MTL - The Last Cat in the Universe-Chapter 89 Two extra

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Become a cat to help Yuean solve a little troublesome fox. Before leaving, invite Yuean when he is free and go back to the current demon tribe. Look, family members are allowed.

Yue'an promised, but he didn't go after many years.

As Ji Xiuyu thought, after a short period of turbulence in the eighteenth galaxy, the Hinters Empire entered a stage of peaceful development.

The little emperor who had done enough to make some achievements to consolidate his position was just as effective as a drug that was simply and neatly ordered.

Under the tide of interstellar civilians' pursuit of peace and resistance to war, the eighteenth galaxy of the Hinters Empire, which is the source of this tide, is under the spotlight, and the speed of economic growth is so fast that it can be seen by the naked eye.

And those gangsters who flee, after the fox led the phoenix star gang with no reason to run rampantly on many famous star gangs on the list, their actions have become low-key, for fear of taking the lead to attract evil spirits.

For a time, the entire Starcraft was unprecedentedly peaceful, and even the news that the Star Thief looted the caravan that was usually received every month became once every few months.

Ji Xiu, who always needs to be in the ghosts of the Hinters Empire to watch as a deterrent, is actually strangely idle.

This is a good thing.

Ji Xiuyu thought, thinking he might be able to enter the retirement stage in advance.

Yue'an said that he had killed too much, so he should take good care of it. The more mysterious saying is to wash away the lead, and the more popular saying is that the Buddha's system is to provide for the elderly and cultivate himself.

Practicing with a **** stuffy head is easy to be killed by thunder.

Yuean said so.

Marshal Ji pinches the furry cat doll and misses his cat.

And his domestic cat, as his direct subordinate officer, directly took a long vacation, saying that he was going to accompany Ellie's mom to make a movie to protect her safety.

Can Ji Xiuyun disagree?

Of course not.

Otherwise, Marshal Kevin wants to bang his head.

Marshal Ji stayed lonely on Emperor Star. With his current strength, few people have been able to take a few laps under his hands. The elite combat capabilities of the military department are like Xiao Xiu under his hands.

After smashing those arrogant princes into skeptical life, Ji Xiuyu was also embarrassed to start, he had to take a bunch of chess and card games sent by Yuean to Marshal Kevin to play.

The two high-weight, well-married and happy Imperial Marshals lived like two empty nest old men.

Marshal Ji feels miserable.

He pinched the cat doll for a long time, looked up at the time, got up and took a box of chess, and ran to find the first legion leader who began to take a rest today to play chess.

The head of the First Corps watched him as he reached the peak of an old cadre's old-age pension system at an young age, and he stopped talking.

Ji Xiuyu raised his eyes and looked at him: "What's the matter?"

"The action of the Phoenix Star Stealing Team ... was it your intention?" He asked.

Ji Xiuyu was swinging his chess moves for a while, and his brain, which had been immobile for a long time, reacted slowly for a few seconds before realizing what the First Corps Chief was referring to.

In recent years, the Phoenix Star Stealing Group has done a lot, and the hotspots of related news have never gone on.

A few years ago, the public didn't know much about the Phoenix Star Stealing Group, because the Phoenix Star Stealing Group hadn't been able to say a vote every few years, and it was very sincere to not start with civilians.

Therefore, although they have been hung on the bounty lists of all parties, they are notably well-known among the public.

Most of the people are aware of the most horrific and murderous groups.

The phoenix star theft group is not hurting civilians with a large base, but the interests of big businessmen and even some countries, so the national discussion has not been high.

Recently, the action of the Phoenix Star Stealing Group can be described as very happy-they have a lot of Star Thieves' old nests separated by three to five, so that the entire Star Trek rewards list has changed a lot, and they have thrown black money into the Starry Peacekeeping force headquarters.

Not only that, they also put down the money to the unlucky eggs that they had previously robbed the ore star. If the unlucky eggs died, they would give the unlucky offspring, and the rest should be used to expand the peacekeeping force.

This behavior is really puzzling, but there are many fans of unknown people who only watch the news.

The people who eat melon have speculated whether this star band is atonement.

The atonement is redeemed for this, and it is the first and only part of the star thief group ever.

The first army commander had met the fox, and also learned through Ji Xiuyu that the fox is the same family of Ji Xiuyu. At this moment, the Phoenix Star Stealing Group made such a weird behavior. The first reaction of the commander of the army was to marshal his marshal. Is doing something.

After all, their marshal's heart is not a day or two thing. Although it's not very good to say, it's a good idea to let the Phoenix Star Thieves and other Star Thieves go to bite the dog.

