MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 502 leave seven domains 1

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   Time is like water, flowing slowly, and in a blink of an eye, hundreds of millions of years of time have passed by in a flash.

  The time of    is an endless long time for ordinary immortal cultivators and living beings, but for Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian and others, it is too short and too short!

  Because since the cultivation of the two of them reached the seventh-level holy monarch, no matter what they do, they have never been able to break through the eighth-level holy monarch.

  Xu was because of a mentality problem. After two unsuccessful attempts, he finally decided not to think about the promotion for the time being.


   In the dark area at the end of the Seven Domains, two figures are sitting cross-legged in the void at the moment.

   These two are Bei Gongxue and First Wentian.

  Last time, after the dragon's blood tree blew up half of the body of the ancient beast of chaos by self-destruction, the powerful saints of various races who recovered their vitality began to take turns to guard here to prevent the appearance of the ancient beast of chaos.

   And this time, it was the turn of Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian.

   In the endless void, the bodies of the two were suspended in the air face to face. Compared with the vast space, the figures of the two were smaller than the dust.

  Suddenly, a slight movement came from the pitch-black darkness.

  The closed eyes of the two of them suddenly opened, and their eyes were salvoed towards the dark world.


   The two quickly swept away in the direction of the movement, and then summoned their sacred artifact.

   After a while, two huge tentacles appeared in front of their eyes.

   Seeing this, Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian immediately slashed down at the two tentacles with their weapons.


When    met for the first time, the two people's holy weapons collided with the tentacles, and countless dazzling fireworks erupted.

   "Wentian, no, I'm afraid the two of us can't deal with it, so let Sister Lan come over!" Bei Gongxue said with a serious look at the tentacles of the world-destroying chaotic ancient beast.

   The first questioner nodded, "Okay!"

   Bei Gongxue stretched out her hand and took out the token Lan Xueqin left her, crushed it, and then dashed at the tentacles of the world-destroying chaotic ancient beast of the First Wentian Dynasty.

When   Lan Xueqin came, the two of them could only cut off the two tentacles of the world-destroying chaotic ancient beast. The ancient chaotic beast, which lost its tentacles, seemed to have lost its sense of direction at the moment, and began to twist its body frantically, revealing a small half of its head in a short while.

  The pain of losing its tentacles made the world-destroying chaotic ancient beast furious, and it opened its mouth and began to bite indiscriminately.

   And every time it opens its mouth, a large space will inevitably disappear!

   "Be careful!" After Lan Xueqin reminded the two of them, she rushed towards the body of the ancient beast of chaos.

   After half a month, countless flesh and blood mixed with the stench appeared on the border of the seven domains.

   Another chaotic ancient beast that destroyed the world was solved.

   I just don’t know how long the Seven Domains can last this time.

After solving the world-destroying chaotic ancient beast, Lan Xueqin sighed: "It seems that the Seven Domains will not exist for long, this world-destroying chaotic ancient beast is the messenger of the world's annihilation, although we can resist it for a while, but we can't resist it. A generation!"

   Bei Gongxue and First Wentian could not help clenching their fists.

   "You two don't have to be like this. All things are born and die. Just as the phoenix can be reborn from Nirvana, these seven domains may also reappear after disappearing." Lan Xueqin said.

   Bei Gongxue and No. 1 Wentian nodded solemnly, then continued to meditate after Lan Xueqin left.

   But this time, both of them miraculously entered the realm of epiphany.

   Ten thousand years passed by in a flash, and when Bei Gongxue opened her eyes again, she was pleasantly surprised to find that she had made a breakthrough without knowing when!

   Looking at the first Wentian with joy, Bei Gongxue saw that there are countless law fragments rapidly surrounding the first Wentian's body at this moment.

   Bei Gongxue did not disturb the first question, but protected the law for him.

  If there is another world-destroying chaotic ancient beast at this time, it will be bad.

   After another hundred years passed, the first question day finally opened his eyes, and he also successfully stepped into the ranks of the eighth-level holy monarch.

   "Wentian, broke through?" Bei Gongxue looked at the first Wentian with a smile.

   The first questioner smiled lightly, then suddenly looked at the two people who appeared in the distance, and said, "It seems that our guard time is up, and the successor is here."

   Bei Gongxue had already noticed that someone was coming, and when they saw the person coming, the two nodded to each other in unison.

   "Amitabha, you two have worked hard!" One of the powerful Buddhists said to the two.

   The two nodded slightly, "Next, it's up to you two!"

   Afterwards, Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian left the border of the Seven Regions, preparing to rush towards the first family.

   But at this moment, a jade card on Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian shattered at the same time!

   The expressions of the two of them changed greatly. This is the jade card they specially reserved for Ziluo. Once her life is in danger, they can rush to save her as soon as possible.

   "Who dares to attack my daughter, courting death!" Bei Gongxue's body was cold, and she shattered the space with her bare hands, and stepped into the void together with No. 1 Wentian.

   No. 1 Wentian's expression also sank, and he hurried to the place where No. 1 Ziluo's accident happened.

   By the time the two arrived, the first purple basket had disappeared.

   Bei Gongxue sleeved robe with a wave, let the time go back, check the scene that happened here before.

   But the person who started it seems to have thought of this for a long time, and has already disrupted the time and space here by special means!

   "Hmph, do you think you can hide everything by breaking the rules of space here?!" Bei Gongxue said with a cold gaze.

   After that, she began to collect the fragments of the first purple basket's stand-in puppet.

   Ziluo's stand-in puppet, but she was specially made from materials with memory function! The person who harmed Ziluo probably didn't expect this! Otherwise, he would not leave these puppet fragments alone.

   Not long after, Bei Gongxue got the news he wanted through the puppet fragments.

   "Evil King! How dare you kill my daughter!" Bei Gongxue gritted his teeth, wishing to tear the evil king to pieces.

   She and Wentian worked hard to guard the border of the Seven Regions, but the evil king actually took advantage of their absence to murder their descendants. What a evil king, really!

   The first questioner hurriedly stepped forward to appease Bei Gongxue, "Xue'er, Ziluo's soul jade slip has not been completely broken, she still can be saved, the top priority is to find where she is as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will be late..."

  The consequences of going late, you don't need to ask Ming Bei Gongxue first.

   took a deep breath and calmed down the rage in his heart. Bei Gongxue nodded and said, "You're right, when we find Ziluo, it won't be too late for us to take revenge."

   This time, regardless of whether his evil king is the backbone of the world-destroying chaotic ancient beast, she Bei Gongxue will never let him go!

   Then, the couple began to calculate where the first purple basket might appear.

   "Xue Er, we have it, it's in the south!" After a while, the first questioner who finished the calculation said.

   Bei Gongxue also stopped the deduction and nodded, "Well, I feel the same way."

   When the strength reaches the seventh-level holy monarch, it is not a great ability to calculate with fingers. It is not uncommon to even deduce a person's fate in a single thought.

After    found the direction, the two hurried towards the south.

   Half a day passed, and the two went to a planet.

   "It should be here." Bei Gongxue looked at the blue planet in front of him.

After    looked at each other, the two entered this small planet that was not too big.
