn't help it."

He touched his chin: "Those nobles still like to watch old humans being torn apart by monsters. We sell them at a high price, hoping that there will be more little mice, and a few will survive."

Will even thought of the performance he saw a long time ago that made him physically and mentally happy, those old humans who were caught shivered, didn't understand what had changed in the world, and shouted at us It is the same kind of crying, watching the monster shiver like a weak lamb, making people laugh.

Those warriors before the freezing can resist for a while, but those wastes who were civilians during their lifetime can only be torn to pieces and chewed, and even an eyeball popped in front of him, causing people to be completely crazy Excited and excited, Will pouted, thinking that after the deal was done, he would go to another show.

"Go back and tell the boss, he will definitely..."

Before Will finished speaking, he realized that his subordinate's expression was wrong.

Their expressions were dull, as if they had seen something extremely frightening, and their facial features were distorted.

A few drops of viscous water fell from the air, and Will looked up subconsciously and saw a spider that appeared at the corner of the wall at some point, its saliva dripping on him like rain.

Before he had time to turn around and run, he saw the source of his fear. It was a brown monster with a wrinkled face and a dozen tentacles twisting together. , The monster stretched out his hand, the brown hand suddenly became longer, tied their body, the spider spun silk, and the silk thread had the effect of electricity, making them instantly paralyzed.

Vell's heart was screaming insanely impossible, how could the monster appear silently, and how could he know how to cooperate!

Three people were dragged to the surface building of the shelter, the door was closed, and the three people fell to the ground, looking at the human inside with a dull look, and the worldview was impacted.

How can the monsters not eat them if they catch them, and how can there be human beings where the monsters are! How could a human drive a monster! They are food for monsters!

Yan Qin has been sending hummingbirds to patrol the territory these days. Since these people entered the territory, Yan Qin found them. When they approached, Lin Sui let the spider and the root Root to catch people.

I can give credit to the scientists who came up with this combination in the first place.

"Who are you?"

Vill immediately said, "We are from the farm, and the farmer let us come and see."

Slave traders also knew their reputations and kept a low profile when they were at a disadvantage.

"Tell us you're a farmer by dressing like this?"

Yan Qin sneered, these three people are obviously dressed as refugees in the wasteland, but they are much cleaner and more complete than the refugees. They are either bandits or slave traders.

expose their wickedness.

Yan Qin started directly and found all the weapons on the three people.

Heat guns, daggers, small bombs...and a lot more.

Will wanted to quibble, and heard another person ask: "How much cargo do you have this time?"

I was in a panic just now, and Weir didn't see the appearance of the two people. When he heard the question, he saw the face of the man sitting behind the table. He kicked a foot in the face to regain his senses.

"Ask you."

Actually looking at Lin Sui with such obsessive eyes, if this person was still useful, Yan Qin would have just screwed his head off.

Huh? When did he become so irritable that he didn't take human life as his life? It must be because this person is the dregs of the wasteland.

"What cargo? We're just farm folks."

Will made up his mind to act foolishly to the end, as long as they didn't go back after a while, the leader would definitely sense something was wrong and would come to save them.

"If you don't want to say it, turn it into food."

Vill heard what the beautiful man said, and as his voice fell, the spider on the ceiling crawled over.

"I say! I say! Don't eat me!"

Lin Sui looked at the shouting man and raised her chin to him.

"Our leader is a slave trader, called Dobson, and we have twenty-eight people in his hands, five of whom are small leaders, each of whom takes care of forty slaves, and some have less than forty , this time less than two hundred slaves."

Seeing the black face who said the situation like a bean, Will gave him a vicious look.

Jerry didn't know why he was still gloating. This was a robber who surrendered immediately. Everything was for his own life, so how could he know to keep a secret.

Blackface glanced at the coveting spider, and then shivered and said something else, such as weapons and how they found it here.

"Do you want to live?"

Blackface nodded again and again, he didn't want to die.

"Then listen to me, go back to your chief and inform him that there are only a dozen people here, and let him bring people to arrest."

Blackface immediately said yes, thinking that when he ran out, he immediately told the leader that there was danger here, although these two people can drive monsters, but a monster, they can deal with it!

But soon he had no such idea. When he saw the snake tail swimming out from behind the table, the black face almost fainted from fright.

The Devil! This is the demon king who can destroy everything in the legend of the West End!

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