I haven't seen the Phoenix Star Stealing Team returning to the Death Triangle, nor is there any military force to intervene in them to do things?

Ji Xiuyong slowly finished the chessboard and pushed the **** in the middle forward.

"No." Ji Xiuyu felt that he could not carry the pot. "The territorial dispute between the Star Thieves."

The head of the First Army Corps also pushed a **** and thought about it for a while.

After all, there are a limited number of habitable planets. There are no deadly harmful substances or hidden dangers. They are basically directly occupied by countries. There are only a few habitable planets left by other wild forces, and their area is small.

The Phoenix Star Stealing Group blasted the forces that had occupied these small planets in a breath, and those mobs who did not belong did not break their heads to fight for the planet.

So those recent moves may really be just fighting for the ground.

As for the stolen goods that were thrown to the combined peacekeeping forces of various countries-let alone the power of the Phoenix Star Thieves Group not wanting to face the Star Thieves and the Star Army twice at the same time.

Ji Xiuzhen raised his head and glanced at the head of the First Army Corps. After seeing that Thaksin thought it was true, he retreated silently.

What is the actual situation like?

The reality is simple.

After her life was settled, Yue'an always went out to play with Mrs. Ellie. Although Mrs. Ellie's main purpose was to shoot a show and record a variety show, she always indulged in Yue'an, which led to Yue'an becoming more and more Stick her.

A few years ago, Yuean went out with Mrs. Ellie to go for a walk. The name was actually that the bodyguard was actually going to eat, drink, and drink. The result was that on the fairway to the film and television planet, they met a group of people who were blown out of their heads and panicked. So far the Star Thief.

This group of star thieves was pursued by Ji Xiuyu.

They were very happy to meet civilians, but in the end they never expected that a Yuean was killed in the passenger ship.

There were wolves and tigers before, and these gangs of star thieves were there to completely end the life of Starcraft oL.

After that, Yuean felt that his beautiful and delicate human mother was in a particularly dangerous situation, turned his head, caught him, and let the wind go by the way to see if there were any foxes who dare to strike those planets.

The fox felt at the time that the juniors in the clan clamored to come out after knowing that they had found Yuean. Compared to the group of guys who tossed themselves and tossed themselves, it was better to choose a few stable and selective ones. They came out to meet the world.

When they see the world, they must always be made aware of the sinister heart.

So the fox took the little guys and drilled into the star thieves of other people's homes all day long, so that the little guys in the clan until the hearts of the people speculated, and then they killed the gang of evil men one by one.

The stolen goods wo n’t be collected until the season is repaired. This kind of aura does not have a little urge to the gang of monsters and fairies. The fox thought about it and threw it to the humans who chased them before. Considered a virtue.

After that, Ji Xiuyu quickly entered the state of retirement.

The foxes have done all the work, and the peacekeeping force ’s military expenses are quite sufficient. The strength of the two legions was expanded a few days ago, and the star thief regiments that occasionally popped their heads were full.

Those star thief forces have become quiet like chickens, and countries have followed the public opinion, and there is no possibility of war.

——The ten-day post-war video recorded by Kitty is still on the top of major platforms.

This directly led to a hole in Ji Xiuyu's rice bowl, which was eaten by war, and the two top leaders of the military squatted squatting at home and paid vacations.

Occasionally, Marshal Kevin is still busy with the little emperor's side, and the little emperor, after tasting the sweetness brought by Marshal Kevin's suggestions, simply throws away the hero filter for Ji Xiuyu and invests With the embrace of Marshal Kevin, he could not trust Marshal Kevin.

As for Ji Xiuyu ... he was almost salty in his spare time.

Yue'an also said that he should settle down and never take him out.

As soon as Marshal Ji was preparing to blast the legion's horse, his communicator rang.

It was a communication from Yuean.

Ji Xiuyu connected the communication and blasted off the horse of the First Army Commander.

Yuean's projection fell on the side, and asked Ji Xiuyu with a sense of temptation: "Ji Xiuyu, do you like me or do you like fluffy?"

Ji Xiuyu looked for a moment, and looked at Yuean: "What do you mean?"

"I have encountered a fox. He asked me if I could go back and take a look now, so I can take you." Yue An finished, watching Ji Xiuxi very alertly.

Marshal Ji tasted what Yuean meant.

Probably because most of the demons are fluffy, Ji Xiuyu thought, if he said that he likes fluffy, it is estimated that the more secure it will hang up the communication in the next second, pat the **** and go back without him Already.

