MTL - The Actor Extraordinaire-Chapter 7

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In the following days, Ye Lang ignored Yu Xinze.

"Yu Xinze is looking for you and found me here." Ye Lan's agent, An Ya, couldn't help crying. "What's the matter with you?"

Ye Lang sat on the lounger and continued to play the game without raising his head, lazily saying, "All day filming, what can I provoke ... did he tell you?"

Anya shook her head: "That's not true. What's wrong?"

As soon as Ye Lang was gone, he was wiped out by the opposite side. He banged and threw his phone aside, raised his head and took the juice handed to him by the assistant. He sipped, "He wants to sign Jiangchi and let me help. This line, I'm too lazy to care about him. "

Anya laughed: "No matter what, don't you hide from him? I was scared to think that something was wrong with you behind me. After asking for a while, I didn't know and I came over myself."

Ye Lang has been in the group for two months. This is the first time Anya has come to the group to visit the team.

"Why do you guard against me all day?" Ye Lang frowned. "Are our studios so busy now? Nothing to do?"

Anya looked at Ye Lang in surprise and asked, "Don't we just give you all kinds of buttocks?"

Leaf suffocation.

Unlike artists like Jiangchi, Ye Lan is not a signed artist of any entertainment company.

When he first debuted, Ye Lang spent two years in an entertainment company under his uncle's name. After graduating from college, Ye Lang separated from his uncle and founded his own studio. Anya and others were the soldiers Ye Ye set up at that time.

Ye Lang Studio has only one artist, Ye Lang. Ye Lang is the boss and the only source of wealth. It is a bit sloppy to say, but the studio sparrow is small and complete, and it never lacks good resources internally. After years of screening and elimination, any backbone of the entire team is in the industry.

Ye Lang's asset management and operation are managed by a professional team. The studio here pays less and provides support for one person. He only makes career plans for Ye Lang, contacts resources to review resources, and ... The film emperor does public relations and deals with all kinds of strange situations.

Anya pulled her curly hair carefully, and said leisurely: "Every time you join the group, we are very lonely ... but it is also very good, it ’s time to rest and recuperate, waiting for you to come back to Huo Huo. . "

Ye Lang: "..."

Ye Lang picked up the phone again and opened the game interface to play his own.

"Let's talk, let's have an early preparation." Anya cares about half gossip. "What's wrong?"

Ye Lang's slender fingers swiped across the screen quickly, indifferently: "I had promised Yu Xinze to be a lobbyist for him, and I was absolutely sure of what he said, but suddenly I didn't like it, so I hid He ... Actually, I made it clear to him, let it go, and he didn't give up. "

Anya heard the words more puzzled: "Why are you suddenly unwilling? Jiangchi provoked you?"

"What did he mess with me ..." Ye Lang stared at the screen, avoiding the other's bullets carefully. "He's fine."

Anya hurriedly said, "What's wrong ?!"

Ye Lang accidentally died again. He reluctantly raised his head and asked, "Yu Xinze, do you know?"

Anya nodded: "Time Media, a joint venture between Yu Xinze and the previous owner, the owner paid for his resources, and it has become bigger in the past two years."

"Large?" Ye Langyi smiled, "their top-level resources are all Yu Xinze, and the others that they hold out are all made popular by acting in thunder theaters. They also dare to take the pure commercial road. Bigger? "

Anya chuckled: "Ye Yingdi, stand back and talk without backache. Do you think anyone can be like you? Debut is the big screen starring? Different talents have different luck and different encounters."

Ye Lang stunned: "People say I got it by backstage at first, so do you?"

"Spoken words, you rely on acting!" Anya hastened to remedy, "This is generally accepted. How people have hacked you over the years, and you can't hack into acting, everyone is not blind."

"Blind ..." Ye Lang looked indifferent, "I was relying on this face."


Ye Lan's assistant Cen Wen couldn't help laughing, Ye Lan and Anya looked at her. She covered her mouth and turned her head seriously to look away.

Anya was amazed. I didn't expect to see it in two months. Ye Yingdi's face was thicker, and the fart was not good.

An Yashun follows Ye Lan's meaning: "Yes, we all rely on your face to eat, and then go a long way ... what happened to Yu Xinze's pure business route?"

Ye Lan said indifferently: "Jiangchi is not suitable for this way, and ... Yu Xinze is the same. There are more resources and more entertainment."

As soon as Anya heard the word "entertainment," she understood half.

Anya has long heard that Yu Xinze prefers to sign artists with a good temper and a good personality.

