MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 501 Uncle with Loli 3

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After the matter on the Dragon and Phoenix Continent was over, I decided to look for the little girl in the Phoenix Mountains. Because of the protection of the sacred artifact given to me by Bei Gongxue, I have completely changed my appearance and breath, and I am not afraid of the sea clan. People will recognize me.

   However, only after I went to Tianfeng Continent did I find out that Feng Qi was in the Feng clan and was said to be a particularly lazy phoenix.

   And because she didn't work too hard, she was not sad at all about her cultivation, so when she was in Nirvana, she failed.

   But I definitely don’t believe these words. The little girl is by no means a lazy person. When she was with me, she often practiced silently while I was resting.

  I don't know how to find the little girl, but she told me to go to Phoenix Mountain, then I will go to Phoenix Mountain. As long as I look over the entire Phoenix Mountain, I'm afraid I can't find her?

   As long as she didn't lie to me, and as long as she didn't die, she would definitely wait for me at Phoenix Mountain.

   Dodging the whistle of the Phoenix Clan, I successfully sneaked into Phoenix Mountain and started looking for the little girl.

   However, I searched Fenghuang Mountain and saw no sign of her.

   My heart is getting heavier and heavier, but I still refuse to give up.

   Until one day, when I was looking for a little girl in the sycamore forest for the third time, a phoenix egg fell from the tree and hit me on the head.

   That is a small phoenix egg with purple patterns on it. I don’t know if it is a little girl, so I can only stay in Phoenix Mountain with the idea of ​​trying it out until it hatches.

   However, the aura of this small phoenix egg is very weak. In order to prevent it from dying, I will use the aura to nourish it every day.

   Gradually, I got used to sending spiritual energy to this little egg after a few hours.

   In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed, and I still haven't found the little girl, but fortunately I have an egg by my side, so I don't fall into the depression of not being able to find her.

   And on this day, the little phoenix egg that I held in my hand at all times emitted a purple light and was about to hatch!

   I stared at my palm tightly, it felt as nervous as I was giving birth.

   Finally, after a few clicks, the little guy inside the egg shell came out.

  Looking at the ugly little guy about the size of a chicken in the palm of my hand, I instantly flew to the sky with joy.

   Is she really a phoenix? How could there be such an ugly phoenix in this world? !

   "Ugly, so ugly! Are you really a phoenix?" I said in disgust.

  What I didn't expect was that this little guy understood my words and gave me a fierce peck on the palm of his hand!

   A piercing pain suddenly came from my palm. I didn't expect that this little guy looked so weak, and it hurts to peck people!

   And this little guy held his head high and looked at me with his small purple eyes.


   The little grass chicken fluttered its wings and chirped a few times, as if saying "I deserve it if you call me ugly"!

   I couldn't help laughing, "You don't believe you when you say you are ugly! If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself!"

  Say, I put it on the edge of the clear lake and let it see its own reflection.

  Xu is because the bones were not well grown at birth. After getting off my palm, the little guy walked a little wobbly.

   However, shaking it, he walked to the lake and lowered his head!

  After it bowed its head, its body stopped by the water for a full five seconds! Then, a mournful bird chirping came from her body, "Tweet! Tweet!"

   I immediately deciphered what it meant by its cry, and that was - I can't be this ugly!

   Seeing how it collapsed and fluttered its wings, but suddenly fell into the water, I couldn't help laughing.

   "Chirp! Chirp!"

   "Impossible! Impossible!"

   The little guy was thumping desperately on the water, and I hurriedly reached out and picked it up.

   "Okay, darling, this is caused by your lack of spiritual energy. When you grow up a little, it will look good." I hurriedly comforted her.

   Hearing my words, this little guy seemed to have calmed down a little, and even looked at me with slightly moved eyes.

I evaporated the water on its body with my spiritual energy and said, "Okay, you are just born, and many new born birds are like you, but you will definitely look good when you grow up, not the eighteenth female college student. Has it changed?"

   The little guy finally calmed down a bit, but buried his head in his wings for a while, as if he was ashamed to meet people.

   In the following days, I still stay in Phoenix Mountain. I don’t know if this little phoenix is ​​a little girl, but at least they give me the same feeling. And I trust my gut.

   However, doesn’t it mean that the phoenix does not live in the phoenix tree, and does not drink if it is not the Liquan?

  Why does this phoenix I raise eat everything? Don't have the picky food Phoenix should have at all?

   Helplessly, I looked at the little guy who was eating grilled meat beside him, and I was a little puzzled.

   However, every time I look at her round body raised by me, I will be filled with a sense of accomplishment. Maybe, it is not bad to have such a pet.

After    digested a piece of grilled meat, the little guy greedily went to the grilled fish in the fire again.

   Taking chestnuts from fire has no effect on it. After all, phoenixes are not afraid of fire by nature.

   After eating and drinking, the little guy put on the attitude of a retired boss again, asking me to hold her in his arms for a lunch break, and to feed her juice.

   "You, it's only been a month, and you've grown into a little fat man. When you change shape later, you won't be able to become a little fat girl!" I couldn't help teasing.

   Hearing the words "Little Fat Girl", the little guy's wings froze while stroking his stomach. Then, she hurriedly jumped from my arms and started running along Phoenix Mountain...running around!

   I can't help but twitch the corners of my mouth, is this little thing the rhythm of losing weight?

   This little thing, even if it has become a bird, the temperament of Amy has not changed.

   After tossing the little guy for a long time, he was so tired that his head was drooping, and then I went up and picked it up from the ground.

   "I usually eat less, what about exercising to lose weight?" I touched its head and took her to the river to wash off the dust from the feathers.

   After the little things grow, the hair on the body is also smoother, and it looks much better than when it was born.

   However, the consequence of the beautiful feathers is that this little guy will go to the river to appreciate his beauty every once in a while!

  No, just after washing her hair, she started scratching her head by the river again.

   I hooked my lips and watched her pose in various small poses towards the river, as if I saw the cauliflower showing all kinds of cute looks in front of me.

   "Cai Cai, come here! It's time for you to practice!" After the little guy admired her beauty for half an hour, I called her to practice.

   She reluctantly left the river with two short legs and walked towards me.

   picked up its heavy body, I was in a good mood and walked towards our hut built on the plane tree.

  Although she is still a phoenix that has not grown up, I believe that one day she will become that cute little girl who is chatting.


   The sun is just right and the breeze is blowing slightly.

  In the hut with white light spots, the cheers of "chirp" continued...