Marshal Ji slowly put the dark horse **** in his hand aside, and with the strange look of the head of the First Army, he replied, "You who like fluffy."

Yuean pouted: "Learning less from Kevin's father is not suitable for you."

Ji Xiuyu looked away.

Yue'an very reluctantly Ji Xixiu passed the test. He waved his hand and said generously: "Let's go, I and the fox are waiting for you on the 34th film and television planet!"

Ji Xiuyu watched Yuean's fox yell, Yuean hung up the phone, narrowed his eyes, and the alarm bell in his heart was a masterpiece.

He didn't see Yuean and the fox lick their hairs and slept with each other twice.

Ji Xiuyin admits that the picture of the flaming big fox and the white and soft kitten dumplings sleeping together and snoring and snoring is actually cute.

but! Yes!

That kitten dumpling is a family kitten dumpling!

Ji Xiu's chess was no longer played, he stood up directly, dropped the first army commander who had been killed by him with only one general, and directly killed the army for a long vacation.

Basically, he took half of the annual leave he had been holding since the army.

Recently, there is not much military service, and there is not much to be transferred. Ji Xiu's shabu-shabu rushed to the 34th film and television planet.

Yue'an was taken out of the arms of the fox by Ji Xiuyu.

The waves were too late the night before, and a cat and a fox were all overwhelmed.

The fox, who has long been accustomed to night life, is okay. Following the sleep of Madam Ellie as a good baby, she fell asleep. When she smelled Ji Xiu's smell, she turned directly into Ji Xiu's warm jacket. As soon as the eyes closed, they fell asleep.

The fox didn't become a prototype, and now he was lying on the sofa with a slight look on his face, squinting his eyes slightly, and the anger was about to break through the sky.

the most important is.

A strange man was lying on the bed in this room.

"You take him to play this?" Ji Xiuyun's face was extremely dark.

"Nonsense." The fox crawled slowly and lazily. "His room is next door. He only got in this morning."

Ji Xiuyu looked at the man in bed very badly.

"Rest assured." The fox yawned, sitting still and sitting. "It's me playing the one-night stand, you're not green."

Ji Xiuyu glanced at the fox and wanted to hit the fox.

But I can't beat it, very angry.

Ji Xiu held his cat, took the room card from the fox, and turned around without hesitation, leaving the fox's room.

When the fox saw Yue'an again, it was already afternoon.

Yue'an sucked his nose and covered his buttocks. Poorly following Ji Xiuyu, he was particularly wronged.

The fox sniffed over and didn't smell the too strong Ji Xiuyu smell on Yue'an.

He thought for a while, and asked Yuean, "You have been spanked by your family?"

Yuean became angry and shameless, chasing the fox was a mammoth.

The fox jumped up and down, then hid in the aircraft, carried him back to the prototype with the collar of Yuean that was chasing him, and then tucked it into Ji Xiuyu's arms that followed.

"Walk around." The fox started the aircraft. "Take you home and get familiar."

Ji Xiuyu had never thought about it before, and he had one day to enter the death triangle.

He watched as the fox walked through the high-speed meteorite belt—not relying on driving skills—about a route.

Because they occasionally hit a meteorite directly, this thin aircraft did not have the slightest abnormality.

Those meteorites do not exist, they are hallucinations.

But no one can tell.

The star field in the Death Triangle area is surrounded by various high-speed meteorite belts and unstable wormholes that have gone back and forth, like unbreakable armor, covering the pure land behind it.

That's right, pure land.

Through the high-risk area where wormholes and meteorites intersect, the gorgeous star fields that you see are rippling like water waves, and then as the aircraft advances, the gorgeous star fields are like a broken crystal. A crack appeared.

The aircraft smashed the star field.

Then revealed its hidden truth.

On time, a gorgeous world, with blue sky and several clouds floating, the dark blue and light green can be seen faintly on the skyline.

Under the sky, there is a sea of ​​flowers growing vigorously and wantonly under the sun, showing its own beauty, each one is like glowing.

Several small wooden houses can be seen scattered in the sea of ​​flowers. In the distance, under the dark blue and light green sky, traces of the existence of the mountains can be seen.

There are small birds and birds pecking and flying here. Occasionally, there are some huge things above the clouds spreading their wings and passing by.

"Welcome to the rest of the fairyland continent!" Said the fox with a smile, and depressed the joystick of the aircraft. "This is the last continent that has not yet broken."

Yuean squatted on the window platform, two small paws resting on the window, and stared at the sea of ​​flowers underneath.

"Meow!" Yuean's claws pointed at the movement in the sea of ​​flowers.


