MTL - The Female Officer Became a Farmer After Getting Reborn-Chapter 12 matchmaker

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   Chapter 12 The matchmaker comes to the door

Li Yu came home, boiled the oil and put it in the oil tank, fried a pot of rice and ate it, and began to wash the internal organs of the wild boar. Just after washing and blanching, Li Mei came back with Li Qing and two little girls. .

   Li Yu saw Li Mei's eyes were red and swollen, Li Qing was angry, and two little girls pulled Li Mei's shirt with a sad expression,

Li Qing looked at Li Yu and complained angrily, "Sister, the mother-in-law of my aunt's house is so fierce! I beat and scolded my aunt to let her go, and she was a hen who could not lay eggs. When I got angry, I sent my aunt and scolded her to leave. My cousin brought it back." Li Qing looked at Li Yu nervously after speaking, afraid that Li Yu would not agree to bring back his aunt and two cousins.

  Li Yu stepped forward and patted Li Qing, "Aqing, you did the right thing."

Li Qing pursed his lips and smiled, Li Yu walked up to Li Mei who was sitting in a daze under the eaves porch, patted Li Mei on the shoulder, and comforted: "Aunt, no matter what decision you make, A Qing and I will support it. you."

Li Mei sobbed and looked up at Li Yu, her face full of tears, "Yu'er, aunt is just mad at why your uncle can't say a word for us, everything is to his mother's advice, the same sister-in-law, the second child is also born She had two daughters, just because her man was willing to speak for her, and her parents were in the lead, so the old goddess would not dare to make things difficult for her. If she hadn't been so hateful back then, how could your father entrust you to the Zhang family and cause you to be in trouble? The Zhang family was tortured, and my aunt hated herself at the beginning...why didn't she dare to come back from the Liu family, woohoo..."

Li Mei cried bitterly, Li Yu looked at the savage and straightforward Li Mei crying heart-to-heart, and felt sad and uncomfortable. Looking at the two cousins ​​standing behind Li Mei, Li Yu persuaded Li Mei, "Aunt, don't be sad. , those things are in the past, we have to look forward as human beings, and we should throw away what should be thrown away. Now A Qing and I have also returned home, and many things still depend on you to manage, you can only see the two cousins. For the sake of it, think openly.”

   Li Mei wiped away the tears from her face and looked at Li Yu a little embarrassedly, "Yu'er is right, aunt and you, don't worry that aunt will be fine and won't do stupid things."

  Li Yu nodded, asked Li Qing to draw a basin of water for Li Mei to hold, and went to the kitchen to start cooking.

   Li Mei washed her face and went to the kitchen. When she saw the pig's internal organs in the pot, she asked strangely, "Fish, where did so many pig internal organs come from?"

  Li Yu smiled lightly, "I came back from hunting in Xishan today. Uncle He, the butcher next door to the pork, has already helped me sell it, so these internal organs are left."

Li Mei was shocked when she heard this, and hurriedly pulled Li Yu over to check her body before she began to complain, "Why are you so courageous? The girl's family dares to go hunting in the mountains, you forgot why your father left? "

   "Isn't it all right!" Li Yu smiled, "Huang Yuan's family in the town will have a three-day running water table, and I also want to hunt some prey to send to Huang Yuan's family in the morning.

Aunt, there is a mountain ridge covered with wolfberry fruit, you can go to the craftsman's house to buy more bamboo flats and bamboo baskets, and tomorrow we will go to the mountain to pick wolfberry fruit," Li Yu said and suddenly remembered that he hadn't asked Li Qing about school. thing, "Hey! Has Aunt Ah Qing's school work done? "

Li Mei thought that Li Qing could go to school, and finally felt a happy thing, "It's done, Zhou Xiucai taught Ah Qing to learn for a while, and then asked Ah Qing to read it to him. After listening, she felt satisfied and accepted Ah Qing. Qing, if Shuxiu eats four taels of silver a year, if he eats lunch at his place, it will be five taels a year, and I don’t think there is a long way to go, so I will let Ah Qing go home to eat.”

   Li Yu felt very expensive after hearing this, and nodded with a smile, "Okay, do you still need to buy a teacher's gift?"

Li Mei smiled, "This week's Xiucai is also interesting, the children's apprenticeship ceremony, as well as the pen, ink, paper, inkstone, book, and the whole set are all there, and he said that we don't need to bother, he has it there and it's cheaper than outside, so I'll buy it. Let Ah Qing buy it for the apprenticeship ceremony."

   "Is it still possible to do this?" Li Yu felt that this week's Xiucai was either greedy for money or informal.

  Li Mei took out the remaining silver and handed it to Li Yu, "Yu'er, this is the remaining silver."

   "Aunt, I'll put the money with you first. You can go to the carpenter's house to buy a cupboard and a bathtub, as well as baskets and drying mats."

