MTL - The Last Cat in the Universe-Chapter 90 Extra three

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"Ephemeris On November 8, 2017, Marshal of the Hinters Empire, Ji Xiuyu, returned safely one week after the attack and disappeared, bringing back the existence that saved him— —The last cat in the universe, the savior of today's vast wonderland. "

On the podium, a history teacher is telling the knowledge of books.

"This is a projection record at the time."

Sitting in the classroom were a group of little men with baby fat bun faces, looking at each person and cat on the podium with bright eyes.

In the eyes of children, "hero" is always a topic that will never fade.

Who has no model of a nine-tailed cat at home now?

Who has no silver poster or thunder poster in their house?

There are no such children in the family, so they will be laughed at by other children!

So everyone basically has it at home.

In addition, sculptures and small decorations about the two are everywhere in urban construction.

The ephemeris November 8, 2017 is a very important historical turning point for the souls of this universe.

On that day, they welcomed the hero who saved the entire universe.

The people who have been hiding for a long time have found their savior who waited for tens of thousands of years, and then spent three hundred years to break the forbidden ground one by one and bury the seeds of hope left over from ancient times.

This universe, which has lost its immortal spirit since it collapsed tens of thousands of years ago, is like a phoenix reborn in the fire, flapping its wings and singing.

Since then, human hidden talents have begun to recover, and the power of genes has gradually been mastered.

The awakened humans began to seek their own strength. As a hero and lover, Ji Xiu, who is also a human, gave some of the cultivation methods to the high-levels of human beings, and roughly informed related matters.

Later, talented humans began to explore their own potential, while ordinary people who did not awaken their talents were spurred by a strong sense of crisis and worked harder and harder to study technology.

More than 5,000 years have passed since that era, and human beings have evolved from the side of science and technology to become a society where science and technology are equal to mystery.

In the course of history, people have successfully accepted the existence of monsters-although there are occasional frictions, but because of the good feelings for the nine-tailed cat, the two parties have maintained a good relationship.

Nowadays, flying machines and magical instruments can be seen walking side by side. Monks can also be seen behind the top students of the Department of Horticulture, helping to produce various plants according to the design drawings.

There are also monks who run to security companies or serve in the government's traffic safety department, which brings quite favorable security to ordinary caravans and passenger ships.

This is derived from the educational policy set at the beginning.

Playing with little children, monsters, ordinary people, and monks are no different. They are all members of society. Monks and monsters have the power that ordinary people don't, so their contributions to society and their remuneration are more than ordinary people.

Accordingly, their work is more dangerous.

Risk and return coexist.

The state machine holds resources and the highest combat power, and rules monks in the same way as ordinary people. With resources for spiritual practice, there is no trouble in thousands of years.

The monks fully accepted that they would also go to school, and as their practice increased, they improved their grades and took the next level of practice.

It ’s a way to ensure social stability because it ’s very consistent with the cause and effect cycle. The monks did n’t raise any objections. Instead, they used this method of money and goods to let them go. Doing work that ordinary people cannot do.

There is no need to worry about owing to cause and effect and getting resources for the practice. This is a very cost-effective thing for the monks.

Brainwashing from an early age made everyone think from the subconscious that there is no essential difference between them, and instilled the ability to work harder and must bear the corresponding social responsibility of social status. After the polishing of time and the subtle influence of the general environment, such a rare eventual formation Of harmonious coexistence.

Then on this premise, work together to explore a new, higher level universe.

After all, once the resources are used up, there will be a second time, and a recovery can't stop the long-term future.

What came up with such a brilliant idea was Yuean, who was regarded as a hero by both humans and monsters.

The human cat and the monster, the common hero cat, were pulling at his object, packing the things in the house, and preparing to lie out of the door.

This universe is very big. If a planet is in full play, it can be played for two or three years.

Thousands of years ago, Yue An and Ji Xiuyi did not wave the entire universe again. Instead, Ji Xiuyuan was wearing the vest of the space explorer, and had a notable influence among human beings and monks.

——As the only immortal who has achieved much fruit today, Ji Xiuyu still has a very inherited consciousness.

He and Yue'an, each time they go to the planet, the first thing is to assess the aura, resources, and difficulty of survival. Whether it is suitable for ordinary human or monk practice, they will record it completely when one of the planet waves is over , And then put it on the social account under his vest, and published it in great detail.

Occasionally take videos or photos.

For example, you can slap the shadow of holding hands with Yuean, pat your hands with fingers crossed, or pat a meal for two or something.