Ye Lanxi smiled sarcastically: "Before playing together, Yu Xinze directly asked his artist to pour alcohol and cigarettes, is it interesting?"

A few days ago, in the middle of the night, the two walked on the icy road, Jiang Chi's frozen voice shuddered slightly, but his eyes were still black and bright.

The scene where Jiang Chi told himself to be a fan is still in sight.

In fact, Yelang didn't listen to this kind of words early, and didn't believe it. Even if I believe, it will be difficult to stir up any kind of splash in my heart.

But looking at Jiang Chi at the time, when he thought he would be a little bit low, he went to the liquor to make fun of a group of people he didn't know, and suddenly Ye Lan didn't want to speak.

Everyone's path is chosen by themselves, but Ye Lang doesn't want to participate in this matter.

Anya knew that Ye Lan couldn't look down on this, and smiled, "Maybe Jiangchi himself is willing ... Ye Yingdi, everyone has to go higher."

"Then I won't be able to control it." Ye Lan took out a cigarette and put it on his mouth. Two ladies, Anya and Cen Wen, were beside him. He didn't light it, just snoring. "Yu Xinze really wants to contact Jiang Chi, not only Through my path, he just wanted me to say a word and make it easier to sign. I really don't care. He also has other channels and methods to follow them. "

Anya thought for a while and smiled, "Where is Jiangchi? It will make you unbearable."

Ye Lang narrowed his eyes and smiled: "He is a man, what can I bear? I haven't been in this circle for a year or two. What's going on in Yu Xinze, he won't know. I really do n’t understand. Before the signing, he will definitely ask about it, and he is not stupid ... I will know it sooner or later. Look at him. I just do n’t think he is suitable for this way. "

Anya smiled, and said, "But if he gets the news, he signed it happily? At that time, knowing that you've stopped him, maybe you still have to remember to hate you."

Ye Lang nibbled his cigarette holder and gave his agent a cynical smile: "Will I be afraid of him?"

Rao has been with this ancestor for almost ten years. When he is not paying attention, he will still be there in seconds. Anya closes her eyes and reads the Qingxin curse twice, and asks again, "If he refuses?"

Ye Lang groaned silently.

Anya hesitated: "According to his current popularity, staying in the original company is Qu Cai, it is not good to go to Yu Xinze, according to you ... Jiangchi is suitable for President Ye Xingguang Media."

President Ye, namely Ye Huaquan, Ye Lang's uncle, is the big boss of Starlight Media.

Starlight Media, affiliated to Xinghe Film and Television Group, is backed by big trees to enjoy the cool, and the artists it cultivates are taking a side-by-side drama, which is rooted in Miao Hong.

Ye Lang himself spent two years with Starlight Media, and the situation of his uncle was naturally clear to him.

An Ya figured out the meaning of Ye Lan, and smiled and proposed: "If Jiangchi refuses Yu Xinze's side, I can contact President Ye to see if I can help you build this bridge."

Ye Lang drank the juice and handed the empty bottle to the assistant, saying neither good nor bad.

Over the next few days, the rhythm of the set was getting tighter and tighter, and the house leaks fell into the night rain, and the northern city began to cool down sharply. When the temperature was highest during the day, it was only minus four or five degrees below zero.

"Frozen undead Tsing Yi, hot undead painted face", no matter how bad the weather is, how to shoot the film and how to shoot it. They can also drink some white wine to guard against the cold. Yelan and Jiangchi can only add hot **** soup—alcohol will affect the actor's face and state. Unless the plot requires, the actor will never allow the actor to bring the wine to the film.

Ye Lang and Jiang Chi drank **** soup for more than a week, and both of them got angry, and they felt like vomiting when they smelled of ginger.

Ye Lang, wrapped in a thick down jacket, was sitting around an electric heater with Jiangchi and Ren Haichuan.

Jiang Chi's cell phone suddenly rang.

Jiang Chimo silently turned the phone to silent, and Ren Haichuan looked at him and said, "I ’ll deal with it as soon as possible. I'll tell Ye Lang first."

"It's okay." Jiang Chi smiled. "You continue."

Ye Lan glanced at Jiangchi thoughtfully.

Ren Haichuan told the two of them about half an hour of play, and called the associate director and art director. Several people held the split book for a long time, and finally decided the parts to be changed. The assistant director was busy relocating the set.

The director looked at the time and said, "Turn on in half an hour."

He said he pulled the art director and stared at the set.

Jiang Chi set the script aside, took out his mobile phone, walked out of the temporary lounge, and called.

Ye Lang stood up, leaning against the door of the lounge and lit a cigarette.