   "Okay then, I'll scatter those vegetable seeds and let your two cousins ​​help you cook the fire and wash the vegetables."

Li Mei called two daughters, pointed at them and smiled at Li Yu: "This is your two cousins, the older one is called Zhao Di, and the younger one is called Laidi," she said to the two sisters, "This is your cousin Yu. ."

   The two children whispered to Li Yu, "Cousin Yu."

   Li Yu responded with a smile, "Cousin, let's call our names in the future!"

  The two sisters smiled timidly and nodded, when Li Qing came back with the washed taro.

  Li Yu made a braised fat sausage, stir-fried pork liver, and fried rapeseed. Several people ate their mouths full of oil. Li Qing touched his round belly, "Sister, it's so delicious. You can see that my belly is full."

   Li Mei patted Li Qing's hand lightly, "Ah Qing, don't touch your stomach just after eating, take a few steps to digest."

  Li Qing replied with a smile, "Got it, auntie."

   After dinner, Li Mei went to the village to buy things. Zhao Di and Laidi rushed to wash the pot and wash the dishes. Li Yu simmered the pig lungs in the pot and asked Li Qing to carry a hare and pheasant to Chen Yaohui's house.

  Li Yu saw that both Zhaodi and Laidi's clothes were very old, so he took out the rest of the cloth and asked Zhaodi with a smile, "Zhaodi, can you make clothes?"

  Zhao Di nodded shyly, and said in a soft voice, "Cousin, yes,"

  Li Yu put the cloth next to Zhao Di, "Then I will give you these cloths and make our new clothes. There are cloth ends in the bag in the house. You can take it yourself when you see what you need."

   "Cousin, should I and Laidi do it too?" Zhao Di looked at Li Yu and thought she had heard it wrong.

   Li Yu nodded with a smile, "You and your cousin have both."

   The sisters looked at Li Yu with red eyes, "Thank you cousin."

   At this time, a woman dressed in fancy clothes stood at the door and asked, "Is this the Li family?"

   "Yes, who are you looking for?" Li Yu looked at her and asked.

Mrs.    walked into the yard and looked at Li Yu with a "giggling" smile, "Miss Li, I am the matchmaker Zhao in the town, and Mrs. Chen in the town invited me to propose marriage to her son Chunsheng to Miss Li."

  Li Yu frowned and looked at the matchmaker Zhao, and thought to himself: We just got home and someone came to propose marriage. It's not the Zhang family that makes a fool of himself.

  Li Yu looked at the matchmaker Zhao coldly, "No one in our family wants to talk about kissing, I'm afraid you have made a mistake."

   Zhao matchmaker said anxiously: "You can't be wrong, Mrs. Chen said that she lives in Xishan Village, and there are only two brothers and sisters left at home. I have inquired about it all the way."

   Li Yu was even more sure that the Zhang family was a ghost. He took the matchmaker Zhao and walked outside, looking at her coldly, "Then go back and tell the lady Chen, no one in the Li family wants to say kiss."

Seeing that Li Yu didn't even give her a sip of water, the matchmaker Zhao chased her out, blushing and shouting: "Little girl, you are just someone who has been rejected by someone, and now someone wants you because of your high fever in your previous life. It's fragrant, I came to propose a kiss with good intentions and you drove me out, be careful that you won't be able to marry in the future."

  Li Yu looked at her and sneered, "If I can marry or not, I won't bother you anymore, just stay wherever it's cool!"

   "Damn girl, you can be an old aunt at home for the rest of your life!" Zhao matchmaker walked towards the village in a half-dead rage.

  Zhao Di and Laidi looked at Li Yu, and Laidi looked angry, "Cousin, she doesn't look like a good person, just like my grandma."

   After hearing this, Li Yu burst out laughing, "Laidi, is your grandma also dressed like this?"

Laidi made a vivid gesture, "My grandmother dresses better than my mother, she bluffs all day, and scolds my mother and my sisters at every turn. She was still crying and wiping her tears when she saw the third uncle. Baoyin at home laughed right away."

  Zhao Di looked at Laidi and laughed, "You're just weird, why don't you dare to say it at home?"

  Laidi rolled her eyes, "I said at home, it's no wonder grandma didn't kill me."

  Li Yu saw that the two sisters were active and quiet, and felt pretty good.

Suddenly remembering that there are several rows of racks to dry the wolfberry fruit, and there are so many mosquitoes at night, he took the scorpion and the machete and said to Zhao Di: "Zhao Di, I will chop bamboo and you will stay at home, come to Di and cut some mugwort. Grass is back."

  Laidi ran in and took a sickle after hearing it, and pulled Li Yu familiarly, "Cousin, let's go!" Li Yu nodded and went to the wasteland outside the backyard with Laidi.

   (end of this chapter)

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