MTL - The Actor Extraordinaire-Chapter 8

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After posting a Nuanbao post for Yelang that day, Jiangchi felt that his relationship with Ye Yingdi was unknowingly and seemed to be closer.

In the past, when waiting for a show, Ye Lan never talked to him much more. The two were in their own lounges, and Ren Haichuan only got together when he was talking about the show. The opposite scene was the only intersection outside the scene.

Ye Lan is the official game and there is no extra words. Jiang Chi was embarrassed at all, and did not dare to stir up the topic to talk about something, for fear that Ye Lang would feel more annoying.

But now Ye Lang will call Jiangchi to his lounge.

Ye Lang's lounge is generally more spacious than Jiangchi, and the conditions are much better-Ye Lang comes to the studio every day with at least two nanny cars, Ye Lang uses one day of the two assistants can almost move to the studio In order to cope with Ye Yingdi's various temporary emergence and various unpleasant and uncomfortable.

The two assistants were surprised at the fact that Jiangchi frequented Yelang's lounge and the nanny car. Yelang was very resistant to outsiders entering his private space. Outsiders did not know that life assistants knew and were polite to outsiders. Ye Yingdi is very hard to serve in private, Ye Lan is also a bit self-aware, knowing that he and his team have created a gentleman image, so he pays great attention to protection **.

But Jiangchi is an exception. Except for Ren Haichuan, he was always called by Ye Lang and went in and out of Ye Lang.

"The assistants are all in the car. I'm boring in the room." After Ye Lan called Jiang Chi to come to his room, he got up and gave the chair to Jiang Chi. He yawned and sat on the other side. "You ... Why are you so thick? "

"There are some notes and short biography written in it." Jiang Chi picked up the leaf coat on the chair and folded it aside, and then sat down. "I asked before I came." , And construction will start in an hour. "

"Well ..." Ye Lang looked at the time, but reluctantly, "What a special night?"

Jiang Chi smiled and comforted: "I will go to Pingnan in two days, and there is almost no outside scenery ... I heard that the conditions there are pretty good, the shooting location is not far from the hotel, and the air is better than ours. The side is much better. "

Ye Lang smiled and smiled: "Don't be too happy. By then, it will be with the team all day. Now I have some time to go out and play with friends occasionally. When I go there, I will be closed."

Jiang Chi didn't care, as long as he stayed with Ye Lang, he was willing to do anything. The hotel over Pingnan had already been booked. He had seen that he and Ye Lang lived on the first floor, with a room in the middle.

"Is that right?" Jiangchi looked at Ye Lan's reddish eyes, "You didn't rest well last night?"

Last night, it was more than eleven o'clock in the evening. It should not be too late after returning home.

"I don't look well?" Ye Lang looked into the mirror and rubbed his neck. "Last night, I was pulled away by a friend to play. I came home at three o'clock in the middle of the night and came over after less than two hours of sleep. "

Ye Lang called the assistant for coffee, and Jiangchi sighed. I did n’t know before. After contacting this time, I found that the male **** is very unhealthy. He always sleeps late at night for one reason or another. He has to get up early the next day. Filming, living habits are not good, smoking, and also like drinking.

Fortunately, the grandfather enjoyed eating and eating. That's how tossing. The thirty-two-year-old leaf apron, body and skin are still steadily at the peak. Compared to when they first debuted, except for their temperament, they were a little bit astringent and a little bit more agile. Fascinated. Ten years have not reduced the man's face value. After years of baptism, it becomes more charming.

For the drama in Pingnan, Ye Lang kept his hair long during this time. Usually, the makeup artist put his hair back when he was filming. He could n’t see it. Now he did n’t apply hairspray. Eyes, a little more **** in vain.

"Ah ..." Jiang Chi shook his head, forcing himself to regain his attention, and proposed, "If you're tired, I'll call my assistant, and I'll play with him?"

Ye Lang smiled: "No need ... I'm home, show me yours."

Jiang Chi nodded and handed his script to Ye Lang.

Ye Lang turned to the scene that was about to be filmed, and glanced at the book. He closed the book—the lines were already familiar to them, and they can be remembered with a little memory.

When assistant Cen Wen brought the coffee, the two were coming and going together. Cen Wen didn't dare to bother, set the coffee aside, and waited to see if there was any other request from Ye Lang.

"I found ..." Ye Lang looked at Cen Wen, and Cen Wen was busy handing him coffee. Ye Lan held it in his hand and didn't drink it, frowning slightly. "Are you not acting because of the show? ... "

Ye Lang did not say any more.

Jiang Chi's heart was tight ... his lines really did not work.

When making idol dramas, you can also rely on post-dubbing to remedy. Now that you require simultaneous sound, you can only rely on your own live performance.

It ’s okay to play a play that is level and steady. Once it ’s time for emotional ups and downs, Jiang Chi occasionally can't hold on to words, sometimes with a low voice and sometimes with a broken voice.

