MTL - The Female Officer Became a Farmer After Getting Reborn-Chapter 11 hunting in the mountains

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   Chapter 11 Hunting in the Mountains

   The next morning, Li Yu woke up and found that Li Mei had already woken up and cooked food.

  The three of them had dinner. Li Yu took the money and gave Li Mei the money to ask her to take Li Qing to the school. Li Mei took the money and smiled and said, "Yu'er, aunt and Ah Qing will be back later. You are at home and wait for our news."

Li Yu nodded and sent the two away. He went back to the house and packed a bamboo tube with water to fix his hair. He took two cloth tapes to tie his trouser legs. After cleaning up, he took the bamboo tube, rope, and machete. go.

   When he walked to the door of Butcher He's house, he found that there was no paddy field under the ridge, and the slopes were full of sorghum, beans, and wild beans. From He Butcher's house, it used to be a large bush.

   Going up, it is a slender mountain road that winds up, looking like a giant snake from a distance.

  The grass on both sides of the mountain road was full of wild flowers. Li Yu pulled some snakes and put them in the back basket on the side of the road, and continued to walk up.

   On the way, there is a gully about ten feet wide. Standing on the edge of the gully, you can see that the bottom of the gully is dark, and the gully is covered with two pieces of wood.

Li Yu walked over the wooden bridge and climbed up the mountain, and saw a few pheasants flying out of the grass. Li Yu took a bow and shot an arrow, hitting the neck of the pheasant, and the pheasant fell into the grass. A pheasant also found a nest of eggs not far away.

  Li Yu touched the egg and the pheasant and recited the jade gourd twice, and the egg and the pheasant really disappeared.

  Li Yu climbed up the east mountain with great interest, caught three hares and four pheasants along the way, and slowly climbed to the top of a hill, and found a trap mark left by the hunter on a trail.

Li Yu looked around the trap carefully and found the feces left by the wild boar. Li Yu avoided the trap and walked towards a valley down the slope. gutter.

Li Yu walked to the edge of the ditch and saw fish swimming in the ditch. He cut a vine with a machete and made a big net, tied it to a wooden stick and blocked it in the ditch. He stirred the ditch with a wooden stick. The water drives the fish into the net pocket.

Seeing that the fish had entered the net pocket, Li Yu lifted the net pocket. Seeing that there were seven or eight fish weighing a pound in the net pocket, Li Yu shot the fish dead with a wooden stick and put it into the space. go down.

He walked to a yellow horn tree that was thick enough for several people to hug, and saw a water pool in the shade of the tree. Li Yu walked towards the yellow horn tree and saw a camellia tree covered with heavy camellia berries. .

  Li Yu laughed when he remembered the joyful scene when his parents were still alive, every time he went back to the countryside to fetch camellia fruit and squeezed oil.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound from behind, Li Yu heard the breathing of the beast, 'humming', Li Yu grabbed the machete and turned around sharply, and saw that there were some ten meters away behind him. A wild boar weighing at least one or two hundred pounds, with upturned fangs, looked closely at himself.

The wild boar found that Li Yu was moving, lowered his head and yelled 'Ow Ow', and rushed towards Li Yu quickly. Li Yu stepped back like lightning, raised his machete and slashed at the wild boar. Bone, pig blood spurted out, the wild boar howled "Ow, Ow, Ow", turned his head and rushed towards Li Yu and fell to the ground when he was halfway through.

  Li Yu walked to the place where the wild boar fell, grabbed the pig's leg and tried to see if he could lift the wild boar.

  Li Yu grabbed the pig's leg and forced the wild boar to leave the ground. Seeing that he could move the wild boar, Li Yu recited the jade gourd in peace and put the wild boar into the space.

  Li Yu walked to the water pool with a machete, cleaned the blood from his hands, took out a bamboo tube and drank two sips of water.

  Li Yu cut a path and climbed up a mountain ridge, and saw a large piece of orange-red gem-like wolfberry growing on the mountain ridge. Li Yu was surprised to pick a few and put it in his mouth. After biting it, it tasted sweet and sour.

   Li Yu wrote down the position and quickly walked down the mountain. After crossing the wooden bridge, he took the wild boar out of the space and carried it on his shoulders and walked down the mountain.

   When he walked to the door of Butcher He's house, he saw the door of Butcher He's house was wide open. Li Yu put the **** wild boar on the grass by the roadside and shouted at the door, "Uncle He, are you at home?"

"Hey! Who is it?" A female voice replied, Li Yu saw a girl with an apple face and red skin and a slightly fatter figure came out and looked at Li Yu with a smile, "You are Li Yu next door. Sister, right? I heard my father talk about it, Sister Li, do you have anything to do with my father?"

  Li Yu looked at her sweet smile, and pointed at the wild boar lying on the grass by the roadside with a smile, "I beat a wild boar back, and I want to ask uncle to help me tidy it up."

   "Wow! What a big wild boar, Sister Li, you are too powerful," Miss He turned her head and shouted into the house, "Dad, come out quickly, Sister Li asks you to help fight the wild boar."