Outside the room, Jiang Chi's deliberately low voice passed through the thin door panels to the ears of the eavesdroppers in the room.

"thanks, thanks."

"I know, you worked hard."

"Thank him for me, but I don't have the idea for the time being ... well, thank you for your appreciation of Teacher Yu for me."

"Thank you, too, okay, I will be careful."

In the lounge, Ye Lang took a cigarette and a smile filled his mouth.

Jiang Chi hung up after hanging up the phone and smiled at Ye Lang: "It's cold."

"There is **** soup in the thermos cup." Ye Lang stood aside and smoked, frowning slightly. "You drink it ... I won't drink it."

Jiang Chi carefully looked outside, and God took out a bag of mystery secretly from his own bag, and was a little embarrassed to offer treasure to Ye Lang: "Warm treasure sticker, do you use it?"

Ye Lang chuckled: "Small voice, Ren Haichuan will not let it go, don't call him scold you."

When filming, the two of them wore a shirt and attached a warm treasure sticker. Once the action became large, the shirt was stretched on the body, and the outline of the warm treasure sticker may be seen. Ren Haichuan was accustomed to fault-finding, and would never allow such an oolong to occur.

Jiang Chi's eyes were bright, and he whispered, "This is what my friend brought for me. It's very thin! I tried it when I was only wearing a shirt.

Ye Lang raised her eyebrows and straightened up: "Really?"

Jiang Chi nodded: "Really!"

Jiang Chi unbuttoned his down jacket, lifted his shirt and glanced at Ye Lang: "I put it on the back and chest, and stick it on the outside of the vest, it is like a layer of fabric, and it will not be hard, I ca n’t see Come out, I have black, white, light blue, you try? "

Jiangchi looked nervously outside the door, a little afraid that Ren Haichuan came in suddenly.

Ye Lang looked at Jiang Chi's thin waist and strong belly, extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray, and smiled, "Give me black."

Jiang Chi was afraid that Ye Lang was frozen, and he was afraid that Ye Lang felt that he was not dedicated. Seeing Ye Lang was willing to try his heart full of joy, he took the black one out of his bag.

Ye Lang looked at the warm treasure stick in Jiangchi's hand: "How to use it?"

"Reveal it here, don't stick it on your skin ... just stick it on the clothes inside." Jiangchi said earnestly, "Don't stick the joints, then you can see it."

Jiang Chi looked outside again and whispered: "Come on, let's do it, any guide will come back in a while."

Ye Lang unzipped the down jacket, looked at the warm treasure sticker in Jiangchi's hand, and then looked at Jiangchi, and said, "Are you going to paste it for me?"

Jiangchi froze and stuttered: "Why ... what?"

"Help me." Ye Lang unbuttoned the shirt from top to bottom and raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing? Unwilling? I call my assistant?"

"No no no ..."

Jiangchi shook his head frantically. He swallowed, his fingertips trembled slightly, and he uncovered a warm treasure sticker.

Jiangchi walked to a position less than a foot away from the leaf apex, gently pulled the leaf apron's shirt down, and attached the warm treasure to the leaf apron vest.

Ye Lang leaned to his side and turned his back to the door. The two were like cheating students, always guarding against any class teacher coming in.

Ye Lang slightly raised his chin to facilitate Jiangchi's movement. He looked down at Jiangchi and found that Jiangchi was flushed.

Ye Lan couldn't help but whistle at Jiangchi and said with a smile: "What? Brother is okay?"

For the first time, Jiang Chi was so close to Ye Lang in a non-filming state. The clear breath of Ye Lang covered him, and Jiang Chi was a little breathless.

Even if you do n’t wear clothes for Yelang, sticking to a warm treasure sticker, you are still being blown by a rogue whistle at such a close distance! Jiang Chi's heart collapsed and shouted, Ye Yingdi still okay? !! !!

Of course, people like Jiang Chi dared to blush, and whispered honestly: "Extremely good ..."

Ye Lang smiled with satisfaction and turned around: "Back."

Jiang Chi blushed and blushed. He really posted the warm treasure sticker for Ye Lang. He hesitated and organized his shirt.

"True and considerate." Ye Lang sat back in his chair with a smile, "playing?"

After Ye Lan was one meter away from Jiangchi, Jiangchi's breathing was finally smooth again.

While Jiang Chi calmed down his heartbeat, he played back the scene just now in his mind for more than ten times to deepen his memory. When Ye Lang called him for the second time, Jiang Chi returned to his mind, busy holding the script to the side, with Ye Lang Waiting for the director together. 2k novel reading network

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