Although he did not show his face, he also perfectly fulfilled the purpose of feeding dog food to the majority of interstellar people.

They are now ready to go out again.

The goal is more special. It is Yuean's recent idleness and boring to find the Tianmen channel accidentally found in the classics.

Simply put, it is the passage from the fairyland.

According to the recorded description, it should be a long and dark wormhole channel, but when the fairyland collapsed, the wormhole also collapsed.

"What to do there?" Ji Xiuyu asked. "You can't open a wormhole, even if you do, you won't be able to drive back to Earth."

What's more, when the last batch of humans came out of the universe where the earth is located, the earth has exhausted its resources and is close to death.

For thousands of years, people who have not been in the lower world have become immortals. Basically, they can cover the coffins and conclude that the sky gates have completely turned. To form a new stable wormhole that communicates between two different cosmic planes, basically you must look at the face.

Those who can become immortals in the lower realm basically practice to a certain degree. They can perceive where the wormhole is, and try their best to open the wormhole away from that relatively inferior plane and come to this universe.

This is the immortalization process that people generally recognize.

In fact, Yuean couldn't say what to do there.

He just thought he should go and see.

Yuean put the fox wood carving and the nine-tailed cat wood carving on the table, thought about it, and said, "Go and admire the ruins."

After speaking, Yuean added: "I think something will happen there."

Yue'an has now become a martial arts school, but the nine-tailed cat has a natural feeling for destiny.

As he said, Ji Xiuyun also took the cat that fluttered from his house neatly and turned away.

Yue An poked out his head from the neckline of Ji Xiu's jacket, two small front paws resting on his placket, and raised his head to rub Ji Ji's chin gently.

Ji Xiuyu returned a few times, and Ma Liu boarded the aircraft parked at the foot of the mountain.

They are now living on the top of the mountain in the demon tribe. The east and south slopes alternate, and Ji Xiuyu has developed amazing cooking skills over a few years ago, focusing on feeding his own cats.

If it hadn't been for the old age, the food would have become aura when eaten alone. It is estimated that it would be fed into a big fat cat.

They are busy.

After solving the problem of the immortal world, and no longer let Chengxian equate with death, the monsters can't wait to confess the two of them, but they themselves are scattered by the words of Yue'an to leave the clan and relax. Run out to find new ways.

At that time, mortals could find the immortal realm, and it is also very likely that their immortals would find a higher level of the universe.

Without worries, the powerful fairies drilled into the wormhole when they saw it, and withdrew when they saw the wrong situation. The path to the higher universe was not found, but a lot of stable wormhole channels were newly discovered. Make human travel more and more convenient.

Ji Xiuyu and Yue'an both wanted to help, but they were stopped by the fairies every time.

According to them, Ji Xiuyin and Yue'an, as the spiritual pillars of monsters and humans, should still be a little more mysterious, just keep the legendary image, run less and take risks, or you can't imagine it.

Yue An and Ji Xiu Xiu also knew their importance as spiritual symbols and had to confess their fate.

Squatting in the demon clan, farming and cooking, occasionally tossing on the star network, and when I was bored, I slipped out of the door and walked for two laps, and had to take away the danger in the fearful attention of the demons.

Although a little bit restrained, life is very beautiful.

At this moment, I went to admire the ruins of Tianmen, and said that something might happen there. Ji Xiuyue and Yue'an both had salt from their spare time, and the baggage money slipped out.

The ruins of Tianmen are not small. Ji Xiuyu and Yuean and several monsters encountered in the halfway looked at them one by one.

Some are on a planet.

Some are in a void.

Some are in the meteorite belt.

Yue'an looked at the ancient books and went through all the fragmented Tianmen, and finally found that there was another Tianmen, which was deep in the territory of the monster clan.

The more secure the ancient books are, the more I see what kind of things are coming.

He made a decision immediately, and returned to the demon clan with Ji Xiuyu. He brought a group of black and white monsters and monsters, and dug back the foxes that lingered among the humans. Inaccessible places.

"In the ephemeris 7421, the nine-tailed cat who saved the universe, along with his lover and ethnic group, once again broke through the cosmic dimension and went to a higher level world."

With the bell from the end of the class, the teacher on the podium turned off the holographic projection and looked at the excited students with a smile.

"Efforts to develop your own talents, practice with concentration, where the heroes go is your final destination!"

"So, after class!"

——— End of the full text ————

The author has something to say: After the full text is over, Ma Yefan wrote me sad, probably I wo n’t learn foreign skills in this life orz

Xinkeng "Monster Apartment" will be on time at five this afternoon!

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