   Butcher He came out of the house and scolded: "Xiaoyu, you can't come in and talk, and you're not afraid of Sister Li laughing at you."

   "Father, I was wrong! I won't do it next time." Miss He took Butcher He's hand and said coquettishly.

  Li Yu looked at the father and daughter and said with a smile: "Uncle He, little sister Xiaoyu is cute and cute, I like it when I see it."

"Crazy girl." Butcher He walked out of the door with a smile and looked at the wild boar on the grass, "Yo! Such a big wild boar," Butcher He stepped forward and pulled the wild boar on the ground, and asked in disbelief, "Xiaoyu , is this really what you hunted back?"

  Li Yu nodded and mentioned the wild boar walking into the house, "Uncle He, I'll help you move it in first."

   Butcher He and his daughter saw that Li Yu moved the wild boar alone, and then they believed that the wild boar was hunted by Li Yu.

   "Come, I'll carry it with you." Butcher He quickly helped carry it aside and walked towards the slaughterhouse in the yard.

He Xiaoyu began to boil the water, and Butcher He blew into the pig's belly with a bamboo pipe, and the wild boar's stomach bulged. After the water boiled, Butcher He began to scald and scrape off the dirt on the pig's hair and skin. Li Yu Help flip the boar.

   Butcher He looked at the wild boar and asked Li Yu, "Xiaoyu, how are you going to sell this wild boar?"

  Li Yu grabbed the pig's leg, "I haven't thought about it yet! Uncle He, do you know where you can sell game in town?"

   Butcher He thought for a moment, "The grandson of Huang Yuan's grandson is full moon, and he has to set up a running water table for three days. Wouldn't my uncle take you to sell his house?"

   "Okay! Thank you so much, Uncle He."

   "You child, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Our two families are neighbors now!"

  He Xiaoyu looked at Li Yu and smiled sweetly, "Yes! Sister Li, we are neighbors now! Let my father help you sell the wild boar to Huang Yuanwai's family."

  Li Yu nodded with a smile, "Thank you little sister Xiaoyu!"

   Butcher He beat up the wild boar and left the internal organs behind, and drove the ox cart and Li Yu to Qingshui Town.

   Arrived at Qingshui Town, walked in for a quarter of an hour from the town entrance and entered an alleyway. I saw a big mansion with blue bricks and green tiles, which was very lively with its lights and colors.

   Butcher He drove the bullock cart to the back door, and talked to the boy who was watching the door. The boy nodded and went in to report. After a while, a man in his forties who looked like a manager came out.

   Butcher He smiled and went up to salute: "Steward Huang, my niece's house hunted a wild boar and brought it to you to see."

   "Let's take a look," Huang Guanshi walked to the ox cart and looked at the wild boar, "Yeah! It's quite fresh. I just want to make wine for the young master. I'll give you twenty cents a pound and go to the kitchen!"

   Butcher He bowed and saluted: "Okay, thank you Huang Guanshi."

  Li Yu and Butcher He hurriedly helped carry the wild boar into the back kitchen, and there were still more than 100 catties after weighing.

   Manager Huang smiled and said to Butcher He: "The flowing water table will be set up for three days. If you hunt other game in these two days, you can also send it over."

   Butcher He pointed at Li Yu and smiled at Guanshi Huang: "Guide Huang, if there is any prey, let my niece bring it."

   Manager Huang nodded and paid the servant to send the two out.

   After getting in the car and going home, Li Yu took two hundred pennies and handed it to Butcher He. He smiled and saluted, "Uncle He, you accepted these coins for your hard work."

   Butcher He politely refused, "Why do you need money for such a trivial matter."

   "Uncle He, I will need your help a lot in the future! If you don't want it, I won't dare to come to you for help."

   "Okay, then uncle will accept it." Butcher He saw that Li Yu insisted on giving it, so he had to accept the copper plate.

  He Xiaoyu took out the cleaned internal organs, gave a basket of taro, and handed it to Li Yu, "Sister Li, hurry home and boil the suet and flower oil, and take the taro home for you to burn fat sausages."

  Li Yu divided the pork belly and liver in half, and handed it to He Xiaoyu, "Xiaoyu, keep these for you."

  He Xiaoyu frowned and waved his hand quickly, "Sister Li, I don't want it, I'm tired of eating it all the time in my family."

  Li Yu saw that she really didn't like it, and took it back with a smile, "Thank you, Xiaoyu, for helping me clean it up."

   When Li Yu arrived home and saw the cold pot and stove in the house, Li Qing and Li Mei showed no signs of coming back.

  Li Yu took a hare and a pheasant from the space, took them to Butcher He's house and called out He Xiaoyu, "Xiaoyu, take these rabbits and pheasants and eat them."

  He Xiaoyu readily accepted it and said with a smile, "Thank you, Sister Xiaoyu, I'm welcome."

  Li Yu waved his hands and smiled: "Everyone, please order as you please, you are busy, I will go back."

   (end of this chapter)