I see the rabbit!

"Well, there is no hope to be refined outside the sea of ​​flowers. If you want to eat it later, catch it yourself." The fox controlled the aircraft across the sea of ​​flowers and went straight to that mountain.

As soon as Yue'an got off the aircraft, he was full of all kinds of fluff that had been waiting for rabbits for a long time. Most of them were animal cubs that Ji Xiuyu hadn't seen.

One or two of these little guys all scrambled to crawl over Yue'an, and even if they climbed, they suddenly became humanoid and covered in red. They barely stretched their chubby little hands to embrace Yue'an's neck.

Yuean braced her chick's **** to prevent her from falling.

Then one person, one cat, and one fox, heard the little chicken pouting milkily and said, "Vietnam, I will grow up and marry you, OK?"

Ji Xiuyu: "..."


Yuean: "... Ah?"

A little fox next to him also changed into a human shape, holding on to Yue'an's clothes, and her voice was soft and waxy: "My mother said that a hero is a beauty, I am more beautiful than a chick. Yuean should marry me."

Ji Xiuyu: "..."

Yue'an looked at the little fox, who was foolish, and was stupid for a long time. Then he put down the naked chicken in his arms and retrieved his voice: "You are a boy."

"What's wrong with the boys? The big foxes often sleep with the boys." The little fox said.

Yue'an and Ji Xiuxi turned their heads and looked at the fox.

Ji Xiuyu's eyes could not be seen, but Yuean's eyes were full of condemnation.

"They grew up listening to your legend." The fox explained helplessly.

"What about them?" Yue'an asked toward the strange humanoid monsters behind the cubs.

The fox glanced at those little young men who were rubbing their fists and rubbing their sleeves, ready to pick up the cubs and come back on themselves, sighing: "We have waited for you for tens of thousands of years."

The implication is that the monsters that already had cubs all grew up listening to the legend of Yue'an.

What is the legend of Yuean?

After ten thousand years, there will be a nine-tailed cat named Yuean, stepping on colorful clouds to save the entire demons and the fairyland!

It sounds amazing at first!

Although there are no colorful clouds, it does not prevent a group of monsters who regard Yuean as a savior to try to cherish their heroes.

— Even if their heroes already have targets.

so what.

Isn't it ntr?

The two have not officially swear that they have not stamped it in front of the sky. The small copy of the marriage certificate is not counted in the eyes of the monster!

"This is my object!" Yue'an felt furry.

He turned around and hugged Ji Xiuyu, looking at the group of bare-ass little monster cubs and the monsters behind the little monster cubs. "I have no intention of changing objects!"

The adult monsters looked at Ji Xiuyu, and then looked at Yue'an. After thinking about it, most of them shrank back.

But the cubs are different.

Especially the little fox, he patted his small breast and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm still young, I can wait until you have this intention!"

"..." Yue'an turned his head to glance at the fox. "The cubs in your clan are pretty good?"


Yue'an hugged Ji Xiuyu even tighter and yelled, "But I'm going to stamp with Ji Xiuyu in the sky. You have no chance!"

"Isn't it covered yet?" The little demon behind the little fox smiled sweetly.

Fox ... Fox no longer wants to speak.

He turned to glance at Ji Xiuyi, a little worried that Ji Xiuyi would suddenly hit the group of cubs.

Although Ji Xiuyu just stepped on the threshold of monks, but the speed of human practice is the same as that of Kaikai. Let Ji Xiu have a few little monsters. There is really no problem at all.

Ji Xiuyu swears that if he knew that this would happen, he would never agree with Yuean to follow the fox back.

He glanced at the fox coldly, and threw Yuean into his arms--in a gesture of possession.

Yue An walked around Ji Xiuyu's chest, spreading Ji Xiu a cat smell, and then let go.

The fox stood next to Ji Xiuyu, and said, "Otherwise, you can stamp it here."

Upon hearing this, Yue An directly took Ji Xiu's hand and bit him the index finger, and then his own index finger. Then, under the eyes of everyone, they stuck the wounds of the two together.

"Looking at heaven and earth, I'm with Ji Xiuyu!" He said, looking up, "Let's spend time together ..."

The voice of Yue'an did not fall, and a golden mang flashed on the wound that he stuck with Ji Xiuyu.

The onlookers of the demon became disappointed and withered at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Ji Xiuyu looked down at his fingers as they had recovered, and still couldn't react.

Yuean was happy.