Ye Lang took a sip of coffee and took out his mobile phone to play. It seemed that he did not intend to continue the game.

Jiang Chi sat awkwardly in his chair, and was instantly nervous and uncomfortable.

Is Ye Lang ... disappointed with him?

Ren Haichuan was cursed a hundred times in front of the crowd without Ye Lang, a restless look that made Jiang Chi care more about the pain.

The excitement and enthusiasm that was just called for the play, was thoroughly cold by this cold water splash.

Nothing is more frustrating than disappointing someone you like.

How come ... so uncontested? !!

Ye Lang looked down at the phone and slowly drank coffee.

Jiang Chi, sitting on a needle felt, felt that he was extremely uncomfortable here.

"Brother Ye Lang, I ..."

Jiangchi took a soft breath.

I wasted so much energy ... It was so easy to be able to share the same lens with Ye Lang, just to let Ye Lang know how bad he was?

Jiang Chi used a lot of courage and whispered, "Can I try again? My lines are really bad, I try my best! Try my best to keep up with your drama ..."

Ye Lang raised her eyes and closed the webpage on the browser after closing her eyes. Cen Wen stood behind Ye Lang, and she saw on the tip of her eye that Ye Lang used her mobile phone to search for the film and television resume of Jiangchi's debut for several years.

Ye Lang nodded: "Okay, come again."

Jiang Chi pinched the corner of his clothes, and just after saying a line, Ye Lang frowned and interrupted: "Stop."

Jiangchi was like a falling ice cellar, and his whole heart was cold.

Ye Lang threw the phone aside, leaned forward slightly, and pressed a hand on Jiangchi's lower abdomen.

Jiang Chi: "!"

Ye Lang faintly said, "Speak again."

Jiang Chi's nervous heart fluttered, and he tried his best to calm his breath, concentrate, and read it again.

Ye Lang chuckled: "The muscles of the lower abdomen are loose ... This line does not use Dan Tianyin, it all relies on the throat? When you are officially filming, aren't you afraid of cracking?

Jiang Chi sinks his breath, takes a breath, and repeats his lines.

"Don't pant, you still have to be a fan before you film the line?" Ye Lang's long fingers were still pressed on Jiangchi's abdomen, and frowned, "Come again."

Jiangchi held his breath, lifted his qi from lower Dantian to upper Dantian, and read the lines again.

Ye Lang let go of Jiangchi, leaned on the back of his chair, and took a sip of coffee and smiled: "It's much better."

Jiangchi Chang breathed a sigh of relief-his back was sweating.

Jiang Chi felt embarrassed after learning about it. He glanced at Cen Wen secretly and saw her face relax as usual, and said sincerely to Ye Lang: "Thank you Ye Lang, I ... I must practice well after graduation I have n’t practiced many lines since then. I ’m too immature. "

Ye Lang chuckled: "It's all like this now ... but if you want to develop in a good direction, it's better to be more demanding of yourself."

Jiang Chi nodded and taught: "Yes."

The deputy director knocked on the door and laughed, "Is Jiangchi here again? The makeup teacher has been looking for you for a long time, and it's time to go back and put on makeup, and I'll turn it on after a while."

Jiang Chi promised, he was about to go out, thought about it, and blushed again, and said to Ye Lang that he looked down at his mobile phone, "Thank you Ye Lang for teaching me."

Ye Lang didn't look up, just smiled and waved his hands, let him go to make up.

Jiang Chi was relieved, and Lediandian left.

Before closing the lounge door, Jiang Chi heard Cen Wen laughing inside the room: "Why were you so severe just now that Jiang Xiaoxian's face was scared."

Ye Lang seemed to feel that his assistant was unreasonable, and said, "When did I scare him ?!"

Outside the door, Jiang Chi wanted to cry without tears. It turned out to be just the normal state of Ye Yingdi just now, should he scare himself? !!

But ... Jiang Chi felt a little shy when he felt his stomach.

Ye Lang was so close to him just now!

Ye Lang pressed the palm of his hand on his lower abdomen, his eyes made him repeat the lines of his words, and in retrospect it made his legs soft.

The suffocating sense of oppression almost prevented Jiangchi from coming out.

Jiang Chi shook his head vigorously, cursing himself for being abused, and hurried back to his lounge.

Inside the room, Cen Wen smiled reluctantly: "Don't you know how scary it is when you drop your face? Jiang Chi should respect you very much. When you just ignored him, he was restless and looked pitiful."

Ye Lang didn't talk, and he put the drunk coffee cup on the table. Seeing that Jiang Chi's script hadn't been taken, he picked it up.

Sure enough, the script posted a lot of annotations. Ye Lang turned over, and when he saw the last page, he ate it with his fingertips.

On the last page of Jiangchi's script, next to various messy comments, a line of small characters was written:

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