"I carried half of your killing!" Yue'an said cheerfully, "I have no heavens to become immortal, and I am not afraid of being struck by thunder. When you become an immortal, you can borrow from me. If you are lucky, you are not afraid of being split into ashes! "

Ji Xiuyu doesn't know much about these, but he can also hear that it is a good thing.

"Okay, I'll show you around." The fox clapped his hands and dragged their attention. "Our family is quite big."

After returning to the demon tribe, the fox did not abandon the flying machine. After meeting the monster on the mountain, he took Ji Xiuyu and Yuean to visit another mountain.

This surviving continent is very vast, with mountains and rivers, rivers, seas and lakes, from extreme frozen soil to tropical rain forests, and many animals and plants with unconscious self-consciousness that have never been seen before.

Yuean relied on a fox to follow, and took Ji Xiuyu to the high-risk area.

The fox also jumped along with Yuean's excitement, and followed behind them to help clean up the basket.

"Ah! Wait." Yuean grabbed the fox's joystick as he flew over a mountain and pointed at the mountain. "Go down here."

"Huh?" The fox hesitated for a moment, nodded, and fell down.

The more you get closer and closer, the more you feel familiar, until you reach the foot of the mountain, and then you suddenly think of it.

"Oh, this is exactly the same hill I used to live in!"

Yuean excitedly pulled Ji Xiuyu and walked up the mountain.

"Look, that was the place where the rabbits used to live. They don't like to be human, they like to live in deep holes."

"Um." Ji Xiuyu listened quietly and nodded.

"There is a personal village over there, and we are separated by a large ravine. We have scared them before, and they began to rumor that there is a mountain **** in the mountain."


"A stone road was built over the village. It was originally to build a concrete road, but the villagers did not collect enough money for two years, so they did not repair it."

Ji Xiu paused for a moment: "... cement?"

Yuean thought for a long time and explained, "Just ... uh, concrete?"

These season repairs can literally understand what it is.

He nodded and motioned to Yue'an to continue.

"A few of our cats live on the south slope!" Yuean pointed to the hillside of Xiangyang next to the guide. "We are more particular about building a house, covering it with illusions, and pulling the network cable."

"Two bear blind men live on the top of the mountain. They are fine. They can always make delicious honey from the mountain, but they never give us food."

"We are now walking on the east hillside, and we will be walking to the old fox's house in a little while."

The foot of a person and a cat is really fast. As soon as the voice of Yuean falls, one person and a cat see a pointed small roof.

Yue An hesitated, and the whole cat looked like a cat. She let go of Ji Xiu's hand, and slipped into the house.

"Old fox ... hey !!!"

Ji Xiuyong heard Yue An's voice, and hurried to keep up. As soon as he got up, he saw Yue An squatting on the ground with her head in her body, getting wet, and an enamel water basin lying next to it.

Ji Xiuyu: "..."

"Smelly fox, don't stop dead." Yue'an shook the hair on his head, and then dragged Ji Xiuyu, "Look, there must be traps in the room!"

As Yue An said, he pulled Ji Xiuyu through the yard and walked to the door of the house.

The building is square and square, and it looks very old to Ji Xiuyu.

According to Yuean, it is actually a very ordinary southern rural building.

Ji Xiuyu looked at the vigilant Yue'an with a look on his face, and wanted to say that the more naive the water basin organ could be, the clearer it could be.

But turning to look at Yue'an's slightly red eyes, Marshal Ji stunned the words back.

Yuean actually misses this feeling.

After all, how did the old fox accompany him for nearly a hundred years.

"I, I, I opened the door!" Yuean couldn't help but tighten Ji Xiu's clothes.


Yuean stretched out a finger and carefully opened a slit.

Nothing happened.

He simply opened the door.

Then I only heard the sound of "嘭", and I didn't know where the paper cannons and big colored **** exploded in the room, and the colorful pieces of paper fell on his face.

Yue'an was full of faces with a piece of colorful paper on her face.

"Surprise!" A familiar voice came from the room, with a lazy tone peculiar to foxes.

There is another, Yuean is also familiar.

It was the old fox who pressed their throats to learn the hoarse tone of their nine-tailed cat's old senior.

He said, "Vietnam is back."

Yue'an was stupid, holding Ji Xiu's clothes and looking at the fox woodcarving next to the tea set in the room, and there was a woodcarving of a cat with eight tails, and one Smoke, at first glance, is the old predecessor of the cat's house.

The two woodcarvings repeat slowly and mechanically "Surprise!" And "Vietnam is back."

Yue'an stared round and looked at the two woodcarves for a while, then suddenly turned around and hugged Ji Xiuyu, and "Wow" cried out.

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